Capitol times. (Middletown, Pa.) 1982-2013, March 26, 2007, Image 9
Well ladies and gentleman I am back with yet again another CD review of the Rock Genre. This one most likely not so well known unless you play Guitar Hero and Guitar Hero II (this artist can be found in the later of the two). The band is Avenged Sevenfold, or as they like to be known/abbreviated as, A7X. The band debuted in July of 2001 with their album, “Sounding the Seventh Trumpet.” This album was recorded independently under Good Life Recordings, when the members of the band were nineteen years of age. The sound was a combination of hardcore and metalcore. After several other albums and a small following they released “Waking the Fallen” under Hopeless Records (the same company that re-released their first album), and A7X received positive rating from Rolling Stone Magazine and made their way onto Warner Bros. Record Label. Because of this, the band grew very mainstream. Under Warner Bros, they released the album of interest, “City of Evil,” which steers away from the metalcore genera and stays more Heavy Metal, meaning less screaming and more singing. The band has many religious undertones, the band’s name is a reference to the book of Genesis in the Bible and the story of Cain and Abel in which Cain is punished to live in exile alone and miserable. Anyone who relieved Cain of his misery by killing him would have “vengeance taken upon him sevenfold.” “Beast and the Harlot” is a song derived from the Bible. It comes from the book of Revelation and refers to the punishment of Babylon the Great, world empire and seat of false religion. Another Bible reference occurs in the song “Wicked End.” In the song, several times it is said “dust the apple off, savor each bite, and deep inside you know Adam was right,” making reference to Eve eating the forbidden fruit. Although the band’s title and members’ stage names make obvious references to religion, M. Shadows, vocalist for the band, stated in an interview that they are “not really religious at all.” “Anyone that read the lyrics and really knew anything about us, they would know we’re not promoting either” he said. “That’s one thing about this band that I love is that we never really shove any kind of, like, political or religious beliefs on people. We just, the music’s there to entertain and maybe thought provoking on both sides, but we don’t try to, like, really shove anything down anyone’s throat. There’s too many bands that do that nowadays, I think.” Their song “Blinded in Chains” was used in the soundtrack for the video game Need for Speed: Most Wanted and Arena Football. “Bat Country” was used in the soundtracks for SSX on Tour, NHL 06 and Madden 06, following in the footsteps of “Chapter Four” which had also been on the soundtrack for NHL 2004, Madden 2004 and NASCAR Thunder 2004. The song “Beast and the Harlot” was in the soundtrack for Burnout Revenge. “Beast and the Harlot” also appears in Guitar Hero 11, released in November 2006. The song “Bum it Down” is featured on the Saw 111 soundtrack. This band has made the change from independent metalcore to mainstream heavy metal, and has grown ever since their debut with Warner Bros. I give this album a 8.5 out of 10 (they can get somewhat repetitive), but I look forward to their future releases. If you would like an album reviewed, e-mail me at J&J's Pizzeria takes your poor cash By RUSTY TUCCI Staff Reporter RGTSOO6@PSU.EDU I sit there looking over one of those free car advertisements, (you know, the ones that they have at stores and restaurants, the booklets with over 100 pages of new and used cars for sale) and I heae, “ninety three pepperoni boli, and small poppers.” I walk up to the counter, bringing my recently emptied medium drink cup up with me, and pick up my order. The Stromboli is surprisingly large for a mini; about eight inches long, three “ish” inches wide and about and inch tall, of melted mozzarella, pepperoni, and pholo courtesy of sauce, cut -nice J&J Pizzeria and Grille offers a wide selection of budget friendly pizzas and other familiar Italian cuisine and is located in Middletown. straight down the middle. I have a small cup of sauce for my dipping pleasure. The last item on my tray that my eyes seemed to have gravitated to was the bag. A bag containing my personal favorite item on the menu: Jalapeno Pepper Poppers, the decadent pepper stuffed with cheddar cheese, and smothered in bread crumbs. I fill up my cup (again; 1 was really thirsty) with a perfect blend of coca-cola and a hint of orange, ◄ Geek's Corner ► By LISA STONE Columnist LCSI67@PSU.EDU What ever happened to geeky TV? Don’t get me wrong, there are some excellent TV series out there today that I am a devout follower of, but what happened to those Saturday morning cartoons and those weekday afternoon shows that used to be like geek crack? I have to admit, anymore the majority of cartoon selections out there just don’t seem as appealing. Is this because we have simply outgrown cartoons? I can’t say that I think that is the case, or at least not entirely. I went back and got the old Transformers: Beastwars as well as some of the old The Uncanny X-men cartoons and they are just as addictive to me as when I used to have to drag myself out of the morning at some god awful hour to watch them. The cartoons offered up to the kids today just don’t seem to make the cut in most cases. These new ones like Kirby, Megaman, and The Cramp Twins just don’t hold a candle to the old cartoons out there. Far too many cutesy cartoons seem to have taken over. Don’t get me wrong, they always had a presence in the Saturday Morning Line Up. Had to give the girly girls something to watch. I truly understand that. But it seems like it has gone too far. Where are the super humans, the explosions, the plots with at least a little suffering, angst or even challenges that don’t involve making it to the top of jelly freaking mountain!?!? I will say there are a few redeeming cartoons out there. Ones such as Yu-Gi-Oh do make up for some of their brethren. They aren’t enough to get me out of bed a six and then I head back to my table. Looking around, for any thieves that might be interested in stealing my food, I noticed how clean the place was. The floors where obviously swept and most likely freshly mopped. The windows were clean, slightly smeared, but that looked to be the calling card of the five year old window smearing boy that was leaving when I entered only 10 minutes ago, and all of the tables appeared to be clean enough for me to lick my spilled soda off of (the soda tasted fine). 