■ ■What's in a Name?” would be a fitting motto . ,r ''n-iitian InlelUyenccr , so largely is it occupied ’,i, ,li-, 'listing, pro and con, Inc dropping the , i,li' I'roin the official designation ol'their Church, •r r( , ~|,|icnu'nts of the measure are more numerous ,'l iMll l, ;ns expected from the late-vote in Synod, and i,, the proposed change all sorts of deaertioq of ,] n lu-iui'ical basis of their Church, and aghreat of . in the Presbyterian family. ’ •" ■ ' ' On t.hc other hand, the German Reformed. Messenger . V!t . -'lt seems now that there is to .bp, a race be- j llL . o n uur Dutch brethren and .ourgelyep as.to who : ,11 first assume the title 1 Reformed'Church.' -.We, lirlii-vr, liowet-ery' that tile' - Germ ah’* r! Refbrtjved piuirr-li is ahead.- The-dropping-ofdlhe word dhefr in our title was carried at.ounGeneral, Synod , Davton, last November, and ,ijf. has, been vo[ed j already, by the Classes, of Synod, ! ire think, carried'by tlib requisite majority.’ VVe ': 0 ,i,,t know how tlfe question' stands fin the. Westl - .Svnod. We jbelievei.they carried, it there once ijOure. A l any ratp,oße,thitik it .is, seftlqd th is , to he our title*, iwjlticjii then, is the, Reformed, t huveh f or htfw ‘shapl We iri ir raturfe. dibtiiigqi.-rk ,i, em t Had ndt thafotlier wings of the Reformed i iittri h better eonre back:f6.;the>-old title?.-G'b-e i iuin h of iEtigland, Jbe JElpiscppalian of,tbis copn ,rt the Presbyterian brai)cn l are. Reformed; Perhaps this is tbwards'getting h&’ck'td 'eommort title.”- -l' r ou] ti !'-i'Viile.nri' •'ffefemrtg ■,j tlu- position and fcourde of .the Kentucky Syinod,' in refusing to seek,!!!), organic unjion xyith theKoutb- Church, quotes'the remark of Dr. Jv Ri. Wilson, ..‘•[•hat the Southern Presbyterian Church ! Wn6 no’t immaculate frotn : '[3olitbdhl‘taint,-” add says: tIW tlicre we are agreed; mefML-tfelierediind sardtduring t he war. In- tlfeupjlprm, of-political excjtenient,; niiich was upon all the, land,.there were certainly tiiintrs said and do'nd'iyliidli' were outside ' t The Strongest 0. S. Churches are the Brick church, N. Y., 815 - members'*-Germ an,-N. Y.. 7'28; Ur. Blackwood’s, Phila., 090; Dr. Rice’s, N. Y, 013; aTOjl’Princeton, I J)r. McDonald’?,,) 55,3 ; Ur. ,Board, mt;n’s, , Phila., 543; 81. Iknlts,' , 2ii',"S'39V'ur. Howard's, Pittsburg, h l’d ; Baltimore;; Ist, ;526; Splihn'ectadyii 324; , -Ist Elizabeth, J., ;5'2Q: •ScQtob, i ,Y„ 518;‘jdJ.ew ark, N. Jl 3 511. Thejarg’est on 1 exami nation durihg the yeaV arei Troy- 2d, PIT; Fa , 111'; New; Wilmington;! Pa.,'? lOSp'iLambert ville. N. J.,,93;; Saratpga Spripss, ,B l h;i i ton. Pa., 82j 3d, Springijeljd,, 111., the Freeiimen Still ’lafgcr accessions are repined, as 180 at Si, John’s IsfariS; 18. C.: f 130 hit J3disto'’ : lklaho’ 8.C.; 81 atiMcGlintocfcp NdC., atdffam'es’ Island, Charles town,.?,. Q.l;bigteenidf.these,olnirolihe in tlic Synod a)’North.C&Fplinp. report, ToG.acfcpssipns on examinhtipn. . ' ■ <” ; |i" The stated meeting; df the of Phila! delpliia, the Kdv; GK W>. MusgraVfe.’BiD.p'Rev.i'J; Addison Henry,,and,Elder 1 Jqyepil liary,4y, were. Sip, pointed delegates,to (Jiq Marshall and Hon. Barn.'Galloway were'appointed delegates to the’ J €6uveht ! idh; ; by intf Presbytery ‘of Columbus. .i ; Mr. K 1 1 «•■•(!