Capitol times. (Middletown, Pa.) 1982-2013, March 26, 2007, Image 10
By KRIS AUMILLER Film Reviewer KRASOIB@PSU.EDU The Number 23 When I first saw the preview for this film, 1 knew I had to see it. 1 love Jim Carrey in everything he has done, and a good thriller/ insanity movie hasn’t ever been overdone. Not to mention, 1 have a mild obsession with the number as well. My baseball number has been number 23 since 1 was 14 years old. By the w ay, when 1 was 14, it was my ninth year of baseball, and 14 + 9 = 23. I have a small obsession with the number, but not as bad as Jim Carrey’s character in the movie. Passwords (no one heard that), screen names (no one heard that either), or anything for that matter that involves a number has involved the number 23 for me. Walter Sparrow (Jim Carrey) is a dog catcher with an uneventful life. Until his birthday, he lived what he described in the film as a perfectly normal life. Then, at 4:58 (2 minutes before he gets off of work), he was called for a stray bulldog. When he “caught” the dog, he looked at the dog’s nametag that simply reads, “NED.” Of course, N (14), E (5), D RATING (4) 14 + 5 + 4 = 23. The dog bites No question. The Number 23 gets him and runs away. Sparrow finally five out of five baseballs, gets to meet up with his wife when the dog runs away and he met his f \j /\ (\ f) L wife at the bookstore. \*\J V/ y VfJ Vc y Rune Scape game gives escape from boredom By OLIVER EISLER Staff Reporter OPESOOO@PSU.EDU Imagine you are in a world with limitless possibilities, where every step is a leap into a world straight out of your imagination. Your actions change the world around you and the experience of the gamers that inhabit this same world. That is what an RPG (role-playing game) is all about. In the earliest days of the internet, there were online text-based RPGs called, rather tragically, MUDs (Multiple UserDungeon)—there were also MOOs, MUSHs, MUCKs and other unfortunate acronyms, but they generally amount to the same thing. MUDs weren't much more than Player's Exchange: Longtime staple for local musicians By JOHN FOX Staff Reporter JTFIS3@PSU.EDU The Player's Exchange is a Harrisburg area music store that has catered to the need of every local musician in the area since its conception over thirteen years ago. Located in Lemoyne, The Player’s Exchange specializes in buying and selling new and used musical equipment of all types. Owner Scott Frange is proud to serve every demographic of area musicians who have come to him over the years ever since he started The Player’s Exchange. “I take my business very seriously,” says Frange. “My customer base covers beginners to very high end collectors. They all get the same honest, dedicated service. I want to match up the potential buyer with exactly what he or she needs, She is leafing through a book and decides to buy it for him. The book is unsurprisngly titled, “The Number 23.” He begins to read the novel and starts to convince himself that the character is based on him. Not only that, he began to see “the number” everywhere. His birthday, his address, his driver’s license number and his social security number, after some arithmetic, can be derived back to the number. After all this, and his continued reading of the book, he goes to see a college professor. The professor tries to calm him down and shows him that the number 23 is good to the game of paranoia. Such as, two divided by three is .666, the number of the devil. Julius Cesar was stabbed 23 times. The Oklahoma City Bombing happened on April 19 (4 + 19 = 23). Joseph Smith, the beginner of the Mormon religion, was bom on December 23, 1805 (23, and 18 + 5 = 23). The Mayans predicted that the world would end on December 23, 2012 (2, 1 + 2 = 3, 23). And the list goes on and on. When I came out of the movie theatre, the number captivated me. I started to see it everywhere. I was wearing a shirt from my high school baseball team that had 23 My friend and I got in the car at 12:11 AM (12+ 11 =23). We passed mile marker 2.3 on the highway. Also, we passed a speed limit sign with a radar display. The speed limit was 55, and we were going 58 (5+ 5+5 + 8 = 23). In my opinion, that makes a great movie. If it is quotable or if it can grab a hold of you in some way, it is a worthwhile two hours. The Number 23 has instantly become a part of my top five movies of all time. writing on a screen, and you had to rely heavily on the programmer’s writing skills to immerse yourself in the world. Unfortunately, most of the MUDs were quite poorly written, or the developer lost interest and the MUD would slowly die as the players got bored MUDs have been around for quite a long time but as technology has evolved and improved, the games have also improved and now you can play graphic-based MMORPGs. One such MMORPG is Rune Scape. An MMORPG is a ‘Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Game,’ which is a long way of saying that it’s a virtual world that lots of nothing more. I take each buyer very are always getting a great value, seriously and lam very conscientious compared to buying new. Beginners about ensuring repeat business, as well as pros appreciate that My regulars are very loyal, over all these years.” Over the years, The Player’s Exchange has developed the reputation of being a very important staple among Harrisburg Area Musicians. Scott elaborates on that fact, as well as his standards of business and quality merchandise. “As I said before, my business covers all ranges. I get just as excited when 1 buy a 1-year-old Fender as I do buying a 1952. 