The American Presbyterian. (Philadelphia) 1856-1869, August 08, 1867, Image 4

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    THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1867.
B®*on our inside pages will be found:—On
the 2d,and, 3d pages an unusually large budget oj
correspondence—a “Sabbath in Paris” ‘with
sketches of Protestant and Romish churches and
Parisian modes of Sabbath, Breaking,‘i Organ
ized Christian Effort” a thoughtful vessay on
Sabbath school work ; a gossiping d. Letter' from
Boston;” more news from our,churches-in the far
West of Nebraska from.our Chicago Correspon
dent; and an account of Yale College Gommeiuy -
ment; on the sixth page the Family Circle, giving
ilie conclusion of, Jessica's First' Prayer ” with
other readable articles ; on the seventh page 'Edi
tor’s Table , Rural Economy,and a timely and re
liable, Scientific ■ article on “ Disinfectants and
‘HowtousetMm.” f ’ '
Doctorates o f Dj vj Nrrr.—Some A incriean
Colleges, at- least,retaimthat academical discipline
in this- matterj, which’'one of pur porrespondente
quotes Edward ’lrving as so mii’ch admiring, The
Universe says of- the 'Jesuits’ Collegein the Dis
trict of Columbia: • , > i , .
“No D.D. was 1 conferred at Georgetown Col
lege, at the late commencement..' ThA'Prbfessqrs
there have always 1 been-'quite rigid in., the. matter,
of conferring degrees! .They .
The secular'Priest Who'runs their gaun'tlet is' n'6
joke in mind or learning. -A Virginian once hp>
plied to them for the D.D. He got an awfuljini
paling on philosophy and'theology. . But got
the dear bought honor by
bly less "than the enamel of his i feetht In; Rome
it is not at, all'difficult to win D.D. But’ in the
Jesuit Colleges first class. Abilities alone, win the
distinction.” ; ■ ' ;• /. .
Per contra an Exehange says :' l '
“The Female', University of Tennessee has
conferred the degrees of Doctor, of bn
one of the editors of the Religious Herald, Rev.
A-E.-,Dickinson”. ,- f ,-r.;u, s
What will .the, much,abused- honor come to,, if
the ladies can give it. to every “ duck of a
preacher ?” r - ‘■ l •' 1 ' - : ;i
propositiop ; Conven
tion to the’ , nni'ori of-fhe various
chure.heßj of the./gresbj;tie!r.ian<irordeß;cwas
presented by,the subscriber, it .was not
considered that a large number of Sy-’
nods and Presbyteries'would not meet until
.after, thq time! originally proposed, and;-;hlso
that many who wouldbeexpleted'tb enter
tain the BelegafeslVvould then be absent
the Ap.the,-suggestion has,been made;
by ministers and members of the different bo
dies expected tolfaketparii*. In the meeting,;
,that .a.later date ,vyas advliable, and as there, is’
difficulty at this season of obtaining ameet
ing of the a^p ! to make
the requisite arrangements, immediate ac
tion in the s fcSse’ being''- the sub
scriber, in concurrence with 'other members
of'the Committee,'tdkes' the liberty of naming
the Ist Wednesday, (the 6th day ) of-Nov. as the’
time-when the'Gonventiort’shall be held l in
this city. Due notice 1 wilt begiven-of the
place where the Convention will assemble!
and tHe pi’oyisipn made for the accbmmoda-'
tion of,the, delegates. -i’' '■ ’i i
Prom the interest already manifested,
there is reason to anticipate a large and in-i
fluenfial ndieetinjj;'-*4tTidpecD tti the'
ehurehfis .ofhhe'J’nesbystefianF orderJ.ih every',
part of our land, will-be represented, and
that measures 1 wilt' be taken'w‘h!e'li'' will re
sult in effecting that Union amofig Mi His peo
ple; for j; wh ich', ’the • ] Sayiortuj .prayed} jan d
wbibti all-who have His Spirit'
desire. ! ' Geo. H. Stuart.
Philadelphia, July 24th 1867.
....... i
~ £The above, circular explains ,itself.,
publish it because,, in , view of the char
acter and purpose of t,he,. Convention itself,
wo see nothing in the action of oar General
Assembly at Rochester to prevent our Pres
byteries from sending delegates, rand; ■ in
deed, we understand that some are consid
ering the propriety of doing 50’.,,,., This, we
believe, is .the . view taken by the .Re
formed Presbyterian Synod’s Committee of
Arrangements, and the Banner of the Cove
nant of lasi week expresses aa earnest de
sire'thatdui’'Church wil 1' not be-unrepresen
ted. 'We commend tl|e? matter -'to;- jthe> best
wisdom of-dun Synods add Presbyteries. l ]
Called, by' Cable. —When the Atlantic
-Cable was laid a year "ago; -Rev.- John" Sail,
D.D. of Dublin', was the orator of the pcea
sion-ititttlic at Yalentia, Bay. .One
year- aliaost to a day, later the same cable has’
conveyed io him’a calf from one of the most
inflifenfia! and wealthiest of our American.