> OiD ■■' it San Francisco. I—A 1 —A : 'local daily' say* :—“ Last Sabbath was the fifth anniveraary.of the settlement of Rev. Ur., Wadgwotjjj: tas. of Cpjlv.ary Pres; hvleriaii Church in this city., -At dyery'celebration of die /,ord l 'e'!Su)tpeh during Oris rnfuifftry to' ! this church, therd have beeVi ftidcfessipitß ito'its mertilled ship, making a tot#), of 150 by certificate, from othea' cbiirclieB,,aiid, 120, ,hv r profession of fp,rth, rjiaking the present membership of tile church 473.' Since the comnrcncemdht of 1 Dri WadSworih’d ‘ ministry here, threb neiV Presbyterian churdlies;halve! been organ ized in’ this qity, drawing a! considerable portion ;Oj tlieirchprch .members, and; cgpgrcga.tu.ons frpm pay airy ’Church,' Viz': 'the*Central Church', ,Hev. Mr. Fackrer'; the Larkin Sti-eet, Rev; MYI/Moriagld; and the United (Presbyterian, Revi Mr;'Gibson', which, with the First iDr- 'Bells, ami the .Howard Presbyterian,., Rev, ;L)r. Scudder, make 6i'x churches.,tti ttiis city of the Presbyterian faith add goyernnieht.” For’Sfevcradmohffts’p'astthe Lbrd lias I been poti'rilig diit HisvSpirit in b very;remarkable manner on sevferal |V}H4ges in the parislv iof .Glads-, imiir, Scotlaji The workbegan at of the year, just while the.incense of the Week .of Prayer tv’as asbeMiiWg tO' r the M tli!*ohe of G'oii. FBr two or three-’fillies'a'il'‘around, there “is! scarcely tin , individual who is not either professing to have been; cou.vorteil,.'Oj;,^o(lp^n / anxiou»3ta^iOf,ji{iji i d.-r77rrTlie; Rev.’ S. It. Oiichanan- reports in the Banner of Peace, an interestingfevivar’itt : (he PiirilheHada rinn churches' in Benroiivi!!e, und' aL Peh, Ridgepin the month,pf Junph A,.mcfetijig-*!!) etege’A days at the. former plaep,'resulted in twentyrfpur.,professi6ns of religioi, and dwell ty-tivo accessions to the church, and at the latter plA'cc there -were twelve addition's. At the installatioA of' the Rev. Mb. 1 Dalton! over the Church of ;Washlngfon, !N : .;G., uruisual religious interest attended the services,;,letter‘^o, .the.AT.. C Presbyterian stales that ‘twenty-five ‘persons.are al ready counted as the frulis Ortlie the interest is still 'pasto'r >of ;l the ■church of Talladega, Alkbamaj writes to thp riSirufA-! ■«vi Prtsbt/ieriiiiij t We liaye.hftd ipsour, cluii;ch a nuiet work of the Tloly Spirit,’ resuftfug in the ‘addi-: 'fiori of twbrrty-three to’ its membership. '”0? these, twelve tine young men, ten of VihomrliaiPliekn’ mer cifully spared through the pterils of, f tb«tiWaf^:'T • * Indepeadeat.— Mr. C, D. GAhiphell; an elderiof the ._i’i;e.sny lenun phurcli : of; K.nightst,ow'n if ml., wri tes,,,i,ll_ tlte Free OhTistuih,Cojfirnm\u;cullh Of Jyitie 20th, that lie rpuounces the jurisdiction of General Assehtbly, Hid SVnod’of India»'a',‘ the Presbytery of Indianapolis, -arnDthe Church Of 1 Knightstown. ofi liie coivglegation of thoTitUi Avenue-jODSt Njaeteenth ; Street dhurcih in the city,of Mew Yo^b,,ha ( S prjesented, the'^tey.'N..L. Rice, D.D., with'a farm In'lJew Jersey, costing <300; h'TiVP a 'j'ear’s duiohnlihg’ to S6;Uti(),'on the of h is retfritlgtdSfm ' tlie 'pastorate ot that, church >ona.account;ply .yirhfiSikh.