1 buy only clean pieces of equipment. My standard policy is a six-month warranty on everything leaving the store. No one offers anything of that kind on used gear. That is why every piece must be right: No excuses. My guitars and amps reflect that. I take great pride in every piece of inventory. When atmosphere, as are his customers, you buy a used guitar or amp, you You can always see and hear an This is my first week of movie reviews. I don’t think the total purpose is to just tell you how the movie was. I’m going to tell you why I thought it was good. Movies will be put on a scale of one to five baseballs. I have a sad obsession with baseball, so I figure I will incorporate that into my reviews. I was afraid to go see this movie due to my hatred of Sin City. I fell asleep in the theatre went I went to see Sin City. Then, I was forced to watch it again and did everything I could to not reach for the nearest bottle of alcohol. However, after seeing this movie, it turns out, I don’t hate Frank Miller, but my hatred for Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino grows with every preview I see for Grindhouse. First off, I wasn’t planning on seeing 300. I was sucked in by the others around me that saw it. In fact, one person actually said (I’ll leave them nameless for their own safety), “Dude, 300 is god’s gift to cinema.” The only two reasons I went to see it was due to the fact that we couldn’t rally enough guys together for a trip to Al’s Diamond Cabaret and 1 had two free passes to a good movie theatre. Therefore, my roommate and I decided that we RATING would go see half naked women 1 give it four out of five baseballs, somewhere else. x —x In the film, King Leonidas (if) (Gerard Butler) of Sparta is people can be in at the same time. As a virtual world, Rune Scape works in much the same way that the real world works: the grass is green, the sky is blue, gravity stops you from flying off into space at ninety miles This header of shows that thousands of people play it at a time. Rune Scape is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game, or MMORPG. a second, but it has the advantage of players in them, and the busiest are being completely imaginary so that usually full to capacity. By having even though dragons aren’t real, you other ‘real’ people in the game can search all across Rune Scape to with you, the game opens up plenty very much.” Among the many things that Frange sells at The Players Exchange, some of the most are chords, straps, tuners, cases, etc. Frange talks at length about how he determines the value of a particular Trade-in as well as the labor required for a repair. “Several factors play in: the cost new, condition, on occasion the blue book and the internet values. Prices on vintage guitars can vary week to week, especially with condition, originality and buyers’ desirability. I send most repairs on guitars and amps out for service. I use people 1 have had confidence in for years. They support me well. I do some minor repairs on site.” Scott is proud of his store’s 300 challenged by King Xerses (Rodrigo Santoro). Xerses offers to make Leonidas his lead general in exchange for his lands. Since Leonidas cannot declare war without backing of the senate, he takes 300 of Sparta’s finest warriors with him to meet the Persian army of over 100,000 in the valley of Thermopylae. In this valley, the Persian numbers advantage meant nothing. The valley is right next to the edge of a cliff. Someone could have 1 million troops, but they could only fight eight wide. It not only shows how dominant Spartan warriors were, but how sloppy the Persian Empire was by using slaves for their army. Apparently, this movie isn’t very historically accurate, which is the only knock I’ve heard from anyone. For example, little is known about Leonidus. Spartan men were taken from their mothers for battle training, however, future kings were exempt. Therefore, they created a fictional back story to help “understand” him. Also, he took around 7,000 soldiers with him to the valley. Then again, who is an expert on the Battle of Thermopylae? 1 was extremely impressed by this movie. Plotline, Acting, and extremely the CGI made this a great film. It amazes me how far computer technology has come. There is a shot in the film where a Spartan soldier is behind his shield and there are primitive explosives being thrown at him. I found out after the movie that, Spartan and all, was completely computer generated. Not only that, this isn’t a typical blood and guts action movie. Great character development could, dare I say, make this a “date-worthy” movie. 