12 / PSH NEWS CAPITAL TIMM November 23, 1992 LIBRARY, from page 1 out items in the new system, and they can take out up to 50 items. Community borrower cards will be available to anyone outside the Penn State Harrisburg community, and will be temporarily available to students stranded without their identification cards. Borrowing privileges will be limited to eight items on the community borrower card, Shill said. Library assistants will run the card through a scanner similar to one found at the grocery store. The scanner reads the information on the magnetic stripe-- information from a card filled out by students and registered in the automated HATE CRIMES, from page 7 of humanity. Why? People who exhibit pathological hatred against different races and nationalities, handicapped and homosexuals would never be satisfied, even if they were able to dispose of all "undesirables." They feel anger and need to release it. They may target anyone in their path. These people are sociopaths. They maim and kill without conscience...like robots. They never feel that they are at fault. They feel victimized, so they must impose sanctions on those they abhor...people who are dissimilar to themselves. World War II and the Holocaust, by most people's standards, are considered to be over. Well, I have news for you. They aren't. They are alive and thriving all over the world. Yes, even in Pennsylvania. Some Ku Klux Klan (KKK) members and neo-nazi skinhead groups reside in the area. In the past, the skinheads have vandalized and desecrated synagogues. They've painted swastikas on tombstones in Jewish cemetaries. They mock the Holocaust and say it never happened. Their attitudes are Hideresque. They've had cross burnings, as they did in the Chambers Hill area when a black family purchased a home. They taunt and loathe the handicapped. After all, there is no room for imperfection in an Aryan race. To these people, a healthy, white race means superiority. Women (although they have their own KKK for females) are still inferior to the men. Yet it is imperative that they keep breeding healthy, supremist babies. The babies are even dressed in the traditional Klan garb. It is pitiful that these children will grow up under the influence and conditioning of their families-despising other people-people who, like everyone, bleed red and need oxygen to breathe. These children will not be taught to believe in the human race; they will be instructed how to hate, and that they are part of the superior race...the white race. KERN, from page 6 world practice experience I gained as a intern with Mr. Kern's practice. This firm has employeed 28 PSH graduates, either as interns or full time professionals, over the last 12 years. As a future managing partner, I can not say with certainty that this relationship will continue. Here's our chance to make our voice known: The Student Government Association would like to hear out the system The assistants also scan the bar code found on the book, and the system combines the student information with the book information. The book bar code contains information about the book, such as author, tide, bibliographic data and call number. Calling the new system "homegrown," Shill said it was created in 1979 at University Park especially for the Penn State system. Penn State Harrisburg is the first campus in the system to get the "homegrown" brand of automation, he added. "It has some rigid features, but we had a choice," Shill said. The choice was either to take advantage of automation Neo-nazi skinheads are usually recruited at a young, vulnerable age...teenage years. Harmless looking literature circulates in schools. A couple years ago, HACC, even had a neo-nazi pamphlet on one of their bulletin boards. Someone evidently had put it there, but when administration found out, it was hastily removed. Approximately at the time that incident occurred, racist literature was circulated and distributed in a Middletown school. The Harrisburg vicinity, like so many others, also has neo-nazis. These young boys have nothing better to do with their spare time. Maybe more youth programs should be instituted to alleviate their boredom. Anyway, many of these youths live on the West shore, but come to the East shore to cause problems. They target the localities that possess the most minorities. (Do they learn this from their parents? Maybe their families have no time for them?) And they are s o courageous. In Harrisburg many times homosexual men are attacked around 2 a.m. after the bars close. The perfect victim is intoxicated and alone. Four or five of these disturbed, young men can quickly exit their vehicles to attack and pummel a solitary, intoxicated person. Oh, this is an arduous task...five on 0ne...50 brave too. Cowards! In recent years, homosexual men have been attacked by neo-nazi skinheads wielding two by four boards and baseball bats. Some of the perpetrators were caught. They were juveniles from wealthy homes who didn't quite fit the stereotypical hoodlum. They were filled with anger and aggression. Too young to legally drink alcohol and too old to play games at the arcades, they decided to have a "fag bash." Many people, wrongly, blame homosexuals for AIDS. Nobody is immune to this horrendous disease. In fact, statistics show that more and more high school and college students are contracting this illness. Yet, some people use AIDS as a rationalization to focus their hatred on gays. There are many crimes of hate