-.,ilt js- pot knqwi: ,is,'ao far reopv,ered as ;to emiiile hiiu.tp accept the call since tendered him, Of tliePreliiifeiicyof'oiiklandCoircVd, , hPibs!'fherevel‘end Doctor’s! tbSw "daftiH'-'-’is lieaV ‘N'ewf Brunswick, H. L— .wse-llMd in AVayu.eshttrg fyesb3;t.eri,an Church,ry, held in diebfesbytdjp.an Church, « u )y 11 th, Mr fosm.erly, of.Egstqn, Penn., wjw. orjained to Wji'eJGospel and^ jn, the evening he was indtalled oVi-r the clitirch. *-; Rev. Hugh McEee'-bSs' just 1 ’etnbarl&d’ 'from l ‘N‘eJ v York for South America, as a missi'oitaffyi tindSrthe THE.AMERICAN PRESBYTERIAN,! TftHRSMI, ABHpST'B, 186,1. care of the Presbyterian Board. lie is a native, of K'y.-l—-— I The Rev. Joseph McMurray, o.i the Presbytery of Philadelphia, has been elected Assistanr-Sfe'oreWy of the Board, of Education, in the place Olathe Rev. Mr. McCauley, resigned.- The Rev. W. W. Campbell has resigned the pastor alchargeof the Seventh Street Presbyterian Church, Washington City. , Correspondents are requested to address him at Baltijjjore, Md.,, at present. —The installation joif Rev, J. ,S. Wylie,. as pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Saii'Jose, Cal., occurred on the eVening of the'23d'6f May; A' large audience,’ beautiful singing, 1 a t&stefully decorated church-,, charges of singular, pertinence atid.'force, l ' and a ser mon of great appropriateness, beauty, anil power bv Rev. Dr, Wadsw.qi;th,,(es.ys thepiVfli/ic,), t united, to render the occasion deeply interesting.-! The Rev. Hugh Brown was instaßed-byStireSecond Presbytery of New Yor,k,.aji..pastpr pf ■ p - Church of Brooklyn', ; Er i Dl, !f on I theßSt'h'bf June.- During his labors loriabQuCfieo, months) the;congregation[has fully doujbledjjßs muinjhers, tlie house.;Ony Sabbath days, . being; completely . filled- ... . At. a,.inep.tipg,o 1 f the j Prepay tfry of Col ambus,'oh' the, 9th hist..,, the pastoral' relation lietweeb‘.’Rev.jitcCracken Westhrrln'ster' CHnrch 7 Cointubus, ‘was' dis solved nt UheTehtiefet hf the pastor' a'litd' cbircurfe'nce of: the people. • Mr. MeG.» is lioVavdelegateof. the G.B. is tpetiaythereisome ti.rne in order to.study: thecdqgy.—rßev,Thos.,Audley Brown, D.D., ( State, Sqjiator, lias accepted,tljg Pfesi. dency of,Westminster.College at New Wilmington,' PL; an'd will* he'ih'&ugul-ated Sbfitfember'dt'h.' y££e re- Sigh's his chufcli in New : Gastle;'Pa ' . i 7 0’! f .. ©THER I»E*OMINATIOX(f. J, ;; <■ ■ Congreg'atioiialist.t— Rythe; will of Mr. Lawson Ivesi-of Hartford),Connecticut,,-recently deceased, the Hartford Tkyplpgi,cal,se ( minai;y l receives $20)000. -—r-A Gertpan Congregational church, yeas .organ ized a't Fort'Atkbison, lowa', lsaac G.‘'Bliss; haWsecure# kubsb'fi pliant, 1 to tlilr amount bf $52,386'f0V‘ the pr'o'b'ftssed' ! Bible l; Hduse alGohsfahti nople— not including as&jOO American organ. Hon; Winn- E. Dodge and Jfemea Browny Esqi., sof New York Chsti h a YP given 55,030 each.) /jOhe -.trustees deem it that.tlie fuud .be advanced to, at least sbO,oO.ti, that the edifice ’ ,nvqy be .made fire prbof, anclte ah hdribf to American enterprise. ——-Rev.‘ CeoCPiercS, Jb. tbrmerfy’of’Dracut, Mais!i waddhstalled duly Bth, 'over 'the C'liiVrch'’ih 'PhtfeW son, 1 Nj ill. DrhThompson,' of Hew York,- was rator. The followingns-.tbe.action gdct.-i- ; f.Lef: toys hays Ceen;-rece^yed,in .Boston stqbingi that).thy syv,. Jlcwiyp.n BW! f( the celebrated, .English preachy er, will visit'this country the coming fall, .giqbarter ing at Liverpool on the 20th of August.-——A large fe’pfeseritativej Cbirh’cil ! 