C.C. reader. ([Middletown, Pa.]) 1973-1982, May 14, 1981, Image 12
Page 12 ~ ..`~ ,• ,•,• After many weeks of discussion, persuasion, and outright bickering, here's the first official sports column following the immortal Ken Aducci. This effort is a collaboration, and is intended to be an overview of the expanding world of sports. We will try to cover it all, right down to the El Candido Worm Race later this month. But enough of this trivial stuff. Let's get down to sports. Almost two weeks before Fall term 1981 rolls around on September 23, the new football season at University Park will have already begun. Joe Paterno looks to make this year's 11-game sche dule result in a winning season. The teams that the Nittany Lions must face are tougher than before, and this should result in frequent coverage by the ABC network. Beaver Stadium, the home of the Nittany Lions for over two decades, will be the site for six games this year. The season opener is slated for Sept. 12, when the squad from the University of Cincinnati invades University Park. Since reconstruction of the stadium was completed earlier last year--thus increasing the seating capacity by some 7,000 seats--over 80,000 screaming fans are anticipated come September. Here's the 1981 schedule for the Penn State Nittany Lions: Sept. 12--Cincinnati Sept. 26--at Nebraska Oct. 3--Missouri Oct. 10--Boston College Oct. 17--at Syracuse Oct. 24--West Virginia Oct. 31--at Miami (Florida) Nov. 7--at N.C. State N0v.14--Alabama Nov. 21--Notre Dame Nov. 28--at Pitt Some tough competition this year includes the Nebraska Cornhuskers, the Crimson Tide of Alabama, and the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame, under the guidance of rookie coach Gerry Faust. Coach Tom Osborne of Nebraska has held the Nittany Lions pretty much in check the last two meetings, winning 42-17 in 1979 and 21-7 last year. This year, the Huskers will be without the services of running backs Jarvis Red wine and Andra Franklin, and quarter back Jeff Quinn, all absorbed in the college draft last month. The Big Red's defense will also be missing key starters from last year when they host the Lions in Lincoln. November should be the most excit ing month of the 1981 campaign, as it's do-or-die time for the college polls that rank the Top 20 collegiate teams nation wide. North Carolina State and the Panthers of Pitt are visiting spots on the November schedule. Last year, PSU defeated the Wolfpack at Beaver Stad ium 21-13, but Pitt squeezed by the Lions 14-9 to close out the campaign. Jackie Sherrill's Panthers will be mis sing many key faces this year, and hopefully Joe Paterno will take advan tage of that against our intra-state rivals. Capitolizing on Sports Sports Scoop An Inside Look By Darrell Reider And Kevin Spiegel The other two November games are back-to-back home matches with Alaba ma and Notre Dame. Who can forget that memorable Sugar Bowl in 1979 when Joe "Up the Middle" Paterno ran four consecutive unsuccessful running plays at the goal line to lose a heart stopping 14-7 game. He will seek re venge against the winningest collegiate football coach in NCAA history, Paul "Bear" Bryant. Some senators are cur rently reviewing the mandatory retire ment age in Alabama so that the Bear can continue his greatness at that university. If Alabama is not enough, Notre Dame travels to Central Pa. the follow ing Saturday for the first in many years. After the retirement of Dan Devine last year, N.D. officials called on Faust, who had a phenomenal coaching record at Moeller High School in Cincinnati to take over. Many faces are returning for the Irish, and they could present a problem for the Lions. You can almost bet that new attendance records will be set for these two games in November. If you're wondering about tickets for this year, and can't afford the $5O scalping fee, you can write for more information to: Football Ticket Applica tion, 237 Recreation Building, University Park, Pa. 16802. Students continuing in the Penn State system are usually sent an application during the summer for the upcoming season. Prices for the full season will probably be $24 for students and $72 for the general public. As a last resort, you can sit in front of the faithful television and listen to Keith Jackson or Al Michaels broadcast the games high above Beaver Stadium for ABC. Also, highlights of each game are shown locally on WGAL Channel 8 on the Sunday morning following each contest. Hopefully, the outcome of this year's campaign will earn a spot in a presti gious bowl game during the Holiday season. We predict the Lions to finish at least 9-2 in 1981. Come out to Beaver Stadium and support the Blue and White on its way to victory. In the NHL playoffs, we predicted it: the North Stars versus the Islanders. The Isles embarrassed the 00-LA-LAS in four straight, while the North Stars took away Calgary's home ice advantage and won in six games. We look for the Isles to win the Stanley Cup in six, on experience alone. In the NBA playoffs, it's all come down to Maxwell vs. Malone. I bet you're all wondering why we didn't say Bird vs. Malone? Well, the pride of Beantown, Larry Bird, is not having a good playoff scoring-wise, though he is playing excel lent defensive basketball. As for the Rockets, Calvin Murphy is not yet on track. He has been getting little playing time from Coach Del Harris. For the Rockets to ignite and stop Bird and Company, they must juvenate excite ment and run the fast break. Who else but Calvin Murphy to do