Rape Crisis Program By Tony Gladfelter and Linda Padgett The Black Cultural Arts Center was the setting on Wednesday, March 12 for a program on rape crisis inter vention. Barbara Smith and Paulette Clemensky of the Residence Living Program at University Park served as moderators for this discussion session. This second and final meeting on the topic .dealt mainly with rape prevention on the college campus and was designed to help students in the unique situations present on the campus scene. Middletown tones 9444991 WEDNESDAY- Campus League Nite Ball drilling services, Bags, Shoes and Accessories FREE GAS Share a ride with four friends and we will pay for the gas. That's right—donate plasma and get free gas for the trip. CALL 232-1901 SERA-TEC BIOLOGICALS 260 REILY ST., HARRISBURG WE ARE OPEN: Monday - Thursday 8:45 a.m. - 7 p.m. Frida 8:45 a.m. - 4 p.m. Ms. Smith noted that heightening the awareness of facts and dispelling fallacies about the crime of forcible rape were underlying goals of this program. A questionnaire dealing with common fallacies was distributed to all participants. It has been reproduced in part below. Some general facts about the crime were set down before the group was divided up to discuss the question naire. Generally speaking, the assailant picks out a pattern the victim habitually follows or a particular location of vulnerablity. It was again emphasized that the victim and rapist have had previous contact in many cases. Looks can be very deceiving. Perpe trators of this crime may look like very trustworthy per sons. This is why college students, especially women, should be suspicious of any stranger initially. It was also stated that over seventy per cent of all rapes are premedi tated. The free lifestyle of col lege-age persons leaves them especially open to this crime. Often students do not tell anyone where they are going and when they expect to be back. Hitchhiking around col- I.*****************************************************************, SGA and President's Council Presents "The Exorcis March 31 in the auditorium at 3, 5:30, 8, and 10:30 p. Admission •1.00 donatio leges is always an open invi tation to trouble. The person driving the car exercises too much control on the hitch hiker's environment. Rapists usually look for an easy mark. A person with the appearance of assertiveness around him/ her is generally safer from attack. . After going over these general facts, two groups were formed to discuss the RAPE QUESTIONNAIRE The following are some common ideas and beliefs about rape TRUE OR FALSE [l] Most rape victims are young, attractive women. [2] Many rapists are normal healthy, "red-blooded Americans" who are victims of provocative and seductive women. [3] If you have rape fantasies you secretly want to rape (men) or want to be raped (women). [4] Most women do not report rape because they are embarrassed or afraid. [s] Most rapes occur on the street or while hitch-hiking. ANSWERS: 1. F; 2. F; 3. F; 4. T; 5. F. How vulnerable are you to rape? The following questions deal with your vulnerability to being raped. If you can answer negatively to them, then you are probably pretty safe. If not, you should possibly change some of your habits. [l] Do you often walk alone after dark? [2l In the last month, have you or a female friend gone to a party/ bar and given your number to someone you really did not know? [3] Have you ever gone someplace with a female friend and left her to find her own way home? [4] If a guy makes inappropriate or unwanted advances toward you, do you clearly let him know that you are not interested? [s] In the last month, have you or a female friend invited a guy that you casually know up to your room or apartment? [6] Have you ever been drunk to the point of being irresponsible about your own protection? questionnaire on vulnerability to rape. The following three suggestions were stressed as being important in the pre vention of this crime: [l] Be in control of your behavior and environment at all times; [2] Establish escort services on college campuses where needed; [3] Know where you are going and make others aware of this and when you expect to be back.
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