Meade reaches Heights with sex toy party Troyblein The Lion's Den 8y Kevin Spiegel The dsiy *t*«ed wet for mmt students t* t typical Monday nuwniag, but i! - , It an began when * Capttel graduate from the duo of I#?>, VSIe Vshran*. ehergud tote A* leone Dm end allegedly Mated that the Petra State Capitol Humpus law) tmumaafoad Mm An evewitaees'merited that the man then proceeded to pullout a ietterepeaw end attemptelite afob htaseif. the atudente who were around Vtivaao thought aathwg of the fneidwl, unt» henppedopon huahtrt and tried to tub hiaaetf Two students grabbed Vaiveno and wnaUed hire to Um ground, tteftt* and other nuUwnun ruabed to the ecene a* raedleri ofSetata attended to An elrUni. Valrado wae transported to the A. “Nude, ” a winning entry by Susan Mclnemey, at the 4th Annual Photo Exhibit, spring 1980. B. We can ail sympathize with Vito, can’t we? The article was originally pub lished on Jan. 28, 1982. C. We couldn’t have said it better ourselves. This editorial original ly ran Oct. 4, 1984. D. PSH entered the modem world, summer 1984. E. PSH’s first B.S. degree awarded in 1984. F. Why can’t today’s club sponsor something cool like this event from Jan. 19, 1983? G. Could some one please explain why this building, which was to have been built 15 years ago, never was? Thanks. PSH FLASHBACK - mrnttimmp tWmo* vecalmotdr' of the student population on campus. starts spreading that bored.” -This "Nothing perception of CapiMt itopiwsi*a-fright*n l ghOpftgUit at cam pus events.. , - That't right Events. Pre-planned, scheduled, funded events designed for the entertainment of the campus com munity.'Activities that have been under-attended by the stmbtita of eapitdl Campus, Could it be that everyone simply has much better things to do than attend a dance on campus or a lecture series Of even a film? Whim thrfirst episode in the "Ascent of Man” film Senes was shown test month, 11 people if owed up h here sor ail tee who thtpif there is nothing to do? Merit ttdy than not, the people who complain the most are probably peo ple who have never attended the Brown Bag FSm Senes 01 the'Rest Thursday talks in the Gallery Lounge or aay of the dances on campus. For the most part, theCP'evwtte are publicised WidL - The new-syetentr which was started in the summer of 1984, enables the student to. rather add, dtop or t&angt & course with ohoochtg to take one ptas/foM, And aft of this out be taken care of by the .staff at the records offioe with increased efficiency. Also, with the four computer terminals and one primer cur - rently on line, the student can receive a copy of his or her schedule instantaneously, There will be no more filling out cite and waiting for two weeks to rel ieve your schedule. “On line registration reduces any stress or anxiety involved when registering for a class,,” Guy said, ‘ it makes for a mom wholesome interaction between the students and records of fice” The registration period slated for Jam 10 from I p,m< to 4 p.m, will be only for degree students or those who missed the prercgistraiion period.