The American Presbyterian. (Philadelphia) 1856-1869, August 08, 1867, Image 8

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    Ukte.flf tilt P«it.
Secretary Stanton was requested to resign his
plaee in the Cabinet, by the President, Aug. 5.
Treasury.—The customs receipts of New York,
Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore, from the 20th
to the 27th of duly, amounted to $3,101,716. The
receipts at New Orleans, from the l4th to the 20th,
were $70,47", and at San Francisco,''friqm' the 'Bth
22d, to the s347,44l;—Payment of the compound
interest notes with interest Will Be made only at ma
turity at the TJ.'S. Treasury rind'Sn'RTreaisUry.—
Saturday's internal revenue receipt#- Were $1,380,-
886, making a total for the Week of $6,-779.‘303.- —
The gold in the-U. S; Treasury is $102,903,175; in
.elnding $19j457,9,60 in gold
nal; revenue receipts .at San .Francisco' during:-July
were nearly .$500,000. , , i
Army.—The cholera is increasing in the,far, West,
arid iioW prevails at Forts Gibson,
as well as at, Fort, Barker. Ten deaths'bave also
occurred athoriS’fhe’ frdbps,guarding th'ri railway line
beyond Fort darker. 'V '
' Pennsylvania.—A delegation; of; Philadelphians
and others, representing the ‘1 National Bnionl par
ty," called on President Johnson; July 31, : and stated
their intention to, canvass Pennsyl,vania,, whh,can
didates didtinci otlier,political,parties.-, 'i'lie
President, iaunderatood to .have said,.that." lie.treated
that tiie frue. men of file .State ; would unite (or a
speedy restoration oftheUnion.—A' honor
of efe.etion, was,.fired, at,Harrisburg,
By prdpv of .Goy., Geary, ~ ‘
Hew York.—An association for the suppression
of gambling has been formed in Nw York, and a
lawyer has'been employed to begin probecutiohsarid
advise-those who may. consult him' about'lbsses by
gaming.—Cfoton Water'is getting short 1 ih'bbew Y'o'rk.
Bath tußs’On-'the thi'rd ttobrdiaVe rip siipplyi'and
those on the second floor are useless half-the'tiiiie.
Tt-The, .first, train, draffin .hy a,,locomotive- .burning
■prude oil,, went. Jfrpm Tidiou'te to Ir.vingtoii, last week,
and the trip was successful.—Seventeen .privates of
the .Fourth Artillery,-, ure on ,trial, .before a
court martial;, at Buffalo, for walking- aipned, -and
uniformed in a Fenian procession.—ln New,York,
last week, the deaths .592, a decrease. ,0f'8,5, ,as
compared 1 With" the , pfecebdirig 'w'eik.—Th'.ere ire
‘9BB convicts in tb’e Auburn Pehiferitia’ry, 40'of whom
have bee'ii 'sFriten'ced' fprriifp,—Cholera’ -niorli.tis is
very prevalent in Albany, and a case of Asiatic cho
lera has been reported-there.' ' 'CEf AJMd
: Massachusetts!—Admiral Tegethbff, of the Aus
trian navy, and his brother, GeneralTegetihoOylias
arrived, at Boston, in .the’China.;They, a;r,egoing:to
Mexico for the body-of Maximilian.pT-Miss Catharine
Maria Sedgwick, the well-knb«'n authoress,-died at
the residence of. a friend, .near, Roxbury,., Miss, S.
vvas'bbrn at Ntockbri’dge,’ Mask.!) in' jL7BC|.'
Connecticut.—The Seriate has 'referred the Li
quor License bill to the next Legislature,.and recon
sideration having' passed Von the 1 hiktter, it cafiiiot
. W brought, up''agriiri ’ n'ext year. Kill, excepting
lager beer; 1 cider, ap'd dpmestic, wines.' frbm 'the ope
ration of the law Was passed Bytlm Seriate.'
0 Ohio—A new paper in the, co,;qperal;iy,e interest,
called 2we, Times, is to,.be • started ,in ‘Cieyelarid. ,'
, ILHhois,—Several deaths from, hydrophobia,',have
recently occurred in Chicago. ’ 7 ,-,. .
Wisconsin. —The question of Sunday liquor see
ing, is .causing great agitation, in Wisconsin;-, .The
German .Republicans threaten .their,.party, that if
laws, which they regard,as.,tyrannical, are,carried
by it, there willfoe,no alternative tor-them.hut-ialli
ance with the opposite,side.—'Che Milwaukee-Wiscm
tin says that since last season the amount of ma-
.-.hinpry which has.ljeen, .added to the facilities for
•‘At least 31J per ceriL more land has been put in
cultivation this year, than ever before,, aud,the crop
{vilUbei an afefddbj ope' per afcrp. ( Iwfef lljnll
•have all w 4 wfinV for mome’consum’ptio'n, ‘ and' a
UHJg balaaoe,f(^f,teapBij<grtatip^ r fe> the East,-Europe,
*< hiVaoi- .Japam-a'Hthe' ibnrkct'n'fiy wain-antl”— t he
U. S. steamer, Eesaca, hifsiaxfived at San Francisco
witji.sjxteen cajSespl yellow fcverqn board,, Op the
voyage she 'had '6B eases andlB' 'deaths.—Mri'tßid
well has declined‘the lAßependent Republican nom
ination for Governor of California, and another tiom
inatiop is* to be ipade.., , • Ti , ... r , ™
• "Washington?-Territory ofeeiah vbtS ftr
Congresaio.naf.Delegates,, vras-rAlvim Flanders, Re
publican; 2368'; Clark,’Democrat,' '2272'V Flanders
majority; >’96iV- *V \
Kentucky,—The,State ; election took.,place, Aug.
