fatal Iwwamtf.: AGRICULTURAL Pa.OURESR.pr IfligTH, rf ], e planter cort , eftj|t>ndl| tit&tf Mtfmiuth- ' ern CMiwttof -twfti'gi-ass crowing, Stock raising, awl .leas option, at this time of transition ft’om B]#w^,/ree ; cotton to buy uutaxed bay,»wibei».ouß-laiid9 will make from two to four -loao of hay to the acre: that the tax ori c^tbtf i /dire(St,'»ttd indirect amounts to about s2*) per batep&nd as a matter of pecuniarycfelbtflatib,n: bht'ton growing to the negieeti of general forming is suicidal.’' Ahbtheii Spring, €la., s«ys he made a large fortune by cotton, amt loot it W the war ; now he is begin niug tb farm on’A.valley farip in the mountains, gfptying, gspjtn„ara.sp, By such-a system he says, “but a few dol lars are necessary*.and by rotating, -manure ing and seeding down land to grass, clover, eow-poas, &c., h fafni‘may''be'enrichpd and made more .productive yearly. ” A He is fulte eonvihepd thw^dentj^t tlio taxed cotton crop can no longer be made profitable Wife tefe ftffet farm ing and fruit-growing pa.ust.be adopted in its omized so as one-h&hid do what it takes three to do now; andJjy'lahMi-saviffg machinery to make two hands.4° tfee, .work of live.”' l‘:In--¥pp®r "GfeWgte 1 there is a soil of unsurpassed to all the grains, cotton, clover, 4b after, Feb* ruary both thh ivfiito and yeflpw. clpver make good pasturage, t ;It.appears' I tßat' all the Northern grapes; which thrive at the South changettheia tiabittttaattvbecome win ter grapes, and grow evem during the warm days of wifitdrt -The ydUbw clover or Spotted Lucern, (Medicago Maculator ) a very prolific biennial rwhdqh; tfrpwsc?; out; here, grows nearly, .throng tap yjtin(,a?PP jdiaoS i ijo.,.the Jj,eu£ while ‘the' grain ~was.,'po,“ne4rly .ripe Jbe little liable to attach- The harvest -has beep . giithpredrin Geongiftr and, other-* Quit States', 'with a vftfy grafmying result. 1 ' The acreage of,winter iwheat is- as large in a majority jjf the Statesasjast year, though it ft oT, tM growing. States, Texas, Kan sjig, Ohip, In diana, rdpdrt a dimtnih'hed Virgi nia, Georgia.-Arkansas; •Ten tfessee, a largely increased Aroadth; the New EnglandfStates show a slight increase; themiddle.States_a similar advanp&.not expeedißa-wfeper cent.; the SouthSrfi wheafcgrow l rig" States an ave rage! \ffcrease‘oSt^hptJlJiM v C^nt. In point of “ condition,” the.fjicfa are stijl more encouraging; t)hio repbrts’ air‘ave rage improvetn r ent updMMifrjieaf' dfi*l6o per edtit.; Ittdiana, 73 per cent.; Illinois,' ‘T5 I; per cent.; Michigan, 80 per cent.; Wisconsin, 22 per cent.; Minupsata, 7 per cent-j 39 per cent.*; -Kentucky, 53 per'centf.; Widgi nia, 100 per cent.; North Carolina, 40 per cent; Tenness^'cent.; ! .]aFdl<£tf!e{r; States, with the exception only of Texas, making a favorable comparison with ltfst ,ri| The acreage of M>ttn^Wheat,lSiargely,in creased; in Ohio, 37 per cent.; in Indiana, 48 per cent.; in Illinois, 25 per; c'eMG.; in Minnesota, 35 per cent.; in YVisconsin, 15 per cent; in souri, 31 udr cent; ?8 |>er Icenty;! in Kansas, 30 per cent.; in Nebraska, 90 per cent. Tkisvinereaso ofbroadth>in khewheat- • growing region must tell very perceptibly upon the aggregate yield, if no unusual ca sualty awaits the maturing crogab It is quite too early to bushels the final result of the harvest. ?dfjpse cqppi tions continue favorable, however, affaet&t two hundred millions of bushels may ex-, pected in all the States and TerritoHos.