too Because of my first hand knowledge, through professional circles as well as my own student experience, I do not believe I would be receiving a graduate product competitive with other local universities. I will seek other local university graduates/interns first, I might add that all of the "Big Six" firms look to Mr. Kern for current staff need recommendations. I am returning my recent Annual Fund your comments and critcisms. Please fill survey enclosed now or wait three years for an updated system, and since the old procedure was so tedious, the answer was clear, he said. The system will reject any borrowers who owe the library money until the bill is paid, Shill said. Borrowers are limited to two renewals, and before renewing a book, they must bring the book back to be re-scanned. Shill said this includes faculty members, who in the past could renew a book by sending a letter. This method encourages them to return books they're not using, he said, a problem endemic to the old system. "We've had a faculty member doing research in Africa during the summer, and the books are just sitting in the house," Shill said. "We couldn't get to them." numerous to discuss. There are men who hate women, so they brutalize them. In Philadelphia, there were murderous incidents between whites and Asians over turf. The L.A. riots will go down in history as a racial problem gone awry. The world is full of hatred, and we do have a First Amendment right to dislike another no matter what the reason or prejudice. The Klan had a First Amendment right to assemble and rally in Hanover, Pennsylvania, two summers ago, shortly after racial problems occurred there. Sure, they chose an area that was vulnerable, but they were still within their rights. They have the constitutional right to express their feelings, and so do we. This is America . Ex-Klansman, David Duke, has the right to run for political office, and in his home state of Louisianna was in the legislature and missed election to the senate by a very small margin. But, we have the right not to endorse a politician we know is racist. Duke has a calm demeanor and a gleaming smile, yet we are informed about his past and have the right to say, "No way. Down with Duke!" We see much prejudice on talk shows. (Remember when Geraldo's nose was broken?) Some people think these shows give prejudiced people an open forum to recruit more members. But, that is their right. At the same time, these programs make the world aware of the ignorance that exists in our society. You might say that people who mistakenly thought prejudiced people to be harmless are ignorant. We must remain aware. Prejudice is not harmless. In fact, Tom Metzker, an ex-klan official, spoke to a skinhead group. That was legal, but he overstepped his bounds when he incited and encouraged them to kill a black man. He went beyond his constitutional rights. The murderers were imprisoned, and Metzker lost a civil suit to the victim's mother. He lost everything he owned...except his liberty. When he was interviewed, he implied that since he lost pledge card to you for ultimate disposition. Although the pledge of $lOO is small to the University, I find that I can not honor it in good conscience. Instead, I have made a contribution to Lions Club International for use in their Sight First Campaign. In closing, I issue this challenge to all of your student body, regardless of their in this edition . Dr. Harold Schill all his material wealth, he has nothing else to lose. He continues to preach his hatred. The First Amendment protects freedom of speech, but not speech that poses an imminent, or clear and present danger to society. Recently, on the 13th day of November, a Harrisburg bar was a target for a new-to-the-area neo-nazi skinhead group. (Supposedly, this group existed in Florida and members came to the are to recruit.) The bar employees saw that they were creating havoc, and hodily removed them. That was the bar's right. The prejudiced skinheads (And I make the distinction, 'prejudiced,' because there are different types of skinhead groups. Some are not prejudiced.) came back around closing time with the intention of starting a fight. Soon, there were 12 police cars, two paddywagons, two ambulances and even the mayor. Although they should have been there at the onset, I commend the rapid actions of the police. Unfortunately, this was never reported in the local newspaper. We must be informed. Ignorance can be dangerous. Without media coverage, accounts of malice have no real legitimacy. They don't seem authentic or verifiable. We must not be indifferent, for this can result in the brutalization or demise of many people. Instead, we should keep abreast of what's occurring around us. If all minorities or oppressed groups worked together instead of against one another, they would surely be a dominant force. If all oppressed and unoppressed people who care about peace and equality could work together, we would outnumber hatemongers by such an immense margin that the loathsome perpetrators of violence would not be so audacious. We must band together. There are many groups and coalitions out there that serve this purpose. In the words of John Dickinson, "By uniting we stand, and by dividing we fall." Let's decide to stand united discipline. Take your education back! It's your money, your time, and your future. Donald R. Burgard, CPA Class of 'B5 cc: Dr. Joab Thomas PSU -•Board of Trustees Enclosure: Annual Fund Pledge Card