Page 6 Before we begin our column, we have a bit of news to give you. Unfortunately, it's not good news. Last week during the Rites of Spring, one of the events held was the bathtub race. The winners of the race were the guys from second floor Church. Their mean machine (we're talkin' mean) was well built, and care fully put together. Under the skillful eye of Bob Sharkey ( Hi, I'm Bob Sharkey. Damn glad to meet you!) their machine raced to victory in the annual event. The driver was Dave Faust, and pushers included Mark DiPietro, Mark Fuhrman, Don Hemler, and a host of others. Second floor Church took the early lead and held it until the end. Way to go, guys! It was the dorms over the Heights once again. Now for the bad news. On Wednesday night, while the LTD's were losing their playoff bid in bowling, their bathtub was destroyed by someone. If you have never seen a bunch of upset guys before, just ask Dave Faust if last Wednesday was his favorite day. Blood was in his eyes and murder was in his hands (sounds like a Nancy Drew mys tery), as Faust and Company were out stalking the campus. We really feel for the guys, because we know all of the time that was put into their "Pride and Joy." That evening, their tub was placed between the dorms for its executioner to view. Being religious minded, we paid our respects. We bowed our heads in a moment of silence. May it rest in peace. Closer to home, the Strat-O-Matics ended a dismal season by whipping MSU. In our first game, we were led by Tish Whalen (not us or Fleet or Ed). We finished at 13-19. In the playoffs are the Vipers, WGAF, WSDC, and the Prowl ers. Our money is on WSDC, because they have the second-best looking girls. Now, it's time for the First Annual Capitol Campus Bowling Awards: _ _ SMILE AT A SPLIT AWARD: Pat Cavanaugh FIVE-PIN AWARD: Eric Roth, for getting the most five pins. - WAVING AT A STRIKE AWARD: John Pietrowski HAVING THE MOST MEMBERS ON THEIR TEAM AWARD: WSDC, hands down! BEST LOOKING T-SHIRTS AWARD: The Strat-O-Matics, who else! MOST IMPROVED AWARD: Tish Whalen, since it's our column. MOST TIMES HAVING NO OPPONENTS TO BOWL AWARD: The Vipers. • BOWLING TWO 200's AND NOT GETTING A 600 SERIES AWARD: Joe Bozik MOST TIMES BEING LATE FOR BOWLING AWARD: Harry Moyer LOUDEST TEAM AWARD: The LTD's. Harry Moyer gets second place. MOST INCONSISTENT TEAM AWARD: The Strat-'O-Matics. We're talking inconsistent! LUCKIEST 200 GAME AWARD: Fleet Becker BOWLING WHILE INJURED AWARD: Ed McDonald, for the injury to his arm. It only made him bowl better. Capitolizing on Sports Sports Scoop An Inside Look Darrell Reider And Kevin Spiegel [Above] The mud brought out the best wrestling in everyone at the annual Rites of Spring festival. [Below] Driver Dave Faust of 2nd Floor Church guides his floor's entry to victory during the Bathtub Race of Rites of Spring. Monday, June 8, 1981 Another award that we are handing out is the "We Feel Sorry For You Award." This week we have co-winners, and the first is Cathy Russo. A couple of weeks ago, Cathy got into a car accident. The reason she wins our award is because she is a good-looking girl and drives a beautiful car, so she didn't deserve that accident. That's why she is co-recipient of the award. The other co-winner is Roberta Bronson. The reason that we chose Ms. Bronson is because she is not feeling well. Her back has been giving her trouble and the doctor gave her medicine, which she later found out she was allergic to. Now Roberta can't even scratch her back, because it's not good for her. After the last SGA meeting, Roberta needed to scratch all over, because she was "itchy" to get out. Photos by Steve Myers note Club Speaking of our new SGA president, we had the privilege of doing an in-depth interview with Ms. Bronson. Well, she hails from the booming metropolis' of Bloomsburg, Pa., and lives on a farm. Boy, can't you picture Roberta working on a farm in her overalls, milking a cow or roping a calf! We would love to see her. Roberta is the successor to Rosanne Rosenberger as SGA president. Some facts that the sports department dug up on Roberta come from her roomie Donna Wilson. Donna says, "She always talks in her sleep, and even fights in her sleep." For those of you who are trying to get in touch with Donna, Roberta is likely to answer your call. Be sure to mention your name a few times, because she does not take good phone messages. Let's get with it, Ms. Bronson! On the serious side of Roberta, people who have not had the pleasure of meeting this charming, cheerful, and understanding girl are missing one hell of a nice person. She is 5'9" (soaking wet) and lives in W 206, so drop by and cheer her up. Besides Donna, Roberta talks to her animals and the wall (usually after SGA meetings). When you're out partying and drop in at the local bar, and Roberta is sitting at a nearby table, buy her a drink. Her favorite one is a root beer soda—straight up! Good luck, and we hope your upcoming year will be a pleasurable one. Last week, the annual athletic awards were handed out. Among the top names present were Jack Wilson for basketball, Tony Beccone for baseball (and the Gong Show), John Pietrowski for bowling, Lois Eltonhead for Tennis, Dinah Bohannon for the cheerleaders, And James (JR) Scott for soccer. There were also special awards handed out to two graduating seniors. Jack Wilson, who owns more basketballs than the basketball team had wins, received an award for his outstanding contribution to varsity basketball. Tim Christine, the Nolan Ryan of Capitol Campus, received an award for his outstanding contribu tion to varsity baseball. Congratulations to Jack and Tim, and good luck with their respective athletic careers. For those of you interested, the Utah Jazz has asked Jack to send a personal biography about his basketball career to them. We hope the Jazz consider Wilson, and he becomes a member of their team in the future. He deserves it! Also, a special congratulations to all of those students receiving plaques for their play C.C. Reader
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