The American Presbyterian. (Philadelphia) 1856-1869, July 25, 1867, Image 4

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    frittritaii JiMliftkiai' "
TUUKSDA’S 1 , JULY;2B, 1867.
Qu% *Sp/cial ¥J<DYfesp° n dfnt ~in,
and Paris'fi- C/vhago Correspondent on i<t Missionr
ary Tour, SfiCfmd page.; Union Pacific Railroad,
Sabbatii, Movement in (Jhieogo, -Jllo
rmonism, Page ITS?*#;./ ;C|o^fer« ;( 6/
Jessica's First Prayer,
mgand Scientific, page Seven.; : .a ~..•*,.0
In the paper' of lastweeh, we‘published f the
Tennessee, Rev. Samugb'.Sawyer, for the estab-
a Sunday-school Professorship,inithat
much' - ' 1 iie’eded ! institution.-" ; <.Th«- cohperafeion of
one hundred Sunday-schools : only, Out -of the
eighteen iiandred' in our body, is souglvt, Irom
each of
sum can i l3e,T^e^at.on t q t e and paidininstalments
if necessary. We. earnestly, ask the attention of
our ; readers,’- especially of superintendents - and
teachers of circular, and
appefiSs«ne"rCmark'S',of Mr.sSnstyitrieaJU’S^P^-
nation and endorseih‘erit''of i the : '‘a^eal.
Mr. S. says: The incumbent of the S. S.
Professorshin,wi|l Ite the College.
Rev. Lyrnah house in
CineinnMi;Usl, that but lor ttf|>cpoic stand
of thVSyOo'd of East Tennessee, hev*ouldi,have
been deposed fronrthe -mlhistfy. The
supposed Udder the Abolition ery ( tMey could n%
evefjr Soutbern'Sjihoa in- faVor'bf the neWgbasis.
But to their confusion and amazement, of our 48
ministers-only;.three--v?ent|t) ; ld .Sohool, aud one of
them D’o'ak) ,?hr 79
chuWhdiHratf Taur.favore'd they fitbisiSiW* Hood
judges'have.saidj if the- Tennessee had
sided 'with [the School —the
war would* probably have*l&sted.drWQj yfears longer.
How could 5 Sherman have marched* so well to
Atlanta or J}ave so com
pletely annihilated Hood at Aashville; but for
the cooperation oft-thje ( East 'Tennessee masses in
hearty sympathy with liberty and the Union ?
; 'Witlf our 517 ehurchi§ fp-orgaOize'd'on! a -loyal
basts, unless we have hetp, in our impoverished
and condition,\itf .bringtng*forward
a HomC Ministry, there is danger that the Sy
nod of Tennessee, riotwithstaudihg its noble re
cord of-qhjdtV a«centuny will he dropped from the
Minutes of our ftener&L Assembly.—.. One. of. our •
Presby teriesAKlngsten, has but f one.actiDg min
ister to look’ after ten churches" I .' We call in vain
$r jmore? men,- Sotitei valuable - men’ and some
hobby drift-wood have found their way among
us, hut we have 30 vacant fields. How can we.
liold the ground jand Qolumppsqlikp, throw out
our tovyar,ds beyond,;
unless bur .Christian are hrbhght for--
ward to'fill'our pulpits/tb" loot-After our Sab-,
bath-scbdblsjahd to push'dn’ th'eK’ldyfth'Pffesbyte
rian column SoutbWard and Westward ? Of our
twelve candidates for the ministry, three are col-,
ored young men of fair promise, and Maryville-
College will take her fostering care,;
because she sees no good" reason why she should,
not, and because we'nped them in the field. .A!
little judicious help how in the cause of Christian
education, and with the blessing of the Lord, all;
that region may’d:bj ( ossom in light and
glory. Your brotherfiii Christ,s*
-, Ab SAMTTEr, Sawyer. :
A correspondent, in a recent
date writes us a note inreference to
paragraph'contained in our paper.of the 11th.
The Methodist ,'eliurches-of /dur neighboring
city. Wilmingfoij, JfiaWK spirit of
| better houses
of worship,; ‘but iif dbing'so' tliey went do the very
reprehensible Resort -of - stilling one. of tlieir old
church edifices to the service of the. destructive erj
ror of &c._ „ , QT j
“The building which the Universalistg purl
chased never was J>y.or,in-r any manner
connected with the Methodist Episcopal, churgh.
