What hai Soap dish causes mayhem Jeff Berrigan Capital Times Staff Well, it's that time of the month again - the rent's due. Oh yea, the paper comes out too, I almost forgot. I can't believe that it has been three weeks since the last issue of the Cap Times came out. In these last few weeks here before finals there have been some more of those "trivial items" that have caught my attention and produced a "Hmmm" or two. So without delay let's check out these new "Hmmm's" that are on display... Why are certain colors considered colors? Hmmm. I mean what happened to red, blue, green, and yellow? These colors seem to have been replaced by "sea foam”, "sky", "coral", and "nutmeg." Does anyone know what any of these "colors" looks like? I guess sea foam is white, sky is blue, coral is tie dye, and nutmeg is - well who knows what color nutmeg is! I want to see the makers of Crayola crayons come out with the color "paisley." Now that is something that would impress me. I think the next time I fill out a form requesting the color of my hair I’ll say it is "cinammon." What is up with nine year olds making records now? Hmmm. Here we have the members of Another Bad Creation, they sing "lesha", who are nine and ten years old. Have you heard the lyrics to this song? They go like this: "... lesha, you are the girl that I never had...." The girl they never had- PUH-LEEEZE! These guys are going to be fathers at the age of eleven with this kind of talk. When I was nine years old the only thing on my mind was football, Milky Ways, and tadpoles. If these kids want to sing about anything it should be recess or milk break. The girl they never had... Letter to the editor Student opposes requirement Letter to the Editor Hardly a week passes at Penn State Harrisburg without some news heralding the benefits of cultural diversity. In fact, the importance of cultural diversity at PSH was presented to me within hours after my arrival on campus. During the orientation sessions, a special section was devoted specifically to cultural diversity, including such concepts as acceptance of different lifestyles, values and cultures. The underlying message communicated during these sessions was that there aren't any absolutes. "Joe's" values are as good as mine, and in order to be culturally enriched, I need to welcome all ideas with open arms. Certainly these concepts are an echo of various humanity and sociological courses which emphasize the absence of absolutes and universal moral dogma. Due to this, they are usually swallowed hook, line and sinker as gospel fact. ened to red? Whose idea was. it to put the soap dish in direct line with the shower head? Hmmm. Is it me, or is the soap like mush by the time you grab it? It is like smearing pond scum all over your body - that's if you can keep a hold of that slippery little sucker. You grab it and it shoots out of your hand like an oversized guppy. Now that I think about it James Brown must have had something to do with the placement of the soap dish. I mean all his talk about jumping back and kissing himself must have rubbed off. I could just see him in prison saying "Heh, bend over and pick up that soap, Heh!" No wonder he is always screaming. Who chooses the place and pose for lingerie models? Hmmm. Look through any catalogue and you will see what I mean. It's something we see everyday - three girls with sunglasses on, wearing push up bra's and lace panties, perched on the hood of an IROC Z-28, next to a ski lift. They are in such natural poses too. It makes you wonder how much longer they could hold the pose without cramping up. Not only that, but look in the background. Here we have two guys changing the oil in their snowmobile - unaware of the presence of these three lightly clad ladies. If I were one of those guys I'd either be packing snowballs or thanking the Lordy for this gracious gift. Anyway... before I get in too much trouble here... I don't want to run on too long here so I'll have to cut myself short. I'd like to congratulate all the seniors who are graduating this semester, wish luck to all those who have to do some more "time" here at PSH, and thank all my professors for putting up with my antics. Well, Jazzy must break out like a scout on a new route. Peace to everyone, I'm oouutttaaa here! C-ya. mentatlity actually produces if it is followed diligently to the utmost? The Iraq/U.N. war unfolded some incredible human atrocities. Eyewitness accounts of Iraqi soldiers inserting screwdrivers into the eye sockets of the citizens of Kuwait and proceeding to gouge out their eyes is not to be taken lightly. Neither are accounts of decapitated/detongued heads thrown at the feet of horrified family members. Does the commitment to cultural diversity mandate that these atrocities be viewed merely as different, but totally acceptable treatment to human life? Or what about the cultures where husbands regard their wives simply as disposable property, sometimes even to the extent of having higher regard for their animals than their spouse. Does the ' acceptance of cultural diversity dictate that there is really nothing wrong with Voice from Hell returns Earth Day popularity fizzles Bob Caton Capital Times Staff Unload the gun...untie the noose...shut off the oven...take the