Capitol times. (Middletown, Pa.) 1982-2013, September 13, 2004, Image 1

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Dean Hanes
makes our campus
a better place to
become Ifelong
By Kathryn Herr
Editor in Cheif
As Penn State Harrisburg
is growing into a four-year
college, Dean Madlyn
Hanes is working around
the clock to make sure all
students are given the
opportunity to succeed.
What many students are not
aware of are all the behind
the scenes work that is
needed to make this cam
pus productive. Hanes over
sees all student-related
The dean has her hands
dipped in all aspects of PSH
including “every policy,
every practice, every deci
sion- from the scheduling of
courses, to the selection of
faculty and array of aca
dertiib and dd-bbirii&ular stu
dent support programs,”
Please see DEAN on 3
Whats on
page 5
New aquatic facility
gives CUB more
Whats on
page 9
College drinking is on
the rise and PSH is
on alert
Letter from
the Dean
Freshmen are moving in on PSH
Second deck
By Keliye Way
Staff reporter
Beginning this semester
Penn State Harrisburg cam
pus has opened its doors to
more underclassmen seeking
four-year degrees. Capital
College enrolled more than
150 freshmen, making this
the largest freshmen class in
to by Supat Kanchanasakul
Michael Walters gets a good start to his day with a bowl of Frosted Flakes. Walters is one of more than
150 freshmen now attending Penn State Harrisburg.
Fun start to new semester at PSH
By Sharon Furfero, Staff Reporter
Welcome back to familiar
faces and making new
friends, late night studying
and video games in the
dorms, professors you love
and homework you hate.
Goodbye to tank tops, sun
bum and hot summer
nights and hello to
sweaters, textbooks and
Photo by Kathryn Herr
Students enjoy opening week activities of Carnival
Craze; cotton candy and carnival games
Freshmen 1
n CUB 5 Spotlight on
Professor :
New computer lab 2 Olympics coverage 6 Charles Kupfer
The first year of college is
rough, living in tight quarters
with complete strangers, the
demanding professors, the
standard diet of Ramen noo
dles and Frosted Flakes; all
day, everyday. As PSH kicks
off the Fall 2004 semester,
the administration and staff
will also feel that awkward
first-year adjustment, along
with the new freshmen.
“The addition of freshmen will
definitely make the campus
crisp autumn air.
Penn State Harrisburg
started the school year out
with a bang, with a new
pool and computer labs,
and over one hundred
freshmen about to make
their mark on campus.
Cub Night wrapped up
the first day of class with
New Pool
The Stud*
more well rounded and give
the students a more tradition
al experience,” said Molly E.
Kane, senior English major.
‘The Freshmen will need sup
port that we will all benefit
“I think it’s great that the
campus is growing,” said Liz
Allen, a senior English major.
This year, the college took a
giant leap in the expansion of
the academic program to
include a four-year study in
swimming, racquetball and
ping-pong in the Capital
Union Building
The first day of
September filled the lawn
with students during
Carnival Craze, complete
with cotton candy, Italian
Ice, Balloon Man and
games. The next day con
tinued the fun with
acoustic guitar melodies by
the band, “Green To
Think,” and ice cream sun
daes at the Community
Labor Day weekend
offered extra time to wind
down from the first week
of class, but now summer
break is truly behind us.
The time has come to start
a new chapter on campus.
Welcome back to PSH and
the 2004 fall semester.
all majors offered at PSH,
and first and second-year
courses of study for universi- .
ty-wide degree areas. Some
PSH students are familiar
with the notion of freshman
on campus. The first wave of
freshman enrollment occurred
in fall of 2001 .with studies in
the Information Sciences and
Technology (IST) major. By
2003 the campus offered
courses in Computer
Science, Environmental
Photo by Kathryn Herr
Randy Gager attempts to win a prize by getting his
disk to fall in the right slot. Gager and his friends
enjoy the activities of Carnival Craze
Music Review 9 Campus Calander 11
Movie Review 10 Things You Need to
Know 11
Engineering, Electrical
Engineering, Mathematical
Sciences, and Structural
Design and Construction
Engineering Design majors.
Construction projects have
also complemented the
recent influx of students to
the campus. Over the past
several years, additions to
the campus have included
new academic buildings, a
new library, apartment-style
housing, an indoor swimming
pool, and the Towne Square
for dining and other student
activities. These projects
were essential for the rapid
growth of the once small,
graduate student-dominated
Penn State University
requires all freshmen to com
plete a First-Year Seminar.
Capital Campus is approach
ing this differently. While
other campuses attach this
requirement to a class fresh
men will take that is specific
to their majors, PSH has a
class specifically for this pro
gram. Kane is involved in
peer mentoring for the First-
Year Seminars. She is
responsible for making sure
the freshmen complete all
“The peer mentoring is good
for freshmen because they
might be more comfortable
talking to me about a problem
than to a professor and I can
direct them to the right
place,” said Kane In addition
to attending class all fresh
men have to go to ten outside
activities for “out-of-class
experience.” These activities
include library open house,
how to use APA and MLA,
how to use ANGEL, and safe
sex programs.
Supat Kanchanasakul,