C.C. reader. ([Middletown, Pa.]) 1973-1982, February 05, 1981, Image 14

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    P 640 14
"Ordinary People"
By Shirley Stevens
Far from what the title may imply,
this picture was anything but ordinary.
The talent that such a picture evokes
from otherwise drab people like Donald
Sutherland and- Mary Tyler Moore is
incredible. I almost didn't see the picture
because of Mary Tyler Moore, who bored
me for years as the thirty-year-old-and
getting-older ingenue, Mary Richards.
The lion's share of praise must necessar
ily be accorded to young Timothy Hutton
for portraying, with such vividness, a
youth in emotional turmoil.
The story does deal with ordinary,
albeit, hidden-from-view events in the
lives of an upper middle-class American
family. The choice of " Ordinary People"
as the title is a bit ironic since the family
in question is obviously of the upper
social strata, but the events which
concern them cut across all strata and
elicit common, human-ordinary, if you
Mime Dan Kamin, who since 1970 has performed extensively at colleges and
theatres across the country, has developed a unique mime style that is an
entertaining blend of comic parody, satire and drama. He has created four films on
the art of mime and has produced several specials on mime for public television.
Dan Kamin demonstrated an early interest in the magical qualities of illusion
as a magician in his early teens, performing sleight-of-hand tricks at children's
parties. It was while he was a design student at Carnegie-Mellon University that
Kamin first became intrigued with the pantomime antics of silent film stars
Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin. As Dan says, "It seemed to me that they used
the precise skills and surprises of the magician to create, not magic tricks, but a
magical kind of comedy based on their physical techniques." On campus was a
mime, Jewel Walker, who had studied with the creator of the techniques and
illusions of modern mime, Etienne Decroux. For two years Dan Kamin studied
with Walker and, following graduation, continued his mime training, supplement
ing it with workshops in dance therapy, body awareness and yoga. "I had a lot of
work to do," explains Kamin, "Magic mainly involved the head and hands, but in
mime every part of the body must be trained.
Dan Kamin will perform on campus February 19, 1981 at 12:15 p.m. in the
Auditorium. A workshop is also scheduled, but nothing is certain at this time.
Thursday, February 5, 1981
Second week of February
The Dickinson College Israeli Folk Dance Group will perform in costume and lead
a worship. Come and participate in lively dancing. Free deli buffet will be
provided after entertainment. Watch for poster announcements for date,
time,and place.
Two Noted Foreign Films will be presented at the Capitol Campus:
February 11: "Hour of the Wolfe"
February 25: "Swept Away"
Both films are on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. Auditorium (second floor). No Admission
Fee. The films are sponsored by the International Affairs Association.
Students may submit one FREE 30 word Classified in
each issue of the C.C. Reader.
Classifieds to W-1 29
SENATOR JUST LISTEN! First, Rene E. I LOVE YOU sincerely. Please
Person, Speak. Who is it!!! be my VALENTINE always. Mike K.
J.H. -- What do you call a Pygmy Rapist
-- (STJ) -- J.R.
FLIP Did you think I would forget to FOR SALE: Lloyd's compact stereo with
2 Fisher speakers. Call Mike 944-4158.
say hello? Happy Valentine's Day to one
of the nicest women I know. Frisky
MOUNTAIN WOMAN Why don't you
give me a back-rub? Happy Valentine's
Day anyway [WHITE ROSE] HLB
Interested in typing term papers. Call
M.S. I love YOU and your green eyes! 367-7533. Ask for Rose
Hope this turns into something--A Rhino
HLB Thanks for the rose. t • rig -
ened up my room Mountain Woman
P.B. FLASH 745 days down, only 486
more to go, before me and you, Hawaii,
etc. 1.L.Y.306 to A-1 State Colle: e
RUTHANN - The Incredible Purse said
Happy Valentine's Day, where next
(VIP)? R-R.A.
El-Our love is growing stronger every
day we are apart. My only wish is that
our separation will soon end, so that we
can share our love more intimately. All
my love to a very special lady and
Valentine in my life. Love forever, Bad
of 3rd Floor Wrisberg and the Ist annual
Miller "Moon-off." What a "shiny" ex
perience! You-know-who are 309, 305,
307, 323, 332. "A Moonie"
Wrisberg? R-R.A.
Hi C.J.M.—Our love is timeless and time
is of the essence—K.J.G.
S.M.S.—I miss your laughter and wit. I
will call you soon. Good luck at R-Ball.
See you at the polls in 'B4--One other guy
in 328
DAY The "Doc" Donate plasma at Sera-Tee Biologicals.
Open Monday thru Thursday from 8:30
a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Fridays from 8:313
a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Stop in at 260 Reily St.,
--C.S. or call for information at 232-1901.
P.8.-Another one bites the crust
TO PATIENCE: Number 3: Can you tell STUDENT COURT needs two juniors,
me? -- Without an `e' one from Wrisberg Hall and one from the
University Apartments. Those interest-
LV, A DUCK goes quack, quack; but ed should contact Harry H. Moyer at
Happy Valentine's Day anyway The 944-7859, 948-6016, (717) 272-4728, or
Talking Pillow . leave a message in W-110 mailbox.
-- Ingmar Bergman
- Lena Wertmuller
Bring your Reader
M.W. —Profanity is your trademark
mu; .
Personnel is looking for college students
to work evenings for local business. No
fee involved. Free parking. Call Joan at
561-2222 for details.
WANTED ARTIST to do one-time
volunteer work, contact Jim Kern, XGI
Lounge or 944-1908.
STUDENTS ARE URGED to vote -- yes
or no --on the SGA's Constitution. 10%
of student body must vote. Date TBA.
swimming pool, located on the east shore
of Harrisburg near Central Dauphin and
C.D. East High Schools, is looking for
quality, qualified personnel: Manager,
Assistant Manager, lifeguards and a
handyman maintenance person plus
coaches for swimming, diving, and syn
chronized swimming teams. Positions
may be combined. Some salary guaran
tees. Send letter indicating area(s( OF
TO Penn Colonial Employment, 1519
Nittany Lane, Harrisburg, Pa. 17109
C.C. Reader