'diet ;: at' Ghicagb’/iluly' 26th, and’advis'ed life disrftjfeidh of Rev. AY. W.'Patfb'n' D. D.y from theichutge-bf.fchefFirst'church, that- lie nsajiibecotneeditQriof tlio Advance » -The plan of the Uyvv paper.was .any endoy s ?,4: Vj the Coupj oil, and its first isguy jp]H September. ; —— l fhe First church in, Oberlin, uiidpr the. lead ,of the venerable President Finfi'ey, h'aS .estAblishefl' a system of- Sabbath-eilerrirtg classlnfichtings. The ehurclVis divided i'fitdlsomd'tliiVty districts, a le'ader appointedi(breach;land eacluinemberiOf the church is-expected to,attend the- iqe.eting., in -hjs own dis .frigt., Tnejleadcry repprf;lhe atfe.ndance, etc., qacli yreek, t0,.11l e. pastor ,',syhp lythus enabled to. ,b.btain 'au'abcurate.'jdea Of, the spiritual'condition of tl\e lch i urch; : b‘tb.,'etcJ ! ’A mHdificaWbif oVihishystem has been in use in some Presbyterian churc'lies'for many years.— myphg Plymouth (jongrbgatidiia'! cliurdli' at JPittaburg,. Pa;," haSiichlled Itew.' Tjevi; h. Paine, of of .Faraijtigton, ipt.; at. fly salary.,.of s;l6doi -The .pastor, and spine member?, ( of f^h.e-.church, in .South l(Cllliyigjy, .yC recently .held' a religious .spvic?, at flrh Übijhe of 6ebrge anu’baptized and admit, ted'to the dhiii'ch ilr.'PXipiialeti'Anms, father'of the above, in the"‘93d : ble itb go the'house of OJodj iMr.-AintS lived more than-eighty years as a Uhiversaliat,t;and< an unbe- Jieyerin the Bible. ■ -'j,'he revival in,,the ,Congre gational church in th,g u pastoral care of Rev. M. T. Merwin, has resulted" in about forty hopeful conversions^—9-htrty have already united with the jrep/easion. 'hid Veriilont Qhromdle conlains-tfri-iappeal from t,hp Directors fof the Ypnpont.Miesjpnary, Society to ( e. women .of. the churches, to l^jmy,vJ?e;male‘Ce,nt Societies ” on the plan of.a.cputripption.yf'one a week from .each 1 member. A 'hlrs.'Jjbrd is the CJort'espomiing Se’brefeiryi'and ibsues tTid'appeal./ ■The 1 Mi n utfiS'of 'the G’en oral* Assdbiatibh' oiiilichigan repciit^—Nitt4 mteciciationW;vassoCi,atedi chhrches, (3 not/associated;: and not rreported,), 155iv'churches vyithout ; pastors, 40 ; ..ipjiiisterS,., : ;l33 charge); licentiates, 2; church, j “jl missions—by..professipa 919.,. by.letter,, 659,/total,. '1,5b6; rempvais/hltV.-'hy ex‘cdiiiiinihicati'on,46; bap tisms— adults. 4an', iniaiitsftotal' reported !aitf6unt'b'f ; t)bivevblerit; tbiftfib'irti'ohsy ! $h6M95.H3,‘ dr aa averge of a little over $2.75 to eachcburph mem ,ber. Bapti'^.—Tile work iri' i E'wed6ri ;; nVakes' enbourag ing -progrrisk. li>' Btoekholm 1 cotfvefsibris [ dceur every: week.; Meetings'are largelyiri-ttended both, in old qnd inewplaces,-and ri.ew chul-chasaoe Organized. In Soufh,E j yyeden a remarkable r.eyivalj is,going t qo, and are said.to be amqng'jts fruits. , ,Atw place yvliere four helieyers hired a.Rmali (rooni for, preaching less ihan' i\iS V'ears 1 11^0, ‘‘the first' cfingl-fe gation nufribered eight; but' ih’e"attendance in creased, souls were converted, in seven months 'a chureh of twentyrOne nveinbers was organized, which spop increased' to l'ortyi,r. of 'a neW ifousridT'yv’orelfip' bri the wfeßt; side 3 oy Bfbad stfeetflof* tiie'Bptee' ’Street' 'fcdiurdibTas TiAdif cOmmfericedt'^-SeV'enteeniwerd'baptized (into trieliellbiwdhTp.ofiVSomonauk.chw.ch-byuhe pri.stor( I!i -i; •).! r . ji Rev. L. L. Gage, June ; 30, alscj tßrpe, Jul.y ,21,, making fifty received by that ordinance,* Twepty-' six are heads of families; others are expected. The church lias moretlian doubled its membership and' pecuniary strength.