Capitol times. (Middletown, Pa.) 1982-2013, December 07, 1989, Image 4

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    CAPITAL TIMES, December 7, 1989
From the editor's desk...
A thought for the holidays:
As we go about celebrating the great changes taking place in
Eastern Europe, let's not forget that the greatest hypocrisy to
democracy continues to wreak havoc on the Black people of
South Africa. When will America get outraged enough to do
what's necessary help free one of the most repressed
citizenries on the face of this Earth?
For a semester I have been blessed with the opportunity to work with
an incredibly dedicated group of people within the Capital Times staff.
In that time I witnessed the emergence of what I believe to be a quality
newspaper, that I would hope the entire Penn State Harrisburg
Community, past and present, can take pride in.
The fact that I've been approached by students with reactions to
articles in the paper and received suggestions of ways we can still
improve, is a challenge to take the paper to an even higher level next
semester. To achieve this we need the support of both students and
What the Capital Times offers you is a voice in your education. It's
up to you whether you are going to take hold of this opportunity to create
changes, provide insight and challenge both faculty members and fellow
students to take a point of view.
To be a true campus newspaper we need to represent all divisions of
Penn State Harrisburg. The only way we can achieve this goal is by
having contributors from all parts of the school. Therefore, to be
counted, students must leave their wallflower mentality at the door and
join the dance.
I also cannot stress enough how important it is for communications
majors to write for the newspaper. Employers want to be able to see
what you can do and if you don't have any clips to show them, I bet the
person who gets the job will.
With that said, I'd like to wish you a happy and safe holiday season.
A newspaper for the student body
Capital Times
_ _ _
Editor in chief . .. Nathan Lee Gadsden
News Editor ... John Garvey
Photography/Graphics Editor ... Denina C. Benson
Sports Editor ... Hank Rappold
Production Manager ... John Yagecic
Business/Advertising Manager ... Sondra Kinsey
Adviser ... Dr. Peter Parisi
Staff - David Blymire, Christopher Burns, Jennifer Cahill, Richard Chiavetta,
Jon Fleck, Sue Hoover, Jeff Quinn, Mary Lee Scnable, Derrick Stokes,
Melissa Stuff, Mary Jane Thompson.
The Capital Times is pusblished by the students of Penn State Harrisburg. Concerns regarding the
content of any issue should be directed to the editor in room W-337 of the Olmsted building or by
calling 944-4970. Opinions expressed are those of the author and are not representative of the
college administration, faculty or student body. The Capital Times welcomes signed letters from readers
Unsigned letters cannot be printed; however, a writer's name may be withheld upon request.
The Capital Times does not endorse its advertisers.
John J. Garvey, Editor in chief elect
Happy Holidays
Nathan Lee Gadsden
Editor in Chief
Well, 'that's all for this semester, so we're
faking if to the s/opes. See you in the spring
Letters to the editor...
Our mistake
Editor's note: In the last issue of the
Capital Times, a letter to the editor from
Tom Miller was misquoted. The
following is a correction.
Dear Editor,
In response to the abortion
commentary published in the previous
issue: The unborn woman should have
the right to choose what she wants to do
with her own body and not have
1 someone else choose for her.
Thank you
Dear Editor,
This letter is to thank the Penn State
Harrisburg community for the support
they gave in aiding the victims of
Hurricane Hugo. Through the personal
donations of students, faculty and staff,
and budget transfers by many of our
campus organizations, we were able to
send $569.19 to the Red Cross. There is
no greater sense of satisfaction than that
which comes from giving to those who
are in so great a need.
We all know the budgets for the
clubs were substantially lower in most
cases this semester and the donations to
this drive had to come out of unrestricted
funds. This meant the clubs who gave
chose to make adjustments in their plans
or work harder to earn more to meet their
own needs.
Tom Miller
As individual college students we are
well aware of our own ever-present
financial pressures. We're always feeling
"broke". But we can never feel the
trauma of devastation felt by those who
lost everything in a matter of hours. In
comparison, we have so much. By
putting together the resources we could,
we have been able to let these people in
the Caribbean know who we care.
On behalf of the Hugo Disaster
Relief Drive Committee and the
International Affairs Association, I thank
all of you who dug a little deeper to help
others. Your kindness and generosity is
truly appreciated.
Cindy Vartenisian
President, I.A.A.
He said it!
Dear Editor,
I have just read the Students Speak
Out: What Do You Think article in the
November 15 issue of the Capital
Scott Alper, 22, General Humanities,
is reported to have made the statement in
commenting about a united Germany: "I
can't worry about what happened with
the holocaust."
If he was quoted accurately, he should
be ashamed of himself. If he was not,
the Capital Times should exercise great
care in the words it attributes to people.
Irving Hand
Professor of State and
Regional Planning
Editor's note: Mr. Alper was quoted