Capitol times. (Middletown, Pa.) 1982-2013, March 26, 2007, Image 11
Fashion Tips that fit your 'star-quality': Part 3 By LAYLA DIDEBAN Staff Reporter SZDI23@PSU.EDU Major Personality Traits of Cancer: 1. Reserved- Don’t expect Cancer to tell their life story the first time they meet a person. This intimate information is held back only for a select clan that has earned their trust. Relax, it is nothing personal, and it does not mean that they are cold hearted people. They simply take their time before warming up to some one. Metaphorically speaking, Cancer is like a den; gazing into the entrance it appears to be dark and mysterious. It is only when one takes the time to come in and hang out for a bit that they find a true comfort in its setting. The initial gloom of the den is taken away by the blazing Cancerian fire that warms up even the most weary of travelers. Some Fashion tips: Let’s be honest, nobody is going to find Cancer sitting around the fire in any silk or chiffon. Crabs crave comfort! For this reason, both men and woman crabs will be wearing soft, cozy fabrics like flannel, velour and terry cloth. 2. Retentive- Their stony face, along with their thick skin and detached visage, is only a front. When Cancer is around a familiar face the wall L P crumbles and all kinds of emotion seeps through. Yes, Cancer can be a person at times, as wild as that sounds! The best part to this madness is that they retain (in detail) all their sensitive ventures. If Cancer happened to meet up with a past lover, all of the feelings that had been previously dumped they will go fetch again. Quit digging in the trash, Cancer, send it to the shredder! Some Fashion Their sensitivity may not be so hidden in their closet. Cancerian woman have all sorts of soft, pretty, feminine and vintage pieces overflowing their closets. The male crabs flaunt their emotion by wearing out that ratty old T-shirt they kept as a keepsake years ago. 3. Confused- Cancerians have these idealistic views on their life. They feel like they are the protectors Mi*aivftfttvres $ of> You oisfc&J we +<j «€et yov kert yet/ pftk t/f ytt/f litffe risHt. '\ f u Primetime of their family, shielding them away from all the evils of the world. “I will take care of it,” seems to be their favorite phrase. So, here’s where Cancer happens to get a little confused. Cancer proves their loyalty to their spouses by cheating on them. It is not unlikely for a Cancer to have a few affairs. And I don’t mean to point any fingers, but it happens more so with Cancerian men. So, if “I’ll save you,” c R Vcft 2- ko*rs Cmf !y» y tv know wk»t time +* pick her i/p, / BoJ j thnfnj. Grey's Anatomy American Idol House Law and Order Ugly Betty NCIS Survivor Boston Legal Bones Criminal Minds Desperate Housewives Lost Heroes Deal or No Deal Twentyfour means you’re going to shove me off the ledge that I was already hanging on by a hair, then 1 think I’ll pass on Cancer and wait for Orlando Bloom. Some Fashion tips: Everybody likes jewelry and Crabs are no exception. My advice, when buying silver and pearls for the lover; hide the receipt from the wife. Major Personality Traits of a Leo: - 1. Dynamic- Leos are people with THE CAPITAL TIMES phenomenal personalities. They are so strong willed that they can take control of any situation no matter how problematic. In fact, they take on challenges with intrigue, knowing that the warrior in them can battle the waves like a fierce Spartan. After the battle is over, Leo is drenched with intelligence,. They walk with pride and determination as they acquire flocks of followers. Some fashion tips: Leos fashion is horrible. They dress in glittering shirts, skirts, and dresses. I don’t know what to say other than, “sequins was an 80’s thing, thanks.” Their taste in animal prints is also extremely tacky. I suppose if anyone can pull off these faux paus, it would be Leo. I really hope most Leo’s do not dress this way. 2. Uncomplicated- One of the most respected traits is that a Leo is straightforward and honest. Leos don’t play games, so one will always know where they stand. There is a certain amount of comfort in knowing that, “what you see is what you get.” Leos will never pretend to be something other than what they are. That attitude also extends to the people in their lives. If Leo likes you, rest assured it’s sincere and there will be no two faced backstabbing. However, get in their way and watch that Lion roar! As Leo is never afraid to put Avtaf etfe these KO o c i 6 i i s i i i r 7 1_ _____ __2____ _____ _4_ 8 _9 5 1 7 8 9 2 _7____4 _5 4 _6 3_ 9 2 TO SOLVE: Each row, column and 3x3 block must contain the numbers 1 to 9 without any duplicates. March 26, 2007 someone in their place, remember, that it always best to be a friend of the King (or Queen) rather than the enemy. Some Fashion tips: As royalty, Leo must only wear clothing that is extremely expensive in quality. That means sitting in the front row of the runway show grabbing all those designer labels! After all, only the best silks and satins would be appropriate for this ruler. 3. Angry- Leos never said they were perfect, and with such a huge personality it’s easy to see how they can let loose if someone steps on their tail. And with those teeth, 1 promise, Leo is not playing! The Lion is extremely territorial, step within their space and they will rip you to shreds! Don’t even try to get this one jealous because Leo knows how to slam one down and then with a flip of the mane, walk away. Again, it’s always best to follow your leader. So, if Leo decides to walk, you walk with them! Some Fashion tips: Leo’s have bold personalities; therefore they need to wear bold colors. This helps them stand out and adds to any dramatic effect that they are going for at the moment. Leaving with brilliance is the only way to end a scene. U ike ?itrot> 'bvTtMft, H r my UJ timfaj? \ Vv For the correct answers, please visit us in the Capital Times office,