Capitol times. (Middletown, Pa.) 1982-2013, October 08, 1982, Image 6

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    student government association
Section I. Impeachment
a. The president, vice president, treasurer, and secretaries t>f the SGA shall be subject to Impeachment If,
during the exercise of their office, they shall Infringe upon the constitution, the bylaws, or the Policies
and Rules tor Students.
b. A petition for Impeachment may be Initiated by any member of the student body and. If supported by a
simple majority of the total acting Senate, shall have the force of Indictment. In that case, the Senate
presided over by the Chief Justice of the Student Court (Standards Board), shall try the Impeachment
c. If the indictment Is supported by two-thirds vote of the Senate, It shall become binding. No proxies will be
d. Both the faculty advisor and Student Affairs advisor of the SGA shall be present at all Impeachment pro
Section 2. Dismissal
a. Any member of the Senate who shall Incur two unexcused absences In any one academic session, or Is
derelict In their duties shall be dismissed from office.
b. The member will first be notified of Impending recall by a written letter and have opportunity to reply to
the charges at the next regularly scheduled SGA meeting.
c. Dismissal will be final If carried by a two-thirds vote of the Senate.
Section 3. Probation
a. Should a SGA member's cumulative grade point average fall below a 2.00, that member shall be put on
probation for one academic session.
b. Failure of the member to Increase the cumulative average to a 2.00 or better, shall result in dismissal.
Section I. Suspension
Upon presentation of a charge of constitutional violation, signed by ten students, the Student Court
(Standards Board) may suspend the operations of the SGA or any of its constituted branches upon finding
merit in the charge. The SGA may not reconvene until a ruling by the court, which must convene within three
days to rule on the charge. The court's ruling and remedial recommendations will be binding. Any violation of
this constitution shall automatically suspend the operation of the SGA until the Student Court rules on the in
fraction or until corrections are made, or both.
Section 2. Subordinate Constitutions
All constitutions of recognized campus organizations or clubs shall follow the guidelines set forth by the SGA
constitution, and If any conflict of subordinate constitutions with the SGA constitutions exists, the SGA con
stitution will take precedence.
All amendments and revisions to either the constitution or the bylaws of the SGA must be reviewed by a Con
stitutional Revision Committee. The committee shall consist of four students. The chairperson shall be an
elected member of fhe SGA.
Section 1. Bylaws of the SGA
a. May be amended or revised by a two-thirds vote of the Senate.
Section 2. Constitution of the SGA
a. The Senate, with the recommendations of fhe Constitutional Revision Committee, must approve all
amendments and revisions by a two-thirds vote before they can be voted on by the student body.
b. Proposed amendments shall be posted one week prior to the date on which a vote is to be taken by the stu
dent body.
c. Proposed amendments shall be adopted by a majority of the student body voting In a general election, pro
vided that at least ten percent of the student body (full-time equivalents) votes.
Junior Senator Elections
Tuesday, October 19
The Student Government Association
This constitution shall become effective when approved by a ten percent vote of fhe student body during the
fall 1982 elections.
I. General Meeting
1. Quorum- Sixty percent of the membership of the acting Senate shall constitute a quorum to do business.
The "acting" Senate Includes duly elected or appointed and confirmed senators In office at the time,
not to include suspended positions.
2. Assembly- The Senate shall convene subject to the call of the chair.
3. Agenda- Agenda Items shall be sponsored by an officer or Senate member. That member shall introduce
the Item to the Senate and briefly outline Its history. The agenda shall be delivered to the officers and
Senate via the Student Government mailboxes no later than 12:00 noon of the school day prior to the
day of the meeting.
4. Floor Privileges- Floor privileges are restricted to senators, officers. Student Affairs Director, Student
Activities Coordinator, Provost or designate, and the Chief Justice of the Student Court. Visitors desir
ing floor privileges must make their request to the president prior to the meeting and be recognized by
the president before speaking.
5. Proxies- All requests for proxies for any member of the SGA shall be submitted In writing to the vice presi
dent by 12:00 noon of the day of the meeting for which the proxy is requested. The request for proxy
representation shall be signed by the member of the Senate. No term proxies shall be Issued.
6. Conflict of Interest/Abstention- A voting member viewed as having a conflict of Interest concerning a mo
tion on the floor shall be asked to abstain by the president or vice president.
7. Absences- Officers and senators who cannot attend a meeting of the Senate are expected to notify the vice
president In writing before the scheduled meeting time. The notification shall contain the member's
reason for absence and a proxy, If desired.
11. Election Procedures
1. Calendar- The elections for the positions of senior and graduate senators and officers of SGA shall be held
during the month of April on a date designated by the president.
2. Procedures
a. The president of fhe SGA shall send notice to the Election/Screening Committee, which will then post
notices of the forthcoming election.
b. No candidate shall have the right to electioneer within a 20 feet radius of the poll. (This includes cam
paign posters)
c. Candidates are not permitted to run on a party ticket, but they may have affiliations with other can
didates (l.e. no straight party tickets may appear on the ballots).
d. Candidates names shall appear In alphabetical order on the ballot.
e. The officers' ballot shall be considered separate from the senator's ballot although it may appear on the
same sheet of paper.
f. As parf of fhe senators' ballot, there shall be a section in which the voter's major must be filled In to
make the senators' ballot legal.
g. A voter is allowed to cast two votes on the senate ballot. If two votes are cast, one must be in the voter's
major. If only one vote is cast it need not be in their major.
h. Any person working at the poll must be a member of the election/screening committee or be approved
by the committee. Candidates are not permitted to work at the poll.
I. The Chief Justice shall be present at the counting of the ballots. The Chief Justice shall decide which
ballots are valid.
|. There shall be no unofficial recount of the ballots.
k. Ballots will be kept by the chairperson of the Election/Screening Committee for three months.
l. Request for an official recount must be made within one week after the election.
m. A candidate must either have seven votes or ten percent of the votes of the students in their respective
curriculum to be accepted as a senator.
111. Financial Calendar
Organizations must submit budget requests In the spring for the next academic year following procedures
published by the treasurer.