Capitol times. (Middletown, Pa.) 1982-2013, October 20, 1999, Image 2

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    John Mansure
Secondary Education English
I would like to see a club in
which students could get togeth
er and meet new people. A hiking
or anti-violence rally for middle
and high school students would
be important to include.
Chicken Soup For
The College Soul
Now there’s one more thing to
pack up when students go to col
lege —a special edition of a best
selling book series dedicated
especially to the college student.
The college years are a time of
transition for students—and their
parents—as students experience
some challenging life lessons and
move toward adulthood.
Chicken Soup for the College
Soul (Health Communications,
Inc., $12.95) captures the confu-
sion of collegiate emotions in the
vivid and empathetic manner that
the Chicken Soup for the Soul
series is known for.
Co-authored by Kimberly
Kirberger, Jack Canfield, Mark
Victor Hansen and Dan Clark, the
book captures the laughter and
tears, triumphs and trepidations
and joys and fears associated with
the college years.
Chapters include “Getting In,”
which illustrates the humor and
frustration involved in trying to
get into that special school;
“Transition,” which covers the
difficulty for students (and par-
If you had a chance to start a club or organization
with complete funding, what would it be?
I would like to start a club to
offer support to single parents
that are going to school. It would
be nice to have a group that
understands all of the trouble one
faces going back to school with
children, and also to provide
some solution for problems.
North American Precis Syndicate
ents) when a child leaves home
for the first time; “Tough Stuff,”
which deals with tough decisions
and tragedies; and “Graduation.”
One story, “A Dad Says
Goodbye,” shares the reverie of a
parent who remembers bringing
his daughter home from the hos
pital as she is setting up her col
lege dorm. His memories help
him prepare for the fact that she
won’t be coming home when he
and his wife leave.
Another story, “Some
Professors Are Smarter Than You
Think,” tells the tale of four col
lege students who faked an excuse
for missing their chemistry final
and thought that they could not
only get away with it, but ace the
class. As smart as these A students
were, their professor found a way
to outsmart them.
As with the other books in the
series, Chicken Soup for the
College Soul is bound to leave an
indelible impression on readers,
showing that no matter what your
age, you’re never too old for
some Chicken Soup.
Interviews and Photos by Kristy Pipher
Rachelle Knox
Allen Hushon
Secondary Education Social Studies
Pete Karpew
Secondary Education English
An Outdoor Activity Club.
Activities would include ski trips,
paintball trips, white water raft
ing, and camping with a focus on
Central Pennsylvanian wildlife
and habitats. Community
involvement would include adopt
a highway, wildlife conservation,
and area beautification.
We Offer:
Halman Smith
I think an Entrepreneur's Club
would be well-received. The
resources are at our disposal to
research and develop ideas into
probable ventures. And I believe
this type of club would prove
valuable in assembling talents
for a venture.
. $9.34 Per Hour, 37.5 Hours Per Week M
. Valuable Work Experience
. Consideration For Full Time Employment After Graduation
Enrollment as a full-time student in an accredited bachelor’s
degree program in accounting, completion of the first
semester of the junior year (or 75 credits), and satisfactory
completion of 15 credits or five courses in accounting and
three credits or one course in Basic Data Processing.
For application materials or additional information, contact:
Benito Martinez
State Civil Service Commission
P.O. Box 569
Harrisburg, PA 17108-0569
Phone (717) 787-6127
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Eric Rensel
I might participate in a Sports
Fanatic Club. People that love
their team. This could include
intermural sports, college sports,
and professional sports.