Capitol times. (Middletown, Pa.) 1982-2013, October 08, 1982, Image 3
* m m Welcome to the sixteenth academic year of Capitol Campus. As the campus continues to mature, it becomes an in creasingly vital resource to south central Pennsylvania and to the Pennsylvania State University. This dual role—serving a specific area at the same time as being tied to the land grant university of the Commonwealth—gives Penn State Capitol Campus its special strength. The campus has all the advantages of a small college, with the resources of a great university. Academically, several efforts are underway. The Division of Business Ad ministration continues the development of its programs to meet national ac creditation; the multi-media option in the Humanities Division has been strengthened; and the Ph.D. in political science enters its second year of activity. In addition to improving the quality of our own programs, we are continuing to encourage the other academic colleges in &ttVl4,fot&e,SdCtVl To the Editor Two years ago the entertainment com mittee on this campus climbed into a local sewer and came up with deep Throat to entertain us. If the taste wasn’t bad enough in selecting movies, they showed the film at the same time its star, T.inHn Lovelace, released a book that her husband was a coward and a sadist. He beat and bullied her into a state close to slavery until she was released. A campus that has any preten sions of supporting women’s rights is kid ding itself if it thinks it can promote porn and human decency at the same time. Also, when deep Throat was released, a Middletown citizens group was trying o get Hustler and similar magazines off Women’s Rooi Opportunity for Inequality ? Recently a member of our only women’s organization on campus wrote to tell of the exciting developments for the minority of women on our campus this year. We applaud them. Yet, one silch heroic effort is the preparation of Room 21 in the CRAGS building devoted to a women’s lounge. The writer mentioned that women feel uncomfor table relaxing in the Gallery Lounge, and that women need a separate place to relax, have coffee or take a nap. Apparently our women’s group felt they needed their own place away from men, yet they claim not to wish alienation from men. In fact, they covet male support for their endeavors. Why, then, the separate room? Who would use the women’s room? You’ll not find most women there. You’ll find most women integrated on the campus, working and socializing with men in class and over coffee. Is sequestering the sisterhood the way to find equality in a two-gender society? The majority of our campus’ students are men; do they have their own lounge? If this lounge for women is to be used only by women, why do we want to reverse the trend of the Civil Rights Act by separating ourselves and thus cementing our inferior status in society? We don’t feel that separation is equality—what do you think? Provost Sees Measured Growth the University to introduce their degree programs at Capitol Campus for a wider audience. As recent examples, the Col lege of Human Development will be mounting an undergraduate nursing pro gram through continuing education, and the College of Health, Physical Educa tion and Recreation will be offering its master’s degree in health education in cooperation with our Division of Behavioral Science and Education. Three other features are worth men tioning. Our Board of Advisors now enters its third year and continues to be of great assistance in representing us to the community. Our Alumni Society has helped enormously in social, cultural and fund-raising activities. And, finally, the Technology Center has now been approv ed in its preliminary stages and will be the first academic building established since the campus was formed. The times we live in are economically difficult, and it would be unreasonable to expect the campus to grow physically or academically too rapidly. But it is impor tant to have the long view of how vital Penn State Capitol Campus is becoming to the future of Penn State and to the community of south central Penn sylvania. Welcome to the 82-83 academic year. | l —. . Provost, Capitol Campos the shelves in the local 7-11 Store. Even when the larger context of the production was explained to the entertainment folks, and to Dr. South, the show went on, money was “raked” in and no crisis en sued. After two porn-free years, we now get Debbie Does Dallas. Of course, Debbie does Dallas on her knees, the place porn always puts women. Maybe we can get Debbie here for the Campus lecture series. After all, the film is being shown on the first day of the Career Fair she could talk to women on campus about entertainment careers. After all, we sup port her industry. Grtry^— Sincerely disgusted, Neil Gussman No. 1 _ c.c. reader Published by the students of The Capitol Campus of The Pennsylvania State University in Middletown, Pennsylvania. Phone 944-4970. Staff Members The C.C. Reader welcomes letters from readers. Letters Intended for publication should Indicate the writer's college affiliation. If any. All letters MUST be signed by the writer. Unsigned letters cannot be printed. However, a writer's name may be withheld upon request. Letters should be legible (preferably typewritten, double spaced) and any material that Is libelous or does not conform to the standards of good taste will be edited or re|ected. To the Editor: Most people will defend college atten dance as a means of creating a more civilized and understanding society. If this is true, how does the showing of X-rated “Debbie Does Dallas’' at the Capitol Campus Student Center aid this goal? This film is a total exploitation of women, and it promotes sexual harass ment! Student tuition fees are utilized to maintain and manage the campus. Why is it that this film can be shown in the Stu dent Center but not in the auditorium? It is my understanding that both are owned Editor - Pat Wenger Photo Editor - Mark Clauser Advertising Manager - George Yanoshik Layout Editor - Jerry Trently Copy Editor - Mary Diehl Business Manager - Darlene E. Lahr Monica L. Auld Sheryl A. Machita Annette Bux-Cremo Thomas Matson Joseph B. Hart Philip M. Intrieri Barbara A. Myers Donna Kirker Ken Kramer Marsha L. Larsen Don Strausburger Michale J. Markle William B. Negley Betsy J. Sheehan by Penn State University. I must con clude, therefore, that the University con dones the exploitation of women. I do feel people are entitled to view material of their choosing, however, I believe that viewing should be in a privately run theatre. I also understand that it is difficult to raise funds for club activities, but I think there are other ways which would benefit the students more. Regardless of my statements, this film will be shown, but I feel it is important to express my displeasure. ier 8, 1982 A 1 Lee, Adviser Elizabeth A. Conley