Itwas s si at . v Qne tigie
a local preacher, (but of .late years, I
am credibly informed, not connected with the
Cottrell in any capacity;) who, with a 'Jew others
used it as a place of worship tor a time, himself
occupying: thSpQpit’h wasl.afterwar<Wturned
into;, a,,tenement house- ..with-
basement, and became indeed, a place,fit .only
for the .owls, and the hats .to dwell in. jThis
year"it-i was sold,hither by, the party mentioned
above or persons 'to whom : he may have subse
quently sold it, to the TJbiy e .|salist^ Society; and
the Methodist churches Here oV anywhere else
were he'ver in any why'or ’ manner connected
• 'jn’tfi its building; occiipantfy ’or sale,'and I Assure
you, my dear its.preseut ownership and use
ape, jegretted bygone - in, .this cqmniunity ? more
than by. . 7, . . “ The Methodists'."
The extraordinary merit of .this work has- led
to its publication in various fofms. In England,
there is a three-volumed and a one-volumed edi
tion,both of whichhayhheeh'iiiporte/1 and issued
in* this country, With the.impfint of one of our
most respectable .firms- . Another firm is -issuing
it in the form of a serial; with‘emendations by an
American scholar of high repute. r .Still 'another
hhusi, ‘thait "of^S. 7 S* Scrantonl&i Qo./&sirtford,
publishers of “ Women-, of the War,” are now
putting, through the press ; tbe edi
‘ tion, an" exact reprint of the English oni, which
they are saiihg lt will make a
compact vbluinc, royal octavo, of 1100
fusely illustrated 1 and supplied with good maps.
andt§s jaccorjiiug l^ts^le-
The.worfeis, a.stagdard yin,, every It
Tfflß AMBEKf'AIf PRESBITERIM, JtlliY! 28,18671
is a reshlf of'th?"same"exa l ct i -ahdJ painstaking
scholarship wliich haA been' allied -by the ■com
piler to the antiquities 1 of Grreq6&'an(r Rome/' /It
is per^eC]tly 4 addasapft§,! lo rpopular,
uge; ; . are guru • feveryiifriend "fit. the: WPtds
of i Gad will be'gratified'to knowithktthe efforts
df tb'is 'firA and' thhitv numerous cahvasserb 'ate
about ’tb carfy to' the' 'dbbrs'of the people, a work
so ,^e}L‘ tbjenftj j as;, to the
meaning: of-that word', and tp-. interest (them /more
deeplyiandihtfelligehtlydn-it&zstudyzit:a 1 - -.Jon'■
.'iftle ageh'fd'in this'city kre Messts I .’Wf’B-. 'Par
maleo M' do.Vfio SanSo'm stteet ! ‘abdye 7tb. ;
v-iiiA .«tt!ftuuut umi o* eiK-iM'-iopon 1
h'i-ijR ■.♦f.U - ■ ,(** H OV.ii
•i/r/il. <>,s *c swot i.sovioii Uo’fß-ii-j-i
■:. ■■ 90jyiM§g§ E WMT.i%Ti g9^a%,
<iiThb iseries; of literacy:Exercises filling,com-:
mbncement &k’ei at ’this"highly: favtired* institul
tioiijwere inaugurated bn Sabbath'mbrnibgby the
Baccalaureate sermon of tie ,‘n'ew, President/. As
f.- ■•‘.'■'3 ".1 ‘ ilia*.- '3 * < ' 'J 1
this was, the ~fi v j;st !; app.earanpe j: ,of -..8y.; rjrpwu,, in
this service,. Mslsbrmon tor.theijgrfiditiatiug .class
was lookfed fbr Iriterfesti'i Tlifi til
lage church ' was more' thko" usually crowded 1 bn
tta AhairSidndabenqhes, aisles,. jjrqm
the reputation!of the? Brefeidenfe.-foW ripe scholar!
Ship, itWad exp'dbtOd, oPhourse, i th&tth'e i 6efm6ii
wbuld feb' kll* ©at; kft' and* culture' J khiil& mkift Af;
iniMfCttp ■:>& n-W>.vJ.Ot fit saua-vi^impjic, l |y I; s ; piritu^Jfty J an.df.pqnge^.cy^we
.jndgej', itr,far.,tr ; ansc,endednthe n ex,p > eetati,ona- of
many/of'the hearers j It'wks. founded) upoip the
passage," “'Except a iuan r bh 'bbrri ! &gaihdhe <, cah'-
not see the
argument. fpr; the .true religiop. . /f he np,-
dress:to.the-graduating,e}ass!w«s.! a lso filled’with
the noblest sbttfimen£s<;and the bfe'st of cbunsela ii
" Oh' Sabbath 1 evening-Revy Br'. ; '!H;eacb'ck; 'of
Buffalo, gave an admirable address before the So-,
ciejty; of Christian Research. v , Hjs.tfieine. was.,the
Reflex ■ Influence, qf: Missions:; .ahd'iife (gave (the
Boctof otieftf his'igrandbsti opportunities: for’ the
pl'ay of of illfistratibn’ahd t bj - ahbrjr.
