CAPITAL TIMES NEWS EDITOR IN CHIEF ASSISTANT EDITOR STAFF WRITERS BUSINESS BUSINESS MANAGER The Capital Times is published biweekly by the students of Penn State Harrisburg and is funded with Student Activity Fee money. Viewpoints e solely those of the authors and are not representative of the colleg - administration, faculty or student body. Join Us The Capital Times is always looking for student writers and photographers. No experience is necessary and training is provided Opportunities for advancement are available. Students who are interested should stop by The Capital Times office at E-126, call 717-948-6440 or e-mail Buy Ad Space To buy advertisement space in The Capital Times, please contact Busi ness manager James Speed at JKSSI6I@PSU.EDU. Available advertisement sizes, prices and printing dates will be provid ed. Penn State Harrisburg clubs, organizations and services are eligible Jenna DeNoyelles Vincent Dangolovich Christen Croley Tom Kiemick Phil Narsh James Speed AL 'TIMES Editor's Comments Some people just won't let April Fools day die... Corrections and Comments The Capital Times seeks to provide complete, correct and fair reporting. Any necessary corrections or com ments are welcome and appreciated. Please call 717-948-6440 or e-mail We are those people. ril 1 2010