Capitol times. (Middletown, Pa.) 1982-2013, May 16, 2005, Image 5

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    The Capital Times, May 16, 2005
Career services, connection to opportunity
From Career Services
The Career Services Office
is home to the Career Library,
DISCOVER Career Guidance
System, career counseling,
career planning/development
services, on-campus interviewing
programs, and career/employer
Students and alumni are
encouraged to fully participate
in the individual career related
advisement and career services.
A full-range of services is offered
to currently enrolled students and
alumni at no charge.
Services Include: Career
counseling; Career planning/
development; Assistance
with developing cover letters,
resumes, and interviewing
skills; On-campus interviews
with prospective employers;
Web access to employment
opportunities -- ft, pt, co-op/
intern; A referral system; Career
library with career development,
job search information, employer
literature, and employment
information; Lifetime assistance;
Workshops; Career Fairs and
Co-op/Intern Fairs; Technology
based resources - WWW, PSH/
CCN (College Central Network)
for access to employment
opportunities, OCR for access
to our web-based On-campus
Recruiting programs, FOCIS,
Distance Interactive Video
Interviewing; 48 hour resume
critique; DISCOVER an internet
Balance is key to college success
By Allyson Davis
Staff Reporter
Between a full course load of
classes, juggling a full-time or
part-time job, being a member of
any clubs or organizations, one
might ask when do you find time
for yourself? Good question!
A social life during college is
almost nonexistent to a person
who looks forward to graduating
and getting their life started in
a career they have studied four
grueling years for. It may be
hard to have a social life, but on
the other hand, to many it is a
Going out to bars or clubs is
the fun part of college life. This is
how you meet people outside of
a classroom. This gives a person
the chance to sit back and relax,
and gives them the chance to not
have to worry about what exam
is coming up or when they are
going to find time to finish that
20 page paper. There are ways a
person can manage everything in
their lives and still have time to sit
back and relax to have a drink, or
based comprehensive career
guidance system
The office brings together the
graduating student seeking
a position and employers
searching to fill an opening.
To this end, Career Services
maintains contact with a variety of
employers. An active on-campus
recruitment program affords
our students the opportunity to
participate in interviews at Penn
State Harrisburg and interviews
held at the University Park and
Penn State Erie campuses.
Looking for employment? Want
to participate in an internship/co
op? Register for the Penn State
Harrisburg "Job Searching and
Resume Service" for students
and alumni, and gain access
to full and part-time career
opportunities, internships/co-op,
and volunteer opportunities -- 24
hours a day, seven days a week,
365 days a year.
Your Internet based résumé
builder and job search solution -
- PSH Job Search and Resume
Service (CCN)! College Central
Network, Inc. (CCN) is one of the
most comprehensive on-line jobs
posting and recruitment services
on the Internet, providing a direct
connection to full-time, part
time, internship, cooperative
education, seasonal, and
volunteer opportunities. These
opportunities are presented to
you in several ways, such as job
postings, résumé referrals, links
to employers' recruitment sites,
soda for those under 21
One way is make sure you
are caught up on all your work.
Getting your work done is a key
to success in anyone's college
career. Maintaining a good grade
point average is something that is
not only needed to graduate but
is also needed to get a good job
after graduation. The best bet is
to have a set schedule. Managing
time is important in anyone's day.
With good time management a
person can get their work done
and still have time to go out.
Another good tip is to not be
too extravagant when you do
go out with friends. No one likes
not being able to function the
following day. If a person does
get the time to go out, make
sure you are safe and do not go
overboard. It's always important
to have fun, but on the other hand
not too much fun.
A part-time or full-time job
can always be a burden on a
person who is also taking a full
course load of classes. Once
again, always make sure that
your schoolwork comes first.
You are only in college for a
and job fairs
Register now and view the
career opportunities posted
with the Penn State Harrisburg
Career Services Office --
An important component of the
office is our educational mission.
The Career Services office has
moved from an office that was
more "placement" focused to one
that is more developmental and
educational in nature. Assisting
individuals in connecting with
employment opportunities is a
part of our mission, but we also
place an emphasis on teaching
our students self-empowerment,
career development, career
planning, and job search skills.
The emphasis is to provide them
with the tools and resources, and
for them to assume responsibility
for their career plan.