AU ibf h'js'hap.piest ' ■ :
0n /Monday afternoon, occur,red:so;pethipg new,
•a , prize ii debate; )-,t Mr-.- Charles ■pii - Kingsleys ;ttf
Utica, 1 aihohgihis' numerous Benefactions, haS' pro
vided ' tWo' 'bnzeh, one ! of f 'ah d 1 bne'of' , ! tb
pe' ; giyen ,tp those,who shall excel, in
neons,debate;, ,’lt was, a. seyere., ,or,deal, t for the
youngimen;’ : The cfuestioniwas; Hasthe power
of' oratory diminished' in ,the ; progress of’ OiVilizd-;
tiqh ?”’ There; wbre fbiir sp'eahersj whcl hcqui?tSd
was regarded aß,success.,. It,will-.hence
forthiibe a (marked feature of-. ebnimencement
week. • ■: ■•■•
On Sfbrfday 'etening was the usual Prize Dd-;
ciamatioh. This, was. founded by Mr. C. C.
’Kings’ey, .Four speakers/froipj,each of. the,
younger classes,appbar', and two prizesare/award-,
ed in'each clash;"' The speaking was gb6if ?i show
ing the fine tfaiding which is, giveh in 1 this insti
tution in this part of a, proper, collegiate educa-
On Tuesday ; afternoon|;yp,}held> the annua'
meeting of 1 th'e i Sbtli’ety' 1 6f thb'A'lumni, Ex-Gov
ernor Hawley; of Connecticut, in- the chair. The
address was delivered by Henry G. Miller, Esq.,
of Chicago, (class of 1848) It was sound and
able, would have answered well before a bench of
judges, but hardly had inspiration enough for a
popular asseihbly'. , ;f 'But " whatever weariness it
left upon h'ippily relieved by
the poem, byßev. Ar.thurfT;'Pierson, of Water
ford, (class of 185.7;) which 'followed. The sub
ject was “Rothing, ? j buti'the, rhymer managed to
mate something out.of it: 1 The 'versification was
easy and graceiul,'whilstajsp it embraced so much,
of innocent mirth and :humor to call forth,
from a delight'ed dudiench, Wdqiient demonstra
tions of applause— -
The letter of the Annalist, Hon. Edward A.
Wetmore, of Utica, class of ISI7, was read by
Rev. Albert Erdman,_.of Clinton, and the Necro
logy by Rev.'Herrick -JoJ\nspn,, Pitts ,
burg. The death of fourteen of Ihe former gra
duates of the College was reported for the year,
inSiudmg the JnM ofCMvl'.Ged: &CCilh'bun,:
D.U., of tlie first class, grhdliated, in: 1814; HouJ
Geo. Hastings,date of Mt,t Morris,. Ng#., class
of 1826, once Judge of Livingston County Court,
,and for one term a member of Congress;,,and
Rey. JohyTomkins, for twenty-five yeare pastor
of the Presbyterian church of. Marcellus.
' ()n Wednesday afternoon" jcame the ‘inaugura
:tion, of the Rev. Samuel. Gilman Rrownj JhD.fas
‘ihe. seventh President of Hamilton College!, Which
was-the great, event of the week, , Ex-President
Hbrth presided bn the occasion.- \Ex-Prfesidenfc
Eisher, the opening.- prayer.. , Hon. Hiram
of the* dldesf Trustees'-of-the
College, &adb ,tlve;a’d<iress,,ofiiti<fcbtion;>hd gave
to the-sn'ewiPreside'ntthe'charter and keys of the
College as symbols of his office; and then follow
ed ths inaugural address .'of‘"Dr. Brown, which
was acknowledged by all to be one pf. rare beauty
and strength. His thCme-Vtfls; “The American
'College: : its Aims and ifs‘M'eth'Ods ;’’ and it pre
sented ‘one bf' the’-finest plCas'ever made for the
higher education | 'its imp'ortatfCb terall the inter
ests both of the Church and of the State, first,
,-j \ ..Id jf, > i.J- 'Jl.’.'.li ’ -U'.-'r . > «<. >•?,.. 1 . ?
because of the discipline it gives,:and . secondly,
because of the -impartsjj,-. This, ad
dress was followed'by an-original “Hymn of Wel
come,” sung with apparent heartin&fsdiy the un
dergraduates:We noticed?also, that-when the
: President was announced' for his’inaugural he
Was greeted with long continued applause by the
students; and we hear bn | every hand, that ' hb‘
is, reqeiyed, with the utmostcordiality to
relations. This argues well for tho futui-e ,o,f thq,
College.' 'Long may he preside’successfully over
itS ihteresta.' n Il: " '■ 1 '' V "V
Oh Wednesday evening there' Was. anothef
mating off the Alumni, presid,ed oyqr ;r hy Br,
i Hetrick JohnsoUji with informal,, addresses dfrom
a large rivlmbfer’bP speakers:, i ?Dr.’ ’lf bison : led off,
abd spbKS ih ( highly Af'tTiie
new iPrOsident’.' pfj Hbacpct inaife the'fhosi'iiui
an|. side"sj;^hing 5
which wo have ever., .heard, eyeni
fipsP BrSJ '■ 'Henry ' Kendally Williairp’iG.-’ ('K.n'ox’j
ehbs. Fi.jßbhihsoki EeralA,;ifinxa ja}soovjt Bn. 8n .