Churches? the Fifth Avenue Churoh of Hew'
'!J?6rk, lately in 'the 1 pastoral Care of Dr.!
Dice. The call was formally made out.oh;
Thursday ev'eniiig last', and i#as unanimous
and very cordial.. Dr. Hall was informed
of it beforptleaving our ohpreiSj but was re
quested not to give any final answer till af
ter his return home. Dr. Hall has won such
a large measure of popularity during his
visit tb'ciir Shores, that many'wbuld be de4
lighted ‘th hestf of : his accepting it: !; ;^
. ifbe twenty-second-,an,nual meeting of thi^,As
sociation -was held,, :as appointed, 0n,,. Tuesday,
Wednesday : and Thursday of last' Week in Am
burn. It was largely'attended by thb leadiiig
Educitbrs of the State, And-'- was' a lneetidg 'of
-reatinterest.and peculiarjftofit; ...There was rio
g' .. . i> 7i
time wastedy'ilkwasall deyp,t£d;to business, . The
papers, 1 addresses;* and discussions all-boredirecti
ly -upbn the ' su'bjdqt'pf eiiutidtidn—' virh'at r it J
what its defects! asinow administered: wEdtimr
possible', a,,t m?Pj
- 1 -Ain'ong.thpse present,-.wereiS-P,
Ll;.'!)!''Secretary of the r ßoar<P‘of-.'Keigeiits,i, Al
bany ] 7 Pro£'’Olias., 'Bivis 7 : EL, r ©!' ; of' GMbpißiS,
(^il9|e/'jNfesr';york';''/ii^n.^<i^|r'^^ifeeyStt r
perm ten.dent of Public Instruction;,pP,rof., Jus. ( B,
THonfpson;.rLE.;l);j New;york;i Prpf.,Jasj Gruife
dßaOeik/ Brooklyn Prof; ('Edward- -North;
dUolleifi; Dr. 1 H. ’BWil billy of the' Tdibt
Asylum, J/' t7l ; Galiup |the
Houghton Seminary, TClinton. ; ri -
i-i The latter’read a, valuable paper in regar'drito
the Of studies’foriFemale Gcl
leges|‘a(dvb6ating i ii : higber f: Stan'dard; f 6f ell ucatioii
in such ( institutions I .,’', Prof, Norths in. [Ms own
ohaming- style, presented, the ; .suhject pf ft.Npr
mal : Departments in' Colleges.'' This paper .ex
cited peculiar interest,'and'a popyiwas’requested
bfy’the publicati'qn;' : .Prbf.'’ Ba ! vis
read, an, pioqpepf paper .onithp. “ (Nature,’ ;Use an<j
Poetry,of Mathematiijs ’’ ,were- made
by Hbm .GeoiiW. Clinton,-o'£ BuffaloyrHevii Her
rick- Johnson, 1 ; DiD-.,‘ ’of 'PittsbWg; 7 ail'd 1 'others.
» A l —-i 1 i !Vi r
Dr: ‘ jcrtiiison’s' theme'wasi * v .. fiat sKailj stutiy,
and in .wfiat order shall yjef study, ( to, secure ( i|ne
highest(leyelopmeat < The,,speaker,,wp;ui(l give:
greater prominence toJthedassics than to-mathe
matics ' ‘ in' a 1 proper ‘course : of * study]'■ ; asi' better *
hdaptetf to ‘develop attention,ju'd^ih'eht—.
■ instruments, ,‘mbst' .success.
in any department of active life. Children.should,
commence ithe >Study of;languages (early: ;ini life.;
Boy& ; should' read Latin AhtelligeUtly-dt^ttyelVe,
at fourtdbui*' By 1 'th'OsS studies, n £he i
-r ■; ill VV ft". 11 ;
pytoer., H oi gainmgknowledge .js.hesji.^acqpirqd..
The address..wa's listened to. jvith, marked :.atteu
tionv and- a-copy-of-this-also-was-requested-for;
It was supposed that"about'six-uinndred teach-,
ers attendance upon these meetings, the
larger portion kindly and hospitably entertained;
by the good people of Auburn. It was very gen-;
erally spoken of as one of the most practical and
profitable meetings in theiAssociation’s history.,
Newburg is designated! as the‘place of meeting;
next year,! and AuausT. 25th, .the. time. We fear;
this time may ’seriously interfere with the meet
ins; of the State' Sunday School''Teachers’ Asso-:
« ?! '. ; 11.-;I 1 .-; ,
elation, which has for many yearshe'd its gather-,
ins in the laSt' week- of' Aiigust? although this!
year it assemblqs-dh,the.2oth, A care should be
had by both .Associations that there be no clash-1
ing here, as very many of the best teachers in the;
day schools are also the best teachers in our Sun
day schools and want to attend both meetings.
The following circular has been issued for thei
latter:— T
. •(,>The ! Sa<h.bftt|i ;of; the,; ,S k ;1 o f
New York, are'Tb'o'rdially invited to : convene ini
the Bifet; Presbyterian Church, (Rev. Wm. C.
