Ilfligitiits JuMlipm ri:fob*i:i) CHi'RCrtRS. The McCune Case.— The First U. P. Presbytfcry of Ohio met on the 2d of ’Jiily/in Cinijirihitti. ' The official record Of* the A'ssembly’s'Afctiotf-WiheiMc- Cune case, which had been declared necessary be fore proceeding at the former 'h-as" pfe sented; afid'Mr. denomination, no further ph>i:eedihjJas5 l i{ liim were thought necessary. In regard'totlifedocf trine in dispute, the PrbSbyteryldeilatrtl: “Nothing oan be more eeHfcijMthah’fch&tffchVd&tP trine that visible diecrpleship,ths!tfmght-in,JieiriQoni fession . and Catechisms,;^,th,e !j gf membership apd fellowship m the Church of plod) is still, as it alifayA has’’beep, o'Plito Church. This is 1 the g'rtht, l ‘inhWiiitable, feupfem'e Scripture law of iorghriio fsllbjsishvp ini Zionarid,if any maintain>that,f&p, 4fClpipu..of last; bly, virtually declaring the ibtffaptipfe of the,Testi mony to be! law l ‘is r iffc(iHsli{enit.wi.tfl'' I {his answer, ‘ It nbt so'Aberif to ’* nob -at-hlK* Hut, consistent or inconsistent, this dorfrine is the precious truth of; God. d-It cannot be. .yipideji,';‘but ni nst be steadfastly 'maintained. ’' doctrine is cabdlnKl and'serirftis''ertbr' of church fellbwSMipj h,n'd^hOuld !i bfe%i6Sfe'ltJlibs''tiill who hold thatithe 'bord Jfesiis -Christ jkmx Judged and King, and Laiygiyer,;-i«nd jn lelligently taken yows. to receive and maintain our standards. ' Ancf, t f 4e have liebe expressed,'ftfiS'bfclreved/nvill'ib'cSivb the approbation oft a'tyerysdarge'anajority'ofvministeife 1 and people,of,our phiii-ch.’,', ;; This a (Rons tljai. tbeAgeemtily is. presum qd.t,?, Lave iu, ( a,ffirmingj.t))fy tjhp ; l6,t)r article . of the,Testimony ie, the law of tlie The controversy,lB.thus re?ppened, aa'E^gehyteiy tui'es theseprjnoipleh,to the Assetuhly,,;-; ; • The Synod of ijjhe,. Church (Old Side) met in Alleghany, )VfayTi2d to 20th. This Church is com‘f)fesea l of mgpt'Wegtfyte ries, sixty-six niihisrarri; * •Add! biifttyidttfr Cbtfgfega tions, with a membership; df-r8,5124-.H During rfchfe year, 530 niemberg.hspl beep.tecei>vgdjon,,pyofee3ion! of their faith, and in all.w’ays)B77 ) The net gain being 406. The congregations nriwfl—ffir 1 Mis- 1 sions, 89,107.35 t'fdpH&bie Missione,' : , Uamfti r 6t fey an average of betWeeri> , ft l ile6n'riM’sixteen 1 abliars')]ptT '• member...; .. ' ah:■>(ft i,k 1 Rev. J. li, W.,Sloane, Moderator. Tile CJommifte'' memoriallzg.,Cbn-, gress for ah' aniehdtjv&At to tfte.Corihfitufibn'rdccig nizing “tbfe medi'atoriitflie|,!islfi{S'6f OhFist,t ,! rfepbrtbd tliatsuch a! memorial had i,been presented)' and .'that a member from Ohio had promised tq cfdhif UR-pqd have it p. Special Cjompilttee, or at.least to have it printed' lilt'the Gm^res'mnaX 1 'Globed 'The Theological- Seminary ■ reported' 4h attendance, and an . endowmeiit;ofs2BjlL3,fls.':\lt was reported that sl2,ooorhftd benn ,raidedto'jestpb lisli a weejciy. paper, but that no editor had cured ah yefr In response to thC proposalirroiiV’the li. P. General Synod'*%6kin'|tO reunion, it was re solved that)" “ howbiler dfu-kllh'dv^irHspaii 1 we are firmly assured that tljp be visibly bne;' r and ( we ai - e fully persuaded that the; truth, Hie Whole truth','is- tlie,’only mfejper Of union. 