Voice from He 11... Robert Caton Capital Tlmes Staff The rap group 2 Live Crew is arrested in Broward County, Florida. The book, The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn, is taken from high school reading lists for "racist language." Sinead O'Connor is blacklisted from many U.S. radio stations after refusing to have "The Star-Spangled Banner" played before her show at a state-run concert facility in New Jersey. Which of these is the most damaging form of censorship? Take 2Live Crew...they were arrested by a narrow- - minded redneck who merely wanted to pump up his vote-getting capabilites this election year. At this point, the Crew should send a big Christmas gift to the Sheriff in Broward County. " As Nasty as they Wanna Be", 2 Live Crew's current album, was falling off the charts with nary a whimper when this moron decided to arrest them for performing to CARDED adults at a club. Naturally, the charges were ridiculous and 2 Live Crew looked like heroes. The end result-. 2 Live Crew sells literally MILLIONS more copies of "Nasty", gets an MTV Video Music Award spot, and gets far, far richer than they would have normally. Now, if they would only knock off the self defeating posture that "you can't stand a brother making more money than you." That's absurd...l think Bill Cosby. Michael Jackson, and Eddie Murphy (three of the top five richest entertainers in the WORLD) would tend to disagee. Anyway... 2 Live Crew turns out winners. sinead O'Connor, at this point, needed controversy as well. Her latest album had peaked, her tour was nearly over, and she was fading from the memory of Americans (despite the efforts of Sam Kinison). For radio Movie Review Darkman Imitates Robocop Robert Caton Capital Times Staff The movie Darkman from Director Sam Ramie is supposedly a "creative, fresh approach" to the tired superhero movie format. Darkman is about as creative as a IC- Tel record, and about as fresh as the vegetables in Murmansk. I cannot understand why such praise has been heaped on this film, when the plot is such an obvious ripoff of RoboCop, with chunks of Phantom of the Opera thrown in. In RoboCop, the hem was mangled by bad guys in the name of corporate power...same with Darkman. In Rob°Cop, the greedy corporation wanted to build a new, advanced city and tried to destroy the old one with crime from within...as does Darkman. In RoboCop, The hero is tormented by his inability to be accepted by his former lover after his transfonnation...yep, you guessed it, Darkman does too. Get the paint? This ia =WNW to be an action fantail? flick, but even the most enthralled smien-year-old is sure to find stations to stop playing her records was a statement about as strong as WTPA never playing the Carpenters' greatest hits...it isn't like Sinead was number one on the request line anymore. If anything, Sinead gave herself a bit of extra life before she fades away...Sinead O'Connor wins, despite the loss of airplay from a few stations. For redneck school boards and so called "concerned parents groups" to take Huck Finn out of the libraries and the classrooms to satisfy pressure groups is the biggest mistake possible. When we back down and remove a word...next comes a page...then the book, and ihat is the next step towards ignorance forever. Don't get me wrong...the word "nigger" is offensive to every intelligent person, but it's important for our children to know that, in the era of Huck, it was common. Why is it important? So that children • know we have passed such ignorant times by! That the era that Huck lived in is gone forever, and should NEVER be allowed to surface again is a lesson that children everywhere should take not to their hearts, but to their minds. A person who teaches a child prejudice and ignorance is worse than someone who beats a child. The child beater is only hurting the child...the teacher of ignorance is hurting every person the child will come in contact with for the rest of his life as well. The result of not allowing students to - examine 'Why 'racism is wrong (in a supervised cIassroom)...EVERYONE loses! All in the much used name of "protecting" our children. I realize that the old "Voice" was not too funny this time around, but then again...there isn't anything I could find funny about this. Until next time:.. holes in the logic that are just too stunning to overlook. I can buy the cutting-off of Darkman's nerves, giving him superhuman powers, but his delicate computer equipment surviving a blast that ripped a brick wall to shreds, yet only "scorched" the very computer the bomb was sitting on? Somehow I doubt it. Sure, Ramie's swirling shots add some depth to the film, but when you add the "Buck Rogers" bluescreen effects to the mix, it erases the good camera work as everyone comments on how "fake" they look. Liam Neelson as Darkman was not a bad idea...the man can act, but for someone who is supposed to have such wild fits of sorrow and rage, Neelson is disgustingly laid back. The best performance by far was by Larry (L.A. Law) Drake as the leader of the bad guys. From watching him as Benny on TV, one would never guess the capabilities he showed here. „ Basically, should the burning desire to see Darkman OVerC.OOlO you...rent RoboCop, save the money, and see a far bettor execution of the craft. RATING—(Out of Five Stirs) * ED Hanks Pen Rambles... on Cliches Hank Rappokl Special to the Cap Times Why is it that every time something happens, someone always has a cliche or a saying that fits the situation? Like, they always say "Never look a gift horse in the mouth." I want to know why can't I look a gift horse in the mouth? What will it do...bite me? I don't understand. Does this all mean I can look a gift horse in another part of it's anatomy? Like say it's hoot? Just where should I look a gift horse? This all makes me wonder where cliches started? And what do they all' mean? Sayings like "That's the way the bubble burst" make me wonder just how does a bubble burst? Can it burst only one way? If it can only burst one way, just then, why don't bubbles have the capabilities to burst differently? I guess from all of this I can assume bubbles, no matter if they are American, European or even Japanese, burst the same way. • One of my favorites has to be "That's one smart cookie." What is a smart cookie? And how did it become smart? Do cookies go to school to become smart? Still, what is a smart cookie? If I had to decide I would choose a cookie like an Oreo. Now that is a smart cookie! Just look at it. Classic. Very classic, Good color contrast between the black outside and the white inside. A chocolate chip cookie and a glass of milk always seems to "hit the spot." Does anyone know exactly where this spot is? I guess it is "right on the PENN STATE NITE Party with us every Wednesday and Thursday Happy Hour Mixed Drinks and Draft Specials every Wed. and 9-11 The IFuizaky 181m 1 163 310-2 ITT* 'Bunts Sal Ott. (6 loitaanty ant tilt Mat Cats October 5, 1990, CAPITAL TIMES Thurs. NO COVER WITH PSU I.D. mark?" "That's the way the cookie crumbles." My personal feeling on this one is that dumb cookies, a.k.a. oatmeal, crumble faster and messier than any other cookie. "Just wait one cotton picking minute." How much cotton can you pick in a minute and if you can pick so much cotton in a minute - then how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? "On].) time will tell" can answer this one. "Only time will tell" is another of my personal favories. :Time will tell what? I know you can tell what time it is and what day it is. But what can time tell? I thought it was only a perceived measuring device. Only "the shadow" knows with this cliche. Think about this. "If talk is cheap," can someone please explain 1-900 numbers to me? A "chip off the old block" doesn't make much sense to me. I mean if the block is old, won't it chip? Usually objects become frail with time. "A bird in a hand is r What is the rest of this one? Oh, never mind Next! You have to take the good and the bad. But why? Give me the good, let someone else take the bad. "Last but not least." I don't know about you, but at times I would like to get my hands on the people that "left their mark" with these cliches. Then again, most of them are probably "dead and buried".