: The lattdr<can make® speech,aswell as editta
pfcperf He'dbes both with nndiis
ik'fefykbbir to Have a A -ijWaribe o .io' fiiake
sp,^eciies ,^: t P l dhgr.bss ? -if fie webefieve
candidate pfiAfi fiisr ; digtriqs,
in the Housfe ofi tßbprbsenthtives
mate ! 'vdeant' liy tlic cleVatiori’ of 'iT'on; ' ; llbs'cc)^
Cofiklihg .td, the Senate? : ’ life 1 if bf
Yale-'dollege, hiit 1 spoke in 'the'iirg'hest'ierins^iif
Hamilt,o,n< •, i He, could- spea]p>iwiife i some { pjep\diar
advantage; he said, hring'tlan'aautsiderttiohb
could judge impartially p i afi , d' J he ' paid u a‘'¥ety
fiiWi trillule'£o' ,, the ! in
.vwssime t na.: YUuotLj £ >:,i.,>q *. aju., .finm
W!? MR
it has sent out, for emineDfiseriV.iqe,in;the ohjareh
in>th'e!bfmy'‘and id the' StatbP>He' r.eferr'edf among
'cfthefs'W,Bf?^dlsbnV‘ i ’ w^b;; had' : d'onb Tl rbo¥e‘th'aii
any other one man to save ’Missouri to tlidnatibn
and to.-liberty,;? to jDr. jKendall jyjio. ist' swqep,-
ing the, ■,continent!’' for Home . jMjSsions; ; to ;Rey>
lA;"M: ! StoWej,who’ii atfehdmgito the same work
id its' more t ‘fnihute^de’tailS, u ititli''th'e "shnie" High
devotion and unwearied fdithftilhe'&'.V'
rl , .Thispleasant’tneqtipgpf ~tjhe? t (ie clqse;cl
*jtk the jaf .a
Nelson', and- seebnded • by^Br;’ Enox,- asking* for
enlarged endowment,' with special, Reference ‘ ft
the increase btlihe salaries'of the TProfessors. It
-n? :“•! i „■->)*. ’! /: Rxt m . 1*» t > \i)
is * fi|H i
tion for their-salaries/are.all quite, itoo ibwi/inWe
hbpO;thb-ft i iehds'of I the'GbH6geWilI | sp'eedily'St
tend'to making them,mii'ch higher.- : '/' '•*
graduating ..class ,nuinbere l d’ ,thirty-tiu’ee,' ; whoße
namesand-fesidencesare as follows: : /•> oJt
‘iHdhafd 1 Allison, 'CKesterp James'B: Avery,
Oneida Castle /• Charles' Babcock’,‘Albiqil ;
Barnayd? Milfordjjrlsaac Oliver: Jjeqfc, .iOgdeps
.'burgb'; ■ Amory * Howe; Bradford, Suspension
'Bridge ; Bavid Riddle Breed, ’Pittsburg, Pa-.;
Edwin Jerome Brown, Oneida; jFrank Y’an Ness
Bullard, Perry; Buane Qonant, Middle,G-ran
.ville Samuel: Jackson rßisher,,’Utica; , Rufus
'Smith 1 Green, 1 Butternuts y« Earl i Hall, ito
;gyle j'&iholl' Halsey, pthacaj 1 Martin'P.fHbJlis-,', tihaca; .George '^oKwtt'^Bfub^lj,if eyjsjrk',
ij.; Jobm.Wnfprjp Jacks, .Safavia ;,Frederic
Benryu (Kellogg; .Rome!; 1 Elliott; Pardee iiKigper,
'Hazelton, Pa.'; John • Thomas -Knox, ’Wilson’;
Chester JenningkEybhJliyohb Palls;. JOhh'Bud-
7tlaldwlnsyili.e .Pardon"Pot-
ter,-! pitiea!; -Charles.. 'Edmund ' .Rice,:
: Sydney>AHyn :ßata7ia.j! Alexander Go-
'burn "Sbp'er; 'Rome'; ‘Willittfe'
■Clinton’; 1 Hugh Toler;Hew Tork'jVJdshph'Leoii
,jiraughy.|dant9nl; .jßeii^amin (
ling," Stacy's. Basin ; Saimgel jjjetzel
-Utica; Elliott Strong;Williams, Glintoh.xij
'"fpWnty-isix of these : y6iih f g men ‘‘ ; appe’ar'e:d'i < n•
i bn the hthgepr'afid' ke’re'.'agaiii 'ye : skw the!
