C.C. Reader rCLASSIFIEDS Hey Thief--We know who you are! You will be picked up by the C.C. mafia following your FINAL exam. Remember crime doesn't pay unless you get caught! (There is a story behind that.)--Your faithful listeners Bob—Ever since the night we met at Rump's, we have taken it to the Heights. The time together was short, but next year there will be better. Love--De 'lmo Rosanne—l loved spending the time to get to know you! You're the greatest. Keep that positive attitude--even though I've seen you down 'n out. I love you!--Cruisin', Rock 'n roll, party down - Mark W 325 Kent—How about a definite MAYBE?? Breakfast twins--Are you plugged in __ • yet? John P.--You dance divinely. Too bad I HLB--Damn fine job you did as Editor of can't take more advantage of that!! C.C. Reader, Chief Justice of Student --Guess Who! Court, and all around nice guy--Tony -- ope you re appy in Maryland! " ts a een real again)--Julio Remember... happiness comes from Mountain Woman, Joanems, & Kath-- within--Sue Real nice eating with you last Wed.--The Poet of a long way to go Tim-You've Donna—l wish you appiness an • success --especially in those things that you'll be undertaking within the next year (stu dent teaching, John, etc.)--Sue Dearest Broxmyre—Your natural beauty is overwhelming me. I'm not sure I can Rox's Sis--I really enjoy tall women. Ask handle your presence. I may have to your sis. Especially those women with withdraw to a monastery somewhere in . orgeous legs--HLB II Thailand--International Space RW, KB, & AS--To three wild. crazy, and wonderful roomies who are graduating from this hole in the ground. Hope you enjoy your graduation, summer, and everyday. Only the best for the best. I'll miss you fun people. Take care. Your friend always (& ex-roomie)--the great "Kate" Marlene--Thanks for being sue roommate!--Sue M.D., B.F. MeG, D.F.--Thanks to good friends who helped to make college life a blast. Thanks for everything. I really Tish--Saw you this weekend and you owe all of you for all the times on your looked sensational. I hope I can spend couch! Also for the FUNTASTIC party some time with you soon. Like im last May. Thanks. Love--Chester Rose mediately--TBT All members of the F.F.U.—lt's all over! Papa Bozik—l still think we have a better F.F.U. forever. Love--Your pres. looking female on our team. But your P.S. Thanks to my 2 roommates for the female is my favorite WSDC female. No nominatio : s Ginsu Roommate. doubt about it--Papa Spiegel Everybody—lt's been a good year. Take HLB-- oo I uc at your new Jo e care, have good lives and WRITE oc- know you will be very successful at casionall ~ I'll miss you all!--Sue whatever you do. Take care--Sports Editors Admissions Office--What a crew! Thanks for a fun job. I'm really going to miss all Ricker-- What's this X-Rated stuff? Stick of ou. Love--Plant Waterer to "R" material, it's safer--Magician Pout—Swimming with dead fish and Knees—' appy : e ate i :irt • ay. The watching your date sleep through the reason I haven't stopped by more often i drive-in movies sure beats writing terms that you make my heart skip too many Ed--Thanks for lending me your tools b papers! It was great this weekend--thankeats with your ravishing wardrobe. I'll God mom's plants didn't die (thanks to when I needed them. I owe you one. need a new pacemaker if you keep it M.D.'s kind-hearted graciousness)!--#7 up--and please do!--Red Tie _ --John • nator-- o you still need your thigh G.M.—I your Yanks don't turn it around, J.T.—I like the ones with the multi-color- massaged?--Team Trainer ed dots LadyHanes there'll be hell to pay--D&B Tish, Kim, Phyllis—lt was a pleasure to be with three beautiful women. Thank you for the weekend. Clams, corn, chicken, crabs, and beer--Action Rob--The closets are still in use, just as Cath and John S. Nay--Happy Graduation! I'm real prouci of you! The tough part is yet to come. - XGI Softball Team-I had a great time Want a helpful hint? Just follow in your Theresa Lynn Mulac-- 7igl•at ions on with you guys this year. It would have Your Civil Engineering degree--Mother, brother's footsteps -use all BS!