——-1 n the Baptist Karen l Mis-! sion lorty-seven chrirehes reported 144 baptisms,, besides many received tor baptism, but awaßigg the, return, of, ordajoed pastors. ,Fewer, cases ofappstJasy have occurred.— —Mr. Idebig. ft ficniuxn. Baptist Missionary to Turkey,' AVrites i—‘ Eataliii is, now, an, ‘ fen tire > Baptist' cdlon y.' Th ere 1 are' ' only’ a' few' families riot connfected 'witb the cliriroh. '-'There Is not room enough for t heni in their small low .blits,: and iCGod'spares qur: live# and sends us help.iw'e, itiust build, a chapel, in the spring.’' ■ Agaipfilie* writes, writes, February 16th: “ Trip nupiljer, jofi converts reaches one hundred of whom twenty tire not yet baptized. Among the childrrai of ithelSab batli School, about twenty are rejoiei.n-g in.tlieipar doti 01, their sius.y ...... . - , , ‘ New of tliose/Twhci‘accept thetword of God; ati chare ;deJ sirouri oif,investigating Its truths unembarrassednbyi Creeds,” I)as bean ifpriii,ed ! 4 , .» - Patterson, with Rev. Geo. li. Day, ibi;inc-iiy of Hew York, as pastor. Anibng.|the. _regiilations, f is , the following“ That witliout disputing tlfieGyaifdlty of' Whter. Baptism, the Society dispens'd ‘with That ofdiria'ricc,'arid cele-' brate the -Lord's Supper! annuhlly on> the-date of .tlie J.ewiph iPassoyer.’’> v;ii: ■,.. -‘! 0,- insfitdle. for Colored, , : FoutA.—For the last .thirty' years 'an Educritioitril Institution, uWder th'e'alibye fi£i£, lias‘'had h quiet existence fri tliTs’feity, under- the'patronage of membSrs , '6f 'tlifr Societyiof’ Friends. ' Its'loeation is on Shippert Bt. l above: Ninth.; j It, was foiinded upon, -a beiqjuesti;of Richard. Humphreys,;file-, object-, aft rotated., in t thp lyii,!, bqjng t,o quality colored, tQ (i act. as, ers. . It -has'iio vv‘fopr depaf and iPrepafatbty'Sdho'tA' for'’ 'each sex, -all-the teacli erAin which'arri'persoud J d’f ctiior. This latfci’ Ht raiigfemeii t is' jjro'hab'ly the 1 rivibfet : sultable- as’ well >Ra acheptrible ibrie. : At least,’ if; it• must) teetEednto’.a usage that separate schoOlsiare to be ,kepti: up fofc coloyed,.yquth ; (aeyet,aji qpjm question),);tiiej;e>can bp, not,by .(aught,by pefl-, sonsi Of tlie.s^me' race. 'Tosuppose,.thy,contrary ( a permanent necessity, is to give'bvef t'hat face*.,t'o‘ a perpetual inferiority and subordination which is' as crush in'* ib tile apprbpriatfe afepirhtions’ ofhulhariity as'slavery itselfo ; TRe !institution;ih SRippen- Stiiis fieeliivg. the.cliangerpf.the-rocenl openings to-.the ami bitioq of, that is .propqrtiqnablyi.rqnewr, ipg, its,activity. seliool.yeajju’St closed, instruction', ha's .been given, to 196 pupi/s, 118- of wjidm (40 girfsTwere' in tbehigher 'de prirtmertts'.i ‘fins' n'ot'stnfctly a charity-school; ’A- Small- 'tiiiifidn bill - ; is ' pifetsefited, l sufficient id mrikd schdiafsi feel'H-hat theyodp' not goo there.'-to-.waste to sjaye, them-from the fepling, of; a.bjpqtv pees. ./There is ,a.library ;ojf ,2-288 volumes, belonging to tli.e.institutipiii.and, eleven,lectures oil,scientific subjects were delivered during the past winter. ’ , ~P. ].. t ; iyYA. J RR j !.ED,, ! ,'i i . 0,,.. BARNET—VINE.