1 ' Rev. Saniiiet 0. Wyliejfef the SJveffteenth Street church, in this city, was elected Professor in the Allegheny Seminary, tosucqeed the latg Dr. James M. Willson, A proposal tjbat. the Synod should endow and control! a.. Chair in .Westminster College) (0. ,P.J was declined. ' The Church, has a very successful thission to'tlid Ffeedmen in Wash ington; and a Foreign MiSsiori'ire’ Syria. '•" "i A Hint.— The Ni'Y. diserrer'Can'clUdes ItAVi’otiee of our Philadelphia Earewfell Meeting- to the li-ish .delegation as followst:-rr '!■>: • i . “Ho one from:,all,the delegatjonsTropi the old country, thgt.we httyg ever-had thje plepsWs ofwel (Cpniing to our • sharps, has. made,' a,,piore -(javorable Impression than the. Rev. I)r. Half, bf'Dfißlin.' His! simplicity of ' character," and his geriiril mariners';! -his vVttrfti-hehrted' piely v his rare l raU'eritS, profOuAd ■ learning'andiglo'wihg eloquence, httvb >qbtitetCaiptr-; voted the hearts of our jjedple, arid wfetaremot. sur prised that he .has received,ifloye tlian;cjne ,prrissing iuyi,tatip.n to;return..and.:iuake / h ) if9;h,oinu :^mp^g|ug. ) We should rejoice oijr wpres,,a.s; a fellow laborer in the cause of Christ, ana we aAe ii'ot : without hope T&it We ihay 'haVri , 'th'e Idbfoortu -ii t.-t 0.--i-. ’./ri'i.iO'g • i Dr.'HkmiltOtt’^lUilhsS.—Th'e-riulnerburil’rierids: of itlie ! &gentig)4Rrj received iin this <^y;trom.,j^n£,bij jBay9.:l '•Our beloved’.friend arid' minister, Tlr. Ramilton, 1 has beetl Seize’il with I 'paralysis ’Bt the-brain, nrid that fiiib i'llte'liect'n'b’w lies 'fi strliildediWrebh, iinhbfe to recdgnisc eyen .h'is'dbarest friends. -‘'We are'all ui profound .sorrow; tor,fit©iWas i dfearly. loved; and! only tlieTaintesfi ihopep are givemotlihis; recfrvejry.?’ —Af. Y.-Qbferv£?..,Skater accbpntq,give covery,—Ed., A.* , 1 in „ i of. a Foreign Missionary,—An in tferetetiriw •mribtlrig.ln'BeKaff of.FoFetgp MisHtmS wi ; s held in Dr. Bteed’A’Chfirch) Seventbentli’ari'd’Spruce tits., under the auspfces of the 1 Presbytery of' Ehila,-. ■delphia, O. S., On tne-evening;of the’iLQfch. inst. In connection with thg,,services,- the;'presbytery,. or • dained, Mr. Francis ileyb Jr., ,tp.^be.,vp>*i^<<>f)^ e Gospel iministry, preparatory t,o hie. departure as a Missioriai'y of the Foreign Board of that church' in! Hortliern India) The Synod'of the Presbyterian Church in the Lower provinces met at New Glasgow, June 27th. Five licensures amßeighit ordinations anA inductions were reported,. Reports puj temperance from sixty five congregations §lpow e dithat but ..nine cpmjnvOT can ts are engaged; i n the Lipuor Traffi c. There .ate eighteen in a subordinate; position engaged iii ‘ the business,'as'clerks';'iferi.' sixt£ : six regular hearCrs are in the traffic. 4,'600 cotninunicants in the* 65 congregations 'are total' abstainers. 1 • The Financial Report showed receipts of: $5,969 for. Foreign and $5,436 for Home Missione.wlncome,for. Education, Ss,lo3,,Veiug mainly interest o,n a fupd of $56,000. The iD.issioa to the Sjpjy’Hebpid,es, in the So.iith Pa cific, is sustained in 6phnecti6n with the' it. P. Church' in '' 'Scotland, atfd 'is liberally' hided by the Presbvteria'ris’Pf Australia. 'lt'was unanimously re solved to establish a mission to the 1 Coolies of Trini dad, W. 1., the 11. P. Church 'of the. United States having placed thsji? mission premisefsj l ! .thpf- island at Synod's .disposal,;, ami Rev. Jplrh:.Morton,.,of Bridgewater, having, offered himself for.' work. The .CanUda. Syriocrs delegation werh 'wkrnfly re ceived ' Elder Coiiri B , aid? , ‘ i There is am bug ,us‘ sin' earnest desire for clo'ser union, communion'and co operation. Whatever, the .feeling with regard' to Confederation, it is now a, .fact in history, and wis dom demands that we t recognize our, obligations and arising, frpfn the civcumsiahcea .in which vre find'ourselves placed.’’ Father Chinirtuy briefly addffcsstd f tKe' ‘Syppd on the duty of’uhlon in-'these' evedf&l times.' r i iio J< >i ; d !«u"t. The Cahadh'Tr&Bhyteriafc'Synod' mct'in'To tonto, June 4tb 205’ministers beinglin attendance, “the largest .meeting since thermnion.'’:, .Presbyte t'ial reports showed, during thoypflr,,!! dicepsureej ' TjPb AMER,I€AN ;186?i; 15 ordinations, 23 installations, 4 ministers received, and one dead.' The increase in’tlle number of mi nisters has been 19,Staking the number on thefroll 267, against Jast.ygar. /There are 41,fjOJcom nippicandf^k'gam 0f,5J9(5., ,21,765 children, are Cnjpyip'g SaTOSth 'Sihobl' ihs'triidtion, while, 7,554 are 1 Class, aggregate'off 29;i 819. ■ :> Acoommjjdatibn sum! return ed ilbir. all> ichtech, purploses) emofnted ;to $301,-2fi9,7.? f being-, pn, jnjf.reaße, oyer 8 ministers (one Coiigffegatidnajj.ohe and to licerikdTS Stttderitg; Syn'btf was Free .CAureh (XT/EoStawe; Ifpoj: College,wfttf reto^ed *«s jift.ajveCT candjtiqrt:, and-two,.additional lectureships*—6ne ef ApoToghticspil&Wt'hdr of PMtoral et^atedl feflSli) mad’e W l estkhKsfi f h'Odd 1 dgfi %t Montreal bah resulted - inraisitigi nod ftlteoilttM'jeftte'iFrofeseotfto J#jg}n i'tgt^—jtey- ■©.)?> tamwiMMrA abd < B}soufSehie < ste s9,bs2;lsnti ‘additibrP thls2?p 606 contributed, locally.! idffiSjpreachingmtataon'smn 86 fieldp j Of,labor jiad laided.'tas alapiftj Weak congregations. , Th,e Cjhurphjwas thanked 'fair aid' in this 1 ttjork 'to'the' amdunt of; Fathfir Chiflicjuy(s'3?an]rakee dFll!)'wbtsh'kk’ fin trusted, to a'dommitteexlf Sy dod’-atidfr geo nl mended . q§f9-peparBte[ph.wrc)S to ,the.-f,,J:k(ih .jgstfßqenspdQtp ,the v -jdsited., A,e ; cgppty: .of.Gr.ecnljrier, 'Vireiniia.;'hearing to spme'of ita’cliief'cifizenp' aiet-. ‘ter of cdmmtmdatiWfrbm ih'e'irev.'SaiiiuteT'Brphfh, pastor of; (Kew Brovitfenbe dhurchp Rdokbridge, Un der whose instifuctipn hebad/Studtpd-.theolpgy. fitn Sabbath, jjuqp _23jij”he iin,.liisi pulpit,;ip Lewiisburg, it being the commenceinetiroi thVsixli btH yeh'f^buic67.he t; was f ' i'ds(h3l'eil ,l! paj3t6¥ , , , yf fliAt .bhurch.-. tJJot ode GftthoseWh’O'W'erk nifeiwbere'of the; congregation; athjpiSottlcjneptiis ripwrbyihKs”—/The;, Kingsh\iry, father, p£t£e Choctawi Mission,’ was in 1 attendance at* the^’lndian,Freshy tery, place of ttieeting (etgh'ty'mllesjf aiidhadkl home) bh vendrabje <> jtewajftte : Qaydin'er■ Spring, of NpWj iYprk, he pained to learp, rfor several months' past, 'with; bliddh eSsi : ‘ He yhfejhld ;l Bur Ms( Ml’ bisTacuifies lnSUlTpdsBessi6n : .ti Hfedk bbW.'HtiSara toga ‘(HcnryfCopke, I). : Dj} I,L, p,n,e,pfithe the/rainisterp. in the Presbyterian Clmrch^ojlreland, has been led from his. great’agb'ah l d''ihcf‘easSlg 'ihiBfAities'to 'rb-; signlhis'pastoral charge of the^iMaylS^reet!‘church,' iprPieJflet,- Ireland,, He-entered' tljev n hnisfry.fin 1808„^nd, { jra,that'Jti]pp,have pfeachpdimprje serrpohs or led ahiiore active liie'in: every tiling thSt related 1 tb ( th6 ; haiise'(bf ■trath/'and PreSbyteriaUism' 'dSpccialljV’fhhn perhaps aty .other man ih!th&,.Hortht of Ireland.,) In his ear lier days he. i \yon l his ; .the late DrV Montgomery, the,Arian leader in the Synod df Ulster!