--Pissa been nice if we did a little b e tt er, but ° IOE group-Wake up to least we had fun--Your cheerleader Memorial I y the • ro: ram! Leonard W e--Thanks or t e nice F eet-- •re you as busy as you seem to -- MOUNTAIN WOMAN--You and Mary- letter about the 1980-81 SGA--Rosanne, be? Try relaxing a little more C.W. ann look good with a tan. I hope you get Pres. 80-'Bl a job soon. Will you vote, for me?--HLB Baby Boots-Congratulations on your Joan and Joe--I'm glad I got to know you inspection! You (or should I say "we"?) Joan--You'll make a good wife. You're both a little better. Good luck and did a wonderful job! Thanks for every one of the special people I'll remember temember-DON'T LIE TO ME!!--The thing this year--I needed your support. for a long time--Harry Alcoholic Love--Lady Boots R.R.--Are you done with your project? --F.R. D.R.--No nicknames this time. 'ou were very much missed this past weekend. Not to worry though, we have next year to look forward to--P.T.W. W.F.8.--0-0-0-h What a nice tan! --P.L.W Middletown Photo--You are a very sen sitive, loving person. I hope you find what you are looking for. It was great talkin: to you--Divorced-too Caroline--Something personal--I love your smile. JB--I'm glad to be your strategy girl. I ho•e your fantasy girl, too! Dining Hall Pat--You're the best sport we've ever met! The cooling is an adequate substitute for Mom's home style. We're looking forward to intra murals next year--Sports Editors Mark W--Bo are ou rude!!!--TKE Bowl-A-Rama--You haven't been your self lately. What's the problem? I believe it's time for a night on the town before finals, what do you say?--Study Partner C.W.--It really is my loss since I can't figure out who you are. Why don't you make ourself known?--Fleet Female Insurance—l'm sorry if I was acting strange. It was my time of the month. By the way, you will have to compete for me, now that your roomie had first cracks--Male Insurance HLB 11-I send out monthly statements. You'll get your bill. No Mastercharge or VISA acce ted-Mountain Woman Craig-Don't worry baby. I had fun, fun, fun safari-- aph come 're so catching Girl a wave on our surfing the n space t- shuttle get you too close re t d o the Surfer sun?--Harry and Fred Julio--Than s or unch. It was a very nice graduation present--The ex-pres JR—Thanks for a wonderful time at tl semi-formal. I had a great time--Hun Thursday, May 28, 1981 3rd Floor Balloon Man--Drop dead!--The Lightning--Loved the steaks and corn, Sunbathers but afterwards was fantastic--Switched Roomie J.R.--Wow, what a great set of legs!-- Peggy Sue Joanie--How are ya? The mountains were nice, and so are you. I'm sorry about everything, really I am. Forgive me?--Me DP--Looking forward to all those home cooked meals you're going to make us next year--Irish are better SB--I love you with all my heart & soul. I'm sorry about the canyon, I promise we'll hike it next time. I'm glad we talked everything over. The ability to communicate will carry our relationship and future union over the rough rapids of life. I'm ours always.--P COCO--You are excellent. Have a good year next year--Excellent S & C--I loved the time we spent together. Like you said, too bad we didn't meet earlier, we get along so good. If anything changes let me know, I'll be waiting. And do visit me this summer. --Your smile RGR--Icebergs have flowed into the once sunshiny friendship we had. What hap pened? Is this the way we'll part, nevermore to keep in contact? I hope not, it'd be a damn shame--A summer canoein: buddy Fleet--It sure was great knowing you this year--a rare pleasure down here in Glow Valley! Have a great time after the 15th! Keep on bowling and stay in touch!--Thunder awe I --It has been great. You learn from every relationship and I have enjoyed learning a lot. This year would not have been the same without you. Good Luck!--Lee M-M 480--A woman needs love just like you do. So are you single? Just between you and I, I want to rock with you!