CAPITAL TIMES, November 15, 1989 From the editor's desk... This editorial was originally intended to be a letter of resignation because I wanted to tell everyone why I am resigning, but i decided to stay away from such an ego serving act. But I also wanted to say something to the people who give their all to see that this newspaper gets published; and I also wanted to say a few words those who seem intent on seeing that it doesn't. But I realize that you know which group you fit into. There is, however, one group of people I will address: All people, particularly students, who think this newspaper isn't a real newspaper, this column's for you! For your information, this is a real newspaper to the people who: write, rewrite and polish articles; take photos, then spend hours in the dark room to develop film and make prints; spend late-night hours typing copy, editing and working on layout. And this is definitely a real newspaper to the communications majors who need experience and samples to show prospective employers. I ought to know, because the road to the internship I served last summer with the Lancaster Intelligencer Journal , as well as my present internship with the Harrisburg Patriot News , began when I started writing for the Capital Times. I sincerely hope that the people who have supported the newspaper this semester (you know who yo are), continue their support with the new editor. I'll certainly be around to give my support. And I hope that the people who don't understand the importance of this newspaper will talk to those who do. Or at the very least, have some respect for those who are working hard to further their careers. :fl-:: nU It should comfort Penn State Harrisburg students to know that we again have a fully operational student court. But it is a comfort that has eluded us most of this semester. For 11 weeks we have had only three active members on Student Court. This includes a Chief Justice, Ted Spevak, who according to Student Court's Constitution acts as a "tie-breaker" during hearings, and two Associate Justices. • On days when only one Associate Justice could be present at the hearing (this happened often), Fm sure Spevak could have broken a deadlock quicker then you can say Sybil. In other words one person often made decisions in the name of student court. How did this situation arise you ask? Well, in the SGA Constitution it states under powers and duties of the President, the President must "Appoint a substitute to fill any vacancy on the Student Court, within one week after Occurrence, with the Approval of two-thirds majority vote of the Senate." It is dificult to accept the fact that it took so long to rectify this situation. The responsibilities we place in Student Court are many. One of those responsibilities is to protect against SGA overstepping its authority. The irony is SGA did indeed supercede its athourity when Spevak brought up what he felt was a possible conflict between the SGA and the Student Courts Constitutions concerning who should screen applicants for student court. The SGA Constitution states "The SGA will refer any and all constitutional questions to the Student Court whose decisions shall be final." But SGA formed a commitee and took it upon themselves to rule on this constitutional conflict. Now that the new members of the Student Court have been sworn in, hopefully we can rectify a mistake that has already been made and again achieve the balence of power both constitutions go to great lengths to protect. A newspaper for the student body Capital Times Editor in chief ... Nathan Lee Gadsden News Editor ... John Garvey Photography/Graphics Editor ... Denina C. Benson Sports Editor ... Hank Rappold Production Manager ... John Yagecic Business/Advertising Manager ... Sondra Kinsey Adviser ... Dr. Peter Parisi Staff--Amy Blinn, David Blymire, Christopher Burns, Jennifer Cahill, Richard, Chiavetta, Scott Demko, Jon Fleck, Sue Hoover, Amy Killeen, Judy Pugliese, Karen Peiffer, Quinn, Mary Lee Schnable, Kristie Scholl, Derrick Stokes, Melissa Stuff, Mary Jane Thompson. The Capita Times is pusblished by the students of Penn State Harrisburg. Concerns regarding the content of any issue should be directed to the editor in room W-337 of the Olmsted building or by calling 944-4970. Opinions expressed are those of the author and are not representative of the college administration, faculty or student body. The Capital Times welcomes signed letters from readers Unsigned letters cannot be printed; however, a writer's name may be withheld upon request. The Capital Times does not endorse its advertisers. Nathan Lee Gadsden, Editor in Chief John Garvey, News Editor OPINIONS wl- 't: .' '4. )' :- , 1 6 - w 1.4 b.. . \ ..,:e - 1 - ~ i l l r f '- -- ' - 1111111tet P` ( T , ~ ._„ , 1,1 _ air! . ' " ....m..1„, 411;;I : I I t : , i lit i i ; l ~ ...:.$1 '-__ v . 4 --, - : '"" 4-' ~ :r But most of all, I like Central Pennsylvania's fresh air! Letters to the editor... It's her body! Dear Editor In response to the abortion commentary published in the previous issue: A woman should have the right to choose what she wants to do with her own body and not have someone else choose for her. Thank you Dear Editor: Autumn Buzz weekend had something new in store for students here. Of course we're talking about Penn State Harrisburg's First Annual Mud Volleyball Tournament. Congratulations to the winning team "The Snappers" and thanks to all the teams whose participation made this first (of many?) event successful. With any luck, a new PSH tradition has been created. Many were involved in the organization and creation of this event, and many thanks are due. To Maintenance and Operations, in particular, Mike Ray, Vernon Witmer and Jeff Mace whose extra effort and willingness to help made our job much easier; to the Middletown Fire Company No. 1 for the use of the firehoses; to Zaeger Brothers for the donation of the topsoil; to George Young for all his unending support and help; to Frank Williams for the use of the grounds; and, to all those who donated their time and effort, especially Toni Mandronico and Jenny Burns, all our deepest thanks! __c,--- This was one event sure to go down in PSH history. From an alum Dear Editor I picked up a copy of the Oct. 4 "Capital Times" on my last visit to campus. The improved paper, 20 pages, real news and photos on the cover, letters to the editor and section headings put the paper into a new class of excellence! Tom Miller When I returned to work I passed the paper around to several Capital campus alumni here. Their reaction was an enthusiastic, "Gee this looks great!" and "I can't believe that this is the Capital Times!" I'm pleased to see the improvements to the paper that you have included. The quality and style are a tribute to your experience and hard work and the dedication of the staff. Keep up the good work! Editor in Chief for the Capital Times. To start Spring 1990. Contact the Editor, W-337 or 944-4970. Meade Ileights Community Council Joseph D. Kupec Class of 'B9 Wanted: ilin