/ '*&+*&* ' • FEATURES M^ : Nav^l§lilW Got Issues? Fetch advice from Jack and Jill. Do you have a question for "Jack and Jill” ? Drop it off in the “Jack and Jill" box on the door of the Capital Times office at mom W 341, in the Capital Times mailbox in the Student affairs office, or e-mail your question to us at captimes@psu.edu. The staff of the Capital Times, anyone associated with Penn State or anyone in the entire universe are not responsible for these answers. Q: Dear Jack and Jill: I am a twenty-six year old fe male who has been involved in a relationship for over five years. My boyfriend and I have dis cussed getting married, but now every time I bring up our future, he avoids me. Should I be con cerned? I am very committed to making our relationship work for a lifetime, but I don’t feel that I should wait forever. Other than this “problem” we get along great and I consider him my best friend. What should I do: give him more time or break-up with him? -"CONFUSED" JACK 5 years! And you want to get married already?! The “problem” isn’t with your boyfriend, it’s with you. One of the biggest mistakes people make is rushing into rela tionships. You should consider your boyfriend’s feelings, once he Scavenger Hunt ? Three weeks have passed since the mission was placed before you, and no one has chosen to accept it, or at least completed it. It cannot be that diffi cult; Harrisburg is only so big. Its not like we were sending you on a suicide mission to Brooklyn or anything. Maybe the thought of your ugly mug appearing in this issue of the Cap Times scared you a little. Not to fear. We ran a photo of Dr. Spanier on the front page last issue and no one got sick. This $5O gift certificate to Strawberry Square lies here in W-341 collecting dust just waiting for you to claim it. All you need to do is be the first person to send an email to us with the correct an swers, and the prize is yours. Come on folks. What more do we have to do? Okay, okay. We will even give the winner our park ing space for the remainder of the semester. Please, prove us wrong because, at this point, we have come to the conclusion that there is no hope for all you apathetic students who could care less about what takes place here at YOUR university. feels the time is right you’ll be hear ing wedding bells. Don’t wait for things to eventuate, enjoy the ride. Give him more time, and slow down! First of all, understand that Jack is a Martian. That said, your guy probably will be ready to get mar ried in ten more years- to someone else! You are, for now, the “back up” girlfriend just in case the “real thing” never comes along. The longer you are together, the harder it is to let go, because you’ve got all this time invested. You’re wast ing your time and your life by stay ing with this guy because “you” are defined by him. Who are you and what are you interested in, what do you like? I’ll bet you don’t know these things without filtering it through him, even though you would say you like the same things as him, and that’s why you’re to gether. This will be very hard, because this guy is a habit, and habits are hard to break, but make yourself your best friend right now, find out who you are, keep busy and don’t run back to him in (especially ini tially) times when you would have filled it with him. You’ll get confi dent, comfortable and contented with your own company. Then, when you do meet someone to “settle down” with, it won't be be cause you don't want to be alone with yourself, but rather you won't want to be alone without them, and vs. versa. Q: Dear Jack and Jill: I have been employed at a doctor’s office for two years, and really like my job. The problem is that a male co-worker of mine never engages in conversation un less the topic of discussion is sexual in nature. I just get tired of him always making insensitive remarks. He is not directly sexu ally harassing anyone in the of fice, but he does make me feel un comfortable. I also have not shared my feelings with him. Should I discuss the situation with my boss, or just ignore him? -"TIRED OF HIM" It sounds like you are passively avoiding confrontation because you don’t want him to be “mad” at you, but inwardly stew, forfeiting hon est communication. Your co-worker probably honed his fine art of talk ing to girls in Jr. High and thinks he learned a life skill ever since. Think about what you’d like to say to him, rehearse it with friends, and then pick a quiet time at work to explain to him how his choice of conversation makes you feel. Then make a point of introducing non sexual topics to him when you see him and ignore the sexual stuff. If he still doesn’t get it, maybe your Answers on page 6 ACROSS 1 Fair 5 Ballet step 8 Fears 12 Beers other co-workers can get together with you in attemping to “re-pro gram” his boring routine. Then again, he may never get it, in which case you should follow Jack’s ad vice. JACK: The way to get over your discom fort with your male co-worker is to Crossword Companion 13 Era 14 Tardy 15 Horse 17 Small hawk 18 Over (poetic) JILL 19 Said 21 Probe 24 Rotatable disc 25 Anger 26 Openly 30 Baba 31 Husk 32 Fish eggs 33 Vent for release of gas 35 Turner 36 Atilla was their king 37 Iliad author 38 Chasm 41 Heat source 42 Ireland 43 Wire 48 Snow at head of glacier 49 Frost 50 Tides 51 Former Russian emperor 52 Food chewed a second time 53 Edges DOWN 1 Fuel 2 Altitude (abbr.) 3 Meadow 4 On an incline 5 Two 6 Past make him feel uncomfortable. Leave him a Playgirl subscription on the front desk or spread a rumor that he wets his sheets. You can also notify your boss that he looks at adult Web sites when he should be working. The goal is simple: re duce him to a pervert and he will engage in any topic of discussion but sexual by nature. 7 Sane 8 Caustic susstance 9 Stay 10 Female 11 Sow 16 Shelter 20 Lofty 21 Snatch 22 Small stream 23 Stew 24 Disputes 26 Speech sound 27 Crowd 28 Sole 29 Leap 31 Avoid 34 Complainer 35 Extended time 37 Color 38 Lease 39 Greek God of War 40 Long live (It.) 41 Winter vehicle 44 Old coin 45 Hitler's average (abbr.) 46 Type of weapon (abbr.) 47 Manuscripts (abbr.)