- overage barfey a n®pri®of thjl Stateh. fivb pericenti&s estA mated for New York; _Ohio, eight per cent.; Indiana, three per centS.jLhnldinx'easil im Ten-i nessee of ten per cent.; and in Arkansas of twenty-five. OpsthSiwlidlS, tHese4Br.finjfen.sf slightly diminftned“l)iseaafh "bf mald'eyV bfrn* tSSSff&UBBSt ;™ THE [AMERICAN/PRESBYTERIAN, 18$. Clover. —-The condition of f clover throughout the Country— in Ohio and--the middle -and.: New England States;’ niorip flourish ing, as compared with last year, than in the remainder of New BnalarfcLr >3- -:r ;tr aCrcage of oat's iB targfe’r than usuil ;, ifl'thieiWost, Ohio is the only State ■which cannot show an increase; The crop is yafr!i4JsEf jft W dhe South, far above an average , in New York, tp&Fpei* oehk'bllpSr $ stk fS£ cent-i'jg per .cept v n the West generally thpjjrospect is better than ] a ! t bf^lt U/.Jj [I ■{ 1V,3 7/ SAVE SHE, SQAjPrSUDS. - .‘llbsajtfkOW,-thfttiarr. picked-Apaste— d’ye knojycit'dieighbor dSlandry;?’’,,^ “ What, Uncle Eno.ch ? .Jiunno as I quite understand ye?"’ , . ~ , •ihro^tp7,piit.%nd all them soap-suds-the ways yourgals ithere is~doin’,” ~ Ourn waa wo,rth,mar n that l»Bt..wm ter, and I guess on/ J f6lka/a6aXM ! aE..inoFe dishes and eloth'es’n ‘ V' )h i : ndtdr ,,l :ao‘Vyo' f ii : ! soap-effids td ‘i make! 'Ginwortb tfeat.'i ©note “ I '.tetl ye ? 1 meant' to apdi We save every mrte of Our sudsi and'di s h -wate v for the garden fan.d Ktiiu.ek?patch, splashi'ti^'' i; i ! t over thO ground about once a week all win ter. It’s good for gooseberries and currants, and 3 kffl ; s‘a pbVefffiFfdl > of an&'Veitles, arid' pdfeky tydrittS;! Undt .fattedH' thei .ground mope’n a nbundisdix dollars worth,,, besides. ThafS. whafe soap-sudfc iSrgood.;iW.,>t;sjgiHf jßM-' V> mil: ' wit" gtMific. w igyr.vf J Ht; !';■"> \'t T ‘ r > turvii j rJ I* -T* THEAMEBIOAP TDAPETABITIM IT THE' PABIS 111 " v r The Pall Mall GdMt-e haS’the following achounf'df American- which dpscrippa, ui ? par : fc : m couritry: “ One of the: euHOSitfes' < of the* Paris''Ex hibition ia a ;dje^ignb'ft l 'cbn- tiy Mri'Mtl&iii can gentleman, who h aft gfvkn. f qurfieen years of his the work In. the. center; o£ a circle about thirteen feet''in cirhumlffereribe is a brass ' ball slehder.cteqT rod' ;to, the .mechanism which moves the sun is Mercury, and close to .the edge of the outer ring is our globe with its stateilite^' l, Tho K earth is con nected Vith-the- suA/by:,ai y wheels placed ,h s nqtto inie'rTOt|B.:jvith“tlid;revdiu tions performed ty'the two. jplftnqts/,?rbich spin between us. and the/.chief* luminary. When it r is desired-to-setthe-planetdfidinfin motion' fh!e operator ha's* ihef of a> handle fixed;tO-the moves the earth and.pushes it round thedut eVringp the-sun immediately commences ito I turn on its axis, and the moonandplanets to'’describe their-pbbnlia'r i ... Some idea may ,b,e fqr^ed|pi£'t%| .diffippl ty» of, adjusting,'/this, whenwij had-’td’d6"tVas to ; invent^not? aai instrument whibti ‘'iiiM'il'd , ' , give“‘t , h'e ehnie i ''reS^ifr; time it was as variable as* nature. To anakg that matter clearer totbereadeif -tfe may addi that ithftre is an inner ring on which are marked the y'ear|i[hfjh : is’’centii , r^ i ';lf Jfou yykn't the posifeoh of the iastyepfo you may push the .handle of the.planetarium *?. year„ptish, if fo£w#£q, ;P.ush.tp.^©iifthsactf; to December, the fijVe, oodies pres'en ted wilkbe'fseeu'- nearly iri and Venus almost ia’epposit/iq'ni Let the-earth be-pushed forward to July 5, 18Q7,can^i 1 .then, jat\ fflll, Tnoonj; Sfeimry: ftnd Venus,, appear almost in epnj unction. Mr. Bkt 5 ! 6wf ih s hsr t, ; Bsf mathematics,- and- iSiakeS-(?Fear to the eye what’figurCaproye'totheTeasoni'-SeveraUof thfeseVjfattetari’Et'haVe, beeh'-bttrifchiised' by 1 the Spates-.^oyefnm.^hf i fpr''diffejrhhf'hh : )- versities, and the’ispaco [aUqted .Jp li |lj..Jgajr r lpw ;at,,fho .Exhibition .paijd.fpfi.b'y the American! Commission, upfing junder orders from Washington. Aemali.planetarium fit for a library might be obtained for £BO, but (the cost «f\ snelxam 'j to tru nren t- as the one pabove 4es'bfibed iJabWi-MO. r iIHD lifcii. ul-j.Ojs.a- PHOTO-LITHO GE APHT. Tlpe photolithographic only differs from; in the manner in : which the drawing is made upon the stone' to' b'Cipriitted from. With the latter our' readers are all familiar, and the first step ini /the fongter is ’Pf oth^ot%n^tyo|^leg^€^,o..^ul!^|3^ > c6-i pies of, on your plan-board, and make a per fect dt/dn/the'USualjway. The ; negative must, of course, be excellent in! every particular, and free "from distortion.! A print is>anade from this on a sheet of po-i sitwe pa peg. coated with a mixture of gela-i btoli®mate of potash, and albumen/ This iCTrvfery sensitive paper, and prints; much more quickly than silvered albumen! 'pmper. l Removed from the printing-frame,! :&:ecSves Sn even &>ati&g*of k peccflmr litno- 1 graphic ink, called transfer ink. This ope . ration fsllSno^h y ” the positive print. The sheet of prepared paper, with ’•the r^tQgf^b~uMn.ip,itfift now to be made 1 capame -orpafting-with: tfre superfluous inkj by floating the copy, face up, upon a surface of boiling water, so long a titne.. ! the ex- 1 , perience of the operator teils him. is requi : site. The-next step is ealled >“ washiog;totF.” ■The print isdaid-, fhce up, on apieeeof glass or ‘Other hard, smooth 1 ftitdio'n-' With a/Wetsponge ot Other suitable substance is, applied to the' hi atilt' coating. uhdet‘'w hich the photographic ;ip? age exists, arid- to q.eyeT, Lopwhichds now-.the. object in vieyv This. is ! proceeded..With' until all traces of ink are removed l ,’ save-those required to form-tho picture. Aftey “ washing ofl?” iita this .Vay : , ! an: .abandance of hot Water is pouf£d : drer the print to wash away entirely,ait sdlhble 1 ' rpatterj .anddt is then dried. : , ,iwp now,have a photograph inUthogyapbiq inky identified) -in-, evtery respeet-.with the: io'ri'gln’ia , lr ; 1 •«[..