Wisner, D.D., Pastor,) at Lock port, on Tuesday,
August 20, 1867, atijpl’jp’clock, P. M., and con-i
tinue through Weduesduy'&nd Thursday, August:
21 and 22. yy/.J\
The following is the,resolution of the last Con
vention : ’v’■;-
“ Resolved , That Hereof ter delegates to the an
nual convention ofAthis-Association, be required
to bear certificatpffySfjglectidn from their superin
tendent or following basis of
representation :'t'w;o'delejgates.|tjoeaeh School, and
one additional del'egatefpr e veiy hundred scholars.
And the local c'oinmitfees of entertainment at the
places where such.'cqnyentio'h : may be 'held will,
not be expected; to suppjyentertinnment except'
to such _AU jptber persons' \ regularly
belonging tot'auy: eyaflgclical r ischdol in the
State, are invited i.p'httSn f 't~‘and are admitted to;
all the prmlgge^hf^tl|e''coWe - pti6n' i .except enter- 1
tainment. Totea! '.'dojnmittiee'is shall uotj
be expected to hold 1 delegates longer’
than the arrival of the morning train of the second
fcy&iiiislo*) s''i;3(icoO iDlfiS
All Delegates purposing to attend the Conven
tion, are particularly requested to notify -the
Chairman membe,rfyf;7thp:; t cqmmittees, at
Lockport, bn or before tlle Tenth day of August,
so that they may make the necessary 'arrange--
ili'ents ; "for mehti' The*' 'cbntmifc'tM~wi] 1
not promise .to provide for-r any,delegates who do
,npt„qomply strictly,with the,ab,oye resolutiop,,.
' Will Pastors and Superintendents causp suit
able notice of this Convention to be read in tiieir
respective-fC.huflches.rtwp Sundays in -rsuceession
w ;
There will be a meeting of the several Com- 1
mitteeS' at Lockport, on August. 20 ;i
tilue and place w-ilfhe hereafter. A ■A- , full;
attendance ip,requested. r «, JIP r*t.?
.Reception Committtee at Lqc7cpprt. —Rev. S.
G. Smith, Chairman ;. Hph.. ~S. ~flojmes,J). W-
Boyce. ’ ‘ ' '.. ’’ '' ' ; |
Corresponding-CoipniiUee at*Loel-port*-s-M . H.
Eager; j Chairman*; Thosi Sc'ovilll’, "RevPA. A.
Phylps.;'V i\’f 'YA'AAiO
. ■ ??.*,, .¥S BW' .Sja fcdjsgpcfatuf »,
RocKester’jtr. Y. -• •. .
We recently mentioned-the fact that our State!
Prison at Auburnpp so as to ac-i
commodate,, the, increasing, niUtnber. of ,convicts, j
,W> ventured thatif the dram-phpps;
were closed, there would be no need of enlarging!
t^?'.?#T9vs,Oßltll^T 0 T I ?Ka?y\t\We' jl if';
these tempmtions,CQjild i 4)p > way,j
our.big .prisons, rih,five yea%: would not hqve
half so many convicts as they now .contain..- ,
.":We.- see that: Rev. Mr,. Ives] the. excellent; chap
laimobiAuburn Briton, goes)further than;,we,did.
W-hfeni asked ifihe«Had any!hope.of the permanent
reform ]of j the : ; convicts, die -.replied,'wlith great
earnestness,! The, reform, to -a great extent;, is
outside ,the,prisorivi Banish your wKiskfey-shops,
and'AuKurii Bi-itoh would beempty,in five-years.
Men are ( ;sent here,,; because Itheydiave,.,been'be
guiled byi whiskey;;; yWe reform ithem,; f their: time
is :out jethey;; go, out -into thAworld,uiand (Urereri;-
sndred, again. ;by this;’ whiskey;met 1 jaiui brought
back;.' Dlorc; than' th roe fourths of these; men - are
sent iherb through; the- direct;'influence,.of, strong
drink!”-,-.! I-.i" '- , uibfo l w- ■■■
v;s..Mrr;t,rives i has been the>:? chaplain o£Aub.u,rD
Prison forrab'outrten-ybarSjj-dSiam'actiyejvehpnest
man] capahlemf improving 1 the opportunity heibas
had afiarf j observation, : and: < undoubtedly-■,knows
whereof he affirms. We have njO;do,ubt his,stajte:
meht'is correct./ [There jar# met}' in
thafciErison‘apparently . reformed];; mean who sim
eerely '’desire/itp.-liyesober,' and. industrious-; lives-;
men "who know.fthatjistrntfgdrink,t-has),brought
them'intb itrouble] and in .their, ijnftdst;hearistb£jy
wish /they :i might., never ■ se'e- toy? i taste
another, drop!of;the deadLy .jibison-.y? i-o>;
;; But they come.out, -and licensed,dram-lshqpsmeet
thhmJatnevevy)corner -.OJ-djcopiT
pinions' invite; tfaeiriwagdioiataii tsike'>the .ft,social
glats.” >;fThei Itemptationiis; idol much ' for;, them-
Sboni thhyrareiihdulging asiofold,land'iwildragain
-withiexciteihenb.ih The sober industries o,f;lifsare 1
•too tamO'-ffor!theme- • Theyiinust;!! live dby, .their
wits;;”:and,;sb!they plung£;again into-;crime,;iand
soon fetchupiagainiin/Prisbn/ ji.'.J .i'
1 iThis' is theisad-uroUnd through; which,tmany
‘have passedumoref than once; and,this,is the sort
of motherly-care,which theiState takes-of her .own
-children; :- She: charges one rndniEveioi'-tenidolr:
darsifoi the prisilbgevof taking .away the i reason
and self-control;; of "another j-andiftheni payspcme!
