CAPITAL TIMES, March 21, 1990 ARTS & LEISURE Hank's Pen Rambles on Dot Hank Rappold Capital Times Staff More on dating. OK, I finally got a chance to go on a date with that girl. No wait, not a girl...a goddess...a vision of heaven on earth. She is definitely not just a girl. So what do I do with this illusionary goddess? It's the first date and I have to make a good impression. They always say that a first impression is a lasting one. By the way who is this 'they' person? Anyway where do I take this girl? Dinner and dancing? Just dinner? Lunch? Coffee? A movie, perhaps? Good old pizza and a movie? A summertime dream--a movie and ice cream? How about a combination of any of the above? This all led me to the question- how much money do I spend to entertain the one being that thousands of songs should be written about? What is too much, or what is too little? $l5. Come on it's hard to get away with that. $25. Now we might be talking. Not too much of a dent in the wallet. Still, maybe it will make an impression. I don't know. With all these questions and many more flying about my head I went in search for answers. What I was really concerned about is how I should act on the infamous "first date", so I went back to the source I used in my piece on what females like in males. She was, once again, an over-abudant source of information and I came away with some great concepts and ideas. Flowers always help to start the date off op the right foot (figuratively Holy Week Services: Maundy Thursday In Parishes Good Friday 12:00 Noon in BCAC Lounge & Parishes Call Seven Sorrows at 944-3133 or St. Peter's at 944-4651 for Worship Service Information Sponsored by the Interfaith Council of Middletown, Catholic Campus Ministry - Lutheran/United Campus Ministry speaking, that is). Something like a single rose or carnation is nice and supposedly does the job. Why have I never thought of trying this? I always thought that showing up on time is a good start. Being nice, but not too nice, to her parents is another key factor. I guess this means I have to confuse her mom as being her sister and cringe while shaking her father's hand. Hopefully I will not have to try any of mom's cookies or listen to any of dad's fishing stories. That is where I draw the line (once again, figuratively speaking). Outside the house is when I have to be on my best behavior. This means that things like opening doors and controlling bodily noises will gain me points. I don't mind opening doors but "belching" is one of my better attributes. I guess I'll have to skip "belching" and stick to witty small talk. Oh joy! Let's call my source Madame X. Well both X and her roommate,Y, agree that some sort of food is required on the date. This means either dinner and a movie or a movie and a snack afterwards. But definitely some sort of food. So once again, I'm delegated to the role of a feeding machine. Only this time I have to play the role of a well-mannered, nice but not too nice, FTD-like guy, feeding machine. Hey, no problem. X and Y began to tell me other factors I must consider about the food. Never, I repeat never, order spaghetti unless you look good in one of those bibs that are made for sloppy spaghetti eaters. Don't take the girl to a greasy spoon, Ma and Pa type diner, and no fast food. I ask you what is an evening without either a Big Mac or homemade meatloaf with lumpy gravy? The answer is, now that I think about it, probably an evening in which I would not be inclined to belch or make any other type of bodily noises. Another food type recommendation is not to go any place too outstanding. Oh, no greasy spoons and nothing too outstanding. OK, now the choices are limitless. When eating out I should never chew with my mouth open. If I do, I might end up spitting my meal all over theā€¢ table, or worse yet all over my date. I bet she would be really pissed off I did something like that. Starting a food fight on the first date is also a no-no. No matter how much humor I find in shooting a spoonful of mashed potatoes across a restaurant, I'm not allowed. Like, bummer dude! Next on the agenda during the somewhat ideal date comes the movie. I have found that there is proper etiquette in the movie theater too. I should, when choosing a movie, pick a movie that the girl will like also. This means no "Rambo" shoot-'em-up movies. These should be saved for evenings of male bonding. Comedies are a safe choice and so are some dramas. But never, and I repeat never, go see a movie with someone like Patrick Swayze in it. All you will here is "He's so good looking" and all you will wonder is "What am I, chopped liver?" More food is also needed at the movies, according to X and her roommate, Y. "Popcorn is a definite must," said Y. Personally I offer my dates (if and when I have have one) Ju-Ju Fruits fresh off the theater floor. I have found they are not likely to accept them even after I clean off all the hair and dirt. Sweettarts, on the other hand, are easy to pass off as being fresh. They don't seem to attract as much dirt as Ju-Ju Fruits and are easier to clean off. But to make the date as succesful as it can be, play it safe and buy the snacks at the concession stand. With all this information I have gathered I think it is time to come up with some sort of budget for the evening. The first thin! to consider is Area Happenings WOMEN IN THE WORKPLACE The BX Business Club Panel will present a panel of five women sharing their experiences in the workplace on Wednesday, March 28 from 12-1:30 p.m. in the Gallery Lounge. The women represent a wide variety of fields including banking, insurance, accounting and the state government. The panel will also include Sandra Jackson, Manager of Human Resources in Business Services at PSH. Women will learn what to expect in the workplace and give advice in obtaining one's goals. . ImiDoicomaceiDertti&iirulei Two workshop sessions on easing the transition from college to the real world of working life will be on Tuesdays, March 20 and 27 from 12:15- 1:30 p.m. in Olmsted E-338. Students can register in Olmsted W -117 or call 948-6025. Registration deadline is Monday, March 19. ing 11 how important is the girl to you? Have you just met or known each other for a long time? Will the evening be worth the wait? Or will talking to the wallpaper at the restaurant be more fun? The above evening should cost me anywhere from $45-$5O. Broken down this includes: $3O for dinner and $lO-$ll on a movie or $l5-$l6 if popcorn and candy are bought. Note: The total does include a flower, and to save money at the theater buy your candy at K-Mart or Jamesway beforehand and smuggle it into the movies in her purse. This will save you a couple of bucks. I have been able to break an evening out to the unbelievable total of only $4.95. This includes both dinner and a movie. Dinner will be at 7-11 or at any convenience mart that has a hot dog special. Two dogs for $1.19, can't be beat and while there I can pick up a 99- cent movie. This brings the total up to $3.18 and leaves $1.77 for two Slurpees for dessert. Who says money can't buy love? From all of this I have learned that there is no such thing as a perfect date. I have to remember that all girls are different and they all like different things. The perfect date then, would be one that includes something for everybody. Centering the date around one person is not good and will lead to a bit of tension. On the first date being one's self should make a very successful evening because one cannot be someone else forever. An important thing to remember is all good things are worth the wait. Even if the wait ranges from hours to days to weeks or to even seven months it will be worth the wait. hist don't wait so long for the next date; life is too short. Editors note: Hank will be offering an advice column to any wayward soul in search of guidance. Just drop him a line at the Cap. Times Office W-341, or put a note in the Cap. Times mailbox in room 216 or give it to any of the Lion's Den ladies and they will see that he gets it. A deep meaningful answer will be published in the next issue. DIZEti IZI DI pi 9 lIILL'IN3 I 10. ti : John Kauffman, executive vice president of operations for Pennsylvania Power & Light Co., will conduct a seminar on the opportinuties in the electric power industry on Thursday, March 22 from 1-2 p.m in Room 1 la the Technology Laboratory Building . BSU CELEBRATION The PSH Black Student Union (BSU) is celebrating its anniversary this month. The celebration will culminate on Saturday, March 31 with a host of activities including a workshop, banquet, and go-go party. The proceeds from the weekend celebration will go toward a book scholarship fund to provide support for future black students. UNIVERSITY PARK CONCERT Stanley Jordan will be in concert Sat., March 24 at 8 p.m. in the Eisenhower Auditorium at University Park. Tickets can be purchased at the Office of Student Activities in Olmsted 212. Cost per ticket is $l5 with a student id.