Capitol times. (Middletown, Pa.) 1982-2013, September 08, 1999, Image 9

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    The Capita) Times
Intramural Sports to Commence Soon at PSH
By Barry J. Hicks
Capital Times Staff Writer
Classes at Penn State Harrisburg
started only three weeks ago and
already the mumbling of dis
gruntled students with nothing to do
fills the hallways.
It’s no secret that outside of class,
there isn’t much to do in
Middletown, Pennsylvania. The
Capital Campus’ Recreation/Ath
letics Department hopes to change
some of that by offering Intramu
ral sports programs as early as Sep
tember 13.
Three Intramural activities are
being offered for the fall semester:
co-ed softball, touch football, and
co-ed racquetball.
By Brad Clements
Capital Times Staff Writer
Recently, I've been approached by
fitness enthusiasts asking what pro
tein supplements, if any would be
most beneficial to their work out regi
ments. The first point I always stress
is that it is essential to get good clean
By Amanda Fry
Capital Times Staff Writer
Virgo (August 23- September
23): You are worrying about a
situation. Instead, try thinking
all your options through and go
with the best one. It may not be
the easiest decision, but it is one
you need to make.
Libra (September 24- October
23): Someone new finds you very
charming. Be yourself, they will
like you better that way. But
avoid being overly flirtatious.
You might not feel the same about
them in a week.
• Scorpio (October 24- November
• 22): A situation will occur that
• angers you- don’t lose your tem
• per! Compulsive accusations will
• surely escalate things. Take a
• deep breath and think before
• speaking.
Sagittarius (November 23- De
cember 21): A friend tells you
something in strictest confidence
knowing their secret is safe with
you. Give them your attention
and support. When you need
them, they will return the favor.
Students interested in participat
ing in any of these events can pick
up an Official Entry Form from the
Recreation/Athletics office in room
122 of the Capital Union Building.
On the entry form, list the names
of your team members along with
any times that your team would not
be available, and arrangements will
be made if possible. Each team
must name a team captain who will
report to all captains’ meetings.
Once the schedule is completed,
it is the team captain’s responsibil
ity to pick it up from the Recreation/
Athletics office.
Team members are also reminded
to frequently check the Intramural
Bulletin Board outside the Recre
Show Your Body the Whey to Go
sources of protein in one's diet. It
doesn't matter if you're trying to bulk
up or lean down, just as long as you're
getting protein in your system. After
all, muscle is essentially made up of
protein, so you really wouldn’t want
to jeopardize losing all that hard
earned muscle tone.
Your Horoscope
Capricorn (December 22- January
20): Although you may feel you are
right in a matter, listen to other
opinions. Their ideas have merit
and may help your cause. Consid
ering another point of view gives
you perspective.
Aquarius (January 21- February
19): Your lack of feeling toward a
loved one causes them concern.
Open up instead of pushing them
away and express how you feel.
You will both benefit by speaking
your heart.
Pisces (February 20- March 20):
Although it may not seem possible,
in light of recent events, things are
looking up. You suffered a set back
but you have gained a new perspec
tive. The confidence you have
gained will be useful.
Aries (March 21- April 20): You
are presented with a challenge in the
coming week. Listen to your in
stincts and take the time to think out
your options. Don't make an im
pulsive decision - you will be glad
that you didn't.
Taurus (April 21- May 21)
may be feeling a little possessive
SPORTS/FEATURES Wednesday, September 8,1999
ation/Athletics office for team
standings and schedule changes.
The Tentative Intramural Schedule
reads as follows:
Co-ed Softball
Entry Deadline: September 9
Captain’s Meeting: September 9
Play Begins: September 13
Touch Football
Entry Deadline: October 11
Captain’s Meeting: October 11
Play begins: October 18
Co-ed Racquetball
Entry Deadline: October 22
Captain’s Meeting: N/Aat this time
Play begins: October 25
People tend to ask why I take so
many protein supplements, i.e. pro
tein drinks. It really comes down to a
matter of convenience. I mean, with
the busy schedule I lead it's hard to
sit down, make and consume a meal
every few hours. A protein drink is
fast, convenient and a definite guar-
of your love interest. Loosen up,
you need not feel so insecure.