300 grossed close to $7O million dollars for a number of good reasons. I really enjoyed it and I’m sure that anyone would find all the different types of dragon. The ‘Massively Multiplayer’ aspect of Rune Scape means that you will almost never be alone in your world. Even the quietest Rune Scape servers have dozens of old copy of The Three Stooge or some great classic rock playing in the background. “All customers love my store’s atmosphere. My vintage room makes them smile and reminisce. The walls are frill of music memorabilia. My business is fun to me and everyone senses that. They really enjoy doing business here. It is a fun stop. I have over 40 years of music playing experience with over 700 live performances; that’s a lot of experience to share and learn from.” I asked Frange what keeps his entire customer base coming back. “Atmosphere, honesty, service. 1 only sell them what they need.” There is no doubt that Frange’s customers have stayed loyal over all these years. It has come about by an intimate relationship to the customer and a superior knowledge of the demographics in which he serves. Scott elaborates on the philosophy Cannibal! The Musical If you like South Park, you’ll love Cannibal! The Musical. The movie is essentially a very crude live-action hour and a half episode of South Park. I saw the movie and looked it up to buy it and found out a lot of useless information about it. For instance, the reason Trey Parker and Matt Stone (the creators of South Park) don’t have a college degrees is because they dropped out of school to make this movie. They used everyone they could find to be the characters in the film; everyone from their friends, to foreign exchange students, to actual professors to be their actors. This is one of those movies that, as a piece of cinema, leaves no reason to be praised actually isn’t that good, but it needs to be seen by everyone, especially those who like South Park. It is full of one-liners and the songs are brilliant. Also, every song in the film was written by Parker, just like everything else he has ever done. RATING: The parts outweigh the whole. I’m | giving Cannibal! three out of five J baseballs; one ball for being made by ; Trey Parker and Matt Stone, one ball for being the reason that Parker and Stone dropped out of college, and finally, the last baseball because I can’t stop saying, “Shpadoinkle!” of opportunities for interaction. There are many advantages to a world filled with other people, and many Rune Scape players take full advantage of this. Aside from helping each other through monograms and quests, some players form solid friendships and even host parties in the Party Room at Seers’ Village where they can arrange a balloon drop and hire a troupe of singing and dancing knights to entertain them. With the recent addition of Player Owned Houses (POH) to Rune Scape, the MMORPG has taken a new turn. Rune Scape members (becoming a member requires a five- Photo courtesy of of his loyal clientele bases. “Nothing in business is as important as a satisfied customer. He and she are sold at my store, what they need to learn on, to perform with and enough power to get the job done. It is all about what they need, not just for a sale. If they are matched correctly, they believe in me and return forever. No games here, there never will be!” Frange’s Mission Statement is simple: To provide honest customer service with integrity and quality products, to ensure customer satisfaction and have a good time along the way. Frange admits that everyday is a challenge, but he loves every minute of it. Frange also admits that the store has constantly gone through many positive changes over the years. “Inventory constantly changes,” says Frange. “As far as the future dollar-a-monthfee)cannowconstruct their own homes within the game world, encouraging them to manage their resources and instilling them with a sense of pride in their home. They can also invite friends in to admire their creation, or send them to meet the terrors that they have placed in the dungeons beneath the house. All of the above being said, Runescape (and MMORPGs in general, but especially Runescape ) is not without its flaws. To put it in the words of Penn State Harrisburg’s Dance Dance Revolution champion, Kevin GrifT: “the graphics suck!” However, if you can get past that, it can be a very entertaining game and if nothing else, a good boredom-killer. is concerned, Player’s Exchange will continue to meet the ever changing needs of the music scene. Always expect a surprise when you walk in!” Frange began playing bass at age 10. Between the ages of 12 through 19, he made records and played many concerts with local and regional professional bands. Throughout his 20s and 30s he was a corporate sales director with Intel and Motorola. His musical experience, combined with corporate sales and a great need for a business like The Player’s Exchange in the Harrisburg area is why The Player’s Exchange came to be a successful business for over 13 years and will be for many years to come. The Players Exchange is located on 225 S Third St in Lemoyne. You may contact Scott Frange for any of your musical equipment needs at 717-975-2385.