I just wanted to let you know that I was reading the article today about the automatic doors bringing in the cold from outside. I think that this school is already too hot as it is. I could come in here and wear a tank top and shorts everyday and still feel like I was sweating. I think they should probably cut the costs of heating this building because it is completely ridiculous. I want to come to school and be comfortable and obviously I am not. So before they go and say that those automatic doors are costing too much let me tell you I would be more comfortable sitting next to those doors than I would in any classroom in this school. Leokadia Bordlemay Math Sci TLc.. tE by Ta y DE Al\icß 7 c Well, I spared you guys the SGA report last issue, but you aren't so lucky this time around. Let's start off with the minutes from the February 5 meeting and then we will move on to the February 12 min utes. The president's report, which is always exciting, started off on a high note, thanking all those who participated in the Bachelor/Bachelorette Event on Tuesday, February 4. As usual, President Parul Luthra stressed the importance of making office hours and keeping them. I don't think that the SGA is getting the hint, but maybe it's because the office has moved to its new home in the new Towne Square and members are having difficulty finding their way through the maze of hallways. Who knows? Vice President Mary Anne Nguyen had more to report on the Bachelor/Bachelorette event. The event raised $476 for THON/Four Diamonds and kids with cancer. Thanks to all those who helped out, who bid, and who were brave enough to put themselves on stage. There is some old business and some new business. The old business is far too old at this point and the new business is now the old business in the February 12 minutes, which I am about to report on now. At the February 12 meeting there was a rare and special event; no SGA members were absent. Along with that noteworthy event, President Luthra didn't need to remind the officers about office hours, but actually had the opportunity to thank them for attending office hours I guess they found the new office and discovered it was more appealing. Luthra was also proud to report that the SGA has gotten a second com puter, which will be up and running soon. The vice president's report was short and sweet, and is as fol lows: "Mary Anie told the SGA she will be making the bulletin board in the SGA office a message board. She asked the senate to allocate $25.00 towards supplies. Jamie Meikie motioned to allocate the monies, and Andrea Nye seconded the motion, Steve Gemmill asked if [they] had to allocate and if it could instead be considered supplies. Jamie and Andrea took back their motions it was decided that the monies would fall under "expenses for supplies." Good catch Gemmill "--- ,---- ( il *..,.., ( )'+ \, I j _...,\- -...-- - - , EdITOR IN CHIEF Re,r_4o-.4