.marked : jß.fieejb ,pf ith dip! rhetorical
Prof/ Upson is.notia.niaster ’in jhis.aTtjiye-knpy
not-whereoneis to be;found, -i e .t
r ßey, ChgrJes .E.:
byterian Church, (0. S.) at, l One;da, i h a s /received
an earnest call; to'j the? Seconds-Street Church,
Troy, N. Y- late Dr. Kennedy’s!" ’ V. f -' i? ■ " r ’
‘Rev. ;H7 G? RhuoPafteY serving' tlie Church at
jys; v ;t k 1 sap;;r?jt>ne l
Potedam for six. years witg^great.accepta.nceyh.asj
) been/dismissed from the pastorate,fat'his own !re-'
iqiiest, on account of ill health??"’ ;; ; y
’The' Church 'Of Canton 1 F&ve'added. §5OO. .to
1 - , - r . |- ; f‘ s'■ '< t > . t«i■ jJ ■
the salary of . their pastor, Rev. John Waugh,
niaking|it flOOO and a. parsonage,; .: r ; .. .
■ yjßev.'Dr. Hawley, of Auburn,' has just re
ceived a preSentof l slO@o-fr'om'so‘ineoif hS'speople.
As'he, was startidg for Kis suuimer vacation', a
few palled apparently to' wish him 'ai ( .pleasant
time, and, kindly presen ted.this very
ken of their high regard. . Dr. Hawley Has<£one,
as 11 usual, to tbe ! Gatskillb foYthb’ summer; ' Dr.
Condit and Dr! Nelson; 'are to sbpply l his pulpit
iu,his.absence. . ....' ' ..7 .
. ,E. if,. Huntington, Esq,, is, out with, his aceus-,
toined,circular for.t,he State Sunday-sohoo,! Teach
er’s Association; to' be held in Dr. Wlsner’s
Ehurch, in' LockpOrti for three days, commencing
August SO'th,' 1 to which”we shall''refer another
time. V",.-.,, - .Genesee..'
• ■ Rochester, July.2o, 1867.': ‘..ft-.
i'- ,Tlie following Honorary Degrees, .\rere .confer
rod by Hamilton: College: at . its. late iCommenee
'iiient': '' ‘' :i ' "
•iii; i :. ; ;V \;« •< • ii'-, ' S. ~ r rf i
I'Cleveltind, ph,iq; ,Rey! Eddy,,
j* Rev. Chas.’ E. Robinson, Oneida,Jh y r ■
Andrew ,McMillan., Htica,.M. Y. i ;,‘ t 'Gebrge‘'G.
’Truair, 'Syracuse', Daniel P.
’Baldwiii, V Eogansji6rt, Indiana.’ ' ” j! : ” ' ;
v, DiDu Rev/, JV Germain Porter,'Waterlooj N.
Y.; Eev. Alfred B. Goodrich, Utica, !Nv'-Y;j'
Rev; Hhrig P;ißnsh, Rochester. N. Y. iii •
1 Hdh. i Calvin 'T.- ! Hulbtirdj Brasher
MIS/'N/Y'/ l'o~ r 'Ot;,"’ 3 t«n
•y. ijjffos 'if ffw fejrirrtjtw;, y
itq*)/rrAi^.s < Wi'Jf}i““ fflte Sp
eei.vedj all ,-heads of, .families..-i p A
•wife, who were among the number, three 1
MWfiot 1 been ilMde'bf abbiffsh-^fbr
more .than fifteen years. . ■-• .
D'fjj •. .a ounpov :i"i> «
Mfcf'Sabbath was 3 £ 'very'iht&esUng‘ day id’ thib
Church. ( iSpveriiP w6r6 added fcT 1&, eominuni'oftf
thiTerseverfe in tbeir labora ofjlpve; and;!work-!of
faithj in that /pari - of thel city.- '.'Thejdeviland
yide ‘ in its’variduif foifih's’ suffer 1 a powerful rebuke
from this sdnptuafy'of'fioddn'fhfeir hiidst.
