SGA split over response to letter Student finds Sun/Fun Celebration offensive. By Jaclyn A. Talarico Capital Times Staff Writer The Student Government Association met Jan. 30. They discussed upcoming events, such as the leadership conferences scheduled at both University Park and Capital College on February 10. SGA President Carissa Herwig report ed receiving a letter from a student expressing concern for the (then) upcom ing Winter Sun/Fun Celebration. The author of the letter [name being withheld] stated she was offended that SGA was sponsoring the tarot card and If . you're looking to find the key to the Universe, I have some bad news and some good news. The bad news is - there is no key to the Universe. The good news is - it has been left unlocked. Steve Bbaermar CALL IT START UP MONEY. TOYOTAS Ne ACOLLEGE GRADUATE FINANCE PLAN INCLUDES $5OO TO GET YOU GOING! now there's a Toyota College Graduate Finance Program • No Down Payment • No Payment for 90 days • Finance up to 72 months • Get $5OO Cash Back From Toyota... in addition to any other current Toyota customer incentives! So if you're within 4 months of graduation or if you graduated within the past 2 years Ask your Toyota dealer for all the details Toyota College Graduate Finance Program available to qualified appli cants thni Toyota Financial Services, Not all applicants will qualify: Some restrictions and limitations apply. Cash back offer subject to geographic limitations and offer expires 6.50/01. See dealer for details. palm reading activities. She urged SGA to be more sensitive to those who might be offended, such as students affiliated with the Capital Christian Fellowship. The SGA was divided as to whether or not the student's letter deserved an apolo getic response, and the members discussed the issue at some length. Ben Yoffee, senior senator at large, voted for writing a letter of apology. Yoffee argued, "It is important as the Student Government Association that we represent a large multitude of students on campus, and we need to be respectful of their religious beliefs." Yoffee felt tarot cards and palm reading may have been an encroachment of this policy. Joe Werner, vice president of SGA, argued against writing such a letter, stat e) TOYOTA Highlander ing, "If we wrote a letter of apology to everyone on campus who is offended, we wouldn't get anything done." The SGA decided by a 6-5-0 vote to respond to the student's letter. The letter will state that the SGA understands why some students might be offended by the activities, but explain there was no intent to offend anyone; instead, the SGA's intention was to offer activities many stu dents might enjoy. Other matters discussed at Tuesday's meeting were related to PSH clubs. The SGA agreed by an 11-0-0 vote to grant the structural design and construction engi neering technology program $l5O-$3OO toward its open forum. SGA also agreed to initiate the approval of the Graduate Student Association's constitution. "Dealing wit“Dea i 29 Change In thniace oritur Steve Bachels, PhD. Coordinator, Personal Counseling, ' Wed., February 5 - 6 p.m. Gallery Lounge Alpha Sigma Lambda Adult Honor Soci Counseling Services and Career Servic , and the Penn State University Commissi For more information, phone 948-6 Guest Speakers Leta Beam President, Vantage Int'l Sponsored by for Adult Learners Celica Tundra