C.C. reader. ([Middletown, Pa.]) 1973-1982, January 15, 1981, Image 7
C.C. Reader Counseling Center News Welcome all new students and welcome back returning students. For those of you not familiar with this column, Counseling Center News is a regular feature in the C.C. Reader. It is designed to keep both graduate and undergraduate students up to date on the many programs, services and 'esources of the Counseling Center, located in W-117 of the Main Building. Back by popular demand, Study Skills Effectiveness Training, a four-session workshop, will be meeting four consecutive Wednesday afternoons from 1:30-3:00 p.m. beginning January 21 and ending February 11, 1981. S.E.T. topics include time management, review of basic study skills, reading for comprehension, test-taking hints and strategies, report writing and organization, and dealing with test anxiety. In addition, there will be special sessions for quantitative, scientific, educational, humanities, and behavioral science subjects. Workshop participants will have an opportunity to work with materials that they are presently using in their courses and to discuss issues of common concern. While there is no fee for this workshop, advance registration is requested. Interested students should pre-register in the Counseling Center no later than January 19, 1981. Watch this column and the bulletin boards for information regarding a "Stress Reduction and Personal Growth" group beginning February 18, 1981. The late registration deadline for the February 7, 1981 administration of the Graduate Record Examination has passed (January 13, 1981). The exam will be administered at Capitol. Those candidates interested in taking the exam on a Day-of-Test Standby registration (Walk-in) should be aware that, although every effort will be made to accommodate "walk-ins," Day-of-Test Standby registration cannot be guaranteed. See the GRE Bulletin of Information: 1980-81, pg. 13 for complete details. Other test dates to remember are: Test Date 4/25/81 1/24/81 GMAT 3/21/81 GMAT 2/21/81 LSAT 2/21/81 Miller Analogy Tests are administered on a daily basis by appointment. Counselors are available daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and from 5:30 to 8 p.m. on Mondays and Thursdays. Drop by W-117 or call 948-6025 for an appointment or for information. The Counseling Center . . . more than just a place to talk. OVER A BARREL BECAUSE OF FINANCES? Let Sera-Tec help. You can earn at least 980.00 per month by donating plasma. CALL 232-1901 4 1 SERA-TEC BIOLOGICALS Study Skills Effectiveness Workshops Testing News Regular Registration 3 / 2 0, 81 12/22/80 2 / 1 6/81 1/22/81 1/21/81 260 REILY STREET / HARRISBURG, PA. 17102 HOURS: Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Thursday, January 15, 1981 Late Registration Deadline March 21-31, 1981 Dec. 23-29, 1980 Feb. 17-23, 1981 Jan. 29, 1961 Jan. 28, 1981 "We Fox's ViO. Market Visit Fox's Famous Deli and Country Market USDA Choice Western Beef pill Aral what pairs Inking fir d Fat's Full variety in all departments Plus our famous In-store Bakery yea get goodies het from sir own Middletown & Hershey 731 Cherry Driv 533-6445 101 South Union Street 944-7486 Hours: Monday thru Saturday 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Classifieds Students may submit one FREE 30 word Classified in each issue of the C.C. Reader. Bring your Reader Classifieds to W-1 29 FOR SALE FOR SALE: Lloyd's compact stereo with 2 Fisher speakers. Call Mike 944-4158. TYPING Interested in typing term papers. Call 367-7533. Ask for Rose HELP WANTED STUDENT COURT needs two j miors, one from Wrisberg Hall and one from the University Apartments. Those interest ed should contact Harry H. Moyer at 944-7859, 948-6016, (717) 272-4728, or leave a message in W-110 mailbox. Friday 7 a.m.to 10 p.m. EARN AT LEAST $BO per month. Donate plasma at Sera-Tec Biologicals. Open Monday thru Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. and Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Stop in at 260 Reily St., or call for information at 232-1901. PERSONAL MOUNTAIN WOMAN Thanks for not leaving me drive home drunk Tuesday night. HLB 'TO CONCERNED THINGS have changed since then. Lonely Amazon Woman You certainly have the most savage eyes I have ever seen. Good luck with your first. -- Tarzan P.B. You are BIZARRE! I have never seen another person quite as strange as you! D.W. Page 7