/ 'ln ititfe 'times h? 'ha champion of'Tory Cohservatidih, ePsalmody."-. ■; i " ,v, ;i ~/■ f j/.- ■ t ' n .church i at.. Pptt' : RiclimpiKl,,in the Central Presbytery’of Philadelphia,, .received twenty persons to its on t a latcSabballi, and has ! rdceived J eigiity-bne' hitembers' during the, last year'. 1 'The ch urch is>fu'ri;tafid has >bebome' selt sustaining, assuming theisupportjofi the,pastor, tile jfey Af V.-i dfillyi itny, fvtrther ,aid, frpin. the ; Board of Missions, /The Pouse of (worship’needs; than §9,800 libive .bedh'-bdl-; •tected at th'ae’Soufli l ahd bidtinirebtrildihg ithc illniteu, Hi c hmond,/yir-; gin(a,,iyhicji; wgSj burned, at the:eyapua-, tion’ of ‘that city.-—-A new"Eresby'terian. cn ; urch.' .was dedicated to the, worship of’fiod *at AMedb'm,: i'New'J'eiyeyi oh 'the 20£H-of Httpfr f Th¥ ! dhnruh is! I iojit* of deht. j Rev. Charles McJdulliß: W t^c 'pastor.) ; - ; Ministfirial:vi-Rev. ;■ (Br. -E ■ }P. tiHhm phrey, t ,ofi Louisville, declines the,.Pi;d.(esscp's]jiip4n : ‘Ba,Hyiile: which he was elected'by the lastHcne-i 'rarAssenfbiy'!—tt-^-Th'^Eev.ATOi! 1 !?. Ij'a,md, of i)an-l 'Villej i'ecerve3-B. ' ,6Ull(fPomfth di iSeeo'hdit):'S.: .[of, 'C,arlisle..];ti;a/ifferr§^ i Hil)m?tp! from ■Silver' Spring congregatifth to the ScptphiSpttie-: rnent in Lonaqoning, Ailegfiehy' C6V, I'!j£d‘.d-^ill{bl^ 1 '!j£d‘.d-^iIl{b 1^ .’ 'SoiOmbu'^CodkhasTakbn l ‘charge‘of-'tW chnibh at, (lolbondo,tills. There is'lna Presbyteiibniminjsterj -witliip H h,fty,; I miles_-off-h(ni.‘ who'was re-eleoted to the office of Corresponding, Secretary at ?h’bJi;te“aiinua!l iiieeti}i^‘bf L, ih6 Bpdr’d •of Borftestic Missions, anhourfeed ■h ii 'afcceptaiib'e of ■the positicm. buf.gayeihotice that-he would/.not serve in; this ,p,ffice alter the pfl;esent,y Ghayles; Sillogg, fonnerJy p,astpr;of tpe Fjirst'Presbytefian. iU;c§) Ayilmin’gtoffitDelr, lips f'ebeiveduud'acieptdd a call to 'thb RetbrmedPDutOh chiii'(ftif ! l5 | 6rflii)ißber land; ■lfl.t% ! -^ i - ; Rew.lJi: MiCarodthael((ijbrmeDj!i,a liceptiatp of, the ofiAlbauy, gu.d staged supply*of tile church at. Wegt!,G a l^ a Yb(bas been I ' < ordaitibd by ! the'/‘ Cbifgr'egatliiiilil 6onteri’tiori‘’' of WiBc6rvhiii,’ ahd f installed 1 paStor of the'Congrega .tional; ohhrch at . Sparta,'‘-WiiscoMsin.-i-rrT-The oRe,v. lf Jphn Ly.le, mow ,of, .Utipa,. N.,,Y.j/has,accepted; ;a iCall from the Clmich of,the £jea and the Land,, Slew Y'ork.' This in the ’ckntre 'of, a large'ibis sionary fifeld in t'hfe Ibw'ef 'part'of dhe city of Nfew York, andi’Mr: Lyle, ik-iarailiarl With ithe/biifd of —rrr l ,! The ,late,.Hf• t ,|da;cjilaster,,says.,,the ■fflorlk-Western.l’reabytefiiyi, “ .not-only considered re 'un'iori impracticable, bdtfexjiressed iiimselif'strOngly '’The last thing he ever wroth wias ; a let ter vof? remonstrance to. the 1 editor of the I'resbyter against thg ( agitatmn, of the subject, as unwise, and I,miseh,ie,ycius, whipli was left unfinished on his table ‘ wlieri'ji'e wentTd nisdying bed.' 1 The Revl AY. C. : 1 Burns,‘missionary dt'Pekin, has published in : the Mandarin colloquial;(dialect - , the first part ;of the Pilgrim’s Frogress,’.', and . has .also cpippletefi the translation of the Psalm's .intQ'.Chjnese.