5, arid the, ultr,a,Democratic; .ticket, was .successful.
Helm’s majority for Governor is estimated at, irom
45.000 to 50 000. " "
Missouri, — Ihe prohibition of the sale of green
and unripg. frui.tB ,! andr,veggta§les hasShitS"a good ef
fect on the health of St. Louis.-'* There were only
week previous—-Five distilleries ana two tobacco
tactories in Southern Misscufri have just been seized
,feJsf»ud%77 J ltt;B^odl B i^ of AheWhy
siciahs have sighed a protestagainst the: order"of the
Board of sale of vegetables
during the hot season. They declare it contrary to
the ruleaot hygiene apd'theipfi'nciples of physiology,
apd declare that vegetable fpod is .most essential, for
the preservatiori of'health,’ 'especially‘dhrihgilie'hot
weather.’—The colored, people of ‘ Wariensburg have
built the first, sc.hqol-hbuse erected in that tbwh.f,'.!
Maryland,— The new City. Directory of Baltimore
contains 73,489 names—an increase of 18,928 since
1865.—Chief JusticeC'hase paid a yisit. to Frederick,
a few days since, and expressed ‘‘the belief that
Congress will be prdippf in affording; relief to the
loyal men of Maryland,-,by . passing,.thei'tTniveraal
Suffrage hill, when it convenes in November;'’
Virginia.— General Schofield , directs 'th® sub
commanders to report .all disloyal civil officers at
headquarters,.declaring that all vacancies will here
after be filled,,bv the, commanding general, .and re
quiring all persons hereafter appointed to Offiee‘to
take the, oath,. preseri bed b} r Congress'.—.There was
somewhat of.*a- riot .in Richmond, in whicbia white
• man was' beaten for disturbing a colored nu;e!.in—
The. Republican Convention met at Richmond, Aug.
1, most of the delegates being colored. ' Considera
ble confusion appears, tb have prevailed, in conse
quence of diversity of sentiment as to future action,
hut finajly qftlie AprilConyention was
adopted.-J-Tlie Convention adjourned Aug. 2. After
ndjburhmhnf, it resolyed l itsplffinto>si medtiqg,
which was addressed by John Minor Botts, who of
iered a. platlonn for, adoption, but, wiili drew it be
cause ofopposition, 1 -■' • '• ’’ -• ‘ - 1 * 1 : ’
* ; Georgfia’.—Kx-GotrefrioF 'Brown, of Georgia, 4s
advocating reconstruction on the Congressional
plan, in the Augusta Gftror&cle! Ex-Governor Berry
is opposing it.-rjßegistration clqqed.on Saturday in
Savannah, with a majority of 793 colored voters.
North Carolina; —Trouble hasariseninreonse
quence of an order iggued by p G.en.era(,Sickles, con
flicting (With .Atilddision rGhief Justice
Chase, in the U, S. Court at Raleigh,
South Carolina.— Gen. Sickles has deposed a
of,Col|imbia for releasing ; on insufficient
baiMWo men olfarged -with*assault, aiTchthe* two-men
have been re-arrested.—At Georgetown a case was
decided recehtLyi Dy'a'jury-compo'sed f#holly of ne
groes. —Freedmen who., emigrated to Liberia last
year are returning,.ancLdißcqpragefurther,emjgra
tion to Liberia.—United Slates Marshal Eppihg, at
Charleston 1 , haa‘beeri‘arreb'ted'on the charge of in
tending'!® Rght a duel.—General Sickles has issued
an order directing registration to begin. J :
Tennessee. —An Alabama paper says there are
fifty deaths from cholera in Menfphis every, day, but
ihe.Meniphis papers say-nothing On the subject. 1 —
There, Were eleven deaths from'cholera' in Memphis,
JulyfoO.-fo-'At Purdy,July'27thV , while l a' negro was
iSpeaking iat- a Union Sfla'gt raising; Jani insulting re
mark .cam.e from the audience; and : a general fight
ensued. The Sheriff .of .the pounty w,as,. mqrta)|y
wounded, and threecitizens accidentlyshot. Ser
g'eahr"Haiden ' was Badly' wouticledi—-There were
forty deaths from cholera in, Memphis last week. —
majority, electing Brownlow for Governor and the
.entire Congressional ticket. -There was no disturb
ance or disorder.—Many of the planters are dis
charging their negroes for voting the Radical ticket.
Alabama. —The corn crop in central Alabama is
described as “magnificent."
Louisiana.—General. Sheridan has removed the
New_Orleans Board of Aldermen and appointed a
n’eW ‘ BbardlhTheir .plaße.—Registraticm ‘has foSen
pompleted. It wil.l be some time fo'efo're (IVefoetnfns
ai'e'.accurately .mtttje'up) but a foblpred' Majority'in
,tlie Stated is.expecte<h^Jp;,N.‘eivy,prleans;. , Jri’ly; i 3t f
piass.yyas, ceiebratgdflpj(.tbe of fo.h.e souls of
those killed in the r,i,ots dast pf
the -registration, as far as. received-slio.w 42,662
white, and 79,129 colored voters.—A leading cotton
factor in New Orleans speaks encouragingly of the
cotton crop.—The City Treasurer of New Orleans
has been deposed by order of Gen. Sheridan.—There
were nine .yellow fever.aucLeight from
f, cholera in New Orleans, last week.