1 decided to go in the reverse order, and eat my appetizer first. I took a look at the bag of goodness, and I reached my hand into the bag and a.m. like they used to when 1 was younger, but I may be willing to say that is because of a college student’s less than perfect sleep schedule and call it even. So what happened? Are kids these days, more into cutesy than us old farts? Did the networks get Looney Tunes, with their infamous characters, was a staple Saturday morning cartoon for now college students. accused of corrupting youth with violence, the explosions, and other adult themes? 1 truly wish I knew, because then maybe something could he done. heroes in action. Other factors such as after school and weekend activities have caused TV stations to put less focus and thus less money into this tradition of our childhood than they Saturday morning cartoons seem once did. A common opinion as to why removed the morsel of a popper. After a thorough observation, this included but was not limited to me making various measurements of size, density, temperature, and a bunch of other things which must remain a secret from you, the readers, as well as me. After this investigation I realized that the popper was generously sized for the price. 1 took a bite, only to whimper in pain immediately afterward. The cheese scolded my lips, but it was still amazing. The poppers contained more cheese than I was expecting, and they were not overly smothered in bread crumbs. The jalapeno inside was, like at most places, split in half and again to be dieing is the lifestyle of Americans and their children today. With the advent of internet and computer gaming, console gaming, and last but not least VCRs, kids today don’t have to crawl out of bed in the wee hours of the morning to see their animated generously sized. After devouring all four poppers I came to the conclusion that the poppers where a very good deal. I then decided that I might as well try the Stromboli since I had ordered it. The entree was filling and then some. Inside there was about six to seven ounces of pepperoni (give or take) and a generous amount of cheese. After another one of those secret inspections, I came to the realization that 1 was not expecting something this large for the $4.75 that 1 had paid. Like the poppers, the inside was extremely hot and burned my lips because in part from the freshness and part by my carelessness. Another problem that many stations site is that kids are harder to impress today. If the animation isn’t excellent or if it isn’t a beautiful computer generated cartoon children today don’t like it Personally I am not sure this is true or if it is just an excuse, Photo courtesy of but I will say 1 am in favor of the cartoon industry continuing to advance. 1 can only hope that the stations will continue to support the advancement. Where does this leave us though? Are we doomed to forever be After finishing another soda, bringing my total to three sodas, I decided I would take a look around. The bathrooms were clean, the jukebox had an eclectic selection of music, and the few games made it like most other pizza places. The paper menu, as many of us have seen, is extremely colorful and eye-catching. The menu includes everything you would expect from a pizzeria. Pizza coming in the form of an entire pie, or in the individual slice, you can buy an entire pie for the price of about .six slices. They serve your specialty pizzas as well, such as the Taco pizza, the Hawaiian, the Meaty, the White, and a few others. They also have your Sicilian pizza, for anyone who is squared off around the edges. There are some Strombolis and some Calzones. Then if your not in the mood for pizza they have pastas, salads, subs (both hot and cold), burgers, sandwiches, sides, and your WINGS. Oh, and for your liquid indulgences coca-cola products are available at the fountain. The restaurant offers a refrigerated section of bottled drinks including beer, for those of you who are legally allowed to drink, and I believe they have some beer on tap. If you like food and you don’t truly want to cook, and you have a couple dollars to spare, then grab a couple of friends and head into town and stop at J&J. With a couple friends you can get a good meal. Alone it can be a bit pricey, but the prices are about the same a Midtown Pizzeria. So if your hungry, thirsty, or looking to have a good time, grab some friends, and head on over to J&J Pizzeria and Grille. without our cartoons? I for one refuse to relinquish my childishness and some of the networks out there have heard myself and others like me. We are given cartoons such as Fairly Odd Parents, Spongebob Squarepants, and Invader Zim to ease the loss. Though they are not at the crack of dawn Saturday morning, they are still enough to give me the necessaiy cartoon fix to keep my inner child alive and glued to the TV. Heck some TV shows out there today such as Avatar: The Last Airbender are even indoctrinating children to the anime side at a young age! I am one of those geeks that got up with my brother at four in the morning come the weekend and watched the old anime that SciFi used to air. It is sad that they no longer do this it seems, but perhaps they will try it again. This move towards trying anime out on the impressionable young of America is an awesome move by the TV stations and I fully support their efforts. Though if they don’t start choosing voice actors and editing teams that make cats cry soon, I may change my toon. And yes, I am probably just saying that because I am an anime junkie. In the end, sad as it is, Saturday Morning cartoons as they were when the college students of today were kids are probably gone. Much like Scooby Doo, Speed Racer, and Looney Toons still hold a special place in the hearts of our parents, the cartoons we loved as children will likely be bought in DVD form when we aren’t paying tuition bills so that we might honor our childhoods. If we are lucky, perhaps something even better will come along to take their place. We can only hope.