hundred dollarsjforssit may foemne/.thousand ;dol-;
lars', ! totoateK'/thaP man made crazy and vicious by
StSteTUmy and topunishhim-for-his'crimes~She \
nets nothing back for all,the loss-of his time and,
e °utrTi A ' f" ! i onu.t T-it
his industry/-.lBnnJdaye'sinothihgifQr his family,,
.starving, dying byinehes in their neglect, or sup-|
ported by the charity of the State. She gets her
petty, p'aliry,‘ i bl6od I bbught' , pays,
out ; ten 1 times' ids amount,- aS the legitimate fruit
'of her own doing,mjid' then Roasts, pf hpr political:
.economy,pnd ‘her'poster carq ;i of,hpr, .own^ijw
children:. ;Et is;tojbe hopedithat.albeUer'iwisdoin
will some s tiUie'Visit fh'e 1 ba!rth!, ! tin;d f if sh'e' dbeS; wb;
are sure that dram shops will not t’hbii be tblera
ted in'’ihy ; I(
Chaplain Ives was askecl if the convicts would
be "in favor'nV a He . an
swered fjh£h •]foq{pl |; alipost,^<)- < «.-^fanf > , ..This 1
reminds.>us that;in ISS.ibi.many-dsu'pkards-iniCon-
fbtod : for 'the-' ptdhlbitory ’law. v.iThey
"feitThat 1 * itivas';their a bnly-'kalvafibh." I,i: Aii,d 'buh.
iPWTr ti^nlSihg'
handj;S%id witli I jin4?Et'fSsihjnj^a i (|ppss. thqt
lone i >yie'ai! itoondate for Hutto IHe i ffiad y viofced., itlie :
'same' c wayfbe'‘ye^- l! b'efofe.-- ,; ‘He ;; hiLd l !h6p'ed "for;
th'b dahrj jit' that ti'me;'.butit’fated/^B’e^ sajd' rfit;
bad, dome then he' cbtiid-iiav’eTdfbrmed^:' But' now !
■' ■“ "■ '-- !!';I »t i: rJ J :i j IT'., j ?i<.- ,-Ujro :
-herwas tobjiaf but he wquldjyote right[for‘
the sake'of others,- BoorifeHoiW'ilfmHe'stibhidied
'af Bbliriuffi treinens; l -' t The I 'H i w 1 wah too late feir
M. )' J *•«'■>,
yi'U Mo o.jj w i ;j .! ,
It. has already -been ,-demonstrated, tliat a ; w.ell
'framed prohib.itory ylaw, l ‘ properly aitministerkd ,;
wiH'Tiem6ve‘’at f6urth's'6f(the ; pauper
ism |and' crim&'yrjl'Kufliicft]any]community is:'bur
main ahd do ifs work of.sopoWiand death,, iTr.ue,a
la# can'dbmbchi'ng’unlefcs-it he'jiro'perlyisustain
ed by public'sentirnent’; but wby shotil'd ho'tSpub
,lic sen.'iment sustain, a la# human,e,] so. benefi-
cial?,;; fC] j! i- GENESEe! ■ | !
i , • - j • *
‘“ Rochester, Aug;', 3-, 1867. •
..PreSP YT.EEY ;,, TIjON,
oeoßev. John ;O : R,pwELL.-A r ljhe; Pr@gby(p}'yof
Wilmington'held, an adjbufnedrimeeti'rtg August
Ist; in tjie'®rawyefs’ j .©de'sTfy'Delaware.