•> pint i Adi ho H tWgthtthic'stpiic is hdxt proCuf ed; | \y armed. £ligh tly'hnd'pu.t in t‘He Hth'jdgt'ajphio ; preijs..' tJ.nqn ‘t.b ,thh ti vepfipj is plaped inverted, having first been damp'epedihyJyr, | injg between!,moist,paper, and thqrwhole is ' then! pasbed-repeatedly thrdugbtthe, press! We^noW l ihake-‘exarnination, and'flnd the pkpeP hhb ’’ attached itself so firmly to-thj& fpdpfe is'necesMairy tp; $ rqnjp.ya^j,>ib ; brings with it,-the > surfaceyhut the,ink isgone. .it-has-left? the pap'dr-fortbe l stone,- and‘ on the lattor we And a- r'evei i fitod i d‘rtiew'in‘g of’the originaf, which j wiTL pfifit qhitd as\Vgill' .ab- a dr’a.vring,' 'ni'ade by hand. ,','Thfi >yi|Ljbe, Easily when yfe telfyplj that, the, gnpasy ink baying a, great .affinity for.thesabstanceofithe stone;Comhines'wLth it to form a lithographic drawing iq) 'the strictest sonsatofthe,words,- -->t n ’\7» f .\a » a %. v/./l’hjig, MfjUjfeejUS.cn, Z^Atdoe.B v the [tedious vpork .of the ; liith,ogEa,pi)ic aftistjjas fariaa eof pymg.the'Origiinalv is ooneerned,-,saving dmi aitiKe la'bdpj-MjtPhfe ;ston® is pow* ready for the'jmto’fcing’/AVhidh •iß ; j)W>ceede'd Witk-ra 1/hO dstikt ifr a'jf j wf ic pVimi'ng”. ,1, ' d^|iing- t “ > ■ ’• •»u(U ’-riu.T I -lit; ;r j ’:.' -.yjif!' s. .’-' l •i!» ; <,: 'I o*.i o‘' • m, / Paoc’B (ji!iMA2p Saltk' for ’ Bams, Scrofula, Salt Rlienm, > Sores', Broken'BSUts; Erost ftitea/CftliUftita, Stings; j ifc., 'whether 'u^dii - inaii ’or Uek-sij-is We ‘most Woil&erftil ' article Wer" ‘prb&iced.'' * (k&er good 1 articles 1 aHeyittW: tlrirf-; It sulidtfcfe iiain; ana'heals withouia scAr;- It'll ' Weight in gblft 'to andiShould alvayßiibe on ; hanL ■lt il‘ '-wntwuited to 'doitfliat Ittekys every tltOo;;. s : i . t /!: ?I !■ .--»ius.-! " Thhre' U lUhiilyiambng ctaMiedi nation* who | iiaVe riot' personal cvWtmcdofi tUelrbeneßciiJ effects. Theirgreat euebe* ii’o'trtng tb their uniforittireliabinty iittcaaesof CbMUfraSoo. PiliOtis uiid'S tomaehle diseases’, pbetherof long'or.flbcirt dnmtlcin. j Tlioy nroentireiy vegetable id tiieircouipoaition, and baruileasto j the 1 gentlest infant.; One ingredient opens the pqrea of tlioskin; t anoiherfa diuretic \, and; stiptijlateq.proper ftftlon of a , thirdis losHL'iiiiig phlegm lan.d humor front the 1 o th(, r propertiesarerwarniingnndcathartic.and cleanse the stomach , pnd. tyjwela jipm ’ Thoir combined' dttift; is, to. rogsila to the 1 pipairodfunctions of fho system, and to prhduco jpaujf .It pasertpd' Moffat’* iVlla are a &!> | yyiU cpre a,u’ coin plain ts~hut under ordiiiary circumstances they inay be relied upon to pure Nervous and Sick Headache, Costive-, Mdigpstton, JauiijUcel'ljvOTimd Billina ebmpiainta, Cojda/ Scuray, 'General TVeakin'eaS, 'ic. 1 They ;aro ’expireiWy riiaae fir 'thoie diieai!&,’ r k!li'ioria'‘npbn l ‘inllilbha’ of coftrda tided Murdishesi evidence, do. ‘‘Wa itov. DaVld Btder,,Frenklin,nN'. C.,;who seas' cured of’Dyspipslai . C.'at. Cross, of Theoike, 111.,' cored• of,Litter "CtMiplaTnt.' Jt.t !loOle£-of Springfield,,Ba., had td'tiW l crutches'; wits cured.in three weeks. Janice p.-Dol,eps;)pf 'Adrian; Mtih.,sewed of.Biliqas,FeTer,:ifle|r. l byturidnChurch;Gmmnague,Cal.iofßover und Agnfi. Moy.Twentjifirst ifqw.