Japanese student Contrasts in culture from dress to discipline By Jo Griffiths "Rough and practical" were the words an international stu dent used to describe the way we dress at Capitol Campus. Growing up in a culture where school uniforms are still worn, Japanese student Kazuko Eizuru was pleasantly surpris ed with the casual dress of American students. "When I first came here, everyone was wearing jeans," said Eizuru, a graduate student in the American Studies pro gram here since last September. "Students don't dress up, although the older people do dress neatly." Quick to point out the steady influence of Western clothing in Japan, Eizuru said dress was the least significant of the many differences the Japanese women noted when contrasting life in Japan and the U.S. Among the others were the cheerfulness of the area's peo ple, and the English language itself. According to Eizuru, Japanese children begin study ing English at age 12, but em phasis is placed on reading and writing the language rather than speaking it. "Not even those teaching English in Japan have the op portunity to listen to the native, spoken language," she said, ex plaining that prior to coming to CapitoFshe had taught the language in a private school in Japan. "Local dialects are dif ficult because they differ so much from the standard form." When Eizuru first arrived in this area, she had trouble understanding speech patterns because of what she termed a "linking concept." It seemed, to her ear, that words merely ran together in one long stream when her instructors and others spoke. To adjust, she took some undergraduate courses and discovered what to her was a refreshing difference between the two countries' classrooms. Japanese students, she said, [lilt:WA PIMA AIN Z[t' 411.44 44444*************4111 , 44444 41 4t * PROFESSIONAL TYPING 'Or Term papers, resumes, letters. * ir Reasonable rates! - tt * 4r Call Pat 564-8329 4-***4.4uf *******************# spend their classroom time listening to lectures and taking lots of notes (10 to 15 pages per hour is not unusual). American students spend more time in teracting with their professors. "There's so much discussion in my classes here, so much more academic freedom," said Eizuru. "Not only does one have the opportunity to learn froth one's instructor, but from fellow students as well." A reason for the relaxed classroom atmosphere could be the informal interpersonal rela tionships between people of all ages, Eizuru says the has observed at Capitol Campus. "The Japanese people have specific, formal ways of ad dressing others according to age, sex, and position," she said. "It's nice to watch people of all ages discussing one another, freely." Of particular interest to Eizuru was the freedom of American women. Educated in what she termed a democratic manner, she sees American women as "spoiled" by contrast. "Japanese women are very strong because they have learn ed to be disciplined," she noted. "Women here seem to have a frailty which could cause pro blems for them when on their own." "Appearances here are more equal than in Japan," Eizuru pointed out, "but while American men seem to be try ing to support women, I'm not sure that's true in a fundamen tal sense." Her thoughts may surface in the thesis she is currently work ing on which compares Japanese and American women. Information for the paper will come from a survey of female high school students in both countries. "We Japanese are also in fluenced by the American dream tradition," she stated, "and while the people here seem so cheerful and carefree, they do have problems, too." Still, Eizuru plans to incor- EARN at least $BO.OO per month. Donate plasma at sera-tec biologicals, 260 Reily St., Harrisburg. Open Monday through Thursday from 8:30 to 7:00 p.m. and Friday from 8:30 to 4:00 p.m. Call for an appointment, 232-1901. porate a number of her ex periences here into her life in Japan. Included will be the academic freedoms experienc ed at Capitol Campus, something she wishes to in troduce to her students when she resumes her teaching career there. 4 91/fanner Ail I • SERVING FINE 2495 Old Harrisburg Pike Route 230 Off of 1-283 Middletown, PA 17057 • 944-2145 TNT "Tacos & Tequila" Tuesdays with FM 104. brink specials All Night, Entertainment-Nightly Tuesday-Satiuday, 9 p.m "Beat the Clock Night" Thursdays Kitchen Open 'til 12 midnight Monday-Thursday 'til 1 a.m. Friday & Saturday. --TAKE OUT MENU AVAILABLE-- Another will be what she calls "communication." "Americans speak to freely to one another. There is so much discussion here; so much communication. Expressing with words is nice; and good. I'm going to try not to forget that kind of thing." FOODS & SPIRITS •