FEATURES 9 11° • AM 6164-4 T itvsrALLfriair Di2JAHA weirrov 13Y 6PWAQP CA T 70721 SHORTY Hey Rock. Where'd you fmd this guy? He's a Met fan ROCCO Shut the f**k up! (pointing at Shorty) So am I. Now where's the camera? 800 Shorty had it SHORTY I think it's in my coat. She gave it to me when we picked her up last night ROCCO You think? . . . Get it CHRISTIE Shorty begins searching for the camera in his coat pocket. Rocco is getting annoyed. What are you doing? SHORTY It disappeared i M f Mffl ROCCO I'm going to make you disappear if you don't find it, you f**king crackhead. I'm not f**king around here. JOHNNY Come on Shorty . . . Don't embarass me here SHORTY We'fl find it, don't worry ROCCO I'm not worried. You better be Johnny looks at Shorty and shakes his head. Rocco walks away. JOHNNY If you don't find that camera, you know there's nothing I can do for you SHORTY Don't worry Uncle Johnny . . . I'll find it. I'll find it JOHNNY Just do the right thing . . . heh? Johnny slaps Shorty on the side of his face lightly. Shorty nods his head. CUT TO: INTERIOR. GLENN'S APT. LATER Episode two intro duced unsavory gangsters 800, Shorty and Rocco. While Glenn and Christie argued over Glenn's career choices, the gangsters noticed that the camera isn't in their possession. Christie is holding the camera in her hand and staring at it. CHRISTIE I wonder what's on it? GLENN Probably just some tourist's pictures. You know the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building . . . CHRISTIE What if there's something cool on it? GLENN Then maybe I'll win that Pulitzer Prize, you know, in photography CHRISTIE Ha, ha, ha. Are you going to develop it? GLENN If I have the time. I'm swamped The phone RINGS. He gets up and answers it GLENN Hello . . . Yes, I'm going to develop those right away . . . I think they should be fine I really think I got the shot . . . absolutely . . I'll bring them to you as soon as I'm finished . . Good-bye. He hangs up the phone, grabs film canisters from his bag and heads for the dark room. Out of the corner of his eye he notices the camera on the coffee table. He thinks a moment. He backs up, grabs it, and opens the door to the dark room. Christie is lay ing on the couch watching "Soul Train." Al Green is on. GLENN I've got to develop these and get them to the office CHRISTIE You're kidding right? It's Sunday GLENN I know, I know. I really don't have much of a choice CHRISTIE You know, I didn't move in with you to live by myself. We were supposed to hang out today. GLENN I'm sorry. This shouldn't take too long. We'll go out later. CHRISTIE Right, never mind . . I'll just spend the day by myself, as usual GLENN Whatever. Glenn heads into the dark room and slams the door. Christie looks up, she's pissed off What images will Glenn uncover when he develops that film? Are Glenn and Christie in danger? Stay tuned for the continuing saga . . . Same Cap Time, 64" 2.1 A eas, \\ (ji..41 40. 4 , C o qr.. 4