>lork,o£;Bht»uippti!ip ,»nd 25^03^ standing. Rot. Sanpiol Rowies,. Editor, of :th,e ■Republican*-was.ciu’ed pf'jterriblo .CostiveneflS. Hon. BJ. Webber, ofßnmney,N. Ro of etc, «tc,Woj ', „, A box of Moffatt;s Life rills, with full circulars, i&«, Trill'tfesent .to any BUysiciaii or Clergyman, on tlio receipt of 1 tWo or three pent postage stamps. " /, , M6ifat‘s,'Life Mils are'2s’ cents pear box.'‘ MdUlit’s Pbtenix Bitten, per iJotoi- Th'e'y or 6 sdld' By all 'respOoissbie dealer# throught 'tk'e continents of the'Octßii. ; : •''' ' 1: r.; Si l»nft ,;,b-.:r‘ iWKCEBi Jt HOWIiANiD; Proprietors; Successors to Dr. Joint MottAxyand Dr. Wat* B.' Moffat, ,■ J .': 'street, Netr' Tforlt. 1 /" i "'" Dr. WISTAITSIIAIiSASIOF WIIiD CIIKKRY. .In the whole history of medical discoveries, No' remedy h*W per .fqrraed sq many or such cures ©fi -the numerous a flee- ; tioioß of;the THEpAT, .Lungs and'QHEST, as this; long-tried wad justly' BA£SAWI-/Sb geberally is tbe superior ex- Cellfetifco'ofthißTemefly th&tbhtfew'of themahy tested' its virtues, by .experience foiled 1 keepitat ! 'hah‘d as a sp^edyarid for suSdeiCattaclis ofcild—fullybelievitig'tliat its re- : «i<* /'Jl l ' j , •!. ;J - J (.!: -j, ,- it j - medial powers arp to embrace form of .dUease,-fropi-the,slightest cqld.to, the. most .dangstfOUß. gymptom pf pulmonary complaint. i : v •' ’ ' ■.; Fnm Ret,. Fit.vx'cis.LoiiDELL,; <>f fie South Omgrtgcdibnal ’■ C/turch' ‘ u ': “’I consider It a.duty wtlch T humanity, to bear to the virtues op Wild Cherry. [tihaye used-it--'when(r i ■■> : ->■; •-;Ji *; there is nothing .can equal.the purifying effects of lodine when ad a.pure state. . (|j s , t ( j is a pure solution of lodine dissolved ,in water, without a solvent,! ’&n'd ! is tljeibesV remedy'for Sbfofnta uud'kindred 'diseases ierer dis covered. ?.Oircultirs. free.f ,j •,.' : r J. P.DINSMORE,' Sold by Druggists ', ’ 36 Dey Street - , TS^Y; lit.'it -iiuf j?i.i Hi; i ! ul 'JiH-T ! i.’ff.'.i •I' l -Hlf TV! r For.all, the Protean’forms.of Diseafie’originating in ~h V - \ : ' f ] Dr. 11. Anders’ lodine Witter. M LOUIS D'ItEEA, Statiottsrr CaM Bngri»Tei‘ i aiia FlatePrinter, '1033 GHBSTNOT'STREET, ; ■ J-i-.in ! PmLADILrSU. !' nihua ■ ; j;»l. ',I ? J \H> A'- ’’‘jV ■ H , : -.v —. i -;! )!. j home: Lifelnsnrance Comp’v, s 258*liro&&Way, New York. Aiteetsj -7: Policies, in Force. !tts Principles, Mutuality, Tidelity. ' V ,' Aitf An , i'a«eA.' .4* drganteaticn strictly; firrt, : j j . , Assets proportioned actual inabilities, as latge as any company, idd’oirTTewl' c k ' " ! ‘ ’* : >!ftbenetproBlsgo[ • 1!' .. ; • -Ifir CMrinattf to deeliWd anapaW liMWfaai AMniUl* to ite lassttrednipmberssince ifsorganijradionv Xastdividend.+Oiper cent, I sppliiid is .morp than 60 j>er four ycarB ■ ■ OffloeMf and Dirilfetors. . ! n ;< :j: . - --y iw: .] ft RfcplEl, SeorSteryi' Ui UfjKti ..I-:: ■■ <,: 'W.' J/OOmiffifcWary.' *'■> SowtitßtnMfttfSife,' N.;y;-I";■-■<; . i.?H. paoisffiaiaHiii, *'i»t; J ßt,ioD«'Mt qo n » v y. . . . J. 8. T. STBANAHATj' Prest. Atlantic” Dock Co. j 83. MEBBBNBEE, Preat. Brooklyn Bank. ' J'j ”* OELBMR& Kx ■‘Mayor feity of Brooklyn ■> i, y. i i ».