York County Hate Crimes In Pennsylvania, certain crimes are considered more serious when motivated by hatred toward race, color, religion or national origin of another individual or group of individuals. "The most disturbing pattern among those hate crimes that are reported is that the offenders are young people. Sixty-two percent of the hate crimes over a five-year period were com mitted by people ages 11 to 20 and they only make up thirteen percent of the pop ulation," Welliver said. Hate groups are recruiting young people, especially teenagers from unstable homes who need a sense of belonging and respect. The hate American Studies Club Sponsors "Taxi Driver" The PSH American Studies - Humanities Club is sponsoring the 2001 American Film Series, "Mean Streets and Cowboy Morality: Urban Anti-Heroes in the 19705." The first installment in the series will be Martin Scorcese's Taxi Driver. The film will be shown Friday, January, 26 at 8 p.m. in the second floor auditorium of the Olmsted building. Admission is free. The movie is rated R. SpRINC4 CIUbFEST 200 Campus organizations staff tables in the Gallery Lounge during Clubfest January 17 Continued from Page 1 group becomes the family the teenager needs. According to Welliver, the only way to end discrimination, which sometimes leads to hate crimes, is recognizing and accepting differences in our society. Witnesses of any kind of ethnic intimida tion should report it to the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission or the Inter-Agency Task Force on Civil Tension. Victims of hate crimes or ethnic intimida tion, should report it to local police depart ments or the state police for investigation and possible prosecution. 3 WAYS TO PAY THE g2III 1. CALL (711)534-.3405 2. GO TO THE HERSHEY THEATRE BOX OFFICE 15 E. CARACAS AVE. , HERSHEY • MON.-PRI. 10-5 3. ALL RIGHT , FOR 20 BUCKS YOU GOTTA WORK A LITTLE, SEATS IN THE ORCHESTRA PIT ARE 120 CASH AT THE DOOR, ON SALE 2 HOURS BEFORE THE SHOW (Ne lino-up ponoittod before WOK dilly of Phew) FEBRUARY 13-18 HERSHEY THEATRE law .I itsferrout . 04111 (Contains maim themes and strong language. Parana! guidance shoo* suggested. Not recommended for theta water age 15) ww.hersheythostre.em