C.C. reader. ([Middletown, Pa.]) 1973-1982, February 05, 1981, Image 1

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    Pennsylvania State University at Capitol Campus 10 C
111 re al
Volume 13,.110. 3
Rin • in • in the Phonathon
Call-ege Fund Raiser
The first-ever Capitol Campus Alum
ni Phonathon will be held February 9-19
in an effort to raise $5,000 for construe-
tion of the proposed Penn State Capitol
Campus entrance sign. The new brick
and concrete structure will replace the
deteriorating billboard at the Campus's
Route 230 entrance.
Using 14 phone lines in the Provost's
and Campus Relations offices, students
and members of the Penn State Capitol
Campus Alumni Society will try to reach
some 4,300 Capitol Campus graduates
residing in Dauphin and contiguous
"The Alumni Society has designed
what we think will be a spirited and
effective way to raise the needed
pledges from area graduates," said Bill
Impending Vending Spending
By September 1, the. Penn State
Capitol Campus community will be en
joying a new environment for eating and
socializing in a renovated Vendorville,
according to Provost Theodore L. Gross.
The project has been approved for
funding in its entirety by the University.
The renovation will change the face
of both the food service area and dining
room. In the latter, serveral areas will be
created. Wood booths will line the west
wall. A booth and table area, partitioned
by a 32-inch wall, will occupy the
southeast section. The center of the
room will contain large and small lounge
News Briefs
STUDENTS - Here's Your Chance
The Winter Term Meeting of the
Provost's Advisory Committee on Stu
dent Welfare will take place at 3:30 p.m.
on Wednesday, February 25, in the
Gallery Lounge. Students, faculty and
staff who have items which they would
like to have placed on the agenda for this
meeting should submit them to Dr.
South or Rosanne Rosenberger by Fri
day, February 20. The meeting will be
open to all members of the Campus
Pii t 10 Dia ita.i I II 411 f:Ji 121.1 id sj 1
On Tuesday, February 10, the Office
of Student Affairs will hold its first
"Lunch with an International Flair" at
12:15 p.m. in the Gallery Lounge. Inter
national students Dilip Patel and Raj
Varma will conduct an informal discus
sion on life in India. Students, faculty
and staff are invited to attend. Bring
your lunch -- beverage will be provided.
Forrey, Alumni Society president. "Stu
dent response to the phonathon has been
excellent, if the sign-up sheets are any
indication, and we're hoping the
response from our alumni will be gen
The Alumni Society chose to sponsor
the phonathon, Mr. Forrey added, be
cause "we want those entering or pass
ing by the Campus to see a sign of
dignity and beauty. We hope the project
will help give Capitol Campus the visi
bility and image it deserves."
The phonathon has been structured
to give students a chance to compete for
cash prizes for their organizations and
themselves. The three student organiza
tions which raise the most money in
pledges will receive cash prizes of $175,
$125, and $lOO respectively for their
A trellis effect on the ceiling will add
thematic continuity, and several plant
ers will be installed to soften the room.
"We envision a warm, inviting, com
fortable atmosphere, a space well de
signed and furnished in good taste," said
Dr. Mex Bleau, who chairs the Vendor
vine Subcommittee of the Capitol Cam
pus Beautification Committee. "We want
the new Vendorville to be a source of
pride to the University community for
years to come."
With the architectural drawing now
approved, Dr. Bleau added, an interior
design consultant will be retained to
recommend specific furnishings and
color schemes.
Spring Term Calendar Revision
Please note the following changes to
the 1980-81 Academic Calendar.
1. Delete the holiday for Good Friday
(April 17). Classes will meet as usual
on this day. There will be no classes
Saturday, April 18.
2. Memorial Day will be observed on
Monday, May 25. There will be no
classes scheduled this day.
3. Classes that would have met on
Monday, May 25, will meet on Fri
day, June 5. Saturday, June 6 will be
the last day of- classes for Spring
Term 1981.
4. The final examination schedule, June
8-10, remains unchanged.
Next Issue
The next issue of the C.C. Reader will
be printed Thursday, February 19. A
special four-page SGA insert is planned.
Middletown, PA. 17057
treasuries. Top individual prize is $lOO,
second prize is $5O, and third prize -
which will go to the next eight best fund
raisers -- is $25 apiece.
In addition to such amenities as
T-shirts and refreshments, each caller
will be awarded a free five-minute phone
call to anywhere in the continental
United States.
The callers will work from 6:45 to
9:45 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays
during the two weeks of the phonathon.
They'll receive a 45-minute orientation
before each night's calling begins.
Construction of the new entrance
sign is scheduled to begin later this
spring, with completion by early sum
mer, according to Joe Kemp, manager of
maintenance and utility operations.
According to Joe Kemp, manager of
maintenance and utility operations, var
ious construction phases will take place
throughout the winter, spring, and sum
mer terms.
"It'll result in some inconvenience to
users, but the inconvenience will be
temporary and we'll do everything we
can to minimize it," Mr. Kemp said.
Already, the relocation of heating ele
ments has been completed and much of
the old ceiling has been removed.
Most of the work during winter and
spring terms will focus on the dining
room, Mr. Kemp added. The food service
A major exhibit featuring six Capitol Campus photography students is
currently showing at the Doshi Center for Contemporary Art, 1435 North Second
Street. See pages 8 & 9 for more photos and related story.
5 February 1981
An initial drawing of the sign, court
esy of Berger Associates, Inc., was
submitted last fall. After modification by
Ken Witmer, work management coord
inator, the plans were approved by the
Capitol Campus Beautification Commit
tee, the Campus Physical Plant Com
mittee and the Physical Development
Committee of the Board of Advisers.
Basically, the design calls for a
triangular concrete pier, eight feet tall,
in the center. The University seal would
be affixed in the middle of the pier. Two
brick walls -- each 28 feet long and seven
feet tall, would flank the pier at 60
degree angles. On them goes the tern
plate-affixed aluminum lettering: The
Pennsylvania State University (on top)
Capitol Campus (underneath).
cafeteria will be renovated during the
summer months to minimize inconven
Bernard Resnick, supervisor of
Housing & Food Services at University
Park and University coordinator of the
Vendorville project, has indicated that
the physical renovations in the cafeteria
will allow a different concept of food
service. A number of food service sta
tions, each devoted to different menu
items, should make standing in line a
thing of the past. And as a result of the
physical changes, the menu will undergo
some major modifications as well.