«,«• ji, EB’fl.fl@klfEllL.'M«ch*nt,BoWMlitfeet l NiT. - ,.!P .^.l Si'B.’ CEfttenden * B. Yy.: i- , 3, E.R011THWOBI! Hr Preat,.Atlantic Dank; N, ,Y. , t 0 DDNNlHff,Sec,South'Brooklyn SAvinga Institution. raO;&. BEB(IElr. l *w>«W i Wtt | ‘jl v r» " ~ ,fi v.'? LEWIS BOBEKTS. D, Roberta A Co., 17 South street, N, T. JOHH T.MABTIIf, 28 Eiemspont street, Brooklyn.. , ■ JOHN HALBET; Hatjlit;pMsey £ Co,, H«nT*k.‘- ;■ ' - TBOS. GABLTOHTMothotlist'BookßoonM. Ni Ya j ; HABOLD DOLLNEB, Dollner, Potter 4 Co.,N. Y.. A. B. CAPiWELL. Attorney and.Counsellor, N. Y. , HEHEHIAH KNIGHT,'Hoyt,'SpragiielA Go, New York..j;!U EDWABD A. lAMBEBT, Merchant, 45.Johq ,rtreet,.N. T, : . : t , lAMBSt HDW» Union White Lead Co.t lirpbklyn. ~, % IT. TT. WYMAfr. i Mei-chahf. S 8 fitirffng' Slip, NeWTTorit? ''* p•» JARVifli Pre*t;Lenoxryirtfi®fe« !Do;, New;York; ‘ >!• totortA,^9"sb>lS i ltTea‘i; NiW YArki • anaxllX joaiWraßßESEia.w.Gtwe^cog.N.x..,,;-. , o> . BOFIJS 8. GEAVES, ea Wall street, New York. •J, W. PROTHnrdrHAIE 1 KTotlringham 4 Baylla, N. Y. EDWABDD^BEIAiHOiNa*.York, j v;; > : i StIiEWJB^.JrS,Vft lo S? i^Sf|'S e . 11, fl r /? 0 ¥ Iy ? I '' ‘ ] na- i i . ESiLEB & GORTON,; Cor; 4th sti. -- iNS-ÜB.ityM& UEFE ’ ifcii-pw ; ili:coiiiY n,KI •■»,;' , TWW • • 1.1 . -J '.isSil'U !j • -Jm.i.**.- V r-J vi| -•«■!.= hr’-Jr* AMERICAN 'JlTi&.'UOJ'j !*'* f>! AS.'« i'vrr, till 1-, A’;" il ff OF FHIXiAUEriFUIA, ?3 ; ■ f s. i >.v?..: - ■: il'./ ,i.> ■ ««.•'<;. i- it:-..: jv.,i , Jnsurfr* In tbta Company have the .additional guarantee of the CAPITAL STOCK alf paid up'lN CASH,' which, together with CASH ASSETS, BnKmhV’to 'l ' - >!r ' ■■ i‘ v ' oi*-;;'!.—t.ai : .Y ; ua,K i sLsl6j4efSt i I-NCOME; ,EOR THE. YEAR 7.■ ■ $766,537 80. -■'sr i*» i,' ' ‘ - pfltbe amount of receWed'duinng the year 1866. Its Trustees *re wn,cJtUenfl ;in our ;raidst,r entitling jt to more. consideration than tliqse distant cities. t ' ‘. * ‘ ' 1 _ ‘ ,i: ‘ ~ ' 'Alexander Whilldin,' j ! "* WilllaJm frjliowßrd; ■ ; ’' 0 JL Sdgkr Thomson,’ .■ Henry/K. Bennett,.,. • ~ , Georgy Nugent,, . s ; Isaac HnzleUurst, , Hxju.JamesPoirock, ‘I ’ - GeorgeWHlll, ‘ J©htiM;ob&tisut, v>n 5 ./.< r P; B. Mingle,' : .. ~m v '!>;i i John 'Wanamaker. :t •« i v >, * ff , Ro'bcrte. . . ' ALEX, WHILLDIN, President. GrEO. Xtl GENT, VicftT^resident. : ' '-n-rv:n: JOHW O; SIMS, 1 Actuary; 7 1 . ' j’bi& 'S. Secretary and Trcaai'rer. j',;:"V -CJBt^ E S <£ SObKSON, .fosietanVSecretjry:^' GIMMi jiff;® GRWCTIigI,:; : ' Iv'i .PHILADELPHIA.. U -ostaft-eset S;E. Cor, Ghefetriul fi&4-Seventh 7 t ' ! ’ V DIKECTOBS.; :/ . J. - ii iXhosJGrjjren,,i >,:■<, v -SitaXerko9,Jr;,.-,,,-y ; Furipau Sheppard, , „ . .. Alfred S. ftilleff * Jno. Supplee, Chas. I. Dupout,v s :;,iop^.c l a g boov . '• -I, • *•?» v < I 'y ! i '7i. ’V -:’W, • . i Income for the-jearlSfidi »;t,* 72 Losses,paid a£cr|ied 9 |, .47,094 00 ■ • CKAVEN.PresWittt; • ALPREb's.'-GH,liETT|TiBeiPi^ta6lit. t -'.it;: i \ .i .i««-r ' ‘-’i *•' '•^3-AS.'B.-ALVbffl), ; BidretAry. , .i ! U: : ! .^STikicdT' 1 ECplfpiiCT 1 Plte'lflflEfiTLlMDTftliSTffl., • OP P//ILA»P£I>mA.' 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