Assertiveness workshops next month Preregistration for the assertiveness group workshop, sponsored by the Counseling Center, will end on November 7, 1983. The group will meet for five sessions on Wednesday afternoons from 3 to 4:30 pm, beginning November 9, 1983. For more information contact Dr. Marion Krieger at 948-6025. Blood drive on campus this month XGI will sponsor a blood drive on October 31, from 9 am to 3 pm outside the Nurse’s office in the Olmsted Building. Due to an extensive account at Central P.A. Blood Bank, Penn State students, staff and faculty members and their immediate relatives are eligible to receive free, unlimited blood coverage. Sign-up sheets will be in the Nurse’s office or in the XGI lounge. Free donuts, juice and coffee will be available to all donors. For more information con tact Leanne Drozdoff at 566-0362. Weather cancellations outlined The Weather Day office will be open from 6:30 am to 8 pm, Mon day through Friday, during severely inclement weather only, to inform students who call about class cancellations. Phone 948-6000. Hoagie sale to benefit yearbook - The Capitolite Yearbook staff will sponsor a hoagiesale on Nov* 9 Ghoul Grams to go on sale in ihe -Main-Lobby*of the Olmsted Building. Orders will be taken the week of October 31 - November 4. Proceeds will go towards the yearbook Chess club to meet today There will be a chess club meeting today and every Thursday throirgh'DCcembdr 15. Meetings will be held in W-309 from 1 pm to 5 pm and are open to students, staff, and faculty members. The club will provide lessons for beginners or those who wish to im prove their game. For more information contact David Bealer at 948-6320. Poetry and painting works on exhibit An exhibit of the poetry of William Carlos Williams and the pain tings of Charles Demuth will continue through November sth in the Gallery Lounge. The exhibit, sponsored by the Humanities Division and Office of Student Activities, was organized by Professors Theodora Graham and Troy Thomas with the asssistance of Linda Ross, instructor in Humanities and Education, whose own works are included. I Applicants sought for Memorial Award °_ The office of Student Affairs is seeking applicants for the 1983-84 5 Doris Hughes Award. i The award has been established by the family and friends of Doris £ Hughes, the first Advisor to International. Students at Capitol Cam -8 pus, 'to recognize international students who have actively participated | in campus activities and achieved academic sucess. o Consideration shall be given to all students whose permanent residence is outside the continental United States, and who have S earned a grade-point average of 3.0 or better after completing at least one semester of study at Capitol Campus. The form needed to apply or nominate is available in the Office of Student Affairs, Room W-105. Deadline for applications will be Monday, October 31, 1983. The award recipient will be announced early in January. Graduate fellowships offered The National Science Foundation will offer three-year fellowships in the fields of science and engineering for the 1984-1985 academic year to persons who are at or near the beginning of their graduate study. Deadline for application submissions is November 23,1983. Announcement of awards will be mid-March 1984. For information and application materials write or phone the Fellowship office, National Research Council, 2101 Constitution Avenue, Washington, D.C., 20418. Telephone: (202) 334-2872. Study abroad deadline today Today is the application deadline for those interested in studying abroad in Spring, 1984. Programs will be offered in Germany, England, France, Israel, Italy, Kenya, the Soviet Union and Taiwan. The Fall, 1984 deadline will be November 15, 1983. See Leslie Zuidema in W-105 of the Olmsted Building for more in formation and application forms. DPMA will be selling ghoul grams in the Lion’s Den and Main Lobby on October 25 through October 28. The grams will cost $1 each to send a message to someone in class, and will be delivered to the classrooms on October 31. I.A.A. to sponsor dinner / The International Affairs Association will sponsor an international dinner on Friday, October 21, at 7:30 pm in the Student Center. Bring your favorite international dish, or purchase a ticket for $5 t cover entertainment. Art studio sessions offered The Humanities and Education Divisions will offer free art studio sessions to any student or staff member who wants to paint or draw an informal studio atmosphere. The sessions will run from 1 pm to 5 pm in W-236. Easels, paper, charcoal, pencils, still life arrangements, and instructional assistance will be provided if desired. For more information contact Linda Rosi instructor, in W-351 at 948-6216 or stop by the studio on a Friday afternoon. WNDR changes hours The WNDR hours will be changed from Bam to 10pm to 10am to midnight beginning Monday, October 24. Editor’s note: Events are published free on the “Briefly” page. Organizations can up information forms in the Student Activities, or Capitol Times offices, and retui them to Michele Haley, Events Editor, c/o Capitol Times.