Capitol times. (Middletown, Pa.) 1982-2013, October 07, 1987, Image 15

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    Oct. 7, 1987
By Angie Dill
Eight units of the Engineering
Laboratory were renovated this summer,
according to Ken Witmer, manager of
Facilities and Maintenance Operations.
These units were the machine shop,
engine lab, thermo lab, materials testing
lab, wood shop, grinders, an equipment
room, and a large central classroom.
The total cost for the
renovation project was about $83,000.
This amount included the cost of
construction and design fees. The
renovations began in early July and is,
By Kathleen Riley-King
They're here--hot off the
Chock full of photography,
poetry, and prose by Capital College
students and faculty, Tarnhelm 'B7, the
campus arts and literary magazine, is
now available to students, faculty, and
Already, over a hundred copies
of the magazine were distributed by last
year's Tarnhelm staff at a reception held
Sept. 11 in the Gallery Lounge.
Supplies are limited, so if you
did not get a copy at the reception, hurry
to the Humanities Office, W 360, and ask
for your copy today!
Continued from page 14
television news, all of America got a
shot of an angry mob shouting, "Down
with the IRS."
The advice Ellerbee offers, in
addition to not being a "Twinkie," is to
take chances' if you want to grow, and to
expect to get fired.
Ellerbee at 41 knows she is
good at what she does even though she's
been fired several times. And, according
to her, she got better after she took the
advice of David Brinkley when he told
her not to worry about her future on
television. "All they can do is fire you,"
he told her.
Ellerbee says the industry is
growings especially for women, and
there are many opportunities. She also
knows it's okay to get old, just so she
doesn't look old. "That would indicate a
poor attitude," said Ellerbeee,
commenting on the euphemism the
networks use to get rid of someone.
However, in the middle of her
funny anecdotes, Ellerbee is able to keep
her perspective on life. She knows that
ordinarily she is "just Linda Jane, a
normal person." But, when she appears
before the camera, she is Linda Ellerbee
with a purpose and responsibility to the
American people that must transcend her
personal feelings of the politics of the
industry. In other words, it' takes
someone with a good sense of humor to
live in the serious world of news.
with the exception of a few minor
repairs, completely finished.
An addition was also made to
the Admissions building over the sum
mer. The addition accommodates the
Harrisburg Area Recruitment Center.
This addition was approximately 1,000
square feet.
The section that houses the
Humanities Division on the third floor
of the Olmsted building is also being
considered for renovations. There are also
plans for the resurfacing of the chalk
boards throughout the Olmsted build
ing. These projects will be worked on as
proper funding is available.
Before wu choose a long distance
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Capital Times
Admissions Building addition during the early stages in July
Photo by Jan Travers
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Page 15