this? Thursday, May 14, 1981 In Major League baseball, a no-hitter was tossed on Sunday by Montreal's Charlie Lea against the Sad Francisco Giants. If that doesn't excite you, guess who won again and pitched another shutout? That left-handed, Spanish speaking screwballer, Fernando Valen zuela. He blanked the Mets on just seven hits, while striking out 11. He leads the league in wins (7), ERA (0.24), strikeouts (61), innings pitched (63), shutouts (5), and interviews. You really have to admire this guy for coming into the big leagues, not knowing a word of English, being overweight, knowing how to throw just two pitches, and winding up being the hottest thing to come out of Mexico since chili. Our hats off to Fernando Valenzuela. Ole! Just think, if Penn State's Kevin Keifer makes it to the big leagues with two pitches, wins eight straight for the Phillies, and is on the cover of every sports magazine, you can honestly say, "I know that guy. I lived on his floor." Then maybe ABC will do a story on you. Maybe even a movie like "The Life and Times of a Fan of Kevin Keffer." Back to business: In the American League, as soon as we print a story on Billy Martin, Time magazine puts Billy on its cover. What influence! The A's are still running away with the AL West. As for the East, wow, can you believe those Cleveland Indians! They are still in first place (it might snow). Manager Dave Garcia is doing a remarkable job with the team. We must apologize to both of the Indians' fans for not acknowledging their team earlier. But, Time will tell. Closer to home, in the intramural action, our ywo favorite softball teams lost last week. E Street and Martino's Men are our favorite teams because they represent our dorm floor, except for Prez Bosik and his cast of followers. We heard through the grapevines that if Manager Bosik doesn't start producing a winner, he might be looking toward the free agent market. There he, will find Harry Moyer, Bill Neil, Dave Caruso, Joan Wike, Pepe Valenzuela (Fernando's baby brother), and Chico Escuela. Good luck, Joe. We would like to announce that a decision has been reached as to the winner of the Cutest Softball Cheerlead er Contest. The winner is Rosanne Rosenberger hands- down. How manby guys out there disagree with us? See, Rosanne, I knew you would win. Also on the subject of girls, we now present a question to the manager of Martino's Men: Being co-agents of Donna Moyer, why isn't she getting more playing time? If she doesn't play more, we must re-negotiate her contract, okay, Pup? A special congratulations goes to Joan Wike, because it was her birthday recently. Her favorite person gave her a dismal notice from the bowling team after last week's performance. Right, Joan? It was also Ed Carvell's birthday, Jon Ference keeps his eye on the ball In a recent Lion contest. READER Photo by Harry H. Moyer but we thought Joan was much cuter, so we mentioned her instead. As for our favorite female 76er fan, it goes to Dinah Bohannon. Dinah, tell them who your favorite Boston Celtic fan is. We were downstairs visiting some lady friends, when we ran into one of the stars of the LTDs bowling squad. Her name is Teri Oberly, better known as Tish's roommate. Teri argued with us, claiming that we only mention the Strat-O-Matics in our column. Answer ing politely, we said, "Tough Twinkles, Dear. That's because it's our column." We can mention that we have the prettiest bowler on our team, and nobody can change that. So talk to your roommate, our lovely teammate Tish, and bribe her to get some free publicity. Speaking of bowling, WSDCs own Joe Bosik said to us, "If I bowl well, can you mention me in your column?" Well, we said maybe. He gave us a $2O bill, and promised us a date with his favorite lady. Last week Joe bowled a 215, and by the way, Joe, we're free June 1. Before we end our column for this edition, we would like to attack two more people. One of them is Bill Neil, co-assistant editor of this paper. Bill is really an unlucky guy. On Mother's Day, instead of calling his mom, he waited around thinking that it was Mother's Day to call him. She never called him, so Bill never wished his mom Happy Mother's Day. For this he wins our First Dummy of the Week Award. There was nobody in second place. Finally, our last victim is Harry Moyer himself. This one is more serious than the others. He has been the center of abuse from so many people that we would like to say a few nice things about him. Did you know that when Harry took over as Editor In Chief, he had no journalistic experience? Did you know that there really is someone named Harry H. Moyer? Did you know that Harry only bowls well against the Strat-O-Matics? Did you know that Harry is an engineer? Did you know that he drives a green Pinto wagon? Well, if you didn't know those things, then WAKE UP,PENN STATE! What we are trying to say is that Harry will be leaving this campus in weeks. We are glad to report that he has accepted a job at Pepeo near Washington, D.C. Harry will be sorely missed by the C.C. Reader as well as by his fellow students and his favorite ex-SGA president. So Harry, we leave you with a quote that sums up your sporting life here at Capitol Campus. It's from Steve Carlton, and he said it after recording his 3,000 th career strikeout: • f t Until next issue, remember, no mat ter how you eat it, it's still dorm food. P.S. For your information, girls, Harry has been asked to the semi-formal by some lucky person, so stop mailing him invitations. C.C. Reader