: 7.EI'-oT nail f w ri*“ro. ,‘J .rj (■»>{ seir-a «;»«.ort
andi laboring there/ And thibeffortso-yerysuocesß;
ful j> is l i a > lesson - : of < great encouragement (to all
'•liaunne '<’• yneqrxio
io Itd.lih:'; jo .hoi Mue-xvlUi .>%-•• veld
-a 4?r HciTsWli -Eresbyte^rjan, churphjOF
thisiphtce hag added s2ooito the .’pastor’s
Two: yeafi<ago the Church' called: the pastor-With
jSOOJ ah'd'wifch 1 dobbtsbijiress'ed'b^
some" as"fo its 1 ability to raissliat 'imbunt.’' ,K Ijtt
, . / .SD.nTH'ov.r.'aJ'iOW.
ijprgMre and at
the‘»Jlose*Of jfhe fofctyear.wasrdefiAitelyiiaisedKtb
fdO'O&v’ ; Now at the clbse'sdfi'thte'seeoudx
hWs'bSeh'rajsbd.'tci' 11200“ •* p. l en. . j ■- • --J
,Ab‘yt:hei sarnie'time, theyySexfon’s'salp-fy.'yas,
without solicitation,,, gdvanced fifty; per.pent., All
this is very much due to the zeal and energy of
the Treasurer.
Mffre tßfih hadf 'the prederiff
Church have been'addedflhinig these two years.
fi'Tbb ve'rysdelighitfuf iAAnlyQbaryiekereisefi of
the- Sunday-school' have 3 uit' passed,e at'Which' 'the
cohjgr'eg'dtibh pr'esc!tit? i;! i;ave“'sll'o 'fot thei'Usfe of
theeseboolyand-th'e XveryX’gratifljfing annonnce
rnenfWaSniade'thht no'deathshMocburrcdaiUong
teacheiS’ofseholaiisiduring:. thenar. >d’f .vt: •
C hTStAi WEbbraal—The 'ofT ctrk ! ,
Pal, on'the' '26th 1 of'Junbj trehted ' their "pastor |
It4y.‘ H.;E, Niles, ( and “lady,'to 1 a sur^risej'.in' i ‘tfie f
calledia “.crystal:,Wedding.” i yW!e<supiposeitmakeg•
-very little difference .- what • nam!e: ia« given; tor .'the |
t'rAtfdaciiiSny The people wouldhavehiade a'tihppof.,
thnily to if ,they M^h'btfohnd,
one. At all events, when Mr. and Mrs.
back to the paESonage;;they fonjid it occupied and
rapidly filling up with yoting. and'old. 1 ! 1 iThepar
lbf was decorated’ l witli ! gi-eat taste with 'a profu
sion of‘flowers and evergreens. ' On two .tables in
th.e I b^.c^ I par|pr gftt a.,glittering
every article: of glassware that .could .be used du
the family. Among them iwas ' a: jar labelled
“mint containing a peculiar soft of con
feetjiione .exg.miQatipn: 1 yas fdnnd t ( o
haye<heeu opposite
.attic ofiSeejiii Andther bottle, labelled “ t hamily: Me
dicifie”''was l fiill-bf ’gr'eenba'eka. i An''address .of
the party adjourned ‘to"the dining room, and par-
a; haudsojiie, supper,;in the, sj;yle ,of .a true
wedding feast.;.;-This very ,opppritnne..Bupply(eoa
bles tliespaitor to'ispend. his vaeationdh the: fnost
feomfortabde iilabn'er,' ah'd fn‘ a ehhaned his i
value and prolong his usefulness among his 1 peo-!
pie. They wiH i: fiiid it a good invCstmeht.'
The new jahji S,
the church,"is'pEogresSingifilnelyv.andiWhen com-;
pleted, ,iyip Jse,.qne .qfj the, finest,iUjthe.jj>tp,te.- i-W e
rej pice at .the jepeafedi tokefisiof-, behefice n ce, an d;
•prosperity ;gwen''by (he Tork-'chuTch' during'the
pasforateb'f'Mr/NilSs: --"'J' l ri ‘l*T ; ■' :,l!
