C.C. reader. ([Middletown, Pa.]) 1973-1982, December 06, 1982, Image 1

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    Fall enrollment
sets school record
By Tim Hagan
This fall Capitol Campus
enrolled the largest number of
undergraduates in the history of
the campus, according to Mary
E. Gundel, Director of
Undergraduate enrollment
this term stands at 1,813. This is
the first time enrollment has
gone over the 1,800 mark.
The majority of
undergraduates, 688, are enroll
ed in the Business Administra
tion Division. The next highest
enrollment, 655, is in the
Science, Engineering, and
Technology Division. 'Together,
enrollment in these two divi
sions account for more than 80
percent of the student body.
"Three of Capitol's engineer
ing technology programs this
year had more students seeking
admission than the programs
could handle," Gundel reported.
"For the first time in ten years,
admission to these programs
had to be stopped in early
March," she said.
Undergraduates enrolled in
the other divisions include,
Behavioral Science and Educa
tion, 106; Humanities, 83;
Elementary Education, 5n , ;
Public Policy, 45; and Math
Science, 29.
Almost 50 percent of the new
students enrolled at Capitol this
term came from other cam
puses in the Penn State system.
The Penn State campus at
Hazelton led with the most
students coming to Capitol.
Thirty percent of the new
students came from community
colleges with 25 percent of them
coming from Harrisburg Area
Community College.
Over the past 1982 Winter,
Spring, Summer, and Fall
terms, 49.8 percent of the
students came from other Penn
State campuses, 32 percent
from community colleges, nine
percent from other two and four
year colleges and
universities out of state, and
three percent from other
schools, like nursing schools.
The total number of students,
undergrad and graduate, enroll
ed at Capitol this term stands
at an even 2,500.
Approximately, 83 percent of
the students attend Capitol full
time, leaving 17 percent as
part-time students.
There are 700 students cur
rently housed in the dor
mitories, Meade Heights, and
the university apartments. The
rest of the students live off
campus and have to commute.
By Donna Kirker
This Friday, the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC)
faces a deadline that could af
fect everyone at Capitol Cam
December tenth is the
deadline for the NRC to decide
whether to lift the 1979 orders
that shut down the Unit One
reactor at Three Mile Island
The NRC orders closing the
undamaged Unit One were
issued shortly after the March
1979 nuclear accident that crip
pled the adjacent Unit 2 reactor
at TMI.
Capitol Vol. 17, No. 3
- Monday, December 6, 1982
Published by students of Penn State , Capitol Campus
Summer session gets squeezed
By Darlene Cammack
In order for Capitol Campus
to follow the same calendar
system as the rest of the Penn
State system, the summer ses
sionl9B3 will last only six
"We only have room for a six
week summer session," said
Duane R. Smith, Associate Pro.
vost and Dean. "We would like
it to be longer, but it just won't
Smith said that the sessi o n
needed to he shortened to allow
time for registration for the : fa il
The sass'
june will begin on
August 1983 ,1383 d will end on •
w ,
to take a maxi u"sY ue allowed
cre dit s and comm encement nium of eight
ereisft for summer ex.
net be graduates
held. .w
Studentsi ht be
m g alarm e d
that this may cause Problems
for thenli but according to
Stanley Miller, Divisional
Chairnts,tl of Behavioral
I restart
If the NRC lifts the shut down
orders, General Public Utilities
(GPU), owner and operator of
TMI, will be one step closer to
realizing the actual reopening
of Unit 1.
This week's deadline comes
after three and a half years of
debate, public hearings, and
financial and political power
struggles. The issues that have
arisen from the accident have
multiplied, divided and in
tersected into a conglomerate
of hard-to-grasp debates and
The last of those public hear
ings was held on November 9,
in Harrisburg, where the five
member NRC listened to 52
Please see "TMI" pages 8, 9
Sciences and Education, all the
advisers were instructed to
work with students on any pro
blems they might have concern
ing internships, graduation, or
questions about course
"So far I'm only aware of two
cases where there might be a
problem with internships,
Miller said. "These problems
have been alleviated by having
the students start their intern
ships earlier." Miller also add
ed that the faculty does not
want to see any students hurt
by the change, so they're trying
to identify problems as early as
possible. Says Miller: "I think
things have gone quite
Harold L. Gilmore, Division
Chairman of the Business
Department, however, sees the
problem differently. He says he
would like more students to
come and talk with him about
any problems they might be ex
periencing. Instead, he has got
ten little response from