KevV John Crowpll was J |eeeived asPa member,
.pppp a. letter, oft dismissal. .fropij jT-hird ,pres
bytery; of Philadelphia.,, ReVyiJohh W>' Mears
asked and > received. : a' letteivof •■dismissal toa tlie
Third Presbytery. Rev. Charles Bro'Wii tif'the
same Presbyte'ry; 'Was* inVitfe'd- 'tAsit'ds a 'corres
.ponding Vemb' frpjii Drawyers’ (jliureh,
for. the pastoral services .of, Rev. Jp,hn;.Crowell,
was-laid before Ptesbytery, by tbe Commissioner,
Dr. Hamilton. Mr. Ofowell’having signified nis
• aPceptan'ce of", the; Samd, 1 PifeSbytbry p'ropeedfed to
Install Him. T( ' TfiJ Moderatbr john’, Patton,
DD., .presided, and pjjfc (the gppstitutionjtl .qpes
itipns j 'Reva.William .Ajkman.',preached -the ser
mbn- froiu 'John 'lG': 7.';’Rev.Dr Patton gave
‘th'e bhargJ ''and ,J Rev.' - Cb'd’les
’’Brqwqi totbg peo
ple-,, Mr. lirpwn .jWaSj.fpas.tpqfjof -this .church
.twenty-five, years ago. r -The. services,-were all (.of
-¥ J Kigh"ordfir? spiritual' in tone afid- deeply' inter
e'sting.' ‘ Mb Crowejl'' has 11 every proniise of iise
ftiln.ess.aDd.suc'pess in t;hTg ,All the .pews,
:b.qt .five, in-i tbp. Upw, chprch, had, ibeqn , rented
cpreviOnsito theinstallation./. v-i tuib-L; ;, . ■
0 'fh‘ idi'e' tbe' Geberai ;Assenibly idst
issqeflj ;the. narne.-qf, Qflpssa Gpureh-is.grrgjieougly
placed opposite the name, of . Mr.. Crowell. There
ia-' no 'Church', of ..this name. ]. But Drawyers’
t-rburch;, marked:N'vacant” in the'Min
utes, should be :piit,i.with .the-accompanying fig
uresi )ia-the place of t‘ o(iessai’’ ’: . i
Re-dedication.—ln a" Tiisearora village,
about ninemilbs from Niagara Falls there is a
Church'of-85 -members' under Cafeof-' Niagara
Presbytery: ; '‘The ’people' &re : industrious an'4
thrifty and'mostof them; tare' acquainted ; with
English language.-Though' formerly finder, the
American Bpftrd,.they no>v^e]yTor,
oyg 4 j»f their own. number, anfi pn what help they
get’/from neighboring pastors.'" They 'have' re
dChtly thoroughly 'renovated 1 their house o'f' wbri
ship, and called on Presbytery to .rededicate'it;
which: r was,. lately,; done. .; The .dedication ..ser
mon . l by,the >
was rendered sentence by sentence into polysyl-
usc&rora by ah interpreter in 1 the pulpit;
th'e’hymhs werb'in'the 1 sauie’ l| tbrisjue, l! ail'd 1 the an- r
tbemslih i English: Afterwards the 1 clergy were
entertained .byithoJluiucipaV.chief., ..<ro'l '
t ■!C hurches. !—lnr 'Omaha ourt Church' had an
accession, of sixteen ,at . the duly commuoiomTfT
fh,irteen, by.le.t.ter; remainde | r,.on;esamj
nation. Rev. G-. F. Davis, of Jtound Station,
Hiihoisp'ivHteS that &hbe !:
seven persons havh'been received'ihto’the Mt.
Pleasant- (Dhurch; and:others.'wi 11 unitesoon.’—l—
Church; pf .the, village of
house'to apd‘ store to stor,e, for six
teen keifs, 'fta A hfeatf chufcfi'etlf
fieefeosting' ifotn S3',OOCP | tO i .'s4 i ,OoO‘,i 86x60 ■' 'feet
main part; witfi:a;vest>bulet2pk2ofeet,iwas dedi
g§rt£d,.on,'Tuesday,.July, 2d, ..This.resjalt,,'has
he.e.u secured ..through, the, agenev of; tlie, Churph
Erection Fund, as administered finder)tfie new
plan! '.The' people' applied : ‘fit* $9'O(J, 1 btit 'Sfrere
able' to obtain only 85li0', ’wish which' sum, by
putting' additional .weight;upon already-overbur
dened; shoulders, they, have.succeeded. . iff iprepar-,
ing their ho,use cp.mjjortably for .wo rah ip... The
Churph in AlarshaUfowb,"lowa, has under
the presefit jlaitOr, fio'm bs' : ia :: oetbber,
117, and the congregation has increased'-in .the
same firaportion,! although-, maiiy .have tubeen! dis
jnissefi, .to.,other, churefies,,,and,, four,, ne;*, < onps
have b.een organized in,, the, vicinity.-;——The la
dies of the'. Church' in ciropolisi 1 fl!.. ‘ fiaVe
raised : s3oo'by affeitival’ to complbtb ahdffurnikh
the newly erected Churcfc edifice].. *“ ' ' 'U'i-ruu
Tuscaloosa,' Blaick'writes to the
>ffer,ald: ,PThere;haSibeen<an additions iof rthir
tfen teceqt, qp,mffl%
niim-p-seven, op, profession, pnd six by .certificate.
This gives ninety-two within. two'’,years, raising
6uf J membership' ! ‘fi-bm''t;hifty-yfght;' td y ll6. l < 'Of
theseV-’abpdt ha'lf are fruits ‘of'-two-reviyajapeiP
-joyed ~in; and ,Februarytofieach'iyear.
season .hfts.pasped, when, J less,th%n
three have stood up tqeqter- epyenapt with
us'/ We"have filso just' completed an ‘ adjjition'bf
fifteen Teet J t6 ! the‘'lehgth iJ df l our' bb'iSe', ; diVihg. ii§
-abbut.seventy-fi.veadd‘ition'a'b.sitcitrgs;t>aPh cost 6f
about 61000, which are .already, well -.filled. <A
.new epat.pfrpaint fpr.the, ; whplq,.l}puse r ,; an
rate and costly spire completed - anil'“a hicecar
pet find'ib'atliitig, fiji l The iiislfeS,' and
Vestible/'fete.,- ibCspealr-’ tHe , '-"eUergy
and;jen : terpfise o£vonr'ipedple;:and.''£hev‘ good hand
pf,,opr iOffd upon,.us!, |br,the. -past,year.,” ,/ ,•
■. , M-mTSXE.RtAL.-rt ReyNJokm tStuart,.Af hi Gleves; :
called Jp^antlali.a,:lll/,',wlirch jltev!