, ; (Thanks, .fbosi NpLPHpB > . I SEp l i^GS 1 ,Mo.-—I
.wishiko iexpress my.ithanks, inihehalf :of brothers
Shaw,' J'enkins' and 'niys'elf,.‘t6 th,e FirStiEreshyte
'fii'n J 6hureh 'Brppkryh| for Jona-'
tipn pf and fifty
aflSabbath. Schopj use in^Qun^qr^
: it jn ?the. secondiplaces our thanks.-are,'due. Ret;
Dr: 'Kendall, -ffir‘ suggesting ■ us' as 1 the' recipieifts
oftbis greatfavorl' " i "; r ’ ! '
Thirdly, we. would, not./withhold ;our gratitude
from the Kublioation Gommittee for the liberal
allowance 1 made to u*, for the - money scnt them,
tbr oudh the'hands’ of Now, 1 'will
.ngticp the .churches, in’‘the East, that have been
bJessedjOfifjpd.andj.arej strpng.,and,wealthy, feel
■arid reali-zefthe.great imjfortahce and, value-to us
pioneer' -missionaries, of ithese Sabbath School
books in our labpfs in' tbe West ? 1 As important
as is the woi'k of the Home .Mission Committee,
,aud that; of.the Trustees of the Chureh.,Ereptipn
Fund; the work of ' th e 'Pub licatio u .Committee; has
no lets'ciaicnsjupcn the sympathiCspa;nd'eentribu
tiphs pf,aS the ehufcbes. ' Ffaterhally. J " ;;
, ;juiy l Sih, ,1867 f
Instaleation.—Rev.Btepbeh W;Dana.grad
uate 11 6f* Union TKedlogibal Seminary, l Was :;ih
s tailed r pastor, of'the Belvidere Second" Church,
, on Thursday July Uth, 1807.., W
jWopd> -presided and- '-proposed the*
queSrioils|;gev:>|J.; J. Ddna/bf ' Mass., father of
s pr®fchecF Rev:Bhrnes
1 0^9?', i |iaf£jyettej. cpllege" fgaye
-the-charge to tbe'peop'e.,vThe:oeqasiomwABj.ohe
bf the'deepies'tfinterest/and'thejpeepl'e' shieieoi'di
; ally united' in'dheii' de% ! ! 'The pf Aspects
of the Church, were never prosperous
Over forty
Church by Mr. Dana began his
labors among them-
' Since ; a * little r jpore- ( than,. one year .ago the
Church, S. S;~. ) oCth,i? l piftce ltfj.wu
fWil'Slml,,aud.hth&T..coUecfypim $Q
t£3j£ w* J*w ?^si®^? u e ,^M r rV
Qtjxrj, ( us through till next
ini» church .ieiiowship. i off*BW
ma£k &s*;’ w$ *m*j
ehurphrten nule? the .village, a-nd
hope spdn/jwill a ministpr. Qne
to[ us now of. bpepial ,comfbrj> is pur ypupg
rhg pa S etijg : h,as ii aih##9?^
gn , , iJ?£ ,
CHUBCHiES. —-The’ Church in-MetropoliSy-111.,
has -members;'Ando now
nunibefe 22.: pALridwincihurobwasdoiiganiaediat
Bntlierp:Mi6i', March/3'l«t. i Another cwasflrgahizbd
pas6rCo.’i)M6lj'Malrch 33isft -At
W'late Jcorhmubidn in t\Ehkfc Spring; M 0.,. an eldet
waa' ordained; i 4 children' Jhaptiied;' and. 'T-iherif
bermadded' totbe 'C hnreha J ~ The- Ciassan-Etveinie
Bresbyterian-jchuroh, , Brooklyn;! wash iorgaaized
JuiykSth; MX.} tfebkty P.oiM./jbyhtbejßreisbyi
terydofoßrooklynlVlt consists ofvfiftyitwb.'meiß}
bers. o Theses with/bheiexception of J two -onLpr.Or
fession:iio£ - ithpiroFaith,* swef dditeceived; by letter
from.othßrS-chureihes; i Three, - elders and - three
deacons wererchoseh and hrdatnfecL .. .The ;Congre i
gation have (procureddots and- erected thereon: a
neat .and- substantial ’lecturee ! room ) 'Bu£6eieiit Tor
present '-purposes.' ■- iTh’e .prospects afe! excellent.
