1. In this puzzle, each letter represents a different number. Can you work out what number (0-9) each letter stands for? The leftmost letter can not be zero in any word. 2. Graham is related to Raymond, Richard is related to Henrietta, Stephanie is related to Emmanuel and Veronica is related to Marianne. Who is related to Pauline - Leonardo or Winifred and why? 3. ADHERE, BAMBOO, FLIMSY, SHRIEK, STRUCK. Which one of the following wards belongs in the list above and why? CRINGE, INCOME, MATRIX, NEBULA, ROBUST. 4. Alison is 4 years old, Vincent is 23, Caroline is 19 and Andrew is 18. How aid is Matthew and why? 5. The seven people in this puzzle share the same birthday. Melissa is twice as old as Joan, who is five times older than Sam, who is four years younger than Nancy, who is a quarter the age of Steve, who is half the age of Peter, who is six times older than Bill. How old is each person is their combined WORD SERVE SCORE TENN I S SEARCH: Africa ) DJIBOUTI (? ) ETHIOPIA ) LIBYA ) NIGER )CHAD ) LIBERIA ) TOGO ) ZIMBABWE ) EGYPT ) CAMEROON ) CONGO ) KENYA ) TANZANIA ) MADAGASCAR ) SUDAN ) ALGERIA