—On the 3d of July, by tho Rev. J. G. Butl.or, D.D., at the Walnut Street l’resliyteriau Church, Mr. Francis''Ai Barnefi Of fEastpui Pj., to. Alary ;E., diughter yf, Jacob' Xi Fine, of Phiiadelpbia: | ” , - - , - -fn; o.; y to-QMi-o 1-- on- o I .n.l" Uj:; r/: AMERICJAN BOAKIK [U Thd‘next'Ann i uaJ fMeeting ofjthe;A. B. G. ;F. Mi wiU il>e belfl in thr gtiast«. • Wccannot prou.ide to provide tor those not. seml.-us their numra before the 10th of SeptAnber. dire'cfjon ‘will be returned to those who joddreoa us iuaeasoti. . All letters to be directed tb '• •/ ;■ - • - 1 CLAltftß,, >■. ‘• i i Ohalrm'anidf the Committee of Arraugemeuta.. - Sielt-lleiMlllChe. (Very muny] are trojiVled' with Pfis Sis treasing complivliit every lew through the, Suu\mor, months,- A gentJoinao from Ohio who has been subject to such ; uttacks wrkei thdt Coe’s Cure ciired hliK-' ‘ ! ' ' I J I " 1 Butcbcr’s Fly-Itiiller.—-Every sheet' will killn,» F'ii* i'f-.*: i Biitclier’s Bcad Shot for Bcd-Bugs.—Suro, cheap, ahrt ! e«sy tb u^e. ! f " • ' ' ■ • >1 •' • S<)ld eyery.wlier©., i.>•/*.! :jt-; V-’‘ t BE ETAik , LIFE FOR positively reslores'gray hnir to ttkongindl cbloraiidyoiithfiilboautyj dntr'grbwA to th« xveak'Rst Hair; stop& itS'fAlling out Hbbilea; .keeps keaU cleans, is unparalleled os a hairdressing. ‘ tSpldthy druggists, foshiouabla dealers in fancy,goods. The ti-uclc supplied by the wholesale druggists. i . f , " ’ SARAU i. CUEVAitEU, .H.D., Xew York. 1; XGI!"'(! vv : ;:n; .7t:r zhij r. t, Bo JUST' PUBLISHED !' (7: ' i'Sifs-wmif'ONßiiGKG;:- /;;t Twenty; Melodic Exercises,,;! ■lli' ? v - ! 'V,'U '! ;Li ISJ POHK’OP '• • S'orfeggioB s r " ■!> -! ? iiv7 Studies to acquire itbei Art ofiSinging.il m'r n«.‘,TheV4'6'xercise'B were 'composed to be us6d simul taneously with • ,SiNandmU tji£c the. place .of PPNfcpsE'& jSOLFfi^Glj?^, : ‘Uemg more mfelodious ffnli better adapted for leadhiug.; I l * Sbrtie'of specially beautfful* as well as useful—a f mingling - 'of- the dtClc ie et'utile, which •secures th'Q interest as;well as the iuiproyementofi the .student,] i The various sttyles- deyelyped cises, renjicr. tiemYuvaluablp in an .equcationaj point; of'view/hi they tnrid t'dWlavge, this intelligence and t-lie u sfimc form the tadte rdf the pupil. They must be studied'carefuTly ife ferbnoe tojthe;innumerable; marks of)expression! and forms of , ornamentation, *,. ijpon th% minute; witb,\yjiich these 4 are a.cqomplished t(ie/actual sterling, advancement''of the pupil.’. Any evasion" or slurring in‘ these wasted;- while 1 , bnjhe 'th'oy 'a-prpfitable'' invOstri^eht'!”'' To reply W ilnfill .f.'itii i; '<)( .i!->l«i 1 ! lst’ THU'early completS’dii of till'd wlMe ! great'iihe'to tlie Pacific is as certain as any future business eVent I The' Gove'rnment' grant "of oVer twenty rinflion ; acres Of lim'd' ’atttf'fifty milliori dollars iii its own 1 bonds practically guarantees it., One-;fourth of the workis already dbnel.and tiiblracy continues'.to be 'laid'at the :rate of tivo miles a day. , . ■2dlTlie,Union pacific Railroad' Tbcindk are 1 isped ’ upon iv hot'promises ltd be one of - the .thost .profitable >it'S ' " ' ' 1 1- •*/ | ' 1 ,!••> f »’{'•• S,- C ' • : ' | ! • j i - ' i] i i Hues of’railroad in For f it niusl.be.the only hire .connecting.the Atlantic and Pa- ( aiid b.eing, without competition, t^n{ ;i!erp.unijyatiy,e,rMos.; ; ~ -;, 0 :: i v h:'‘ft ... 