'Kansas. A7TRe LeaWriiliorM'J7m9i'riay : s ! th'at'ambrig
,fbp,. pf The, deathsßy chorefa ‘at' Ellsworth',
,was. l thp. I jyant i o‘l; p,hysVcja,riband nursesf .In
fieyep, sick, persons, jvqre
without/either, pitjo,WiS,py JbjauJfe’ts., .'Ba.tjriey[pern,
.mer.eti and-four.Sisfers^oT,Charity, yolunteerpii H tiiqir
•services,! and Father Demmeret fell.a.yietim tp.the
-pestilence.-- ■ ■ --i- -n->-;v r.r- j,.-.;,,,; n.r
-'« Texas;-—The ipeach crop is.abundant.Tr-:The.,@,ov.i
ernbr has' been deposed by order of Gen., Sheridan,
! as a’riim pediment to theWeconstructionuof ,that-State.
'E; ! ’M. PeSSe ha# lveeri appoittted‘ ll Governbr to 'sUo>
ceed’Th'rbo’kilibrtOh;—The yellbwfever is increasing
iK’Cftilfe’tiariy, , ‘afid t fife , '-^liysfcihn's : havC recoAimend
ed,uriaßclim'atized"persb'Tis'!t‘oTe'ave:tHe i eity. r—Gover
nor Pea’se, th'c new Govbrifibr, Vas : twice’elected:-to
that'position,’ beTope the iwiir. 1 ; 'Born' i n' Cbr.neeticut;
lie has liVed in,Texas,'isiric’6 'lB33^' rhV'ybUbW'Me 1 -
vqr is increasing in' 6alyestbh r , , aii l d' l sevb( i aV'fea'S'eS'ai , e
reported at Corpus Christi.'' 7 '" : ' ,n ■ •
r • ' ••MMs i*7 tC 'y.'jLl f - 'I-,.'’,. Jr,ix- ' ..
-Gity, asserted..that the,.assesseij,,ya]u ; e 1 of
real estate- in .Philadelphia,under the.n.ew, sysfem Is
•'fixing' real', instead of-fictitious.- yalueSi. tq .piiQperly
will exceed $53O,OOO;0O0,,8o-,that a tax.yateiOf,sl,3o
;b(i the- 'HOO w'ilt .produce-more revenue than-.the
Tres'tsnf rafe'‘oF' $4? On the old
were'“37T' l deaths’iri this' f city pin ‘the-iweekv ending
-li iliy .27, ‘ aii; iri'eye'asb'of 52'6ver' the pi'eoedirigi.Wefek.
In New York the deathS'Aii'm'befed’firSyaJfi'i-rfCreaSe
,of\ob ( ' by'er' i ' lfie JI weeK' ,l ijre'yibn^.'''Nb' dfeStlis' ff'om
'cholera' were. repbfted’iri 'eitH'er city.—TßWcb-bp'e'ra
, .mpyement in tli|fif!crejr7'.'’AfftiithSt
: meeting, of the joiirnsyiiigh shoemakers is tb be"li'feld
this week to hear the repo J W Ul a committee ‘'p'ri.'bf'-
,ganizatiou,i appointed ,at,.the.meeti,u^ s lq4V>yeek.T;isi'e
i!‘:loek-out.’’in!.tlie.stove_.fQup(i|.ieg ai,i,d sp’pteofjilip
rolling mills at Pittsburg, continues,—The,,,reyeiiiie'
officers havevbegu-nito make-large, seizures of cotton :
in this cjty fo.r alleg_e.difr^uds,,figgi I nst Bi.e. IfPSg.TiJ-'
ment. —The deaths in thisjeity
380, an increase of nineteen over the previous week,:
and 124 less than during the corresponding week of
last-yScr/* * ; -- '-i<> 1 1'--- • i wxiait!* >! .-su
: r .Tlie<Lndians-have .'begun, to depredate- on.ithe
stage,,route- between ..Denyer and. Salt,
T’he Indian Comipissiopersare to ,Sj,..Loui,s[
on August.—A train from Fort Leaven-!
wortii'iiad'a fight' with'lh'dia'iis; July’'2B,'difd!'triri"or
'fi'fMeVi ;il liWliaiVs' ,I, were ! ’ killed. Assistant 'Secretaryi
iChaCdler-’sipai'ty have had'a T fight.withAndians,' de
teatingjtlie.iatteto. :
‘Crops.—The money value of the crops this vear,
as estimated by a writer in the New Tinas,
will be s4op,O^QdlOp,great,eß j^it^ye^ar, so large'
has .been, the increase. . . • • j
Political'.— Generals’.ETiadman , arid' 'Chalmers,
men wb,9 ir did good .fighting for the Rebel cause
in. the;,aTiiiy of itlie...Routh.west',:"from:, .v^hilQlim-to
;Onset-‘at-’ , NasJiville;''haveven-fofle'd
th emgej ves ,i n,the Sbdtlierri wi rig of tlie Repuhl ic'ari
party, led. by Longstreet; ,Jeff, Thompson, Governor
Buekn.erl'apd bthefs.,
The TTnited States lias tnore miies of' raili-ond
fi'ri’ppfe'ration than any other"country i'n the world,:
36’,'890 riiiles' Being its furi.nirig..prder. Next, eoriie
Great id[lreland,with mileq.; Frapce,
with" B,932'miles: 'Prussia,, .with,''s)79,s? riiiles'- '.Aus
tria, with. 3,831 miles; British India, with 3 379
mijesq, Italy,- -with3|2l3 miles-;- Spainy witih 3,116:
miles; Russia, with and Canada, 2.143
.miles. 'There arein Europe, fi0,117 miles; in Amer-'
Ifta : f'4o,B'6'6’ihiles';''Asid; : 3',6B0 l ;;foi'lhk l , ;':'Afri6 i
miles; and Australia, 308 miles.
