Soccer team shows mid-season improvement by Rob Rejmaniak Capitol’s soccer team recorded its first win of the 1983 season, beating Lancaster Bible College by a score of 4 to 0 on Saturday, September 24. The win was the first ever taken by a Capitol soc cer team. Prior to the win, Capitol played Penn State Berks campus to a 1 to 1 tie. “The team has improved with each game we’ve played,” says winger Tom Weidemann. Weidemann’s words proved true as Capitol took on a much stronger Eastern team last week and held them scoreless for over an hour before finally losing 4 to 0. “The game with Eastern Col lege showed how well we’ve developed as a team,” says Head Coach Bill Miles, “we took on a four year school with scholarship . athletes and gave them a real run for their money.” Last Saturday, Capitol lost to Beaver College again, this time by a score of 4 to 3. Against Beaver, Capitol runners repeat as conference champs Capitol cross country runner, Joel Hagar opens his pace along the wooded course at Allentown Col lege, where the team participated in the Allentown Invitational Meet last Saturday. The team placed sixth out of 15 teams at the meet. the game was decided by a defen sive “handball” inside Capitol’s 18 yard line. The Beaver player who took the shot managed to put the hall just under the body of the diving Capitol goalie. “Normally, he’ll shoot for one of the two corners,” says Capitol goalie Jack Boyczuk. “I guessed right and dove to the corner he shot at, only the ball wasn’t shot as far as I thought it would be. Basically, I was anticipating a shot further to the corner.” Although the loss to Beaver dropped Capitol’s record to 1 win, 7 losses, and 1 tie, the team has come a long way toward breaking Capitol soccer’s history of losing. “Of all our losses, there was ' only one in which we were totally outplayed,” says halfback Tom Gannard. The team has five games re maining, including two home games; Northampton C.C. on Wednesday, October 26, and a make-up game with Penn State Mont Alto campus. Capitol’s John Coffman attempts to elude a Beaver College player in last Saturday's action at Capitol Campus. By Jeanne Bailets Capitol’s cross-country runners finished their regular season with a record of 11 wins and 1 loss, taking second only to Lincoln University, topping last year’s record of six and four. “It’s no accident the team has good runners. They like running and they have all improved their records on their own time,” said coach Bud Smitley. A quad-meet on October 8 maric ed the final victory for Capitol which finished first over Elizabethtown, Alvernia, and Baptist Bible. Capitol runners who Dlaced iff the meet were Joel Hager, Brian Bachman, Dave Wicks, Greg Nissiey, and Dan Miller, finishing third, fourth, fifth, ninth, and tenth overall, respectively. In the five mile race, three Capitol harriers broke 30 minutes, and three finished under 29 minutes. On October 1, Capitol hosted the meet against York College, where Joel Hager, Capitol’s number one runner this season, set a course record of 27 minutes, 46 seconds. Despite muddy conditions and a slip pery track, Hager finished first in the five mile race, marking a first-time victory for the varsity team over York College. Other season wins include another Photo by Jeffrey G. Shatter first-time victory for the Capitol har riers on September 28 over Elfzabethtown College, and a September 24 quad-meet win over Alvernia, Eastern, and Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science. Capitol also won by forfeit against Northeast Christian. Capitol, an NCAA Division 3 member, paticipated in an Invita tional at Allentown last Saturday, placing sixth overall among eleven other Division 3 as well as Division 2 competitors. A National Association of Inter collegiate Athletics District 19 meet is scheduled for Saturday, October 22, at Allentown. Capitol runners, who placed fourth in the district last year, will compete against 16 other District 19 schools. “The district is bigger and the competition is tougher this year, but I expect they will probably place in the top three,” Smitley said. Capitol is also expected to finish £ first when it hosts the Athletic Conference (KAC) meet on Saturday, October 29, beginning at g 12 noon. " “We finished first last year and should have no problem taking the g. conference again this year,” Smitley “ said. § Other KAC teams include Alver- io nia, Misercordia, Wilmington, and Beaver Colleges. 8