D- has left,—-^Rey, -Q. . M- Le
gale, lately of Carthage,.N. V., Has 'commenced
tb'hibbr iW'D'obne ebunty, ‘Mo!j ad’dfy^Cliys'fille 1 ,
®en'.£ (i>.'iAbern r etHy.KaS'lef6 J @net3a\
-11].,,:fpf a liOckpafct,
Jyr,ut; Jfilua, .111., jig ~lat)pyyig,at .Algpoaj
W.. Cnidlaw writga; that/he not ac
cept ’the ap'poini'nVent'tpndefed him *i)y fhe Trus
tebs of - Miatiii ' J tFaivetsi tMlul ; enWti tfifi;
setyiee ot'ithe DnionfiU;
.\y.hicht'he ! ;ha?jbeen,,eng6gedi:.thirty (years., t He !
ihopep. tp .liyp r . pad -die ,ip ; this s w.prk.r T jjf T ßpy. l .A.
Mcpbpgall, of the First •Presbyterian;,church,;
Di’yd^P, N. Y. ; wliere lie -lius labored, siiccepsful- :
ly * ’the 1 last seveh" [ yea.‘re, ip called' fb' thb Sec! j
odd Pfesbyietlan- ehureh of 'ißlooinington'-'lll •
has vr,emoy.ed .. ; ,in '^t.e.77—!
Rev. E. Curtis -an unanimous call to I
'bfc’coine' ‘the ~Jp a'stu? of " ; 'ciiufeli : m i
Newburgh, Ohio, and isttoW laHßrlng i
Retr. JnChester and vT: Ij.i l'rehch,;of-Ciecinnati
Presbytery, ftayted-Juty,3o-to«pend,tetf days, in!
rent, by invitation of day .Cpoke, ~Esq-,.nt his!
residence, [Gibraltar,) 1 Put 'in .‘Bay, "in * Lake ’
Eri6. These 'brethren*are Both in mucli neeil oT
'rest. —t" Wspecial B ih'eetihg'b’f'“’fhb ; > Third
•Presbytery,iofi.New tYOrk; held 'bn iMbnday,:, July
i “~the pasb)ral|.relation tliat has, exiist,-cl be
tween Rev. W Ip, Babbitt and fiip chut|Ch at'
Hoboken was dissolved! ‘ fie goes to'taii'e charge;
of the Church in Glendiite!, S' ! sub'urb" , bi'Cih > eih- ;
Henry''Mt Field, of"the
ist, has returned to New f ork ;idd .to.,his .ediU)-
jt;ial,,chair,; Dtr.,,Qr^ighead^ihi.-,,colleaguepphas'
rgone to Europe,—-yThg .Rev.,David'H. ltiddle.
P P* V ashnigtpn .and Jefferson Col
: lete; : Cabo'risbufd, Pal, ! is s '-tlie : TfiflWl
-O'hurdh (Niewe Sehool)'!of Pittsburg''dttring" the
..summer'sapatibn-of)theipastor^,eei^ 7 , ',i,o f,,.'
-i East. -of ‘East !
St.,; Lpois. : was rfplynerly delatitble . jla,ud ! between
au d„l,lli.npis„and preyipus tp,ijts.:jup,o-
Hon to the latter by, aR. f R. Dyke was the r scepe
bf'' huiiiefbus 1 bloo'dv' duelk,‘ which won it tfie
ndme of 'Blobdy'Tshviid' '-; The peopie hive" siip.'
' ,S.: SchooLfor,years, add mow du ndepjfcHb
ministry ,pf!f Rey. M- B ffeeggj.iis organ
.eighteen jyhicfi .plaees, it-;
self under the Presbytery of Alton. They have
'taken Uteji's' to’ erect'h fi’e^BbulU' , 4¥ , 'WSS#iK a^a !
cost'of -67000 and havi? s'etSuredf'dff 'el'igiblb site:
The edifice is to be illO' days
The people are intelligent
-.-g't % Traysfer.aud: Rail
Road cpmpanies; ■! - i.*/ .. r.i. t, ,
.... Cnugcn Btj 1 Linsg.—The new ..Chutch jn
fib for. the ijieeting of
y H -— The
-ere'dtea'ilichurbhVaftaJcdStf df<i'sl6oo ! v^hrdhtwill
seat 200 persons. It is paid fbuibut notyyebdei-
Wi'A to s iiwo-ifl vd ", C i.. / ;l ariX j
The American. Board. —The annual meeting
takes place at Buffalo, on Tuesday, September 21.