8d v this, road,,gre finished), anil; fully equipped with- depots, locomotives,.cars, ike.. andtwo tiains aggidaily yunnipg;c»cliin'a^ fj , ltd basggqf .the Rooky, M:Ptmtai43,are; on ha:pd,ran4;At is tirictjto be'dohe-tinf.Septeinber, t.n, ; :-u v dthibSThe net .earnings ofjtheseetipnjalready.finish.d ed!are«e»«roi tUnetiT/reat'et than .the gold intejiesiiupoh! t-bei Hirst' Mortgage;(Bonds’’!up on, suck SecticSifl,f(and!if Pot,’another mile of the road iwererbuilt,"the : paTt al-i r’eady cpSipleted would not ionlylpaylinterjCSt and 1 , ex-! penses but belprdfitable td VheKiOmpsjnyi': f . it .'rud ' 'fiihviThe Uinion'i’acifiatßailf oad; bond's can he issued dnly'Sstth'e'rbatd pfogitdSse^,hand'therefore b‘an r nfevcf be in the market unless tfieV repl-eseni' bona jidi pro-' '>'em may, w ell cpnft-; d.ence„in;a J first Ujin. , ;j , ~. ;v jtjis hotqclqime.dthat better, securities -than G;oyerpments; aa-.e, pavt|ee who consider-,a fiigt mortgage upon ,sucli,a. .property,as this the y,eny ;bost,sedurity, in .the,world,, and .who, .sell their Governments to re-invest in these; hpnds-trtlius sccuringi-a!gr(Vltc 1- interest, . ■ ’ "., /, ■ oth. As the Union Pacific Railroad.bopi|sarelOffpre.d fo'rtthe present af SO/iconts! oni the dollarjanß .accrued in'tei-eSt, they stun, theieheapMtr tlier i ‘ I 'TtfEA.DBSiftBN’S : 'N-4TION’AIj BANKT. 1 • <•' 3( WffA ; yd6N & KfeOTHßBi' iir -' ! WILLIAM PAINTER & CO. I - cd. !: r 1 “ 'vH'e! £eHbS' ; &ed: ,r,:i ’'; 1 -i;: V 7 ''' i-j rrr i '.**l? i:n =!>•! 7:: ,f ’ jj >., j > •. * Wiliiiingtoii».l)elM,byo| ;»•>•„* v i • t i«eiß! ROBINSON fc-COlr; i!, ; 7, • ; New York by: ■ Pj::S ? :-.i :ir :ii- if? i . I .j ioGdnxdiental Natioxax.tßank,;No.,7 NaasaajSt,, Clark, Dodge & Co., Bankers, 51 Wall St’., "77 n. 7 tJo'H'N Ji Cisco'S Scfir,"Bankers,' KoiiB3'WalliSt., ■and'byißANKS ‘AND Ba.NKEßS'geiie'rally: throughout, flik ■T’FnTtefl States,' *of ■Hi*hbui > Bm i pS | abU'desofiptiVe‘ pam jihletAliiiis'l!>e: obt , Nciv VbrW,' on appticatibnl 'Subscribers'‘will Select ‘{.lvbir'fawn agents irf'tvlibrh 'they have hotibdohee, with klone , iviU'be(Veipb^sibie'lb >i f]i6ih'fo^ ! th'e ,! &fe‘deli'ra , y 'bPftib bonds.- '. v .■ii'dioy.li W hi.. O.i ■ . JOHN J. CISCO, Treasui*er‘jf s 1 !li>: -i:«0 :■)[>.! »Jit fit! It; i>: Hrouk. SAMUEL WORK, ■STO'CISf ;'pC'W!| ,'i J otiHfil ''lf -J. 7fin ".:*•'>! *• , 7 : : vQOVERNMENJiSECUmjIES, - | . fi Bought and Sold on Commlssloii," r>>. •■or .!•. ilggl SoillH l THIBD STREET) t ,i? : 2. 1 '■) I 'Floor, Eittrai?6 > ! oi’ ®Dock-’Street- :rr.ti ■Alii 'i.-.fl M.-v- rilt. , h ff . fURfk«RE»W«RE'»R(IOIIS,' i-ii 4r IsbTJTH SECOND'STREET, Respectfully inform our friend’s und lltiVe 'Op&bku «n i;Stahlishih'ent at the’abbvc pltice, wfmre frtStuftj all ddseriptiorij ofljTtfe CabiaetiWorkU;‘Many'yeure? ex pefteoce in: cbuducthigi tJbe- Iji.inu!:tbtiu'.s of one ofj thn oidt'nl. aipl hu-gept.sßUlflishmeuU.iu th^.chty,,U^ i gjven us the advantage iif,. PRACTICAL K'NOWLEDGKE : and SKILL .in the AHTIO DESIGNING and MANUFACTURING FINE CABINET WoßKp’ on tkfc 'mosit ' 7 ,7!'7 Do'!?.’* Bk'asbnabfe Terms. Paw G-axil, i 7 For cl,arhhter and jaiilify, wh refer tiibsa who-.rtiay faVonoa toithe. oiudtrsigDsd'g?ntlenien-:-r'p l ;Hi' J : 7ppi': >. punj-t ; !Ji-CiM , AßE;3a*OhestmitiStioat;;,n v/Sbii YOiit S. Rf'HI'LTpN- B.'cornerjFifth and , tyslnut.fi ■ iff E. TENBROOK, 3 Chestnut Street, . J‘udA irf'fl HE. Kiri BUtKENBINEi bdth'andgifeariug.iWi.'Piiui iilji! "THOiFAE FOTTERi 2®'Arch Street. 