Capitol times. (Middletown, Pa.) 1982-2013, February 03, 2010, Image 9

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    Soup up for the Superbowl
Students enjoy hot soup on a cold day on Feb. 1 to get ready for the Superbowl served
by faculty members, Dr. Felicia Brown Haywood, Donna Howard, and student Marcel
lus Taylor. Sponsored by the Campus Life and Intercultural affairs funded by SAF.
yelles/ The
"Love Belongs Here" at THON 2010
THON is the largest student run
philanthropy in the world. It is a yearlong
effort to raise funds and awareness for the
fight against peoliatric cancer. It started
in 1973, a small group of dedicated
Penn State students held the first Dance
Marathon. Today, THON has 15,000
student volunteers, 700 dancers, and has
raised more than $6l million. Penn State
Harrisburg raised $9,781.57 so far this year,
and they still have 23 days and one more
canning weekend before THON weekend.
Penn State Harrisburg's total for last year
was $10635.68.
Victoria, the president of Penn State
Harrisburg THON, says, "There are a bunch
of reasons why people should get involved
in THON. If students are looking to get
involved in something much larger than
themselves: THON is the largest student
run philanthropy in the world. If students
want to help the less fortunate, THON has
helped thousands of kids suffering from
different forms of pediatric cancer. For
those looking for something to do, THON
events are a fun way to spend your free
time, where you can meet new People as
Every year thousands of Penn State
students work diligently to support the kids
and their families. Some students do so
by canning throughout the cold winter to
fimdraise for THON. Some students plan
THON events by volunteering as captains
and committee members. Penn State
Harrisburg's canning weekends have also
been very successful this year. Also, there
were other fundraising events such as Pizza
delight and PAN on campus. And generous
amount of money was raised through such
The members of THON will also host a
presentation on the 17th of February for the
MAEP program, where they will introduce
THON and its mission to students. The
THON members are also very active in
keeping touch with their THON families.
They have been invited by the families for
dinner this year as well.
Here at Penn State Harrisburg we have
numerous groups and clubs that meet
to perform extracurricular activities
and expand their member's intellectual
horizons. PSH's photography
club is among one of those let
students express their artistic side.
The photo club has been recognized
in The Capital Times by showcasing
member's work and they are now
looking for new members to join in
their art. Current club president Chyna
Geib is new to the cabinet this year but
is keeping the club active with different
workshops and weekly meetings.
According to Geib, last semester the
club held a Photoshop workshop to teach
This semester the club is looking
forward to holding more workshops.
The photography club is also looking
forward to the annual photography trip.
For the past few years the club has gone
to New York City. This year the group
will take a trip to Baltimore's National
Aquarium on Sunday April 11, 2010.
Micah, who also danced for THON,
talks very passionately about the THON
weekend. It is something that needs to be
experienced, he says.
"The experience of dancing for the kids
for 46 hours straight is really indescribable.
It's incredibly emotional and personal. The
people there are amazing,
everyone is there to support
the dancers and the dancers
are there for the kids. The
children are heartbreaking,
all their stories make you
want to break down and cry,
both for those who've made
it and for those that haven't;
and believe me, you will cry
right alongside 15,000 other
And what is incredible is
the zest with which the
dancers keep going: greater
than their sleepiness and
the pain in their feet is the
THON Spirit. And for every
THON, 700 students show
their support for the kids by
Photography club enables creative
outlet for students
3 2010
Anyone is able to sign up regardless
of club membership. The sign-up dates
will be held in the main lobby of the
Olmsted building and are as follows:
Tuesday, Feb 9 and Thursday, Feb. 11
from 12 pm to 4 pm and Wednesday,
Feb. 17 and Friday, February 19th from
9arn toll am. and then from 1 pm to 4pm
This semester the photo club is focusing
on a few different techniques used in
the field of photography. Geib stated
that they would be working on the use
of studio lighting in photos, black and
white film developing and print making,
and an alternative method of print
making known as Van Dyke Brown.
If you are a student who possesses
an interest in taking and developing
pictures, then the photography club
is the place for you. As a member
of the club, you gain access to the
photo lab where you can develop
your own photos. Also, members are
allowed to participate in the weekly
themed photo contests. The winners'
photos are placed in the Capital
Times for the student body to view.
To join the club you can contact club
president Chyna Geib at cmgs332@psu.
edu. The club meets on Wednesdays
from Ipm to 2 pm and Thursdays 12:30
pm to 1 pm.
pledging not to sit or sleep for two days
straight, as dancers.
THON truly boosts spirits among college
students to make a difference and to go
beyond their ways to a make a significant
impact on other's lives.
Photo by Jenna DeNoyelles/ The Capital Times