The Secretaries hope to be able to report that not
less than thirty new laborers in, all have been
sent abroad dtiring the year,—'ten ordained mis
sionaries, two physicians, and eighteen ladies,
married and unmarried.. They hope, also, that
at least as many more , may be. able to go in the
course of the next, year, , ,
‘The receipts for'tfib month'of June were, from
donations, 617,575 39; legacies, 1 63,527 65;
total; $21,103 04. Last year for the kaniemonth,
they were,- from donations, $24,371 41; legacies,
6.5,712 07; total, 630,083 48. Thm shows an
iinpleasant falling off of near $9,000 for the
mi rath, as cbmpafed with the safue' time in
1866. : ; ' '■ "■ ■ - _
..For the whole ten months?'off this: financial
year, |up,;tp J,u)y : Jst, the receiptsfiavebeen, from
donatipnSjgfiPjl JO? 14; legacies,
toital, s3o’9,9dP li. Last year for the same time
the sufias wbre, respectively,“s274,63o 32; ■ 638,-
31R W; Jt: ffihere 'has* been, there
fore,;aitotal.falliug pff'thus far..this yeir of 62,-
9,9l;,but,inf(2f!»tTttpiit, *o,which we must,mainly,
look, as indicating the; degree, of interest in the
churches and the prospects, of the treasury, the
falling'off has been $22533f ii'gain in legacies of
619,842, making the ; whol# account‘much more
favorable.jthah it would otherwise be; ; •
treasury from embarrassment, the
churches, not,their collections,
anS individual frieflds of the Board who'have not
yet dSnbhll'which s they febl'able to'do"'for its
support,' should lose no time 'in ; making gfenerous
contributions. The fiscal year terminates .August
•t>j' ik* r- 'rr,
! il ' BEFORM£D CHURCHES.') 1 ’'•? -<^
Hew Churches. —The Presbyterian Banner, of
Pittsburgh, says r-'hA' n'dw church.'was organized at
Shady Sple, pn.e of the beautif.ul.lpcatipns in
tiie vicinity or thiS-city, on “Monday 'evening.'the
Bth inStantJ'by a t >Committfee."of:tbe 'Presbytery of
Qhio.i !Three is elderBj ( ;W.ei;e .. elected., aptf. installed.
Rev, W. T. Beatty, of New. Brunswick, H. j., was
Sected'paetorj'with a'sal’afy of'*|f!so& anfl'a'pair
sonagb.”——Ai bliurcb,'.to:be called the Tliird PreßT
has; in. Pgoria, . It Ja
the result of' a mission school, wnicli ‘ has Been car •
ried ’oh ! for's'o'metyeaTS.- ’ Am 1 eidei-has 1 bbeii elebtbd
and. 6rdaiiieflii3e? i /iMr,.'SFeptoh j -late the Cbioagp
Seminary, is supplyingjthepulpit, ~ The Presbv
teri’afi fauillibS.'Olii' aha Nevf Scnool;’of t Mt. Abburn,
a-'miburbof Cincinnati, are moving in the'matter of
,Thei l .gqcietx wag incorpo
rated by ihe.election of a. Clerk Tind five Trustees.
The ddtfieei which htill 'probahly'be siScine, fell! cost
from' $20,000 tois2& 000.. . The,’price, paiQ/W the-10l
typs., $5,p69j.50.., { JjC., Qorry, .prtmpgesy |o .give
all thestohe hepessary in tiie erection bfthe church!
The I ’society hopd'’ to:''h'atve’it completed 'by June,
li803;-^7rrG}‘O;iind 1 was Mppday„Jnly 22d. ip
Avondale, 0., for. a new Presbyterian church. The
cbhtraH(i"iS’‘le!t‘ fhr ; the ) ! iwh ! ich l 'is to 'be ’of
frairie;and'to be:completed by October lstpatm cost
of, jpg qvei; ( $^O(K).-j7-r-‘‘The, OLiSj.llreshy te
rian* c,Aggregations ofi city ,ha!ta 'concluded to
ferect-a miyioh ( 'chiifch' i oh H6pkSn9'stfAet,"west of
Pr^ipanjiap.d:,opposite;jLinteoln .Yery desira
ble anji pecessa'ry Jocajjion for a Christian church.
Tliis liiissioh'Tt is ! 'irltehdsdV will he in' charge of
Revh'Wi iCj-'ilcCurie, ‘late jof Orchard' street
JCjnitjed , Afisfipn,
In St. Louis, “the tYalnut Street Cllurch
f Br. begun 11 a mission'' enterprise ort
.TWentymecond south olGfcmble Av&upe. uA.