Europe to July 241*.)^Tbe'Em press
EngeoieJmsiheen payiny a private,, Queen
Victoria. Liberal members had been elected to
Parliament from Birmingham and Coventry. .The
Atlfyiti«ic@leJjf JJi6<S' r 3a agaiß bjpbklin July
20th, near Heart’s Content, A force of 600 Gari- !
baldians had appeared on the Papal frontier and had
been driven off by'ltalihnrtrSops. There were 22
deaths from cholera in Rome on the 17th ult. A
sftiiadrori of'six vessele tb aid the Cretans! >was being
prepared at Athens. The Basuto war. at the Cape
of Good" Bb’pe'is ended.'— Ji : eldniL— It is'said ’'that
3000 personsihaye death in .Clifdeo, Round-’
stone and Connamara.
'Mexico.— Tlie’ couhtiry Wto be divided iritd’srx
• miljtftry., distyjets. ,T.wo,tp.ore,,geuprals have been
sentenced to be shot. The Presidential election was
progressing onVJ.uly '2otluLu,Juarez’s!opponents.were
gathering their forces in the mountains, and the
Indian hostilities continued in Yucatan.—TheMhx
icanshad refused to deliver Maximilian’s body to the
tb.e , ; *
Canada. —A riot occurred at a picnic at St. tfya-;
cinthe, recently, between Canadians and Irish. The’
military were called out’arid fired into’an excursion
.a, lpan and wounding a woman se
verely. ’ 11 r ‘ ! i
Cuba. —The Coolie trade is springing up quite
briskly at Havaina, -tFour cifrgoeS, comprising 1082
single, and th,e shipapm
{ilbyea'wefe alTsailrng uffder th'e Spahislf flkg; t'The
mortalit thftjp ungirtuhiate coolies
is reported to .Save been quite large.*
i .it?: , s p/.
Ireland. —There is another famine in Connemara.
The poor peopl’d have 'not beCn' able.'to so# their
.land,as formerly... Owing tb the Ihng cotUiriuahceOf
frost and snow, the poor gave the seed desfineS for
their land to feed cattle, and, after all their efforts
to save them, ,2poo.died of starvation in Clifden and
1290 in Roundstbhe, ‘fio sinyyiahlhivihg a cow or
horse, lost his.all frying .to .preserve the,,life of these
animals. The Sisters of Charity are'feedm*’ 600
persons. < . .1,, ; .;>i a
France.— Several members of The''French Corps
Legislaiif have condemned the purchase of the Dmi
derberg and Onandaga -from the' United States.
They eay; better vessels could ,be built in . France
and it is a bad precedent. ~ i ’
Turkey —The Governorships of Salonica, Smyr
na, thp,Dardanelles, have been coniferi
‘fed Tu,rliisli GovelhmpWt! *
.The cholera still'prevails; in -the,south of" Europe
During .the first half/iof the present, year 48 com-'
munes of Southern Italy had been visited, and ,5518
cases out of 9773 had proved fatal. (
.Tilly 30.'—ionhen.—Tn the House of Lords' the
Reform bill ' has been "ame'iided,' : increasing the an
nual, amount .of the franchises upon which the copv
lio-ld and lodger franchises; respectively based,
from £5 .to £10,; the lodger .franchise from £lO to
,£ 15 tper ann n the House of Com
nions l,ast| night Lord Stanley stated .that the Em
peror’ Nappllon hkd sent 'a' note to the. Kirig
Prussia, But that iCWdiild be' imprope'r to'diSCl'ose
its''contents -Priissianjou
frialsidenbunce''asfalse theA/imter’sidenial of Na
poleonic note,-jin regardito Sell]eswig,..and ,thgy in
sinuate that, ,tlic\ilenial .\van .proin.ptcrl by the defiant
tope' ojf, Itino- William’s,, jeplv.-WPariis,—Tlie dry
weatiigr,' wlifeh has"; prevailed ,for a; week,
prbyesMnKvbriib'le to tli’e'Crops': in sb'riie.o'f the ag-
BCultiiraLdisfri'ets bf Fraribe riliich dairiage lias b'ebii
Caused'.—lo P. ±M:— This afternoon the trial of-reaip
ing.and'mowirig niaehines of the-world took place
on ilheiEmperor/s.farmj at Yjncennes. Qyer a dozen
mpch-iDes from France,, Spain, EngUuul, iiud ,th.e
United' States entered. 'JlcCprmicVs.reaper per
formed itS ailottpd'task' in twenty-fbur,niinutes,'and
Wodd’s in' twe'rity'-six.''"'Thb',AiiieVicari 'machines
wbfkeff bbttef arid faster .'than*
Presse- ! anhp(irices that- Napoleon will ; arrive in. .this
citylonithe ,7th oLAugust; on a'jyisit;tb)the;Empexor
pfApstria. iNp-poleoii'niet,by, the; Emperpr
of'Austria at the,frontier!. yilliige pf. (Sajz-
Ofcji ?)' lii’ tlie yroi.-fTißarpn Vpri Beust,..tlie Aiis,-
trmniPfemier, and l'’uaa'TacVia,'tlie Minister of the
SRlta'riv''h'ave , iri.Vde a ‘6ri •Hie lli prbb’osfed
ihtjuiry,i'n'Lo : tlie : affair's'of'the i'slhiid of Orete. ' ■ :
•i jyiy■ 31; J -s.i?(irijaaO.» H.*McCbrmick receives, the
highestvprizej/onliis Reapermiud.Mower, and'a gpjd
