Capitol times. (Middletown, Pa.) 1982-2013, February 17, 2003, Image 8

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    Leading AIM Activist Speaks Out
Against Injustice
"To change the future, we must first
:ept the past." This was the theme of a presen
ion by Native American activist Vernon
llecourt on Tuesday, January 28 at the
)rrison Gallery in the PSH Library.
Bellecourt is the principal spokesperson for
American Indian Movement (AIM). He is also
.;sident of the National
Coalition on Racism in
Sports and Media, and has participated in protests against
the use of professional team nicknames like "Redskins"
and "Indians" at major sporting events. He has also
received the Phoenix/Martin Luther King, Jr. award for
Bellecourt has also led protests outside of muse
ums where remains of Native Americans were put on dis
play. Officials forced him and four others from the muse
um in 1991 for trying to rebury Indian remains on their own sacred ground. Since
then, a new policy requires museums to return the remains back to the respective
Bellecourt started his presentation by showing a video called "The
Immaculate Deception: American Holocaust on Indian Nations." This is the pilot
of a miniseries currently in production featuring Floyd Red Crow Westerman, bet
ter known as "Chief Ten Bears" from the movie Dances With Wolves.
Dear Still Searching
Relationships are a funny thing. They seem to develop in the most ran
dom places at the strangest times. I think it's great you met someone you click
with. I can understand your excitement because good relationships are hard to
find anywhere these days.
However, I have chatted with many people online and met a handful of
them in person. I would say most of them have turned out to be friendships.
But you still need to be careful before you decide to meet him or however you
want to keep in contact with him. Any relationship has to be built out of trust if
it is going to work. If I were you, I would be wary of this so-called great guy,
because he could turn out to be a dirty old man, or woman for that matter.
Before you go further, decide whether you want to take on the critics of
your virtual romance. If you really like him and want to pursue the relationship,
then go for it. However, be prepared for people who don't participate in this
activity to be skeptical of your decision. I must say though that more and more
people are participating in such activities. Some are finding love; but others are
experiencing difficulties with false impressions of hoping to meet there true
match or ideal match. But if you look at the statistics from the websites that
offer these services, many people are happy or have at least said that they are
glad that this opens yet another door to meeting people. Some people have no
problem with it. You can find a job online why can you not find your match.
I say go for it. You never know, he could be your true match. On the
other hand, he could be you worst nightmare. Have fun, have a relationship
it's up to you, but most importantly, be careful. Happy typing!
Disclaimer: Dan Storm and Sarah Elkalban are not licensed psychologists or
relationship therapists, just very opinionated students. Their advice is offered for
entertainment as a sharing of personal experiences. All questions will be made
anonymous. "He said, she said" is an advice column that will answer readers'
questions about anything from relationships to financial distress.
BY Rob Trishman
Capital Times Staff Reporter
Towards Indians
He then introduced himself to the audience in his native language and
gave his clan name. He said, "I strongly believe that we have a message that has
not been heard" and expressed concern about biological weapons.
Bellecourt pointed out that before European settlers arrived in America,
the Indian population was as high as 60 million. He said the first instance of "bio
logical warfare" was used by colonists against the Indians. Blankets were the most
valuable trade items for the Indians, and colonists sent smallpox-infected blankets
to be traded with them, thereby infecting the Indians.
He then spoke of AIM, saying "AIM is for people without powers or
rights." He said the people of AIM are "cleansing
themselves from the inside" by returning to tradi
tions, tribes, and spirituality. "Their business is
hope," he said.
Bellecourt brought a message of peace, and
criticized the use of names of Indian chiefs such as
Apache and Black Hawk for military helicopters. He
quoted Black Hawk, who said, "Why do you
Americans insist on taking with a gun what you can
have through love?" Bellecourt said, "We don't rep
resent that kind of violence."
Bellecourt encouraged peaceable war protests. "We should not lose one
drop of precious blood of any of the young men and women in this country just to
protect petroleum resources," he said.
There was also an announcement before the presentation that students can
sign up for an email list in the Library for information on politics and activism. For
more information on AIM, see
Dan and Sarah,
I recently met a guy online. We
seem to click on many levels. How
or should I go on with this relation-
Still Searching
We take a chance of putting our feelings on the line each time we
encounter someone who strikes our love interest,either in person or online. The
latter may prove to be a more challenging prospect because we may paint an
ideal image of a person in our mind that may not be true. There is only one
way to find out have to meet him. So, you like his bio and his picture
and the conversation is always intriguing (which means he genuinely wants to
know you and doesn't spend the whole time talking about him). Now the next
move is to talk on the phone.
Chatting online lacks emotion. This is where a phone conversation can
take you to the next level. Hearing the guy's voice and the way he articulates
his thoughts and ideas makes the conversation more effective on a personal
level because you are revealing the voice behind the screen. If you hit it off on
the phone, the next step is meeting him face to face (what were you think- have to actually see what he looks like first!)
Decide on a MUTUAL meeting place. This means do not have him
pick you up at home. This way if he turns out to be a complete psycho, he
doesn't know where you live. Ok, that was a little extreme, but you know what
I safe.
When you meet this guy, you should already "know" him. You will
probably know right away if the chemistry that you sensed online is really
there. If this is not the case, just enjoy the date and let him know that you don't
think a relationship will work out 0r...y0u can take the "just in case" approach.
Tell one of your friends ahead of time to call you at some point during the date.
If the date is going well, don't answer your phone (it's rude!) If the date is less
than entertaining, however, answer it and say you have an emergency and get
the heck out of What's the point in delaying the inevitable truth if
this guy is a complete moron?
Getting back to the positive side, if this date proves to be a win, then
it could only get better with time. This is a relationship that began intellectually
and with personality and grows in those areas plus physically. These all serve
as a perfect combination for a good, strong romance and hey, you never know,
this could be your soul-mate.
411 t
Sarah Elk-at-ban