President's Corner A new program Got Experience? No? Then "Experience It!" Get some real-world experience while helping others. Build your resume with a volunteer community service position with an area non-profit agency. . Variety of participating agencies and needs . Match your interests, skills, and availability . Some expenses may be reimbursed For more information, contact Career Services Wll7 Olmsted, 948-6260 or This program Is funded by a grant from the Penn State Harrisburg 2008-09 Student ANTONIOS AVRAMIDIS SGA PRFSIDENT AWASOIBOPSU.EDU e rvices 0 =II rom t Editor's note The Student Government Association is provided space in each issue of The Capital Times for communicating with the Penn State Harrisburg student body. Neither the SGA president nor vice president chose to utilize the space and opportunity for this issue. McCAIN: The better bet in the White House Continued from page 6 McCain should seize this issue and illustrate Obama's demagoguery of welfare under a pseudo-tax cut proposal. It's not a tax rebate if there is nothing attributed to the IRS a form of income taxes. It's government subsidizing lower income families, nothing more. Furthermore, McCain should harness Obama's tax-and-spend policies and communicate to America their harmful implications. Under Obama's tax plan, two-thirds of all businesses will be subjected to a tax hike, resulting in even more lost jobs. His nearly $1 trillion of proposed additional spending will drastically exasperate our current deficit, leaving generations to come with tax rates that will even make European countries look desirable for investment. Simple economics dictates that NATHANIEL HEZEKIAH SGA VICE PRESIDENT NZH 111 @PSU.EDU this additional government spending has the potential to devalue our dollar even more in turn causing inflation and perhaps even stagflation (in the case of negative growth in gross domestic product). Secondly, McCain can bring up Obama's relationships with shady individuals, which are too often ignored by the mainstream media. Bring up convicted slumlord, Tony Resco, and the alleged sweet hearting-collusion that Obama might have engaged. Bring up the infamous black liberation theologian, Jeremiah Wright, who paints Jesus Christ more like a Sandinista soldier then the savior of all people. He was Obama's pastor for nearly 20 years before he was conveniently swept under the rug as a radical who had no fundamental influence on the senator. Bring up Obama's association with unrepentant terrorist bomber William Ayers. Question his judgment on the circumstances that lead Obama to have such close ties with such deplorable people. All is fair in love and politics. In a time of economic crisis, two wars, and an integral turning point in history, do we really want our country in the hands of a committed leftist who is untested, unqualified and incapable of taking a strong stand on anything? It is apparent that the American public is clamoring for something different. But in these trying times America needs a leader, not an eloquent Harvard Law professor. McCain is the best man for the job and he must convey this to America. It's halftime and McCain is down by three touchdowns. He still has the entire second half to narrow the deficit and assume victory. At least for America's sake, I hope he does.