medal was awarded to Messgs, ,)Vood, & Parry.j-Tfii-
An,, haSj jOjCurred ( iu om . e
larve-miries ,pwtied by the Tm’thschnds in .Mprayia,
ana'nTpre thatf’a,hri'ritlr'ed'fii.i'rieris'Eifeif? pbrieoi'killed
bfirijiirfed I.—The 1 .—The Sultan left this aOeiribon for Pesth;
ivhhVC :i .he'-' TOill''ma!ke ; k r bri;ef j visit:— Biirlih'— The
PruesiaA'iGoverntiient.wilL-6hortly send <a repiyvto
t.hejDanislviCahinet; reqiiest,ing;in(p;rniatipn,as;itb
tlje, guarantees for, .th.e.prp.t/iction of the Germans ip
Noyth Sciilesbyig.. ; v
' August; X.—fiyiulon,, Re'fbrm Read
ers 1 ; have m'ade, arrangemetifs for ~' aiibtheri : gfkrid
riVeCting'iri Hyde Park orfi Mbnday-' nextp for-the
purpose Of protesting iagainst'- any'cutting. down; :bf
the Reform bill as it paasedutbeHpifse Of Commons,
jrrifihe bulljoriin the B.apk'Ofi/Epglapd.Ras ip.Cr.eas
e,d: £995,090. the,,past.„week.—j-I>i(4&i.prThe
bccourits.of distress.ip CpuntyjMayb and.t'onnemA ;
ra from 1 famine liave , Been 1 much' exaggera ted,' apa
affairs I 'have'now asstifiie'd’.’a miicff 'more cheerful,
JisfiCct.'^-PatTS/'SWmiip;—The loriri -'is
tb be.offered ini-thisciriairketi riextiweek.-4Fienri:a.Ab
The Emiperar/EranciBjJoseph will retuim
of the;'Emperqf!Cjf)t!ip.Fqerich,at an.,eaply : day,,,., ~
I ,,August. ,tlye l( Bops5; of,|.prd.s, thi(S
eye.iiing, the Reform 15ill iva| reported frppi llie Com
mitte&'of’Wlfole,' 'where it''jy'as urraer' dbrisiderati'dri,
'arid' br'dered'-'tb •' 'a"ftiirff-rbaclirig.''' f Eiririi:l ‘aetibri' will
life'tali eVbri
ap.n'oufibeith'atitheGrepianslhaveideftpted; tße,Turk's
ft)-Greta imsct-eraL reeeht-.engagemenfC.' .A;Fr,eneh
squadron ha,d.le('t fpij Crete for the purpose.pfbpipg refugees,
Hpri. George' 3aririroff, II v S. Minister to 'Berlin,:ar
"riVed liere to-day.— Rlrak.—The : R3'rfg'bf''.Prussia,
to-day issued a proclamation, assuming the duties
of "Soveretgn-o(~t-he -North:-- German-States;—Bis
marck’s organ strongly urges fhe great Powers to.
interpose in the GreUnt .questiori;— Pesth. —At a re-'
cent election forbA&rim'erfe + (fffthj|' Hungarian Diet,'
Louis Kossuth was chosen to represent the city of!
Wartzen, without a dissenting vote.
■ur’Aneusit >3.T-{Qler6<!«K».-rrlrl»e Dunderberz, ,has,ar-'
. tV.Uk Jj'9-. Liv-.v,' X y UjR Ci ...7 ‘ lii°. A »y.
rived here m lourteen davs ana seventeen hours from
-Nfew'Y'brk.' tiA’lFoh W,ell.y The vefesel is!
Jin .good cpridttibm..althodglvshehad heavy; weath-er
•arid high seas;,, The: eh>P behavedjnohly,a\ld ployed
HCirig-iriride for in'int'eryiew between che’ Emperpr
. Nkpbleotr and King .Wiiliam'of Pfusriia, to take
ififter tlve visit ofitlm.-iOrnier toJVienna.WTlieiEmpe-
EOruvill be-aetompanaed iby.M. Mbustieriiliis -Mjhip
-ter. Qf'FpreignjAfaips, .on-hip ,wjjl remain
three days in Vienna. —Florence.— William R.'"Ro
berts, one oT tlie leaders of tlye recent Fenian, mpve
.inefit’'!in tlie, Unifed 'is 'ribW 'i’n 'Ndpies; in-
RMguirig’wjtli ‘the. ..Radical Dem'bcHttiTarid.'meri of
'the pai-ty of acti'bii ! in SoWth'erriiitrify:—Rcsf/ii-m-Trie
election of Kossuth, causes; alarm' among the iGou
:Bfer,vffltive: party,,' yvho,thi,ii,k; .that; tlie! exirhiftfie v ( iews
an'djpowerfu[,,presljge,v,t:the 7 Ex r Pyeaide)it,iiiavJ.§ad .djsturbaiice existing;polhlcal.aifangemqiit
.w itly Austria,—^);/i,eji : 5.---T|ie.Greek G’oi-errinie'iit'iias
a,nn'bn : nce’dilk’ deteriilinatibn'' Bf ‘’declaririff " witr’
' a^airi | st i t. ; li'e Su ; 'blinieP6rfe bii'Stipfeifi'b'eS lit, ? s!ibrild
tlie 1 Hostilities' agairist the Cliristlaiis.'ih- tliei Island
otiCiiete'notibe ended! by;tliat:tinie;-;cfireat;militaiiy
preparations are being made, and orders,Rave,b.een
.issuedcalling eptirp. .resources ;o,P the king
do.tll. -,-••• 1
1 Augiist —The'Rtissian lo'ari offered, in
fliis'niai’Ke’t' 00 Satrirday dots' notiiieet'wfth'siicidesri,
' no 1 bids h'rivi'rig'yet (b'eriti Rfe
fof hi meeting called at’Hyde' Park to-day proved ca
.failure, comparatively few peoplq being
.little or,no:spirit being’
~Tli;e,claiiiis: of France anjl ,Jfre.pch ) subj i ects,,upon
are,to,Be. calefuliy revised hy ai eoriiiriissipn
which lias just been appointed' by the' Emperor'Na
'loi tliat''piirpose.— 'PUerisbAgV- A.cCbimts
oTTlife Russiaii 'crops are extremely favorable,
ii dicate a - very Ji eriv.y; yield,, -1 There wil 1 be san
immense-surplus tbr, exportation. .[ir.’nt -
AHIKHinN I’liKSllYThillAN.