—pdlev. Dr. ‘John M. Krebs; pastor (or mfinv yeai-s of the Rut geis Street'Prtebyterian Oh’iilchVNew Yorlc, Is re (ported to be rapidly failing through softening; of the brain.,. , other toiixomJVATioiS. K Baptist-—-Bj. Miller has resigned .the change pf .the. hirst Church of Trenton, take'effect on the tat of October; when he becomes ! pkstb'r of the Broad St;'Church of 1 Elizabeth.'" Tn the 'four years of his labors in Trenton, more than 300 liaye been ba,*p|ized r rT— — G. Coulter, late fa]minis t'er among the T’ree.fWilh Baptists, has unit«t with tlie BantlSt Chureli"at ' iri Galesburg,- UK,' is dmildmjj'S hadddbirt!? hoitsfe v ’bf worship, at an expense of about $25,000. During • thp .lastjyea'r nirjety.-six have, 1 been, .addgd .to, tlie church Church Extension Com- has 'burchaised -lots at tliq edrnet C>f Br'ohd 'arid Master Sts:, ahd 'will immediately r tbfe erection of a comm odious chapel;—e-sThs Evkn ,gsl seudp front; the fijr wail which,jespunds from San Francisco to Boston, on a sore subject. I•! ■(!' ■;! ..-■■u-y-i/ ./ • 7 i.-d’iv; !wi*. .'‘ Clay Maeauley.of'fche last, elates,imthg ; Se.#-}fiary,;ab Chicago!, has, a, ,«ill;tp the patetprate,qt' tlye.Congjjfeatippal(^urcjljt l ? I l’--JTrQ n fhe. Xt|i off wjt MyrP% v &s were!admitted to the church ltt WeSUßrSifif rffeid tJdnri;, ,! fifty-ohe by profession Atia.siic'Bjf-lSttat'/ the youngest eleven and the oldest sevfentytybtirS'tSf age; J-Th'ifty: iwerichcaedg bf'familidsj-Audita txveffty threb tibeiiHte(.QK(baptiSHnwas administer,ecU* Since (fajiuafy lBjli,',tjiere havje bepniseyenty-flyejkcpEßsipfls, H r B4 celebrate,tjie 150th, Anniversary of organizalion, Wh'feh, Sc&urs f, ''Oߣ.' jeth, ’bt the b'rCSent yeUf ttib Cliurai ifaVfiiff 6SB/ 1 organized' W -'fflf J-’ ViVhldrf<'BWiLl.C3till‘ , 3-pfWefe addetl to the iReV. Mhr'Hclrton , s-‘€ftmr«jn rlatfelyiorf cOnfpssioiri of/;their faith Ad ipfij;te^; t,o thejcbjlrglf in South Hadley, hfass.,-July Yth ? all rfcytt .tjhpeej.ojii^profesyh ll fheir.Aitja. TwentyrEyeare heads of families.';, ThjrW-flye were lsap?iSe'&. Most’iafe itlfe ttoitS’bf a rjsfcertt' revival 1 . d'reCfe'fiJ, Sfcttbklhf'jfhd'ffA fnany tn'orearet iMMgihg ’hope.lC+J-'Ebie' First>GliurcllMU 'Middlehorph-Mass.-,' received thirty additions on the 7th of July,,twenty; and, two by. lettea,,, Q}heujph,ng ept jjtf eightvitwcf'have Been admitted. , .. S „ , , •utii-.ausu <:a i .'Jin; ,'(!?.;iii <> n^nyuCte i 3 hjia ,1-i/jbii'' hi:: 07 Jidi.-mrj .n-nb iiwiiiitsisfijfeKw Premiffmsi'fnr ! New ; Subscribe*?^ ■ 1 ‘ lp?em'iuriti each. ' For ,& cjiißof teb risimesrift $2 ! 50 each, SY ! sfi ! §jS yitidn-'fo lKyeßrb' v so cfents: ‘ ; ho"-i-) vi - vcf.! SUNDRY PREMIUMS. O-if - a iFdr bhfe-nevfcnatijßiatJd' s3‘ 75;®rlfMaroh’& Walks ;ajrdnHomebcof'Jffiuait'r.Johhißrain!erd,rpost: free. Opemaw. pame apfl-;s4,- ,CrUthria’S iSubday iMagazipe, ,or jat blpjUje.tq .ftCjv .subs.qrjtjer.q.otpitber,,., ~ d. For two,new,nam,4s,andS7,so,„eifher volume of Lange s Commentary, post. paid. . Fop,three new names and $9, Vol: I.ta'f McGliiv rtock ahd f: StTon'g’b l ’fatew'* ! BibliCal' Cyblopedia,' pub •lisbeS by Bfsarperj ipdfet.’ifree. mv r- eft : b-n'-to h i fforotpuT-nnewvniimesi-illussl and his;,jThries,' far Smitb’g il)i«,tjQnai!)s, : ,,of 1 Biblioati Antiquities,, ;coBjr t (pnly,a jejv copies) postage free,.ii, ; . (For'names a ( nd $23'25' the, three vol umes ot Lange, ,express-pre-paid.. • . ’''®For tCn Karnes’ Nd.tas on the New Testamen't;'l i ljlforß.','jsCist'frBe; t,; ' ■' ■i Foi: itwenty new-namts abd<:s6oj d'Grovd# ifc.Balcer sss; ! Sew.ipg- Machine, with set of; Hepimersaand ■Braidgy.j,Jlgpldipg included. ~, .. ~.: v ~ MASOity ,«&!UtAMXiIN’^.OROANS* 1 ..][ ... For sixty-five liew names and,sl9s, a fo.ur octave sUo,prgat>,, « ... ‘ For seventy-eight new names and $234, a five oc tdvdsl3o organ. : 11 '”*■ - 1 1 0 ; F6r one A hundred--new iittmes, and $300; a five octavo, double* rGed $l7O organ. V " ; 11 - . PUBLICATION:;COMMITTEE’S BOOKS. StXUtAU HYMN AND TUNE BOOK.,- , sit) ' , For; one' new. maniCSdiid $3;-50;itwO pop Les of the /Social.. tay ni.p. /and ,X unep.B,oohc. will be seUtj post. .if®®-. ';f■- '.i ; ; t -- d ">. , ..One.hundred and onq library bookp,.coippyising tlie entire list of'tlie CoiniiiitfeC, aiid'including t}ie ■'la'tas.t fssuA; liife' by tbe : (4ian^es,’ißF‘3V'nbty hafn’eS sent ffehOl'fexpen'sh. , - , 'f d;.p' :; no JtPv-diiiv . }\ .xsijdTY, Pu'uiUEJPTI-'RETURNED. s ''- • •' < v d'Sixty pCrceuM, idm-e''than'-linlf'of the money sent ■for.sabscrjbers'at in sudli o'fthe iCftininiUcelsipubUcatioifsiiaa; tlje •jiurphasejc.iuay.sp- prices ..Expenses, prppaidj-'yyhen tkau fix yi ew' subipri'bqm m? x urm|hed‘. ' 'US' Subseribers in PhiladfiTphia, aad 50'cents for delivery! 151 '.. 1 ’’ " :.«-ui AMERICAN’BRESBYTERFAN-, f. ! 1:; ”, ' ; ’‘' r l33hiClikst'nut'ytfeeti'BhiladelphM'/ - ■;>it i; ?. 1 •■■"■ • t ; ; tlio sonr\u-law, Rey. ,iV[ j3{eigs,;Pjpt,tg towu. Pu., imd, on ,tlio 2a of July, Rev. William Riploy Gould, in ilie tbf at, p’clQqk. -A geiieral attendance is'desircii. f '' •' ‘ '‘WILLIAM AIKM.AN, Stated’Clerk. ' • i -= r - ; • , i 1 -i ; The two CS'eiiorn.l Assctublios-of the Presbyterian : Church iu tin United States uf America, at their lh ] iCiumnuiUL tjhio, and. Rochester, N.A'., appointed, -u Cqmmtttpe of| Megal'gfentlemen to investigate 1 klr queinmus 1 of ? p‘rop6rty i aud of' fight?] as they mf>y staad ‘'elated tljo mutter oi'Re-uujpnt” - are tq rcjibi-t .yearly-»s'the first of January next, to tlieJoint, 'CtimuTifctee of the two Asseinhiiyb*. ;, l- : f ■[ /’l-.' i It is desirable that these gentlemen shojrld.b&pntin.possesion,; at an early date, of all possible information* bearing upon their dii-' W enable tUom tq detfermlfle. to what qxtent, if any, vested rights may be jeopardized by tUe contemplated union. . . '’ -'All'persons,-therofore, tfrh'oat% any propferty,'respect- : which tqiy doubts niay r be uiiiffordf the'two branches uf tho Presbytefion’Cburch; are fespect- ; ifu!ly‘reqjieqte4 to communicate, before thelOth day of August nakt 1 ensuing, as definitely as possible, the facte of the particular cn?e. to the Hon.DANIEL HAINES,ot Hamburgh, f N. , J.', the oi .the Law Committee. . f , CHARLES ,C, BEAI’TY. • N: J., Jnhe 25,1867:-3t. feDWIN Fi UAI'FIELt). rn- / nj f ■, ;rr n.O . . : 'L V ; r ; you seen the nexrSilypr Tipped Shoes fpr, children? They 'have'all the utility of copper, and are highly' 6r'namental. Ap'filied to the mosc genteel-shoes made. \i _■ • v<‘ ':' .-‘‘i i apr26-2m i; BEATTTIFTTL HAIR. * r CHEVALIER’S LIFE FOR THE HAIR positively restores gray h'air to Un original colorarid yduthfnrbeauiy \ impitas^fe, strength land; growth to tho :weakest hair ;,stQps Us falling out at once; Jcfeeps the hf ml clean; is unparalleled as a hair-dreasing. /V Sold by all druggists, fashionable dealers in fancy good,6* The trade supplied by the wholesale-druggists'. ‘ • : ; 1 ' ' SARAH A: I’HUVAUIiK, New York. ;jy4-Sm-eow Why buffer from Dyspepsid when- bo potent, so Bate? and ho certain a. Remedy can tie procured soieasily. Coe’s Dyspepsia Core is.a.perfect spedfic A single dogaonstiute fact. Let ttiose Vho are troubled witb Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constip;itibni itc.