. i 1 The exterior; of -theiOentraJL'Bresbyteiian
church, ; Wilmington;; ©eL,iis now being Jjepaintt
ed 1 and previous to them.-
Stallationjo'f-4tsiiiewip4steis,jßesKiGi D. ShaWioD
!, '-'6jis>ii&ftbw; dt! a .-T-Thh Jinfet
estihg leWiee 2 of* otd&ihihgf injwwßb hibects“ ere
tbirg tetmabe 2 known 'the'
fedtind-i^W'dsleM pfe'cey
ldth'-street'Cjh’drclr oh SbndayhTuiy \L4th. ! *Ero
candidate!,' Mr::’Charles 'C? J*w&y, ’W i u ‘reher?t
bf* the’ "trhioK' J ,TheB^gre^”Seiffin r akyr,
and 2 durihg 'His'cqdrhe Jp
ihemberyhip;] and 1 id; Ssibb’dth'-shhooJL labors
the-, chhrSh ‘hanied: 1 ‘Much
fore felt L ih 'the 1 sCtyices/'apPa good ;wa's
ih u
The; bpenitfg seryicek'
■Rev.\Drl Booth J ,'6f-' the T Ajerb&r street 'Chhtelr—
'whei ! id* si Veihhd9 he Brutlhflffiil ’Gbijdrtiifckefe 'df
the Anlerib'ah
T^raey : gobs' ohf—and 1 thh' l ehriiroii t ) a'fery
p.riate' one; fo’hhded npdn' tile :J last- clhnse 'of tSe
Bib vei‘sS ,; bf ' the'-’9th v 'chhbtbr l ! pf'tsaiaih' was
preached J by‘the i4th-stfeet Ghhreb,
the Rev./B. iy;<Hit6hb6ck,' The moderator of
the-Third, Preshjdbiy; Bt.’'‘tVfW. 2 Newell;'jiro-
usthil ■ tam,d'J6f
fbred'th'e’ordaih'ing 'hVayef—Brs; oipt and Booth,
and ‘Rbvs. 1 'Wilson I ,' Hitbh(36ck , ,| and Toue otheh
clergymiah;’hhitihg with “the modefatof ’ih'this
iihposi tioh * b'f had ds. ’•' The 1 Teneirabl'e' : BrV Cox
thfenl i es , cei)ded' the piilpit"
date The
'services ebhcluded 1 with' the 1 apostolic’ Behediction
bjr J Mr! Tracy, 1! ’With a’hd’ther member nf'the
TdtH-htt'eet'Dhu'reli, Mr'. 1
of. the*'venbrahle'‘Secretary l 'bf‘ ; 'the i Amerieslh
Tract SbbieCy, :i oib,'Rev ? .' l)df; : Tfaby ; bxped6e : to nl Set
'sail' fdf Turkey, .with 'add
, 1 The! 'pßE :^BYTt:itY n & Afield' met'April
19tli. Three.cliiir.clies reported u reyiva]3- of re
ligipn.y i J^ev.' . tr. ihstalled
; pastor the "Second;" ('foureK-oJ opringfiel'd.
itijyas' ’ ' - y;-".';" "
JtesdlvM'lst. ;i T'hat i it l shhli be a'.staiididg rhlb
o^'PrcSbylhry at each ‘regulir.nbiebtings to
of' sfsheiadl 1 ot
(|hr. of the day ( at sbmd _ bbsiiop,
i &d^hit ! a£/thil6,‘titi»e^t ll sH^;^no&e'l^ : h i, iAi6te
'teacherSj'and all matteys bSrineeted therewith.
t 23..; - 'That'the Rye'shyjteryshall
diyeti'B'i'fbt the elijldred 1 Sf ' t thfe ” SahHathitchools
with."‘prayer! music * ' ' '
OfTi -v; I'-..: ’ hi*.
( P°th: A,jceylval.^t, j-eppr.tqd,
.sixty. and. had'
.gathered in., Ali,thb : chprchps rejbrted/faypva
, blp.progress.. ,Ot%ha, Church; organized about a
yppr ago has!twefltyAh r p e r , j ,
!, THE,PftESpYTEB.Y!pE,Sq|ipYi,EB.-met in Perry,
April 19th; .i Delegates . were rpceiycd'fi-pm and t ( he Os- S.; Hrosbytery.of, %huylcr„Seven
churches,reported,revivals and-ilargCj accessions,
anitwo churchesihad b,een .organized,.during the
year..-., , - ~ --J-. ,"r.
i,M iNiSTERrAirtr-Rev.. Go "Wi.- :Wallace-.of. Sey
mour’has removed-: to Delphi:, Ind., andibecome
stated -.'supply : tb >the. r Clluroh therc. ——Rev.
JobniiHussey.'is-supplying ithe pulpit of:-.our
Church, in .Seymour ‘during the summer vacation
iof the &lendale -Female College,-in which he is
a professoi-r——Eev. J. T. Willett has, removed
to - St;: Louis, Cfratiot county,, Rev. P.
R. Day, late-of Troy, has accepted ;a eall tOi the
Kirst.Congregational church:of Saratoga Springs.
— —-Heury -L; Brown,, aixecent graduate of; Lane
Seminary-and a licentiate:of Hamilroti Hresbyte
ry; has received andri accejAed -a ca 11... from,.the
Church at -Marion, -j&raiit ibonnty;.lad; ,'. : ;-'-Tbe
First Church of Orange, -N-. J.; which , was made
vacant in.Dpcember last;iby;itlie sudden -death;of
•its-pastor, Revi r ,James Hoyt, have a call to
Rev. Eldridge Mix, of Burlington,, Vt;—rr-^Rev.
Charph, has,accepted } a, calltto. the
pastorate of chnjehayCrystal
India.—A new telegraph ine is to ‘be establish/d
'Bet\teetfEttgland : arid*i\er- ? s^t j l4diaitf! possesion?,
janjl; arrangements. Piufsp/a,
Russia and Persia for the route through those co,un-
pf India will arrange for a
V J " ■