C.C. reader. ([Middletown, Pa.]) 1973-1982, February 21, 1980, Image 2

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SGA ineffective
As a result of last Mon
day's meeting of the Student
Government Association, the
question has to be raised as to
how effective the SGA is in
representing student
interests at Capitol Campus.
The past two meetings of
the SGA have started late
(and were almost completely
cancelled) because there was
not a quorum to conduct bus
iness. How does the SGA
expect to lead the student
body when it cannot even get
enough people together to
conduct a meeting?
SGA senators should have
enough responsibility to at
tend meetings; it is one of the
few duties they have.
but sometimes...
Even though the last
meeting of the SGA was a
waste of time for all involved,
it is not fair to condemn an
organization like the SGA on
just one or two meetings. It is
necessary to view the actions
of the SGA from the perspec
tive of the student leaders
themselves. It is easy to
complain about an issue, but it
is another thing to try to
make responsible decisions -
something which the SGA
does from time to time.
Within the last month, the
SGA has done the following:
a movie series
( W 17 1 1: t i ll red Presidents Council;
C.C. Reader Op
When the meeting finally
started, the President got
angry, gave the chair to the
Vice-President, and. left the
meeting. Midway through the
meeting, the Treasurer left in
a fit of rage. It is irrespon
sible for officers to leave
during the meeting without a
good excuse.
Finally, nothing was ac
complished during the meet
ing except the approval of the
minutes of the last meeting
and the motion for adjourn
The C.C. Reader encour
ages students who have a
complaint about the SGA to
voice their concerns to the
C.C. Reader or to their favor
ite (?) SGA member.
guaranteed the Athletic De
partment the funds to pur
chase four baseball uniforms
for next year. In addition,
SGA approved a request for
9183.69 for games in the stu
dent center, voted to cover
the cost of Capitelite 1980 for
up to OM, made plans to
sponsor a roller skating party
next term, and supported
G.P.P. with $BOO for their
concert on March 4.
Not everyone will agree
that all of these actions were
responsible, but they do have
to be taken into account be
fore making wild accusations
about incompetency without
giving constructive criticism.
Thursday, Feb. 21, 1980
At the Provost Advisory
Committee on Student Wel
fare that was held on Feb. 13,
1980, Mike Sheldon and Mike
Cocciardi suggested that the
provost develop a "blanket
policy" concerning the aca
demic and financial penaliza
tion of students who are ab
sent due to flight to avoid
radiation emissions from
Three Mile Island.
Both Mike Sheldon and
Mike Cocciardi had valid ar
guments why students should
not be penalized for absences
caused by Three Mile Island.
Surprisingly, the provost
agreed with them. However, a
mistake that the two student
leaders made was one of un
derstanding the duties of the
As the chief administrator
of Capitol Campus, the pro
vost, does (to some extent)
have to be concerned with the
safety and welfare •of the
students here. He does not,
however, have the true au
thority to demand that faculty
members consistently recog
nize absences due to Three
Mile Island.
According to the Univer
sity Senate, both class atten
dance and grades are faculty
concerns. The provost can
(and will) recommend that the
faculty abide by his statement
of intention, but he may not
create a blanket policy con
cerning class attendance and
grades. That is the job of the
Faculty Organization or the
University Senate.
A blanket policy concern
ing the academic and financial
penalization of students ab
sent due to Three Mile Island
is necessary, and the C.C.
Reader feels that the faculty
should be concerned enough
to adopt such a policy.
Now it's the Valentine award
A belated Happy Valen
tine's Day to all my fans and
fannies at PSU/ Lower
Swatara. Since there's been
hardly a trace of snow, I think
I'll just pass out some belated
Valentine's wishes.
Five Valentines to the
SGA and the Presidents
Council for a pretty decent
schedule of movies at the
right price.
Five Valentine kisses for
Dafna and Frances and the
rest of the Hillel crew for
expressing their faith, and for
their faith in Capitol Campus.
May your tree bear a thou
sand blossoms and serve as a
testimony that some people
around here think this is a
pretty neat place.
Five hundred Valentines
to allthe students who have
stood by the name of their
Alma Mater and have ex
pressed a vote of confidence
that Capitol Campus is #1 in
the hearts and minds of her
country people.
The Pmmiviada State Uldvendty
Published biweekly by the gaskets of the Capitol Campus
of the Pennsylvania State University in Middletown, Pa.
The C.C. Reader has the following fourfold purpose: [l] to
keep students Mimosa about their campus community; [2] to
provide editorial canniest es issues faring the campus
community; [3] to serve as a forum for student poetry,
photographs, shod stories, graphics, and other creative
endeavors; [4] to serve as a learning nacchaithin for all students
interested in the Journalistic promos. This latitudes reporting,
editing, layout, typesetting, and pastas*.
All students are urged to express their views by contribut
ing to the C.C. Reader.
Staff for this issue:
Associate Editor
Business Manager . .
Advertising Manager
Feature Editor
Sports Editor
Copy Editor
Poetry Advisor
Contributing staff:
Bruce Burns, Mike Daskalokis,
Neil Gussinan, Joan H. Klein,
Technical consultant
Dr. Elizabeth Winston, Dr. Donald Alexander
The opinions expressed in this paper are not necessarily
those of the students, faculty, staff, or administration of the
Penns bank
Author must be identifiable as a student, staff member, or
faculty member; however, names will be withheld upon
request. Letters should be legible [preferably typewritten,
double spaced]; and any material that is libelous or does not
conform to the standards of good taste will be edited and/ or
A great big going-away
Valentine for Don Sugai.
A "fiat lux" Valentine to
the maintenance crew for
lighting up the lobby.
A "wild and era-a-a-zy"
Valentine to G.P.P. and
M.H.8.0.G. for the upcoming
"Gong Show." Any chance .of
seeing T.G. or J.D.5.11 there?
A "Black is Beautiful"
Valentine for Linda and Erik
for "telling it like it is." Keep
the faith, gang.
And finally, a great big
radioactive, Krypton-85
Valentine for the NRC and the
TMI thugs, who are screwing
it all up for the rest of us. May
you succumb to the error of
your ways, ye of little social
conscience and even less
technical ability.
Now, things aren't all that
bad at Capitol—or are they?
The C.C. Reeder
The Capital Ciumpus
Route 230
MiddWynn, PA 17057
Office - W-129
Phone - [7l7] 944-4070
Woodward and Bernstein
Orson Wells
C.C. Reader
No more Nukes!!!
W I.M. Fedup
. Harry H. Moyer
. . . Mike Koador
. Jeffrey R. Bald
. . . . David Horn
Jeff Drina=
. Tony Gladielter
. . . . Rose Dalton
Harry H. Moyer
Mike Haider
Alice M. Coon
. . Joe Horvath
Andy Warhol