These premiums are designed asoa remuneration
to such as take>pains Jo increase onpisubs’cription
list,' arid are :pa,yable, upQii.ithe, recejpt.ofhQ/ig, fide
;Snbscriptiops,(npt papers giy.en. away ).\y,lth the paj; in
adyan'pp. , ,pash premiums mayhe/yetaj'ned'andijie
balance remitted., v ’ ‘ 1 '' : :1 '
CASH 1 : I»KE3HrfMS. 1
; 'For a single subscriber paying; s3,i(s3"so' in., hlie
city)=7s cents. ■ For, four, or more,;sl;2s ,eacli. r For
a club:6t tem names ;at $2 50 each, $.7 6Q ;,.each ad
hition towtheeihb.bDcentm,. ]
’’ For one new name'aiVd $3 75, Dr. Mafch’s Wallis
'and Uomes’ '6f Jeshs,.'or John 'Biainerd/ 'pbstl'Vfie'e.
One'hew'naine alfd $4, Guthrie’fl'Sunday 'Magazinte,
Or Hours at Home,to new subscribers; of either., i :
For tiyo,new,names and $7 50, either .volume■ of
.LangelSiCommeutary, post, pajd,: , .
For.three new.names and ,$9, Vol. McClini
took and String’s new Biblical’ Cyclopedia, pub
lished, by Harper, post, free; :
,l ' For foiiE new' ham’es :Huss' and liiA-Times; hr
Smith’s Dictionary of Biblical Antiquities; coa
. dens.ed, (only a few copies.) postage free.;; ~ ,
; ; (Fop seven'npw names 25 the .three vol Lange,’express prepaid. . , ,i V,”
For ten hew names and $5O Barnes’ Not'es bn the
’N‘ew Testa I nieht, T’l v6ls.Vpost’Tree. 1
For'twetfty hbw n'ames and : $6O, a Grover & Baker
$55 Sewing- Machine, with set of Heminers and
Braider,-■; Packing‘included. . ..
; .For, sixty-five iievv names and $195, p. lour octave
$llO organ. -
• ' Foi' seveniy-eight’ heiv names’and s234,'a'five' oe
>taVe'sl3ok>rgan.i A . h--i< n i
i. Fop-';Qnqjliundred ineWi,D.amesj;and $.30.0,,a,fife
joctavo.dpuble reedisl7o;organ. , .-r,
1334 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
The trains of the Pennsylvania Central R. R. leave
the Depot, at 31st anti 'Market Streets, which is
reached directly by the cars of the Market Street
Passenger Railway. Those of the Chestnut and Wal
nut Streets Railway run within one square
"Sleeping CarTickeM bin be had on application at
the Ticket Office, No. 631 Chestnut Street, also at the
Depot. • - : r 1 . ; ~, ; ~ 5 i
Agents or the Union Transfer Comi'ant ( will call
for and 1 deliver baggage at ; the t)epbt. 1 Orders left at
No. 631 Chestnut Street, or No. I.. South ,Eleventh
Street,’ will receive attention. . ’ j
• : trains leave depot,: vie.: ,;i n
...MAIL :B.QO A. M. ;•
■"•'Fast line &'erie fixT'SESS;’.-!.*.'. ili’o’P.' Ji: '■
.iPAQM,ACCOMMODATION,No:.2... .I.oo' ■f‘V s ,
• Lancaster accoiim’odation;.. 100 "'
PARKESBURG TRA1N..6,30 “t.a;
.ERIE-MAIIii..iV...31’ 7.30 ■ :'
■' nPHItADEDPHIA.-EXERESS.'....tJii C 11.16 “ h
i PA© LL ACCOMMODATION,' Not:Bl. r . 9.00 « '
Erie Mail leaves daily, except Saturday. .■. > I
Cincinnati Express leaves daily,, except Sunday.-
’’''Philadelphid'ExprfesS'leaves diily'.' 1 Allothe'r trains
; J • ; .f i uit.. , ~ J.
. -TRAtrNStA'RIiIVE at : deP6t,'viz.: I'-'d
1 GINC INN ATP tEXPRESS 1 .. .-.'r.Y.ViIV.'IVlS^ySl: 1 ’
,rPH 1L AD^GLPHIA,JiXPRESS„..:t..../.* 7.10 . “ ' •
PAOI.I ACCOMMODATION, No. 1... , 8.20 . ,<*
i.LANCASTER TRAIN;...i.f.. i H.4.:i„. ,12.40tP:,',M..i ,
FAST LINE ...... “
; •paOli'accoMmodltio^'No'.R.if ’ i'.io'’■« ? " f!