--Big Wheels 100 Sunshine--Thanks for a great weekend. You can stay with me anytime you want. Now we know where our roommates will be. The steak was out of this world, like your dress at the Semi--Lightning Big Wheels 100--I dream o you running our fingers through my hair--M-M4BO Fleet--It was a pleasure to know such a great guy. I hope you keep in touch with us next year. Good luck at the beginning of your new life. Being an RA taught you something, but I'm still wondering what. In closing, I leave you with a quote, "Go out and get yourself a job-card before you do anything." Whenever you're up my way, look me up--Lightning Nutch—Did anybody tell you that the Islanders won the Stanley Cup, AGAIN? If not, hey Nutch, the Isles won that award a!ain—A lonely Ranger fan Leg Man--Make yoursel known. Hit me with your best shot. The HLB's aren't much corn . etition-Mountain Woman Lynne and Ray--It's been nice knowing you even if you did walk in at all the wrong times. Good luck and have fun in the summer--John Congrat tions to t e new WSDC of ficers. I hope next year is as full of fun times and drunk nights as this year was. I'm : onna miss all of you--Roxy 11. M.--I would never have reached my back without you. Thanks--Excellent Thunder, Lightning, and RA-on the-move--Thanks for being so sympa thetic at bowling--Female LTD J & M--Sorry about Tuesday night! Us "illegal" pups must mature some more before we don't get carded. You must promise to visit me when the legal day finally comes--ok?--Upstairs Pup Pip--I love you dearly--Gladys Knight Dynamite--You're still the one and I'm glad you're so patient. Have a good time this summer, but just remember, Ger man girls are still better than Florida girls even if they don't tan as good--the only G.G. K.L. & P.F.--Thanks to Chip, we had a tent. Let's do it again. . after finals. I hope you enjoyed yourself as much as I did--T.W. Joan, Cathy and Lynne--Beware Joe, John, and Ray have gotten together! Look out everywhere! LB--You're a great friend. Better times next ear-Stoned Rotten CB--Glad to see you're feeling better! --TO HLB--Sounds like to me, you have lost Mountain Woman. Never fear, Queen of Hearts is here--I.L.Y. Queen of Hearts 96--Thanks for a great season. You're totally awesome--from head to toe. I hope next year tops this one. What a great friend you are. Thanks!--Thunder Mr. and Mrs. Forgione--Explain to me how you signed in the motel at O.C. MOUNTAIN WOMAN--Let me tell you that you knocked them dead in your outfit. Wow! I hope you had a good time at the semi. Next time I will let you take me. By the way, I'm wearing my pants on Friday the fifth. See you then--HLB II "M"--A very happy birthday to you. Now that you've reached that age, I will let you take me out. It will be my pleasure and your treat. You can even ask JMcC to go with us. She can only go if she's not PO'D at me--Downstairs Pu I Bottom Half of W 328- saw you w en you least expected it. Better luck next time! -GP 'ancy--I showed up for my meal, but Aunt Fritzi chased me away. Why? Please tell her that I am a poor lad; and will soon perish from the awful pangs of hun ! er. Hurry!--Slu !go HLB--Who the hell is Uncle Al? --Mountain Woman FR--My project is going fine. Thanks for askin!. B the wa , who are you?--RR WFASTB--I don't know. What is the difference?--RR Time and Spacer-This past weekend was terrific. The past 3% months have been terrific. Thanks for all the good times. Hope we can work things out so that it will be able to continue--Little Fella JR, Chip, Eddie, Jeff--Bounce, Bounce, Bounce, Bounce-Both Joe Mama--If I told you once I told you twice, keep your eyes OPEN when you drive. That way you'll be able to see what ou crash into--Joe Papa Cutie--No drinks. One wrong turn. Ooh Baby!--The Sober Navigator Lady Hanes--They're a hit too wide, hut room enough for you and I--J.T. AL JOY—Thank you for making every thing so special. I'm cheering up. Does that mean the wedding is still on? Danny--It's been a rough year, with you at C.C. and me at S.C., but knowing you love me has made it easier. If we made it through this, we can make it through anything. Please tell me I'm right. I want you. I need you. I love you--Debby Mary Ann, Eddie, Matt--I had a good time at the shore. Hope you'all did too--Rosie Page 7 --Desk Clerk --Mounds
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