1 .1i Sie'ifii'J-v:- kt; '! ANSON 'JEWEii 1 '! 1 ® ‘Viue'BtrefgU ! ■ ! ' 1 * 7 I."JJ i i S'. I [ ,7 lil.l li;'..|> l I :■■ • 7' r t r .7 1 i .*■ ah ') 77 <>T ■ xi 7 «r.v : 'B''D‘ißl)S'A < LL ? S ;;i; ''' ■ ' iluiß >f *> 1 J !’ 170 <:!■,<) j. >, .j.JIH'I ,0. .Cfcijpa: .^,3E3;P,. , I• % ,!jJC 41 n<.4Z~' : ' v Pupils'Received at'any time and'Fitted for ■ Business Life^ j or fbr'OollegA! ‘ ' " KBPERksfCES:' B. A.. Knightj Esq. Rev. L W. Mears; Rev.'Jonathan Eilivards,’‘ B. DV; ’ Rev.' .Turner'M.-Crowell, fl. 1). ; Hon. Richard li. Bayard; Sainuel Sloaji, Esq. WYERS’ BOARDING SCHOOL PPE YOUNG MEN AND B O YS. ' l!r3 ‘'■ ’ ! I ;i;Ay,,\Y|ipT,cH^Tje^:fitL. AClaasicfil, EnglisU, MatlumiAtical and Commercial .School, BtineD tiiAt its pupUs thi»rougK?y*fi>r CoUege or Business. \ rf Insinictiob stsiymHti'cVtfior ipgir and M dern L-m - Simnisih, tnugbt' by native- tesident teachexs. Eistnuneiital; apt 1 .V.ocal Drawing nud PAititiu^. 'Tilea yc-tr oT’tvn'inoiithß begfnB on Wedui’sday, the i u a 5th J of 'September next. • ' i t Gircniarß can'.bejdbuuned att Of this paper, or by appli pahop ... 11l .':-w!fii L fAj( , I'.'WYERS, A'.Tif.,^" - i, u , v,' < 11 j : f 7 Briiicipial uiuljPvpj.-rjet EDUCATIOM 5 - 1 OP I OFNG LADIES; ’~ i -Vi! A-‘W » ’ll ; The dutiesi Institute .'will. Leresijipicd,,Deo volenta, o.i\ : ;j . (, t , :i . t J\Joni/tay,_ Scpleviber 9th, next., ; ' i.Tepjpup.iCe in the family_t>f„ ; r; ■ ■ ; . V: , t . .GlLBERTJ3o^CBS,,A,lU; v^rinpij>alf ; au|S-2!n., j. t , t , . f ;,, ■ OII Street. FAMILY-' SCHOOL POR MISSES, -77-i .2.i„7!A:T7PRINO£TON,7N' Jt.'ii at... .'■ Rev, Mn and M'rri, Wood,' experience:! 'educators, ■receive Misses to .a gogid home ipudviaiUiful instruc tion, ; ,bogin,s ,§eptpip,beir, Circulars forwarded. ' • . , .1 Turnip Sei'd'! Turnip Seed 1 , ; .r-A , T 5 ] ;Cts. Per Lb.--10 C'ts. JPer Oz. 7: Qri,ivu vwW- r.idn S';P.(l Farm s frefit’ 1 ■ 'Selected 1 Stock and v '* Send for price Haf, ' v< rt •' ;i - .7 * - ’’ OOLLINSj ALDERSOTS'* Co.> . HVA$m&f>U&E, : jji r, !h jjiii and 1113' Btarket St.. hrm .->■,•■■■ i h . • ijt*Mlatlelphi&, '/*<*. OOI.LINSi.f- ■ , Jffi OUiSo ALUERSON. ROBERT DOWNS. To Persons Going Out of Town! r ' : :1 - 1 '" :i 'Gall on f i k- ; :> ‘ ; • And - Wri ti lig ChseV,' W ( riiiiig ? Desks, Port FoliOS, Phcket 'Books, ' Bucket-'Cull cry, iSii.i &c.','for Checker and Back gaTntaoni' Boirds,. Chessmen, Dominoeej Sc., frfr tAiruihcment.' . AlEioall kitul.s of : r; STATIONERY, OKervpest.m tiio Oily.' All’kinds of Blank It neks on hand’.'ia’ndpttradea to ordMi. LClieSpestVand best- job ■ Pj-jDting. ;iAU the jihovenit grgatly rdduned priees. 4 —rlra. , , Bpp -;,J ,jj . !]■., I : ; ‘ hithe' great jdnm:ed states O ii s e, ii" .No.-30 Vesey. Street, New York.' iAASEJSTS. IVASSTEO in oyery. lap 1; ity tn_g o t. ,up Clubs amonjrsf families ibi our. T£A" and We can save to • ftwililfe^ : so‘tfei. tct Sl per. pound on Teal,-und'lo cfe. to * ‘JS cts. on •.Coflpes.,, We.iui par t flir.ect, apd sell at, La\ff(K prices, tbus to *cbilsumers"tii ; eliV"’or*six pi'Ofits'ffmd!e ty riticiti'e-itim; ‘ Satisfict'on v \vai tinted'jor money ■ rerupded.' jWe iPtiy. a ,li)jeral Commifsipn to AGENTS to get up us, and liundredg't f our stgeni.s, f waltS a liaiitUbiue tfnd r4gulft>%beiiy-income. Address Unit**! Tea \i tireiiouBe, .of Y. "KaSLLEV: ! *tl‘CO-V N 0. r ■ i?YEBEY ■ Street, t -NkW Yor•; . P