Talk it over with them and you
will be surprised how much bet
ter you will feel.
Gemini (May 22- June 21): You
are enthusiastic about a new ac
tivity - stick with it. Don’t quickly
become pessimistic and leave it
by the way side, see it through.
Otherwise, you might find your
self overwhelmed by unfinished
Cancer (June 22- July 22): In re- •
gards to a current relationship it *
may be more one-sided than you •
think. You have a tendency to •
mistake your fantasy for reality. •
Don't be afraid to acknowledge •
the relationship is not working. •
You have not failed, you have •
learned a valuable lesson. #
Leo (July 23- August 22): Your «
pessimism may have negative •
consequences. Face it, things »
don’t always go as you want them •
to. Take a positive approach, oth- #
ers will benefit from it - you •
might be surprised by the results. J
Jeremiah Sensenig, a Communi
cations major, participated in intra
mural football, basketball, and vol
leyball last year.
“I look forward to the upcoming
intramural football season. It’s re
ally competitive and gives students
something to do after class,”
Sensenig said.
Bud Smitley, Recreation/Athlet
ics Coordinator at Penn State Har
risburg, encourages all PSH stu
dents interested in the intramural
activities to participate.
“There will be a champion de
clared for each intramural activity,
but remember, win or lose, the most
important thing is to have fun,” he
commented. Further questions re-
antee that I receive a "meal" with
quality vitamins and minerals. This
is very important, for both your exer
cise program and when the wear and
tear of the semester is bearing down
on you.
There are many different types of
protein sources available to you.
Eggs, dairy products, beef, fish and
poultry are excellent choices. Like
the many varieties of protein sources
I've just mentioned, there are also a
number of protein supplements to
choose from, such as soy, whey and
egg. Of the three, whey protein is said
to be the best because of its superior
biological value; meaning it may yield
more usable grams of amino acids.
Basically, your body is able to syn
thesize whey protein more efficiently
than the other forms of proteins avail
able. Another attractive aspect of
whey protein is that it contains very
low lactose levels, that is a milk sugar
that upsets many people’s stomachs.
The most convenient times to take
a protein supplement would be in the
morning with a carbohydrate source,
such as wheat toast or fruit. By do
ing this you put a halt to the catabolic
tailspin your body had gone through
during the latter stages of your sleep
cycle. After workouts, taking a pro
tein supplement with a carbohydrate
source would also be beneficial.
Again, this allows your body to re
garding intramural activities can be
directed to Bud Smitley at 948-
6267, or Marilyn Demey, Staff As
sistant, at 948-6266.
Aside from the intramural sports
programs being offered at the Penn
State Harrisburg campus, the Capi
tal Union Building is open to any
student who wants to work out in
the weight room, fitness room,
gymnasium, or racquetball courts.
The CUB is open Monday
through Thursday from 10 a.m. to
10 p.m., Friday from 8 a.m. to 5
p.m., and Saturday and Sunday
from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. A valid PSU
Student Identification Card is re
quired to use the CUB facilities.
cover and grow.
About an hour before you call it a
day is another convenient time to con
sume a protein supplement. However,
make sure not to consume more than
five grams of carbohydrates during
this period. Excess carbohydrates
taken in the evening have no way of
being worked off, unless you plan on
engaging in extra curricular activities.
Otherwise, the carbohydrates just sit
there and collect as fat.
All right, you might be wondering
which whey protein supplements are
available and which are the best. You
can find quality sources of whey pro
tein at any fine health food store, such
as GNC and Vitamin World. A few
of the top line sellers are Designer
Protein, Protein Plus by Metrx, Opti
mum Nutrition Whey, Pure Whey by
Champion Nutrition, and Super Whey
Fuel by Twinlab. All are reputable
brand names that supply 18 to 50
grams of protein that yield 15 to 30
servings and range between $l6 to
$3B, depending on the size.
When doing the math this figures
out to an investment of a little over a
dollar a day. One pays roughly a
couple of dollars more for fast food,
food that supplies very little nutri
tional value. When it comes down to
it, you really can't put a price on a
healthy body. You only have it once,
so treat it right.