Capitol times. (Middletown, Pa.) 1982-2013, October 07, 1987, Image 5
Oct. 7, 1987 She Really Did It By F. J. Patton (XCI mascot) On Saturday, August 29, I was at the Capital College Leadership Conference fishbowl when Dr. Ruth Leventhal said she was interested in the campus' student organization. She also expressed the desire to be invited to student meetings. Of course she said that her busy schedule would limit just what she could attend. Immediately after hearing this, I quickly searched the room for Butch Lutz, president of the XGIs (Chi Gamma Iota). We smiled at each other knowing what the other was thinking: The XGIs would be more than happy to accommodate the provost. Why not the XGIs? Wasn't this the same group that last year presented the provost with a candy rat for winning a raffle (she didn't know her name had been honorarily entered). I, and probably a majority of the students in attendance, thought that Dr. Leventhal's remarks were genuine but in all actuality believed that the chances of the provost attending a student organization's meeting were quite slim. But, knowing Butch, I had no doubt the provost would be receiving an invitation very soon. The invitation did go out after a few changes were made to the original draft. The XGI members were quite supportive of the idea. At first. But then, NHELM 'B7 DISTRIBUTION BEGINS By Kathleen Riley-King A walk-in reception was held on Sept. 11 in the Gallery Lounge to launch the distribution of Tarnhelm 'B7, the campus arts and literary magazine. Ann Leisawitz, a concert pianist and Humanities graduate student, entertained faculty, students, and staff with selections by Chopin, Beethoven, Debussy, and others, while over 100 copies of the magazine were distributed bklast year's Tarnhelm staff. The poems, short stories, and photographs published in Tarnhelm 'B7 were chosen by the Tarnhelm staff and several independent judges from entries in a'contest held last spring. First-place winners in last year's contest received $75 each and incruded: John Nigh, poetry, "Swans"; Toni Albert, prose, "If You Step on a Crack"; and Andrea Alsvary, photog raphy/graphic arts/drawing. Second-place winners received $25 and included: Rosemary Brooks, poetry, "The Cove"; Randy Bates, prose, "A Humble Proposal"; and John Nigh, photography/graphic arts/drawing. Tarnhelm 'B7 was produced through a grant made by the Student Government Association, and the cash awards were provided through contribu tions from the Provost's Office, Student Activities, and the Humanities Division. At the reception, last year's editor, Denise Vanßriggle, and Dr. Theo dora Graham named Jackie Guida and Randy Bates as Tarnhelm co-editors for some of the members began to wonder if an XGI meeting would hold any interest for Dr. Leventhal. The mood of the XGIs was swinging. Some began to feel uncomfortable with the idea-Then came the great realization: The provost is so busy she won't be able to attend. Sighs of relief could be heard echoing through Room 216. And then came the memo. "Butch, the provost wanted to confirm the time, date, and location of the XGI meeting." Oh boy. Now what? The provost was coming, and none of the XGIs knew what to wear. Well, the XGIs, always being up to a challenge, prepared as best they could. Call your mummy. Finally, the evening of the meeting arrived. Everything was ready. Many of the XGIs believed they had terminal cases of butterfly-itus. Once again, there was hope that the provost's schedule would not allow time for the XGI meeting. But then she did it. Dr. Leventhal arrived. The meeting proceeded through the business of the club. Topics on XGI activities and events were discussed. Claire Hall of the Central Pennsylvania Blood Bank presented phlns for the Fall Blood Feud. Dr. Leventhal expressed interest in the various club activities. She announced the trustees' decision to divest holdings in South African investments. She informed us that this' was the first time she had been invited to attend a student organization meeting and thanked the XGIs for the invitation. Dr. Leventhal remained after the meeting to talk more leisurely with members. The members couldn't have been more pleased with the meeting. The opportunity to express our ideas directly to the provost was greatly appreciated. The moral of the story: She really did it. She showed us she does care about the students. The members of Chi Gamma lota want to thank Dr. Ruth Leventhal. We enjoyed it. YOU remember. She was always there when you were frightened. And it you got hurt, she was standing hv with ban dages. Viiuldn't it feel good to talk to Your mother again right now? Calling over AT&T Long Distance Service probably costs less than you think, too. And if vou have any questions about Al' 'l' rates or service, a customer service repre sentative is always standing by to talk to you. just call 1 800 222-6300. Sure, your schoolwork and wur friends keep You busy. But call home and find out what she's wrapped up in. AT&T The right choice.