‘,lnttlie butane ti’iaU 1 ’ ‘ ’ ' " ' ' : . ■ Duteher’s Lightning Fly-Killer.—Every sheet will kill a quart ef-flies. Also, - Dntchev’s Dead Shot for Bed-Bugs.—Sure, clieap, and eas}' t 9 s , ,- ir v-' •’ Solti everywhere. ! ■ -■ ' -fj '' A }[ >*; " ;j iFREDEBICfi!, I, MD., ! ; V- 1 , ;i : ' ’’ PoWiuy will dornnu-nce' its ' 1 : ' fMM&i The , ‘ ;■ iForCJutalogaes, Ac;: address >.*:■•;/>*; : i J july 25-lyr Rev. THOMAS M. CANN, A. M., President ~ , E VAN X). ASHT O N, •ji d :i. - ,:, l | .dealer in ~ ; , , ' PURE LEHIGH • , jyuri a :>f .am:'! : I ;*•.• EiOOTJI^T ' : 'COMMUNITFS i COAL DEPOT, ‘ V:, &oVm-]tiflh BroW Street, ' Jj |j ■ 'ln ‘V! 11 Or -'1 •'! \ItV: 1 : j 0 ; and; 1221 • Vfi&HEStTNOT Sfc; Bpiicions ;HnU,’is now ready .KENT'nightly or for short, seasons. It is particularly Lectures, Fairs; Pw&viftß, kc!,*&c. 1 Connected wi/i> th§ samp Roon) Diet iqng-jand fiftf»B feet wtue, a *rin*d Rauge, Hot 'anavold water, Dressing Room, AV. J ’ f For teems, ’apjSiy-to i '■) •' ■ ■r^. f i .. A ; t T^esse^ ' mylft-Sm •'• ; BbxlosTbilWefpiiia'P: 0., or at the Halt. -*A. !>‘nijJTJS®iP®BMSHEt>-!i" ■.l V .•MW.-traKEmsram-' f inf IS -jvi'ilß r:ii ■f iK-T :!.r: i-Mf'i U;,i T Twenty Melodic Exercises.. -b riiiqt;d r, ,vj;t;j ikironsrsiint jtnoa vn-iT ’l Solfeggios for Soprano or Mezzo Soprano Voice's! • S >i;d ) iJ fi?aftai l ® Atari's'; ,'f ’■ Studies toiadqnire thfelAirb.oGSinging; ; • ■tfwfbhelßS ehoWciSes iwerei C&ms,6sqdiito.‘'b‘e used'siftuili tßaeoMss wifJjnjHGjbystem, 'i.TjKiyAW ot>SiwbXQfi'WiW/4 : fo£ m tiife taste of the pupil. They must bestudiedifinrefully withre 1 tfeefinnnmerablbjlijjrils |pf.;.paprehsiCh and qrnpmentp.tion. .. .Upon, themhnufq.accuracy TO .depends the actual stftlfhg' if tile pupit' Any. evasion or filurrihg! ini th'else' respects' is tim'e’snd ftffoiff' utterly TCastedi'trhileilon the other, hand; aiefoseandipatient investigation, and , !%■ minutely , faithful exequtian nf fhem, giyie unexpected,jppwer, and and openjtd the studehtlhe means andyesources hy wljicb great artlSffi pvbducC'th’eiym'dst brilUant and pfdTOtind 4Secti^ ! -v ’* '." ’i t Tl^ f^V^tfM3ES: n ,W 1 ;-.',. Eripe, padi/in Boards, BefaiV-^. v «............... $2 00 A Sample Ctjfty lent'tiy' Mail, post-paid, ‘on 'receipt of ’■ :i Ji ' T'utlisbed biy WILIifATM H ALL 1 &'SOS, No, 543 Broad •i.ito’.t .u, Jmi <’.Vny,>liew York',’, IPuplishprs and ißealerst ip';.Music, :an,d|3faniifacturors ~. oflhlutes, JFifss, &c, .. Send, for Catalogue, - pf Prices. ''■"'Puf{fle'Tbp j ' Whitei*FlAt-PutCß,iiß'v(ta‘ ®aga,‘ While and Yells tv G lube, and all pther varieties at, , ’•: ’ ;; H : .; A. ! DREER’S ’; ; V, -"""i'". W AREHOUSE, ■■ ,' No. .714 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. . F.oivw.ardpd by tmail^l 0 .cents per 0z.,, ,8p cents per poumL . . .. , : . Jul y-4—.1t... . i .. A " SnUBHAK’K SEW I»-A X E ITT tS,; : ;^0;lf IT SKIRT H This is riot' only b new fashion,-hut a nfew'article of SWirtj mode- ohpan ;entirelyjn.ew principle, so hovel! and ,yet qontendit should becalled •, . , ~, f> , : ' ,We would,here'(CnlV particularattention to thb As r Vdi Like ! It) or ! flexible joint,exteiiding down the frbrijt of thc;ekir‘t;‘lftiissb constructed-that the springs folcltinwardly,'.but not outwardly, and : ;readily yield to the slightest, thus allowing,them to collapse 1 , .jo qkiyt-occjipics. the ;spijyilggt , p,oqsibsifl space while sittmgj riding' or.'in passingil/ough a' crowd iind'yet the' mbmentthepresSiirfe id fermoved; tßb'skirt reSuines'itStorigi'njil and beautiful shapfe.!!'n A ■ji'Thaiibv.eUy'ftnjd .utility; io£,this icpntrivanbe .nfeeds but, ( b,e seen ip jbejipprecjnted, u / . for ]want pf spqce wq mjght p'ere tbovi sands of extracts froth letters we are daily receiving, sp baking in file highest phaise of these Skirtsf f ; o/ ''ouk -coßSEfs;;:'..'