.AP ITOL vs. VILLINOVA INAL SCORE irst Game score Second Game score Third Game score Total Pins score HIGH GAMES: last weekend hours This will be the last weekend the Multi-Purpose Building will be open until next term. Bowling results CAP 111/2 Citriniti 248 Pietrowski 213 CAPITOL vs. TEMPLE VILL 71/2 FINAL SCORE First Game score Second Game score Third Game Total Pins CAP 9 TEMP. 10 score 2431 2530 score Hours for term break Multi-Purpose Building hours over term break will be from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Mon. thru Fri., until Dec. 21. Basketball and volleyball Watch bullentin boards and the C.C. Reader in the beginning of next term for announcements for intramur al basketball, volleyball and women's volleyball. Intramural bowling Intramural Bowling will start the first thing in the winter. Team ros ters should be turned in to the Rec/Ath office at the beginning of next term. Cap. students place fourth in regional computer contest Capitol Campus students com peted on Saturday, November 9, 1979, in the Regional ACM program ming contest held at Temple Uni versity in Philadelphia. Eighteen teams representing colleges and universities from the Mid-Atlantic Region participated. The Capitol Campus team consisted of two engi neering students, Greg Mauro and Bill Gray, and two business stu dents, Chris Suran and Steve Kava lecs, who placed fourth behind Temple, Drexel and Shippensburg. This effort was coordinated by Mrs. Gayle Yaverbaum, Business Program. PRESIDENTS COUNCIL PRESENTS LOVE AT FIRST BITE starring George Hamilton and Susan St. James MONDAY JAN. 14 12, 3,6, 8 & 10 p.m. in the Auditorium Middletown lanes 944-999 f WEDNESDAY- Campus League Nite Ball drilling services, Bags, Shoes and Accessories e.c.reader
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