Volume 41, No. 6 Monday, November 6, 2000 Proxy Candidates Debate Issues at PSH By Cathie McCormick Musser Capital Times Editor In Chief On Thursday, Nov. 2, with little more than 24 hours notice, an impressive crowd of students, faculty and staff attended a presidential proxy debate organized by The League of Women Voters of Hershey and the PSH Student Government Association. The debate planning began weeks ago, but according to League of Women Voters Project Manager for Campus Voter Registration and Participation Christine Walsh, promotion of the event pended final confirmation from participants. Speaking for their party's presidential candidates were Dauphin County Commissioner and member of the Democratic State Committee Anthony Petrucci for Vice President Al Gore; Pennsylvania Senator for the 15th District Jeffrey Piccola for George W. Bush; Michael Morrill, Green/Labor Alliance, for Ralph Nader; Pa. State Shave-Off Update page 2 The Student Voice of Penn Stat Thanksgiving Library Hours page 4 •* ..114 s' . - a 0 - • mor Jeffrey Piccoia, Bill Ravotti, Michael Morrill, Anthony Petrucci and Jim Clymer address the issue of low-voter turnout during proxy debate. Chairman of the Buchanan 2000 campaign Bill Rovotti for Patrick J. Buchanan; and Chairman of the Constitutional Party National Committee Jim Clymer for Howard Phillips. Candidates responded to prepared questions from PSH students Jennifer Ditzler. Jonathan Tangara. Jared Grissinger and Russell John-Baptiste. Continued on Page 4 Police Report page 4 Campus Calendar page 10 e Harrisburg