-''. : arp jnp\y, ?p,evtellj khown; far. pupepipp shape,, mate erial,i and tkf].t,it js perhaps .unnecessary ! - for,us to them farther than to say that we, enlarged'’oUr u assortment Of’ ! stylbs, ‘both Of our Own' rnake and impbrCati’on; aud r chii tfo'W'safely defy- competition. "We ask h'ut/ a trial and; are. sure of y.oyirfutupq patronage. Manufactured by the Sjiebjia/,- and iQouset Company, exclusive o.wners of, the • patWnt‘for life pinted States./’ 1 "' ; ‘"_ * 1 'turner Warren St/ York. Sfle t jn, Philadelphia, /'/ ■ OFFICE,,. . ' ' 35, North Eighth Street* cor. Filbert. Turnip Seed’! Turnip II: • Seed ’ : BY 'MAIL. 1 , ■ 75' 'Cts.P&r Pb.-.-10 , Cts, 'Per iO*. ’ ,(xf6wn ’mi our own Seed "Fdriii frdrri ‘'. X. , * Sena ,Voi ; price lifet, g'rh.tis. • ' ' COLLIN'S, ALBERSON & CO./ „ '■ ; : psPJE£> i .."/^l4i' 7 n,iid 1113, Market, St,, . ' u : Phtlddelpmd, P'd‘.'\ STEPHEN OV COLLINS. * ‘ > \f\ CHAS. •/ S ’ ;; IIOBETUT . LOTOS. ' r • .; To Persons Going', Out. of Town,! i ...■ - ; ,;.'Call ; bn .. j. t -tr, < V' !lsB - : ' ,A,nd get Gentlemen's Dressing Cases, Wri ting Cases, Writing Desks, Port Polios, Pocket'Books, Pocket Cutlery,''fib.', &c. : , for use ; Checker IsHd'-Back gammouJ Boards,•; Chessmen,...Domiifbes, &c., &c., for Auuiscment. 'Alsoall- kiiidsoi' - - ;■; .!• AS-!E:ATi[ : O 3f'E El,:t;a ■: Cheap eat' in tlu;' City. ; Alt-ki tula of Blank Books! on hand, ,and inade to order..j Cheapest and, best- dob printing. 4dl the above',a.t;greatly,{reduced .prices, July i —lni. ' " J 1 "■ • . ' ' ' - ,J tH','! » .1 turf"' u !‘ v ' 'And ini New'Yorkby ; > epjiTiNßii'TAi‘,National Bank,-No. 1 7 Nassau Sti, Clark, Bootra' A C 6., Bankers,' 51 Wall St., 1 ' joHN J.iCiWco &' Son, Bankers;’Nok33 Wall St., and by'BANKS AND BANKERS generally throughout tile Tfriited' States, of whom riiapsandjieseriptiTe pam plilets‘m.ay!lie oljiamtid: They Will also be sent by jnail from the,'Company’s Office, No.' 20 Nassau street, New York, on application. Subscribers will select their owmagents in whom they have confidence, who alpne \y4ll bie resppnsitjle.tb t-liem for the safe delivery oftliehoods.■. _ : . '' , JOHN J, CISCO, Treasurer, new vouii. ; ; j; ■ "'ihe; ••“ “Family Boarding-School for Boys,” A| own, -Pa. ,'VHI re-open 'in ;!,i WEDNESDAY,; SEPTEMBER. 4, 1857 ' Circul.irs cbntaiixing'full information will be furn isliSd on application', By niail or otherwise, to * ; . , . ; flev. il. MEIGS, Principal. Just Issued. •t ,: ’' ■ ; 0 —. . : .A Pooket Edition of the w4ll-£nown Family Bible, with Notes, Maps, and Instructions, has just been 3 r 015.,. lSmo., pripe $3. Postage, 52 cents. The two volumes of l the Old Testament will be sold separately to. accommodate those who have already purchased the third,-volume. Price, $2 25. Postage, 36 cents.. , 'Anxerican Tract Society, “ 1210 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. i J. H. BURBS ALL’S OC> iw 355-C3 X* X OUST 23 n IT, ;igb okeam ripiNG saloons, Won