Capitol times. (Middletown, Pa.) 1982-2013, March 22, 2004, Image 2

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    Faculty Advisor
The Capital Times Is published by the students of Penn State
Hantsburg. Viewpoints are solely those of the authors end are
not representative of the college crimMslration, faculty or stu
dent body. Concerns regarding the content of any Issue should
be directed to the editor.
the Capital lives Is funded by Student Activity Fee money and
by fees solicited from advertisers. The Capital Times assumes
no responslbfltty for the content of featured advertisements.
The Capttd Times welcomes signed letters from readers. No
unsigned submission wHI be reprinted. However, a writer's
name may be withheld upon request and by approval of the
AH materials - articles, photographs and artwork - are property
of The Capital Times. No parts of this paper may be repro
duced without permission from the editors.
Executive Board
Assistant Editor Rachel Shepherd
Copy Editor Jodi Prelsler
Business Manager Sinead C. Deßolste
Advertising Manager Karen Plot!
Editor In Chief
Photo Editor
Graphic Design
Kathryn Herr, Jodi Prelsler, Marko Prlmorac,
Rachel Shepherd. Peter Strella
Writers & Contributors
Laura Baron, John Fox, Kathryn Herr,
Gloria Long. Deb Massic, Matt Moseiy.
Michelle O'Malley, Karen Platt, Marko Primorac,
Rachel Shepherd, Peter Strella, Chris Torres
SGA report
by Rachel Shepherd
TMI: 25 yeens later
by Chris Torres
Disability Services
by Deb Massic
Interesting Courses
by Rachel Shepherd
Campus swimming pool
by Gloria Long and Chris Torres
Honors London trip
by Karen Plott
Local radio host vents
by John Fox
What to do after graduation
by Marko Prlmorac
Student speak out
by Deb Massic
Humor column
by Dave Barry
Political column
by Leonard Pitts Jr.
PSH police report
by Laura Baron
by Rachel Shepherd
Cheap seats and sticky floors
by Matt Mosley
See deez reviews
by Michelle O'Malley
Peter Strella
Kathryn Herr
Deb Massic. Karen Plait,
Marko Prlmorac, Peter Strella
Comments from the EdiTOR
I would like to start by encouraging all students to vote
in the SGA elections on March 30, 31, and April 1. The
election table will be located in the main lobby of the
Olmsted Building. For more information on the candi
dates, just take a glance over to your right to page three.
At the election table, you can also vote for a faculty
member in your major for the Jordan Award. You are to
vote for the professor who best utilizes effective teaching,
enthusiasm and sincere interest in accomplishing results
through teaching, and teaching excellence. I think it
would be great if a lot of students participated in voting
for this so we can show instructors that we notice their dedication
I had originally intended to use the remainder of this space to explain some things
about the election and the Jordan Award, but there is a problem: the Penn State server is
down AGAIN and I can’t access my e-mail unless I make a 40 minute round trip to my
apartment. Once again, it’s technology versus me and technology is sending me home
crying to mother.
Over the course of my tenure as edi
tor, there has been a lengthy battle
between technology and yours truly,
mainly the computers and scanners in
this office. This has brought me to
one conclusion: anyone who says that
technology is progress needs to spend
a day in my shoes. After two years in
the Cap Times, I would kill to spend a
day rubbing two sticks together to
make fire
If it’s not the server being down, it’s
the scanner inexplicably cutting off
the edges of my ads, or the brand new
printer taking 20 minutes to print out
an e-mail. Not to mention, how the computers freeze up five times a day, wasting
countless minutes of valuable time. As a result, I have saved all of the Capital Times
advertising revenue and put it towards a massive technology upgrade that will take
place this summer.
The problem with technology is that I don’t understand it. And when I call upon the
experts to help, it seems like they don’t fully understand it either. Technology is great
when it works properly, but when it doesn’t, it’s a disaster.
I would love for some students who live on campus to write a letter to the editor about
the server going down. It seems as though it always goes down on the weekends. For
those of us who are on campus doing work on the weekends, these problems cut into
the time we set aside for working on projects. It’s a major inconvenience. I had to
sleep in this office last September because the server wouldn’t let me on to the comput
er and our deadline was the following morning. There has to be another way.
Anyway, our last issue for the semester comes out April 5. Our new editor will be Jodi
Preisler, who I am sure will do an excellent job. You can see some of her work on the
PSH journalism website Capital Bytes. Any inquiries about the newspaper after the
April 5 issue should be addressed to her.
We will be putting out a summer issue that will remain on the stands until the first Fall
2004 issue comes out. We are going to print twice the amount of copies we normally
do, so this is a great opportunity for campus clubs and organizations to advertise to the
incoming freshmen who will be touring the campus throughout the summer.
You may reach The Capital Times at Penn State Harrisburg Campus, E-126 Olmsted Building, 777 W.
Harrisburg Pike, Middletown, PA 17057. Phone us at: (717) 948-6440, or e-mall:
April 5,2004
Please ten our advertisers that you saw It In *• Capital Times I
Coyer Photo: Peter Strella Cover Design by: Kathryn Herr
By Peter Strella, EdiTOR in Chief