Career Services is located in
Olmsted W-117.
Coordinator of Career Services
Karl Martz
Career Services Assistant:
Charlotte Spector
certain amount of time and you
are working toward your degree
that will get you a job when you
do graduate. Do not really worry
about working now, because you
have the rest of your life to worry
about a job.
Clubs and organizations are
always fun to be a part of. This
gives you a chance to not only
meet people, but also to bond
with people who share in your
interests. These are friends who
you can count on. You can count
on them to be there to help you in
your times of need. They will help
you with the burden of classes and
work and offer encouragement
to get you through your days.
These people can help you with
your schoolwork and help you
maintain that high grade point
average you are striving for.
It's not hard to hold onto a social
life during college. You just have
to make sure you are focused on
the long run. You are attending
college to get a degree, which in
turn will get you the job you want.
Do not let your social life come
first, and always make sure you
keep your priorities in line!
10. You're notsure if your callin
s to be an elephant trainer or
echankal engineer.
* . Your resume was fast vadat
n 1985 k (We can heipl)
Our office is chock-full o
seful information, friend'
.eople, and there is no cove
You thinkilnetworking" mean
urning on the television.
Career guidance is no
Those lovely student loci
• ayments will be due soon.
. You wont to be a success
imr for your next high schoo
. You always give the wron !
nswers. to " what are you
. You're tired of seeing ptu:pi
ry when they read you
Students Kelly Nagurny (left) and Kellye Way (right) take a break from school to relax at a local hangout
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it makes sense
By John Fox
Staff Reporter
Ethnomethodology is a
on the way people make sense
of the world and display their
understandings of it. Founded
by Harold Garfinkel in 1967,
ethnomethodology is mainly
associated with microsociology.
Upon researching
ethnomethodology, one will
quickly come upon the term's
background assumptions. This
term is defined as the ideas a
person has about the way life is
and the way things ought to work.
Upon considering these terms
and their meanings, it is quite
natural to come to the conclusion
that the ideas they represent
unconsciously govern many of
our interactions on a daily basis.
For example: I wake up in the
morning. I hop in the shower. I go
to a convenience store to grab
some coffee or water. I expect the
cashier to be polite, respectful,
and offer service in an expedient
manner. This is an assumption
I have acquired based upon the
traditional understanding of the
purpose of the convenience store
and its clerk as well as my past
What if I enter the convenience
store one morning to get some
coffee and the gentleman behind
the counter was conducting
personal business on the
telephone while doing lines of
cocaine on the cash register?
What if, after pouring my coffee,
I found myself needing help
locating the cough drops and ask
the gentleman where I might find
them. Instead of directing me to
the cough drops in a timely and
polite manner, the gentleman
curses me for interrupting his
phone call and informs me that
he will attend to me upon finishing
his phone call and cocaine?
So, let's say I just look for the
cough drops myself and come,
with all of my purchases, to the
cash register. What if instead of
ringing up my items, taking my
money, and sending me on my
way, the coked-up and angry clerk
pulls a gun out on me, marches
me to the ATM machine, where I
am forced to withdrawal the entire
balance of my checking account
for his disposal, and then am tied
up to a chair in the back room
where I stay until my desperate
cries for help are heard by an
unsuspecting customer just
entering the store?
I believe this would constitute
a violation of my background
assumptions on how an
experience at a convenience
store and the behavior of the clerk
inside should be conducted.
This vivid example of
ethnomethodology will certainly
help you retain your newly
acquired knowledge and serve
as a great ice-breaker at parties.
hot o by Harry Hitz/Capital Times
First, a confession: I have bro
ken down and now have a cell
phone. For 21 and a half years
I managed to stay in the Stone
Age, perfectly content to live a life
of technologically ignorant bliss.
Alas, those days are over.
Now, I constantly worry about
how many minutes I've used,
whether or not I'm calling during
peak hours, yelling at people who
text me when they KNOW I'm not
on a plan and will end up paying
40 thousand dollars per freaking
letter on their freaking text mes
sage when they could have just
CALLED ME - you know, use
(Sigh.) I truly believe that cell
phones are a sign of the Apo
colypse. They are the end of us
I would continue my rant, but I
have to •o . I have a call.