endless loop cassette of "Greatest Hits of Air Supply" out of your tape deck...wipe off the steak sauce and get away from the tiger cage...take back your tickets for Jamie Farr and Rob Lowe in "Henry V." I'm back. Yeah, yeah, I know...nobody even noticed that I was gone...how soon they forget...maybe I should write another baseball article just to piss off those wonderful people on campus who take EVERYTHING literally. Actually, what is sort of annoying me now is hype. Remember about a year ago, the big thing was "EARTH DAY?" Why was it big, campers? Because the media TOLD us it was big! MTV said it was cool, so everyone had to follow like lemmings to the cliff. This year is Earth Day any less relevant? Has the environment improved at all? Are there less barrels of rancid toxic waste created by such purveyors of poison as Hardee's and McDonalds laying about? Does Chrysler still not manufacture 4 M.P.G. Behemoth Deluxes with no "fairy" pollution controls, super-cool air conditioners, electric ashtrays and fifty-two position electric waterbed seats? Has Axl Rose taken a bath yet? Survey says n 0... BUT, this year the forces of media have new bones to gnaw upon this season. Even the lordly Sting has run out of money enough that he no longer cares about some tribesmen in the rainforest, but now suddenly is interested in making hideous amounts of money and groupie-groping. He even fired half his band to cut down on overhead...plane tickets to Brazil are expensive, y'know? Besides.Jf anyone truly cared about the Brazilian environment, would the United Nations have allowed Guns 'N' Roses to enter the country to play Rock In Rio? this, that in reality, the value of a woman (or a man for that matter) is really entirely dependent on cultural whims? Applying the principles learned from sociology class, I conclude that the answer is yes. After all, there are no absolutes. My repulsion to either gouging out eyes or the mistreatment of any individual is due to my social and cultural conditioning; it is neither morally right or wrong; so they tell me. I will never be convinced that my perception of these types of conduct is simply cultural conditioning. To me, it is morally wrong, wherever and whenever it is done. I would also suggest that 12 credits in cultural diversity courses would not convince me otherwise (see Capital Times April 5, 1991, pg. 4). There is one other concept concerning cultural diversity, as presented at PSH, which I wQuld like to discuss. Supposedly all diversity is good, and April 26, 1991, CAPITAL TIMES Now, I'm not saying we should all take the Greenpeace approach, lashing ourselves to the tailpipes of the Harrisburg city buses while singing the theme song from "Flipper," but this habit of not caring until MTV tells us to is scary... Karl Marx said that religion is the opiate of the masses...if only he could have seen TV. Enough of that... Astute readers of the National Enqu...uh...the Voice From Hell will remember when I was bitching about Penn State's NEW basketball arena that was going to be built, and how we had yet another "unannounced" tuition hike looking us in the face. WeII...YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST, campers... Penn State suddenly announced the formation of a fund-raiser to raise FIFTY million dollars for the creation of this arena...and in the same day, it was announced that State university students could expect a six hundred dollar a year tuition hike! Coincidence? You decide! Who the hell needs Time-Life books when you live the happy life of a heavily extorted Penn State student! Lets see Joab Thomas out hawking Lifecalls part-time door to door at the rest home to pay for the arena instead of us getting reamed out again. Penn State has really burned its bridges with this Big Ten thing...by listening to Joe Paterno as if he were God, we have eliminated Syracuse and Pitt from our football schedule. Well, in about 20 years, when people here are sick of seeing PSU playing such mega games as Northwestern and Purdue every year, and PSU wants to pick up other games, Pitt and Syracuse will (I hope) tell Penn State to go to hell. We'll be playing Eastern Mississippi Junior Teachers Technical College for the Blind and the Altoona's Girls College because everyone else will hate us. Oh well... Penn State can always make up the lost revenue with a tuition hike. Until next time... alternative views must be accepted by all. But if diversity is really good, why does PSH make such an issue that everybody respond to cultural diversity in exactly the same way? In other words, by PSH dictating that all indiviuals respond favorably to culural diversity and different lifestyles, they are in reality violating their own standard of encouraging each individual to follow his, or her, own personal convictions. What an interesting paradox. The reason theses problems exist is due to the acceptance of the philosophy that absolutes absolutely do NOT exist (sorry if that sounds contradictory). Alternatively, we could accept the fact that there are absolutes; but then we must also conclude that there is also an absolute Being, namely God. Not, that can't be, our philosophers are absolutely sure of that. Sounds to me like somebody is absolutely wrong. Peter Tuckey SDCET