C.Citeader Clubbin' around XGI NEWS Sheesh! Now that our brains are unscrambled after this last bout with education, the XGl's are announcing a membership drive. Do you find yourself with nowhere to go and nothing to do on those long Tuesday evenings? Well turn out at the American Legion at 9 p.m. on Tuesday, April 1. New of ficers for 1980-81 will be sworn in (poor individuals!) and all new members who attend will have free beer. That's right, FREE. No April Fools joke, just an incentive for the student to get off his or her duff and find social activity. Fill out a form in the RGI Lounge before the meet ing date. Transportation can be arranged if necessary. Any and all students are welcome to attend. For details contact any RGI. Softball season is here again. A signup sheet is post ed in the Lounge. We would like to have as many of last years members return for an encore as possible. Also, the Penn State Vet's Tourney is April 25-27. Those members interested in attending should consult the roster sheet in the lounge. This event is a classic undertaking so plan to attend. This is the last time I'll be writing these little bits of jocularity, look for the new secretary to keep the inform ation flowing. It has been a great year from my point of view. Thanks to Jack Place, Doug Cook, Frank Casini, Joe Velas, and Keith Yundt for keeping their sanity during some trying times. Best of luck to the new officers in all they attempt. As long as the membership continues to support ideas, a fun and pro fitable time can be assured for all. INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS ASSOCIATION lAA will have a meeting on Wednesday April 2 in the Gallery Lounge. Time: 1:30 p.m. To be discussed are the plans for spring term, the International Dinner, and a trip to Washington D.D. Plans for Capitol's International Week and program coordina tion with BSU and Student Activities will also be review ed. Anyone interested is in vited to attend. Questions may be directed to Keith Yundt or leave a note in the lAA mailbox W-110. ATTENTION!!! PUBLIC POLICY STUDENTS During the first two weeks of Spring Term the bulletin board outside of Wl6l will be made avafiiible to all public policy students interested in a BOOK SWAP. To register for the book swap, all you have to do is write the following on slips of paper that will be pro vided at the bulletin board: Course Number, Book Author, Edition, Cost, Sell, Condition of Book, Your name and Phone number. Since this is a completely voluntary ser.rice, it will only be . successful _if it is utiliz ed. ;lIPPNIEpiIy: There will be a meeting of Hillel Monday, April 7 at 1:30 p.m. in room W-202. Impor tant election of officers and planning for the scholar in residence lectures will be dis cussed. The lecture series will present Hanna Sokal, child psychologist, who will speak of "Child Rearing in the Kib butz" in Israel. Time: 12 noon Monday, April 14, in the gal lery lounge. On Tuesday, April 22 at noon in the gallery lounge Hanna's husband, Amnon Shamosh, will present a lec ture. Amnon is a renowned Israeli author and will lecture on "The Kibbutz as Stabilizer and Model" Refreshments will be served at both lectures. 6 toers HOCKEY CLUB The East Shore Blues, re cently chartered as the Cap itol Campus Hockey Club, play their last game of the regular season on Tuesday, April 1, at the Skateum in Mechanicsburg. The game starts at 10:00p.m. The Blues have lost only once in their last twelve ganies, clinching a playoff berth with a record of 13-5-6. Students and alumni of Capitol Campus comprise most of the team, which also includes a few local residents. Come on out and cheer your fellow Capitolites to victory! Thursday, March 27, 19190 ItIM3V Mil 03.163: . It has been a common practice to revise the SGA constitution every spring by plebiscite. Anyone interested in forming a constitution re vision committee should con tact a SGA member. I: 1 t 11J DAM I[►.ll I'A i Any Junior interested in serving as the Chief Justice for the 1880-81 school year please contact Keith Yundt. The Court's mailbox is located in W-110 or drop by 8098 Weaver for discussion on the matter. kP arm W COX • T3l. k O4 ) 5 41; I 1 P:ll,l,,liiiillsl ON 1 511 An Election Screening committee is needed to help the SGA with the upcoming Spring Elections. Interested students should contact a SGA member. SGA SPRING ELECTIONS The SGA Spring Elections are going to be held sometime during the Middle of April. Positions that will be avail able are President, Vice Pres ident, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and a Senior Sen ator representing each pro gram. Also, 4 Senior Senator at-Large and 4 Social Com mittee positions will be avail able. All students interested in being elected into a position should contact a SGA member to obtain a petition. Bulletin Board LIBRARY CARRELS AVAILABLE FOR GRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCH As an experiment, Heindel Library will assign carrels to a maximum of 16 graduate students who expect to write their theses or research pa pers during the Spring Term. In addition, a carrel charge system will be inaugurated so that students can check out materials to their carrel. The library will assess the use of these carrels to determine the need for graduate seating in the renovated library. Interested students can obtain request forms at the Circulation Desk beginning March 28. When completed, students will return these forms to the Circulation Desk for assignment on a space available basis. OBE's and GMAT. To Be Offered at Capitol, 1980-81 Scheel Year The Counseling Center is pleased to announce that both the Graduate Record Exam inations (GRE's) and the Graduate Management Ad missions Tests (GMAT's) will be administered on Campus during the 1980-81 academic year. The GRE's will be ad ministered on Dec. 13, 1980 and Feb. 7, 1981. The GMAT's will be administered on Oct. 25, 1980. All administration dates will be noted in the GRE and GMAT Bulletins for 1980- 81 to be published during the Summer. No additional fees, other than the regular reg istration fee, will be required for either test. Students may reserve a copy of either Bulletin (con taining necessary registration material and test information) by stopping by the Counseling Center, W-117 or by calling 783-6025 (948-6025 after May 12, 1980). Materials will be ready for distribution some time in August, 1980. Page 7 VANAVERS TO PREFORM The Folk Music and Dance Legacy Series of Penn State/ Capitol Campus will continue with a performance by Bill and Livia Vanaver on April 1 at 7:30 p.m. in the Auditori um. The program will focus on Greek and Turkish dance and music. Clog dancing and a variety of instruments such as the guitar, banjo, dulcimer, and the Greek lute are part of the Vanavers' performance. The Vanavers come to Capitol Campus following an enthusiastically received tour of Belgium, England, Scot land, Italy, Greece, and Tunisia. Admission to the perfor mance is free. SGA EVENT The SGA is sponsoring a roller skating party on Tues day, April 1.5, 1980 from 8:30 - 11 p.m. at the "Golden Skate," Route 230, Middletown, PA. Cost is $.50 to rent the skates. Music will be provid ed, and all students are urged to attend and have a good time. GROSS TO SPEAK AT OGONTZ Provost/ Dean Theodore L. Gross will be the speaker at the May 29 commencement ceremonies at Penn State/ Ogontz. It is anticipated that 35 associate degrees and 25 baccalaureate degrees will be awarded at the Ogontz com mencement.
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