.e DAU.EXPR;ESS^i::;it’.i.Ad-fi-tBo-i* butt
'hHARRISB'iJIt(j:4cc6'MM6D'AfiON, 9.50’ ‘ ' ‘
■ Philadelphia' ExpressandFast Line 1 arrive’daily,
' i.irflot; ve . v .'i-.u 1 '
Cincinnati Express arrives, daily., All other trains
daily’; exoept':Sunday? Si i r 't'»' i >i ii l ! ••■> n
; , Thjq.PettnsylYania p,ail Road Co, will,not • assume
any risk for Baggage, except for Wearing Apparel, and
limit* their responsibility to-' One ' HAntibed 1 'Dbllkrs* 'in
value.. AIL Baggage exceeding that tiimmnt, in,.value,
will be at the risk of the owner, unless taken by spe
cial contract. 11 :!i ■' ■” hac-ou
For further.information, apply to , „
JOHfrtl 631 Chestnut St.
' SAMUfi’L U. WAIiLAGEi I >Ticke t j, Agent, at tlie' De
•SSM-* Itc.Vv'i tills it K>! ,Ti l ' h.U. ili-'.; K; • "i
Aj} Emigrant. Train, rvtn.s ..^faily^,except• Sun4ay,.
For full particulars', us to fare' axul, accommodations,
apply'to FRANCIS FUftK,' 187 Dock 'Slrek .
,Tuj)ih--5-'- cin ijj a'jjjtun:; ■ ‘ i he -.-in.;
Originators of the Nitrous Oxide ;Gas fox-tlie'Painless
L-.ow ■crajaii ‘.Extractionof'Teeth,'i .ylu’, iit
•'aForty’thousand 1 persons havef : iithaleditbe.gas at'onri
various! offices, without aii acb'idint on'failure.- The;
nnines and pesidenees mab lie, our offices' in
Phiiadelphijij. Bjosion, Neyv York, Baltinier Louis, 1
Chicago, Cincinnati, and Lo'uisviiiei "' ' '
11 j Phi lad elphuiOffice, 737 'Walniit Street,'below ‘Eighth
-I,'Co,ttie’^o.thie''H'ettdquaftdfs.!.'/We iteverlfaib' ; ' hi j !
.•;;*di .<•! New Fas]iidn for 1867. ’ ,
.'/itftir ir>: f. 0;U 'j -id 7u bkii - tt;
fr-ilit:Kl n X*:" n l SAtl£tTl.
lii .O .v/. .1 i iMMir'i V .'i (I
This is not only a new fashion, but a new article of
Skirt, made on an entirely new principle, so novel and
yet so perfect that the ladies-contjmd it should he called;
Perfection, 'frff; ;"i (f f I , j .'f r ]t
We wouldihefe^diilP to the Asi
-nSii.l/l'Wie sKirtt'itisso constructed thautlie Spriiigsr
fold inwardly, and readily yield to
the slight e.sL pressure, thus allowing them to collapse, 1
'sb'.fliat' t:irc-skirt i oecupleS''fh'e<'smallest pessibleispace'
’while sitting; riding, or. iii .passing through aserowß
yot the mo.menl the>pr J essui*e is remoyed, the skirt
YjS,original gnd beautiful shape. , ■' :
~o| V t’ l l. v utility of this' co'utriv.aiicc needs
butdbe seen to bc'.apprcciatill.' ' *' died' ~ y : (:' . ,
; ,: But tor Iviint.ofdspace'wb’might here ptiblish thon-i
sands:of extractSi Yroin lotters.ivo arc tiaily receiving i
'speakjng,in.the highestipraiSc,of, th,ese Skirts.,,i -1,
; ; , :' o 'CpRS3ET s:!r,; ': i
“JJ no I #'so I 'well hub win. for t'ieii sup'eridr shape,' mate
drial,- and'workmansliip/that.i t isperhaps ullnecessary
'forms to .speak of'themifufther.jliani toisayriMatuve
(have greatly' enlarged /dur,riassptyment of styles,tboth
of our v own make jind.iniportoUon, and can flow safejy
competition., TO askljul' a trial and are siirebf
yodr, future patronaga; 1 'MiinUfnbfuf ed .by l
■Skißi'^D'CGiasF.TiGoi*i i A'Nvt’'exelnsive‘iow‘neys>o'f.t ! he
.pateht'for.tliß:;t|nited;(States. le,v; >- l((> r .,;i
Bboadway-corner Warrea Stiy New. York.
' " : ' '-'For'>gt(le‘ at WaaiP >ih 'PMladelphid,
... _ ; . , ( ' ’ ' IJ . '■
* t. , } .-• r-ii V tf.vixjv/
'LA^iES^.'^Nl)i: ! MTrTlEMEit‘S v ‘'
Y'-yi--” KK FRECTOR Y. " '
902 and 904'Arch v Sjf6et,'-Plnla.' ; A
' j lii'cakfitst, Dinner,,Hiui f iea served-in the veny^^st
ma gneiv ,Polite and. attepUou giren<to all, who
jnayJtvyor pp witji their patronage, "
;?,‘ v: tigwe ;
mss on ji j, ao k - - >
■ r if:o h, y.M jI; n iiiiiiCr!;,,.