peafyframe, capable,,©,f six hun.dreij
persons, io the worship
bl’ : GoaiP-h-ti£-'Fhe‘Ref6rtTied'iDuti4h-) Cbfirfch iftLbng
■Branch;?Npvf compjetedi
jie opened tiie jiresentrseason, The pulpit wiil be
supplied by'visiting thinisters! ai !I tHe I 'B'rfihchi-^
(sity.-7-SFh&:lnMligencer says :-*s?.We are; pleased to
opy .brother,;Rev. ,J. pnd,h,is
people of the 1 Third 'Duichl' Chuicii of
PHiladei)ih'ia; v ßa.Ve '’ehjoyed''"itiknyl' T tbkenB ; '6l' 'the
blessing of God since ifhe. pastftrpl, refa,ti.o,n wasforni,-
jed,.bgtsW?9W them. Wit! l .a.larw jncreaspx>f their
hehevOieii't COntribiiiibns*. theynariehecliveH at their
coftiuiiinidn ssfeasonsia* goodlyTnAmber,: mostly from
thft,y,opng.';tq ; the.fello,w^hip.of , tb.e CRureh.’’.; ; .
i-.iiHflfW jjilfi S.pufh—Th.ev(JeperaJ Assembly of
the fsoutriern*Tresl)j;teriafi.,ChurcliVpuring' ifa ses
sions in NovemberU^£' i appofnted ! ft committee £on>-
eiating bf, theLße,*! Messrs*. J- ,T\: I>.
J. A.ljyon, John H.
Gray, and A. It. Kdrr, to confer with a similar cbhv
-mittce of; r.h 8 (Cumberland Presbyterian Church>;cai
A4§ifls9lilSß organic these.tivo
Churches, .The appointed Eif the Ceneral
Asfeenittly oif the*CuiiiHetfaifd Ghiircfi c6nSists : of the
tßesj Jlessrs.-iQ. Cl: Burney. rR: : Burerj Le.coy. Wood,
■'JnMf, '?°h}dsster, M-.Byrd.. These
committees were' to njeet in 'Memphis'on the ‘first
'M!6Hllay i iofi3ft l g{ist I ' : ' 1 <■ ; ov.v!->.-: uvro -.i,-.'.
* Religious l -Men for’ Office'-TEhe ■ Lutheran \ Ob
fg&er says„.;tlt,,is a,,,noteworthy,, and,; pi,the;.samp
thj}e>rgratifyiiig, fact, “that both the candidates for
the p of Pehhhy'lva'niaittfbe voted
for at;the:Oatoberselection, are hbt oalycprofessing
Clirijit.iana,, but office-bearers in the Church. JudJe
Will iaiiis the Republican candidate, is an elder in
the New School branch ©f-the-Rresbyter a i Church;
aud,Judge Sharswood, nominee, is
•wi 'elddiuiri ftheSQld-Sellodlobran’icVii YfThid (is As it
should be. Let both partre| nominate only worthy
and,pj(}us.pier) for tlje various offices, and soon an
improved'era'will daWupidh tlieneivil and political
affairs .of the State add natiom'vm !: r, . : p
nißpßsfitS-Ofilfol^QlL— 1 ,Witness, of
TTnlirax, No.'a.beoLia, speuki riynotl the late meeting
of tire Syhad of iHS Lower Provinces. ‘Says : “This
as .now thereighth Synodiheld?bincethemnion bflthe
two Churches in Nova.Bcotiia. and;Brines Edward's
inland. Nope of thy ‘ e.vijsprbphesied liy the ehe
fiSies dfTFnion' itave'ebine tb'pasa—not ©tie l ! pMhny
rQfrtji.e )blesaingdland, advantages ;am.iaipafed, by the
Union have,been abiindantiy rea.lized.
! We have attended all these meetings that of
never have wi apfertiai&ignoftbedld
.diyigipn lines;) nor has lire .fjyoluntnrv Contro
versy bnor the ‘.Established COntrOvei-sv ; emerged.
Again, fait. yfear. Ve had -1 a iui’ioA ? wittt the eh'urbftes
ioI- Nfew .‘Brunswick, tire, bene ficiakieffects of iwthigh
; *
i . Jli| ,]Pppspe ( qts .pfßeunion —The „ Worth-western
' Prasbytiriari s&y : Promf all sides, l Eaßt ,! Shd' Wlfei,
thb-tidingscbine, hou'uriion "except uponoagreeaiasijt
j!!}.’ i h%TT3 n ft'{ co fl?jPt'Odyse of thajstandards—no
g’vj'jg,ap of.the distinctive dbctrpie’s 'brthe WesL
TOins'terCohffissib‘h 'ana'GalechiHtt£—no Teffveri of
iN4w> Diyipity; rrThe.-leadtng jnibdsrpf vthctfPlwrch
.theprppo.sed.hasis.r EkeryjPrpfesaor of
rheology 'in'our Semihafres condemns it. . \ .
The vote of the last Assembly was no proper ex
pression of. that body; as tp adpptiop. op re
jection of the, report ol the committee. T^he'great
'majdi-ity wished J t&’" avoid su’dh u an l expression l . and
Bence-thei.readidbss bvilhrvyliichbthe resolutions. of
i.Pf’-l^iSHybSparw^W.htlppted.jas,expressing neither
approval 'hpr disapproval:’ 'ffih tic.Wf Jli Assfembly
"Wi ll u repreSfetilf‘4h ei mift 1 ebf Mtpon this
■ ;;R .....