;■>■" *-‘-1 HA- ,i) ".v> i 0 s i^DEALEIIS 1 IN. ‘X’ '■f,.?’ i ' '
js&jez: .r
' ;: ' 1 : -uAiuN 1... AND, EVERY VARIETY OF • 1 v ■ ’■ Ails. ■>■■>.<■. ■
j jt; o* j -j. -.ri-’yf ■, ; ; nUii ' : i\ ' ; i- ' * 5 ‘ f s .... . ■ f.-, ,
HA I IE: Goods 'deliveiedvin anyjpart 'of-fhCCity ?i'r packed securely' foi- ‘
lii 'i Au, : , In'dllM : - lA •• A-'.triO.umd <rt~. . -Aitr.t •-.•• ;
’ ’ffl '
e , I
- , r’PftTO,W‘ f y r ,- : . : F ; ' : ’
Jf;R JIB*:8,
■ v..SA^SQ : ;]y[:;;gTRE:ET' aJi ilK '
.0 Pine Worfc-Original jtylos.
it rf v ’ ■“‘} ‘-y
, h M. ' .
I|WlN€ iICHI Nfil
.The Grover A Baker S .M. Co TnnnufaQture, in addition to th»>ir
celebrated GRATER 4 RAKER STITCH Slachinea. the most nil
feet SHUTTLE Or LOCK 1 STITCH ,r ’ Machine in the market, anil
afford purchasers the opportunity of selecting, alter trial and ex
amination of both,'the one best suited to their wants. <Wber com
panies manufacture but one kind of nmchine. each; and cannot offer
this Opportunity of selection t 6 thdir <su!BtOnierB.
4 pamphlet, containing samples Of, l*oth the. Grover & Baker
Stitch and Shuttle Stitch in various fabrics. Sritn lull explanations
diagrams, to enable purchaseis toccamwje, bat,
compare their relntiVe merits,'will be furnisKedi bn request, from
our offices throughout,.jhe..'cpuntry:.; Those ; w\btFidesire mncliines
trhi'h ao the best tborfc, should not fail' to send fer a pamphlet, an j
these stiff lies fop l .., [ j t . ‘
, ' OFFI<CE,j,73jp STREET,
■ Oi i L-T '» { A' 3 rj'-’tj'*' • . ~ ■
’!<•; '£>lk (« HI .1 -.CI -.Jiidni;.-!.
d. 809 and 811 Chestnut' Street,
■•UI'.V-07/.1 fei PHlLA'iififepttlki'ff ■
G^pital^liood.ooor* J Fiffl3pT*aid.
v i.rc i>3£l '
JOSBPH Tj BAILEY, ,i' -Ev;.*: '• hn
u Of BaileyA,Co.. Jewelers;
EDWABIb' tfLOESTB,” 1 ' "
t; . f 'ri fi; -- fi-.) Pne^identdfitheSecond
>.m i ; 5 ‘ Of Myert vEfvieii, Fltjnr l*adt6rb/' ‘
OSGOOD (W?sl-9fth o. ••.siisihi « i:a:' -
•’ Of S. « W. Welsh, Commission Merchants.
BkfliaaiXll-ROW.LAN I D, Jx,;i i( Mi u .
i t ', , •Of B. Kowlund, Jr., 4 Bro, Coal Merchants,
1,01,1 < »>a ittufS S9WSFAS*?P?!f’SbyASOiol<*sa.lo.€!rocera.
,2 '• ‘ Oi'kM: Cedti'dlNfttioßttlßank. '
FREDERICK. A.; > . .
/ ;Qf’JPVmA.. A*Brother, Clotmeri.
iifiiCjii 'fluiuOaJnlftd SPHESI»EN!W y
!» oi 1 j uac iS-, .w
cisniEß, .
.1 ..1 \
- V kS 'O ME T H'lliJ . iTE/W!
■: .‘Mill 1 . Sti:r- Y(K .iniii-.--.jtl - ••
Send nfty cents fr*i\ a §specunei Copy tho beautiful'
photogrlph cMtificate,
i*» Vi. i j'.’l I pri^,' , sl'oo.'‘ 'l
0 IAMESv; -iffi©|©tßfE ! , ;4
~ 1p.9,g1% Shamokii, and! other Coals,
,®T?GI ‘fl-pjiroved odnstanfly f kept on hand.
"yafliß-D, 747 SQ'U'l!d!u'Efe^^D ! '&«PßßET.
nfiOrders:loftiat .stuciL r »;il fli ruin') feiu;.r.lii'--
of TENTH and WHip«{Bl| BT,^JBJB,T»,
promptly attended to. 1
' .A*, * ft ,p »
; 4841R,' ■'
!"■*■■' 1 f l ii{T _ i't i/>i: .v.: i {>: r
,i; SJ MnanwdTajcfiircrs i>jp . ; ..i ■ j
;-'V. s -t'-Q.M - ■ v\:\;
!■> Ji"/f , ; i:.i )»AGTOBT ANDiaitES^BOOMSi’ 1 I ' »
‘Wo; '35 Sbup' tJp is siairs,
CXfekniiih&eetiSes<in& Floor.
-iff ' Jt■ ? r.' - '■iV *>ili ;\7 inii*;r;; lo 1064-ly
: I 'if.i io / /i Jii -:
, T
H 9'. Eighth,
i r,>MtotilS<!t«rtjrs , ari'd i ß&](jra ill i ; ‘
O VA?VQP« O ? S ' n ’’ R&^KS ' ' ijJil&g AjfD
• %&V?.*£$?&&*&)?■» . ..US,,;
W i M ! DEALERS .Iti AtL-KltiiDS OF *,.
■>: : Fo. 52 ISro^th : Jfinth Street,
u , i .v . ■ ONB 'DOOR BELOW ! >
1 ■ -mar2B-6m = :\;ii-{ -.uij v.i PinLADEU-lin.
~, paeer han:giipS; ’
;v S. Balderstqn' & Spn,
TSo. 902 SPRIS6 Ci Altl»K!f Str^t,
apHl-On a . Philadelphia.
i i Mir-